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Psych 412 Exam 3 with verified solutions, Exams of Nursing

Psych 412 Exam 3 with verified solutions

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Psych 412 Exam 3 with verified solutions

1. neurocognitive|disorder:| ·predominant |disturbance |is |a |clinically |significant |de- |cline |in |at

|least |one |(often |more |than |one) |area |of |cognitive |functioning

2. minor |neurocognitive |disorder:| modest |cognitive |declines |in |one |or |more |do- |main |that

|do |not |interfere |with |independence |in |everyday |activities

3. major |nuerocognitive |disorder: | significant |cognitive |declines |in |one |or |more |domain |that

|interfere |with |independence |in |everyday |activities |and |render |a |person |in |need |of |at |least |some |assistance

4. delirum:| rather |dramatic, |severe |disturbance |in |attention |and |awareness

  1. symptoms|of|delirium:| o|reduced|ability|to|direct,|focus,|sustain,|or|shift|attention

o |bewildered |and |confused, |disorientation o |memory |deficits o |language |deficits o |perceptual |disturbances

6. cause |of |delirium:| · |changes |are |due |to |direct |physiological |consequences |of |a |general

|medical |condition |or |other |biological |factor |(e.g., |substance)

7. dementia:| · |deterioration |of |cognitive |abilities |severe |enough |to |significantly |interfere

|with |social |or |occupational |functioning

· memory |impairment

  1. symptoms |of |dementia:| o |deterioration |of |language

o |failure |to |recognize |or |identify |objects o |impaired |ability |to |execute |motor |activities o |disturbances |in |executive |functions o |decrease |in |abstract |thinking o |lose |behavioral |standards |and |control |of |impulses

9. Alzheimer's |disease:| · |physical |(neurologic) |disease |damaging |the |brain |and |resulting

|in |gradual |and |progressive |mental |deterioration o |difficulty |concentrating, |absent-minded o |ongoing |deterioration |of |memory o |disorientation |and |agitation o |personality |and |behavioral |changes

10. diagnosing |cognitive |disorders:| o |complete |history

o |brain |imaging |techniques o |psychological/neuropsychological |tests

11. treatment |for |cognitive |disorders:| o |self-instructional |training

o |anger |management |programs o|reinforcement|contingencies |medications

12. psychosis: | · |presence |of |very |severe |mental |disturbances |such |as |hallucina- |tions|or

|bizarre|thinking|or|behavior;|these|disturbances|radically|impair|the|person's |contact |with |reality

13. schizophrenia: | · |Involves |delusions |(false |beliefs), |hallucinations |(seeing |or |hearing

|things |that |don't |exist), |unusual |physical |behavior, |and |disorganized|thinking |and |speech.

14. symptoms |of |schizophrenia:| Delusions, |hallucinations, |disorganized |speech, |trouble

|with |thinking |and |lack |of |motivation

15. form |of |thought:| o |loose |associations

o |disorientation |and |incoherence- o|perseveration |tangentiality

16. Tangentiality: | disturbance |in |the |thought |process |that |causes |the |individual |to |relate

|excessive |or |irrelevant |detail |that |never |reaches |the |essential |point |of |a |conversation |or |the |desired |answer |to |a |question

17. delusion:| a|false|personal|belief|contrary|to|reality|and|firmly|maintained|in|spite |of

|undeniable |evidence |that |it |is |false

18. persecutory |delusions:| a |person |believing |that |others |intend |to |harm |them |or |that

|they're |being |accused |of |doing |something |horrible |that |they |never |did

19. delusions |of |grandeur:| a |false |belief |in |one's |power |or |importance

20. ideas |of |reference: | describe |the |phenomenon |of |an |individual |experiencing

|innocuous |events |or |mere |coincidences |and |believing |they |have |strong |personal |significance

21. thought |insertion:| belief |that |thoughts |are |being |placed |in |one's |head

22. thought |withdrawal:| believing |that |thoughts |have |been |removed |from |one's |mind

23. thought |broadcasting:| belief |that |one's |thoughts |are |broadcast |directly |from |one's

|head |to |the |external |world

24. Hallucinations:| a |sensory |perception |without |external |stimulation |of |the |rele- |vant

|sensory |organ

25. catatonia: | a |neuropsychiatric |syndrome |characterized |by |abnormal |move- |ments,

|behaviors, |and |withdrawal, |inabilitiy |to |move, |might |pace |back |and |forth |or |make |weird |noises

26. disturbance |in |actions:|schizophrenia:| · |grossly |disorganized |behavior

· Inappropriate |behavior

· impairments |in |motor |behavior

27. disturbances|of |affect:|schizophrenia:| o |severe |reduction |in |the |intensity |and |range |of

|emotional |expression

o |flat |affect o |inappropriate |affect

28. positive |symptoms |of |schizophrenia:| · |reflect |an |excess |or |distortion |of |nor- |mal


29. negative|symptoms|of|schizophrenia:| · |deficits |that |reflect |a |diminution |or |loss |of |normal


30. causes |for |schizophrenia:| · |genetic |factors

· brain |abnormalities

o |enlargement |of |ventricles o |structural |and |functional |abnormalities

· biochemical |abnormalities

· disturbed |family |interactions

31. expressed |emotion:| degree |to |which |family |members |are |critical |or |express |over-

involvement |or |over-protectiveness |of |person |with |schizophrenia

32. diathesis |stress |perspective:|schizophrenia:| o |diathesis |- |vulnerability |to

|schizophrenia |based |on |a |genetically |transmitted |biological |predisposition o |stress |- |some |event(s) |or |circumstance(s) |shape |the |developing |organism |or |overwhelm |the |vulnerable |individual's |ability |to |cope

33. treatments |for |schizophrenia:|biological:| o |anti-psychotic |drugs

o |maintenance |medication

34. maintenance |medication:| a |medication |that |is |required |on |a |continuing |basis |for |the

|treatment |of |a |chronic |condition

35. psychosocial |treatments |for |schizophrenia:| o |cognitive-behavioral |interven- |tions

o |social |skills |training |programs o |token |economies o |family |psycho-educational |programs

36. token |economies: | a |behavioral |technique |in |which |desirable |behaviors |are |reinforced

|with |a |token, |such |as |a |small |chip |or |fake |coin, |which |can |be |exchanged |for |privileges

37. psychoactive |drugs:| affect |psychological |functioning |of |individual |including

|sensation, |perception, |mood, |thinking, |behavior

38. intoxication:| process |following |recent|ingestion|or|use|resulting|in|reversible |but

|significant |maladaptive |behavior |or |psychological |changes

39. tolerance:| physiological |condition |in |which |increasingly |larger |amounts |of |drug |needed

|to |obtain |intoxication |or |the |desired |effect

40. substance|use|disorders: | essential |feature |is |a |cluster |of |cognitive, |behavioral, |and

|physiological |symptoms |indicating |the |person |continues |to |use |the |substance |despite |significant |substance-related |problems

41. impaired |control: | use |in |larger |amount |or |for |longer |time |than |intended, |un- |successful

|efforts |to |stop, |great |deal |of |time |spent |in |activities |necessary |to |obtain |substance, |use |substance, |or |recover |from |effects, |craving |(intense |desire |or |urge |for |drug)

42. social |impairment: | repeated |failure |to |fulfill |major |role |obligations, |recurrent |social |or

|interpersonal |problems |caused |by |effects |of |substance, |important |social, |occupational, |or |recreational |activities |given |up |or |reduced |because |of |substance |use

43. substance |induced |disorders: | · |involve |substance |intoxication |or |withdrawal |that

|results |in |clinically |significant |problematic |behavioral |or |psychological |changes

44. Hallucinogens:| · |distort |processes |of |sensation |and |perception |so |that |see |or |hear

|things |in |different |or |unusual |ways

45. hallucinations:| euphoria,|increased|sense|of|well-being,|distorted|time|percep- |tion,

|rapid |mood |shifts, |disturbed |thought |processes, |irrational |behavior

46. stimulants:| · |increased |stimulation |of |the |brain |and |autonomic |nervous |system

· euphoria |and |increased |energy |and |alertness |during |intoxication

47. depressants/sedatives:| · |slow |down |activity |of |the |CNS, |decrease |arousal |of

|sympathetic |nervous |system, |reduce |reflexes |and |motor |functioning

· relaxation, |drowsiness, |dulling |of |senses

48. alcohol|use|disorder:| alcohol|use|marked|by|tolerance,|withdrawal,|and|a|drive |to |continue

|problematic |use

49. causes |of |substance |abuse:| genetics:|dopamine, |brain's |pleasure |pathway |or |reward

|center social |learning: |positive/negative |reinforcement

50. detoxification: | period |of |"drying |out," |get |alcohol |out |of |system, |help |through

|withdrawal |by |medical |supervision |and |tranquilizers

51. stimulus |control |(cognitive |behavioral): | determine |what |triggers |substance |use |and

|cravings |and |then |alter |the |environment |to |minimize |the |trigger

52. response |substitution |(cognitive |behavioral): | alternative, |desirable, |prefer- |ably

|incompatible |behaviors |are |substituted |for |the |maladaptive |behavior

53. personality |Traits: | enduring, |consistent |patterns |of |perceiving, |relating |to, |and |thinking

|about |one's |environment |and |oneself |that |are |exhibited |in |a |wide |range |of |social |and |personal |context

54. personality |disorders: | enduring |pattern |of |inner |experience |and |outward |be- |havior

|that |deviates |markedly|from|the |experiences |and|behaviors |usually|expected |of |people

55. characteristics |of |personalty |disorders: | manifested |in |the |individual's |think- |ing,

|emotional |make-up,|interpersonal |functioning,|or|ability|to|control|their|impulses |(at |least |two)

enduring |pattern |is |inflexible |and |pervasive |across |a |broad |range |of |personal |and |social |situations pattern |leads |to |clinically |significant |distress |or |impairment |in |social, |occupational, |or |other |important |areas |of |functioning

56. clusters |of |personality|disorders:| o |Cluster |A |- |Odd-eccentric |personality |disorders:

|Paranoid, |Schizoid, |Schizotypal

o Cluster|B|- |Dramatic-emotional-erratic |personality|disorders:|Histrionic, |Narcissis- |tic,

|Borderline, |Antisocial

o Cluster |C |- |Anxious-fearful |personality |disorders:|Avoidant, |Dependent, |Obses- |sive-


57. Schzioid |personality |disorder:| pervasive |pattern |of |detachment |from |social

|relationships |and |a |restricted |range |of |expression |of |emotions |in |interpersonal |settings

58. Schzioid |personality|disorder |symptoms:| o |neither |desires |nor |enjoys |close

|relationships o |choose |solitary |activities |preferring |to |spend |time |by |themselves o |emotional |coldness, |detachment, |or |flattened |affect o |appear |indifferent |to |approval, |praise, |or |criticism

59. schizotypal |personality |disorder: | · |pervasive |pattern |of |social/interpersonal |deficits

|marked |by |acute |discomfort |with, |and |reduced |capacity |for, |close |relation- |ships |as |well |as |by |cognitive |or |perceptual |distortions |and |eccentricities |of |behavior

60. schizotypal |personality |disorder |symptoms: | o |behavior, |speech, |or |appear- |ance |that

|is |odd |or |peculiar o |non-delusional |ideas |of |reference, |odd |beliefs, |or |magical |thinking |may|be |present o |may |have |unusual |perceptual |experiences o |inappropriate |or |constricted |affect o |excessive |social |anxiety

61. paranoid |personality |disorder:| · |pattern |of |pervasive |distrust |and |suspicious- |ness |of

|others |such |that |their |motives |are |interpreted |as |malevolent

62. paranoid |personality |disorder |symptoms:| o |preoccupied |with |unjustified |doubts

|about |the |loyalty |or |trustworthiness |of |others o |hypervigilant, |read |hidden |or |threatening |meanings |into |benign |remarks |or |events o |perceive |attacks |on |his |or |her |character |or |reputation |that |are |not |apparent |to |others

63. histrionic |personality|disorder:| · |essential |feature |is |pervasive |and |excessive

|emotionality |and |attention-seeking |behavior

64. histrionic|personality|disorder|symptoms:| o|feel|uncomfortable|and|unappre- |ciated

|when |they |are |not |the |center |of |attention o |appearance |and |behavior |often |inappropriately |sexually |provocative/seductive

o|behavior|characterized|by|self-dramatization,|theatricality,|exaggerated|expression |of |emotion o |relationships |often |significantly |impaired o |prone |to |depression |when |not |center |of |attention, |perhaps |suicidal |ges- |tures/threats |to |get |attention

65. bordeline |personality|disorder:| · |pervasive |pattern |of |great |instability |of |inter- |personal

|relationships, |self-image, |and |emotion |as |well |as |marked |impulsivity

66. bordeline |personality|disorder |symptoms:| o |significant |emotional |instability |due |to

|extreme |reactivity |of |mood o |frantic |efforts |to |avoid |real |or |imagined |abandonment o |pattern |of |unstable, |intense, |conflict-ridden |relationships o |identity |disturbance |characterized |by |markedly |and |persistently |unstable |self-im- |age |or |sense |of |self o |display |impulsivity |in |at |least |two |areas |that |are |potentially |self-damaging

67. narcissistic |personality|disorder:| · |pervasive |pattern |of |grandiosity, |need |for

|admiration, |lack |of |empathy

68. narcissistic|personalty|disorder|symptoms:| o|exaggerated,|grandiose|sense |of |self-

importance o |believe |they |are |special, |superior, |or |unique |and |expect |others |to |recognize |and |treat |them |as |such o |generally, |require |excessive |admiration o |superficially |charming |but |interpersonally |exploitative o |lack |empathy |and |have |difficulty |recognizing |the |desires |and |feelings |of |others o |arrogant, |haughty |behaviors |are |typical

69. antisocial |personality |disorder:| :|history |of |continuous, |chronic |antisocial |be- |havior |in

|which |the |rights |of |others |are |disregarded/violated

70. antisocial |personality |disorder |symptoms:| o |superficially |pleasant

o |inadequate |conscience o |irresponsible, |impulsive |behavior o |inability |to |learn |from |experiences o |unable |to |maintain |relationships

71. dependent |personality|disorder:| · |pervasive |and |excessive |need |to |be |taken |care |of

|that |leads |to |submissive |and |clinging |behavior |and |fears |of |separation

72. dependent|personality|disorder|symptoms:| o |play|a|very|passive |role|in|their |own |lives,

|need |others |to |assume |responsibility |for |their |lives o |difficulty |initiating |projects |or |doing |things |on |own o |difficulty |expressing |disagreement |with |others o |go |to |excessive |lengths |to |obtain |nurturance, |approval, |and |support

73. avoidant |personality|disorder:| · |pervasive |pattern |of |social |inhibition, |feelings |of

|inadequacy, |and |hypersensitivity |to |negative |evaluation

74. avoidant|personality|disorder|symptoms:| o |preoccupied |with |being |criticized |or |rejected

|in |social |situations o|inhibited|in|new|interpersonal|situations|because|of|feelings|of|inadequacy/incom- |petence

75. obsessive|compulsive|personality|disorder:| · |preoccupation |with |perfection- |ism,

|orderliness, |and |control |over |self |and |others |at |the |expense |of |flexibility, |openness, |and |efficiency

76. obsessive |compulsive |personality |disorder |symptoms: | o |attempt |to |main- |tain|sense

|of|control|through|painstaking|attention |to|rules,|procedures,|lists,|sched- |ules o |display |perfectionism |that |interferes |with |task |completion o |display |excessive |devotion |to |work |and |productivity |to |the |exclusion |of |leisure |activities/friendships o |typically |over-conscientious, |scrupulous, |inflexible |about |matters |of |morality, |ethics, |or |value

77. treatment |of |personalty|disorders:| cognitive |behavioral |approaches |- |identify

|fundamental |cognitive |schemas |and |underlying |beliefs, |challenge |and |replace |them:

78. Autism |Spectrum |Disorder:| characterized |by |the |presence |of |markedly |ab- |normal |or

|impaired |development |in |social |interaction |and |communication |and |a |markedly |restricted |repertoire |of |activity/interests

79. ASD |characteristics:| · |deficits |in |social |communication |and |reciprocal |social

|interaction |across |multiple |contexts

· restricted, |repetitive |patterns |of |behavior, |interests, |or |activities |lack

|theory |of |mind

80. ASD |deficits:| o |deficits |in |social-emotional |reciprocity

o |delay |in |speaking

o |deficits |in |developing, |maintaining, |and |understanding |relationships o |deficits |in |nonverbal |communicative |behaviors |used |for |social |interaction

81. intellectual|disability:| · |significant |deficits |in |intellectual |functions |and |adaptive |behavior

82. attention-deficit/hyperactivity |disorder |(ADHD): | · |persistent |pattern |of |inat- |tention

|and/or |hyperactivity-impulsivity |that |interferes |with |functioning |or |develop- |ment,· |symptoms |interfere |with |or |reduce |the |quality |of |social, |academic, |or |occu- |pational |functioning

83. ADHD |inattention:| o |may |fail |to |give |close |attention |to |detail |or |make |careless |mistakes

o |difficulty |sustaining |attention |in |tasks |or |play |activities

o |easily |distracted |by |irrelevant |stimuli |and |frequently |interrupt |tasks o |difficulty |organizing |tasks |and |activities

84. ADHD |hyperactivity:| o |fidgetiness

o |often |runs |or |climbs |about |in |situations |where |inappropriate o |often |appearing |to |be |"on |the |go" |or |as |if |"driven |by |a |motor" o |talking |excessively o |difficulty |playing |or |engaging |quietly |in |leisure |activities

85. ADHD |impulsivity: | o |impatience |and |difficulty |in |delaying |responses

o |acting |without |thinking o |often |interrupts |or |intrudes |on |others

86. anorexia |nervosa:| o |refusal |to |maintain |a |minimally |normal |body |weight

o |intense |fear |of |gaining |weight |or |becoming |fat o |significantly |distorted |body |image

87. Bullimia:| o |recurrent |binge |eating |and |inappropriate |behavior |to |prevent |weight |gain

88. personality |traits |for |those |with |eating |disorders:| o |low |self-esteem

o |perfectionistic o |well-behaved o |sensitive o |anxious o |dependent o |impulsive o |unusually |stubborn