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PSYC 1010 Questions with Answers
2023/2024 Updated test bank
Chapter 1—The Evolution of Psychology
- Which of the following individuals is responsible for establishing psychology as an independent discipline with its own subject matter? a . Wilhelm Wundt b . G. Stanley Hall c . René Descartes d . William James ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 4 BLM: Remember
- According to historians, when and where did the “birth” of psychology occur? a . 1859 in England b . 1879 in Germany c . 1883 in the United States d . 1909 in Austria ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 4 BLM: Remember
- According to Wilhelm Wundt, what was the focus of psychology? a . to understand functions of behaviour b . to understand unconscious motivation c . the scientific study of observable behaviour d . the scientific study of conscious experience ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 4 BLM: Remember
- What did Wilhelm Wundt believe the focus of psychology should be? a . studying stimulus-response associations b . questioning the nature of existence c examining people’s awareness of their immediate experience
. d . determining people’s unconscious motivation for behaviour ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 4 BLM: Higher order
- Who established the first psychological research laboratory in the United States and launched that country’s first psychology journal? a . William James b . G. Stanley Hall c . John Watson d . Edward Titchener ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 5 BLM: Remember
- Who was the first president of the American Psychological Association (APA)? a . G. Stanley Hall b . John Watson c . William James d . Sigmund Freud ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 5 BLM: Remember
- What is the world’s largest organization devoted to the advancement of psychology? a . Psychologists of North America b . Western Psychological Society c . World Psychology Organization d . American Psychological Association ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 5 BLM: Remember
- What were the first two major schools of psychology? a . functionalism and behaviourism b . behaviourism and psychoanalytic theory c . behaviourism and Gestalt psychology d . structuralism and functionalism
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Remember
- Which school of psychology focused on identifying and examining the fundamental components of conscious experience, such as sensations, feelings, and images? a . humanism b . structuralism c . functionalism d . behaviourism ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Remember
- Which type of psychologist was most likely to use the technique of introspection? a . structuralist b . behaviourist c . cognitive d . humanist ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- Mariska is participating in a study in which she is asked to carefully observe and report her conscious reactions to several stimuli. Which type of psychologist is most likely to conduct a study like this? a . structuralist b . humanist c . behaviourist d . psychoanalytic ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- Isabel is listening to a piece of classical music and tape recording all her feelings and impressions as she experiences them. Which school of psychology was well-known for using this sort of technique? a . humanism b . structuralism c . functionalism d . behaviourism
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- In an attempt to learn something about his conscious experience, William looked at an abstract painting and wrote down all of his impressions as they came to him. What is this technique called? a . retrospection b . empiricism c . introspection d . psychoanalysis ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- Dr. Asgaard believes that in order to fully understand complex processes, such as auditory processing, it is first necessary to understand all the separate component parts. Which of the following psychologists are Dr. Asgaard’s views most consistent with? a . Ivan Pavlov b . Carl Rogers c . William James d . Edward Titchener ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following was an important reason why structuralism ended as a dominant school of psychology? a . Introspection was a highly subjective method of analyzing consciousness, and it was difficult for others to validate or evaluate the claims made about a subject’s conscious experiences. b . Psychoanalysis was a much better method than introspection for determining the conscious experiences of an individual. c . Structuralists did not want to examine important psychological issues like sensation and perception. d . Titchener died, and there were no other well-established structuralists to continue his work. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following schools of psychology focused on understanding the purpose of behaviour? a . structuralism
b . functionalism c . neodynamism d . behaviourism ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Remember
- Which of the following statements is most likely to be made by a researcher who studies pain perception from a functionalist perspective? a . We can understand pain perception only if we understand the unconscious processes that initiate the sensation of pain. b . We can study pain only by observing the outward expression of pain in response to different stimuli. c . We can study pain only if all the component parts that make up the experience of pain are understood. d . We can understand pain perception only if we understand the role of pain in human survival and adaptation. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following theorists most heavily influenced William James, who was a pioneer in the development of functionalism? a . theorist Charles Darwin b . theorist Sigmund Freud c . theorist B. F. Skinner d . theorist John Watson ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Remember
- Which school of psychology stressed that psychology should study the purpose of consciousness rather than its structure? a . psychoanalysis b . structuralism c . Gestalt psychology d . functionalism ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Remember
- Dr. Smythe believes that in order to fully understand complex processes, such as taste, it is necessary to understand the role that taste plays in survival, not the elementary components
that combine to produce taste sensations. With which school of thought are Dr. Smythe’s views most consistent? a . structuralist approach b . behaviourist approach c . functionalist approach d . psychoanalytic approach ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- Dr. Ramos believes that it is not possible to fully understand emotions unless we understand the role that the conscious experiences associated with emotions play in survival and adaptation. With which theorist are Dr. Ramos’s views most consistent with? a . Ivan Pavlov b . Carl Rogers c . Edward Titchener d . William James ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- What is the term used by William James to describe a continuous flow of thoughts? a . phenomenological flow b . stream of consciousness c . transcendental meditation d . existential awareness ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Remember
- Which of the following is a concept that is least associated with functionalism? a . mental testing b . elements of consciousness c . stream of consciousness d . adapting to the environment ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following was an early approach in psychology that fostered the development of
modern-day applied psychology? a . behaviourism b . functionalism c . pragmatism d . structuralism ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Remember
- Which of the following was a major focus of study for structuralists, but not functionalists? a . effectiveness of educational practices b . sensation and perception c . development in children d . mental testing ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Higher order
- Who was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology? a . Mary Calkins b . Anna Freud c . Margaret Washburn d . Leta Hollingworth ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 6 BLM: Remember
- What is Leta Hollingworth most well known for? a . debunking theories which proposed that women are inferior to men b . founding one of the early psychology laboratories in America c . being the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology d . being the first woman president of the American Psychological Association
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 7 BLM: Remember
- Which psychologist proposed that the study of consciousness should be replaced by the study of behaviour? a . G. Stanley Hall b . John B. Watson c . Sigmund Freud d . Abraham Maslow ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 7 BLM: Remember
- Which theoretical orientation insisted that observations be verifiable? a . behaviourism b . functionalism c . psychoanalysis d . structuralism ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 7 BLM: Higher order
- With which of the following statements would a behaviourist agree? a . Psychology should be the science of observable behaviour. b . Behaviour can be explained only in terms of phenomenology, that is, an individual’s interpretation of experience. c . In order to understand behaviour, one must understand the motives behind the behaviour. d . Conscious experiences can be studied in an objective, precise way. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 7 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following did John B. Watson argue that psychologists should do? a . confine their work to people who are diagnosed as mentally ill b . use the method of introspection to establish the structural aspects of consciousness c . abandon the study of consciousness d . concern themselves with the intentionality of behaviour
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 7 BLM: Remember
- According to John Watson, by which of the following is behaviour governed, primarily? a . personal motives b . heredity c . environment d . unconscious desires ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 7 BLM: Remember
- With which of the following statements would strict behaviourists most likely agree? a . The primary causes for human behaviour are unknown. b . Human behaviour is caused primarily by environmental factors. c . Human behaviour is caused primarily by inherited factors. d . Human behaviour is caused primarily by equal contributions of inherited and environmental factors. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 7 BLM: Higher order
- What did Watson state that psychologists should study? a . only the things that people or other animals do, because those are observable behaviours b . only the things that people do as a result of experience, because reflexes are not valid behaviours c . things that people do, think, and feel d . only the things that people think and feel, because those are psychological processes ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 7 BLM: Remember
- What is another name for the behavioural approach in psychology? a . structuralism b . applied psychology c . Gestalt psychology d stimulus-response psychology
. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 8 BLM: Remember
- Ariadne believes that individuals learn to be either aggressive or non-aggressive as a result of the experiences they have. With which type of psychology are Ariadne’s views most consistent? a . functionalist b . structuralist c . psychoanalytic d . behaviourist ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 8 BLM: Higher order
- Lynelle is crying because her brother just punched her in the arm. Lynelle’s mother asks her what she did just before she was punched. In looking for a link between her daughter’s actions and her son’s response to those actions, which type of analysis is Lynelle’s mother using? a . structuralist b . behaviourist c . psychoanalytic d . functionalist ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 8 BLM: Higher order
- Which school of psychology was most responsible for the rise of animal research in psychology? a . structuralism b . psychoanalysis c . behaviourism d . Gestaltism ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 8 BLM: Remember
- Which type of psychologist would be most likely to study rats in a laboratory setting? a . psychoanalyst b . behaviourist c . structuralist d . Gestaltist ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 8 BLM: Higher order
- Dr. Tsang is a psychologist who conducts research on the effects of reward on maze learning in rats. Which type of psychologist is Dr. Tsang? a . behaviourist b . structuralist c . Gestaltist d . psychoanalyst ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 8 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following statements best reflects the main advantage of conducting psychological research with animals? a . With research on animals, there are no ethical issues to be concerned with. b . In their biological makeup, animals are fundamentally similar to humans. c . A researcher can exert more control over an animal than over a human subject. d . It is much cheaper to conduct research on animals than on humans. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 8 BLM: Higher order
- Sigmund Freud developed an innovative procedure for treating people with psychological problems. What did he call this procedure? a . rational-emotive therapy b . behaviour modification c . primal therapy d . psychoanalysis
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 9 BLM: Remember
- According to Sigmund Freud, what determines an individual’s personality? a . strivings for superiority b . forces in the unconscious c . self-actualizing tendencies d . forces in the environment ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 9 BLM: Remember
- You are interviewing a new member of the psychology department for the university newspaper. The faculty member states: “Many times people are unaware of the unconscious motivations that drive their overt actions.” Which theorist is this faculty member’s view most similar to? a . Wilhelm Wundt b . Carl Rogers c . Ivan Pavlov d . Sigmund Freud ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 9 BLM: Higher order
- What did Freud conclude are the dominant causes of psychological disturbances? a . conflicts between conscious desires and environmental constraints b . personal conflicts existing at an unconscious level c . unrealistic demands from family and friends d . genetic predispositions to behave in a particular way ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 9 BLM: Remember
- How did Freud’s theories about human behaviour differ from prevailing viewpoints in the early 1900s? a . He proposed the existence of free will. b . He saw people as not fully aware of the forces that control their behaviour. c . He emphasized environmental forces on behaviour. d . He saw abnormal behaviour as resulting from biological causes. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 10 BLM: Higher order
- Why did many people resist psychoanalysis? a . due to its use of introspection b . due to its emphasis on unconscious motivation c . due to its focus on the role of heredity
d . due to its explanations in terms of stimulus-response associations ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 10 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following statements about the current status of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory is most accurate? a . Freud’s views exert a tremendous influence on other disciplines, but not on psychology. b . Freud’s views have been largely abandoned and they exert relatively little, if any, influence on current mainstream psychology. c . Many psychoanalytic concepts have filtered into the mainstream of psychology. d . Freud’s views exert a tremendous influence on developmental and abnormal psychology, but not on other areas of mainstream psychology. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 10 BLM: Higher order
- Liserel is a graduate student who believes that the best approach to the study of psychology is to focus exclusively on the unconscious determinants of behaviour. Which perspective matches Liserel’s views toward the study of psychology? a . humanistic b . psychoanalytic c . structuralist d . cognitive ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 10 BLM: Higher order
- Which psychologist took the position that organisms tend to repeat responses that lead to positive outcomes and tend not to repeat responses that lead to neutral or negative outcomes? a . Abraham Maslow b . Carl Rogers c . Sigmund Freud d . F. Skinner ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 10 BLM: Remember
- With which individual is B. F. Skinner most in agreement on the issue of internal mental events? a . Abraham Maslow b . Sigmund Freud c . John Watson d . Wilhelm Wundt ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Higher order
- Janet trained her dog to sit on command by rewarding the dog’s behaviour of sitting with a dog biscuit and praise. Which psychological perspective principles did Janet use? a . psychoanalysis b . humanism c functionalism
. d . behaviourism ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Higher order
- “Organisms tend to repeat responses that lead to positive outcomes, and they tend not to repeat responses that lead to neutral or negative outcomes.” These words would most likely have been said by which theorist? a . theorist Wilhelm Wundt b . theorist Abraham Maslow c . theorist B. F. Skinner d . theorist William James ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Higher order
- You are interviewing a new member of the psychology department for the university newspaper. The faculty member states, “Internal states undoubtedly exist, but it is not necessary to draw inferences about unobservable states in order to understand behaviour.” Which theorist’s views are most similar to the views held by this faculty member? a . Sigmund Freud b . F. Skinner c . William James d . Carl Rogers ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Higher order
- A group of psychologists is conducting research to determine whether people eat more when they are in the presence of environmental stimuli such as loud noises or flashing lights. Which perspective in psychology do these scientists most likely follow? a . behavioural b . humanistic c . psychodynamic d . structuralist ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Higher order
- Marissa wants to study people’s emotional reactions to increases in temperature. Her classmate, Bernard, tells her that she should focus on observable behaviours, rather than internal states in her study. Which psychological perspective are Bernard’s views most similar to? a . evolutionary b . psychodynamic c . biological d . behavioural ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Higher order
- Caroline conducts research in which she systematically changes some aspect of the environment and then measures changes in observable behaviour. Which psychological perspective’s basic ideas is this approach to research consistent with?
a . cognitive b . humanist c . behaviourist d . psychoanalytic ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following is characteristic of Skinner’s behaviourism? a . It left room for free will. b . It made the study of behaviour and its outcome the basis of the whole approach. c . It encouraged speculative statements about consciousness. d . It included constructs about motives. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following psychologists would have been most likely to say, “You think that you’re in control of your own behaviour, but you’re not truly in control.”? a . F. Skinner b . Abraham Maslow c . Wilhelm Wundt d . Carl Rogers ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Higher order
- What was the dominant school of thought in psychology during the 1950s and 1960s? a . behaviourism b . structuralism c . Gestaltism d . functionalism ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 11 BLM: Remember
- Which of the following groups of psychologists would be most likely to focus on individual uniqueness, freedom, and potential for growth as a person? a . psychoanalysts b . humanists c . behaviourists d . Gestaltists ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 12 BLM: Higher order
- Which school of psychology takes the most optimistic view of human nature? a . structuralism b . behaviourism c . humanism d . functionalism ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 12 BLM: Higher order
- Which type of psychologist would be least likely to generalize from studies of animal subjects to human behaviour? a . psychoanalyst b . humanist c . cognitive psychologist d . behaviourist ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Higher order
- Oliver is studying motivation in chimpanzees. His roommate doesn’t think that Oliver’s research will produce much useful information about human motivation because he believes that information from animal studies will not provide meaningful information about human experiences. Which perspective does Oliver’s roommate apparently take? a . cognitive b . biological c . humanistic d . evolutionary ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Higher order
- Which theoretical viewpoint is most closely associated with Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow? a . cognitive approach b . humanism c . structuralism d . biological approach ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Remember
- Which of the following statements is least likely to be made by a humanist? a . Research on animals has little relevance to understanding human behaviour. b . Humans have a basic need to fulfill their potential. c . The behaviour of humans tends to be dictated by environmental circumstances. d . Humans are unique. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Higher order
- What do humanists believe governs people’s behaviour? a . unconscious sexual urges b . outcomes of an individual’s responses c . biochemical processes
d . self-concepts ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Remember
- Micha tends to be very passive and allows people to take advantage of him. What would a humanist most likely say about Micha? a . Micha simply needs to take an assertiveness training class in which he can learn and practise assertive behaviours. b . Micha should undergo analysis so that he can begin to resolve whatever unconscious conflict is at the root of his passivity. c . Micha will find it difficult to change because he probably has deep-seated feelings of inferiority. d . Micha can become more assertive once he begins to feel better about himself and recognizes that he has the ability to fulfill his potential. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following psychologists would be most likely to stress that each person has a drive to grow and fulfill his or her potential? a . Sigmund Freud b . F. Skinner c . G. Stanley Hall d . Abraham Maslow ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Higher order
- Imagine that the editor of your local newspaper writes a column supporting a reduction in government intervention with a transfer of more rights to individual citizens. The editor bases this argument on the assumption that people are rational beings who will fulfill their maximum potential as long as others do not infringe on their basic human needs. Which psychological perspective does this editor’s views reflect? a . evolutionary b . humanistic c . behavioural d . psychodynamic ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Higher order
- Where and when was the first experimental psychology laboratory in Canada established? a . Dalhousie in 1888 b . University of Toronto in 1891 c . McGill in 1897 d . University of Alberta in 1904 ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Remember
- At most Canadian universities, which academic department typically offered the first courses in psychology? a . sociology b . physiology
c . philosophy d . medicine ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Remember
- Which organization was established in 1939 to advance psychology as a science in Canada, and continues to play a vital role in the field? a . APA–Canada b . Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) c . Association of Canadian Experimental Psychologists (ACEP) d . Canadian Society of Psychologists (CSP) ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: p. 13 BLM: Remember
- Which branch of psychology is concerned with everyday, practical problems? a . cognitive b . developmental c . applied d . abnormal ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: p. 15 BLM: Remember
- Dr. LeBlanc is an industrial psychologist who advises companies on how to improve worker morale. As a psychologist who attempts to solve practical problems, what type of psychologist would Dr. LeBlanc most likely be considered?? a . applied b . humanistic c . behavioural d . academic ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: p. 15 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following sounds least like the work of an applied psychologist? a . finding ways to teach learning-disabled children b . looking for ways to increase efficiency in an organization c . treating someone with a phobia d . studying basic learning processes in rats ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: p. 15 BLM: Higher order
- Which of the following would be most interesting to a clinical psychologist? a . studying the nature of optical illusions b . determining how small groups make decisions c . studying facial expressions of emotion d . figuring out the most effective ways of treating anxiety