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NRNP 6675 Midterm Exam Questions and Verified Answers, 100%
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1. Discrepancy between anatomical sex and gender is known as?: B) Gender Discordance
2. Which of the following are risk factors for neuroleptic malignant syndrome? Select all that apply:
Rapid dose escalation; parental route of administration; higher potency typical antipsychotics
3. Antipsychotic medication provides D2 blockage in the meso-coritcal path- way causing which of
the following effects?: B) Increases EPS Incorrect: reduces negative s/s, causes prolactinemia, reduces positive symptoms
4. Phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine exert their unique behavioral effects by blocking which of the
following receptors?: D) NMDA type receptors Incorrect: GABA, serotonin, dopamine "receptors"
5. The diagnosis used to describe a syndrome characterized by specific s/s resulting from recent
ingestion or exposure to a substance is known as which of the folllowing?: C) Substance use disorder Incorrect: substance intox, substance withdrawal, all of the above
6. Abnormal involuntary movements in a rhythmic pattern affecting the face, mouth, tongue jaw is
known as which of the following?: C) Tardive dyskinesia Incorrect: akathisia, dystonia, EPS
7. A deeply held belief despite evidence to the contrary, lasting at least 1 month, without prominent
hallucinations, with functional impairment that re- lates to the delusional system disorder called?: Delusional disorder
8. Which of the following is true about preoccupation with castration?: A) This can be serious and
life threatening if castration is carried out without medical supervision Incorrect: consistent with transvestiatic disorder, other specified paraphillic disorder, or sexual
machochism disorder
9. Which of the following is a system that provides a uniform language for de- scribing medical and
surgical procedures and diagnostics services rendered by clinicians?: CPT Incorrect: HIPPA, DSM5-, DRG
10.A patient on Chlorpromazine states his orgasm is dry and afterwards he will commonly have
milky urine. The APRN realizes this is which of the following?: A) This is likely a harmless response to the Chlorpromazine "Thorazine"
11.A condition which results from absence of second female sex chromo- some (XO) and is
associated with web neck, dwarfism, cubitus valgus and infertility is known as which of the following?: B) Turners Syndrome Turners syndrome: tx involves hormone therapy; fertility treatments for women when they decide to have a baby
12.Which of the following would be characterized as a negative s/s of schiz- ophrenia?: B & C only
B) impaired social and occupational functioning
C) isolation and impaired self-care
13.Which of the following are keys to distinguishing OCD from psychosis?: - Patients with OCD can
almost always acknowledge the unreasonable nature of their symptoms
14.A federal program administered nationally and locally which covers en- rolled individuals 65+
who pays premiums and disabled individuals: Both A& B (Medicare and Medicaid)
15.Having an adequate legal description of nurse practitioner (NP) scope of practice according to
state law is important for which of the following reasons?: All of the above (to avoid any charges of practicing medicine without a license, to place accountability for both benefits and harm to patients squarely on the NP, to get reimbursed for physician services when provided by a NP
16.Which of the following is the most widely consumed psychoactive sub- stance?: B) Caffeine
Incorrect: alcohol, heroin, cannabis
17.Which of the following is used to tx TD?: None of the above
(cogentin, artane, catapress)
18.The APRN consensus model did which of the following?: B & C
B) adult and gerontology were merged and identified as PCP or acute care
C) psychiatric mental health foci were stipulated as across the lifespan
19.Which of the following behaviors are associated with an alcohol blood level of 0.05%?: B)
Thought judgement and restraints are impaired
20.According to HIPPA, which of the following must the NP share their NPI with? Check all the
above: A) Health Plans
B) Other providers
C) Any entity that may need it for a billing purpose
21.A patient presents with delusions, disorganized thoughts, and speech with poor self care all of
which has persisted for the past 7 months. The APRN knowns this presentation means what diagnosis?: Schizophrenia
22.Major neurotransmitters possibly involved in developing substance abuse and substance
dependence are which of the following?: A) Dopamine Incorrect: GABA, serotonin, A& B only
23.The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia, which of the following?: A)
Schizophrenia results from too much dopaminergic activity incorrect: results from a deprivation of dopamine
24.A patient reports a panic attack several years ago in an elevator and since then has avoided
elevators. The pt meets the criteria for:: B) Specific phobia
25.A patient with a substance use disorder who does not meet clinical criteria for hospitalization but
lacks sufficient social and vocational skills and lack substance-free social supports is to: D) All of the above (Residential tx, partial hospitalization, outpt tx)
26.Obscene phone calling to an unsuspecting partner for sexual arousal is known as?: C)
Telephone Scatologia (not telephillia, partialism, normal adolescent prank)
27.The main psychological difference between fear and anxiety is best de- scribed by which of
these statements?: B) Anxiety is insidious, fear is sudden
28.A diffuse, unpleasant, vague sense of apprehension often accompanied by autonomic symptoms
varies upon persons is commonly known as which of the following?: C) Normal anxiety (incorrect- fear, stress, pathological anxiety
29.If a pregnancy begins while the woman is taking high doses of methadone and withdrawal is
desired during which trimester is the least hazardous?: D) Withdrawal from methadone should never be done while the woman is pregnant
30.Neurochemical or neurophysiological changes in the body that results from the repeated
administration of a drug is known as which of the follow- ing?: C) Neuroadaption incorrect: cross-tolerance, neurotransformation, neurocognitive adjustment
31.The recurrent and intense sexual arousal from the physical and psycho- logical suffering of
another person is known as which of the following?: C) Sexual sadism
32.Which of the following is not consistent with the onset of OCD?: D) The onset of OCD is
typically preceded by OCD personality traits True answers about OCD:
-more than 1/2 of pts with OCD have a sudden onset of symptoms -the onset of symptoms for about 50-70% of patients occurs after a stressful event -most patients keep their symptoms secret initially
33.The recurrent urge to expose one's genitals to a stranger is known ass which of the
following?: C) Exhibitionism
34.Which of the following patients would be appropriate for hospitalization for substance use
disorder? Select all that apply: D) A&B only (Patients who have a substance overdose who cannot be safely tx in an outpt setting & pts who are at risk for severe or medically complicated withdrawal symptoms
35.The nursing practice model recommendation for NPs by the NAtional Academy of Medicine and
the National Council of State Boards of Nursing is which of the following?: A) Full practice
36. Which of the following groups does medicare cover? Select all the above-
: A) Individuals 65+ years and older who have enrolled and pay premiums
B) Disabled individuals who quality for social security disability payments and benefits
37.Which of the following neurotransmitters increases libidio?: D) Dopamine
Incorrect: GABA, serotonin, oxytocin
38.Which of the following factors are associated with poor prognosis for patients with OCD?:
D) A & C
(Childhood onset & Co-existing major depressive disorder)
39.Which of the following is inconsistent with current knowledge about schiz- ophrenia?: C)
Dopamine level is a laboratory tests that assists in the diagnosis of schizophrenia
40.A chronic disorder characterized by repetitive hair pulling leading to vari- able hair loss that may others known as?: C) Trichotillomania
41.Which of the following are risk factors for neuroleptic malignant syn- drome?: B) Rapid
dose escalation
C) Parental route of admin
D) High potency typical antipsychotics
42.A method of therapy used to tx individuals with substance use based on the fundamental
principle of a psychology that reinforced behaviors are likely to known as the following?: B) Contingency Management
43.The conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live and age are known as?: Social
determinants of health
44.All of the following is consistent with the ANCCs rules regarding recertifi- cation EXCEPT:: A)
You are required to have a maximum of 25 credit hours during each certification period Correct:
B) you can start the recert process 1 year before your expiration date, but no later than 3
months before
C) You must have 1000 clinical practice hours in a clinical speciality within the preceding
5 years
D) you must have at least 25 contact hours in pharmacotherapy
45.Risks factors for school violence include which of the following? Select all that apply: A)
B) Being bullied
C) Isolation
46.Persons who subordinate their own needs to those of others, get others to assume responsibility
for major areas in the lives, lack of self-confidence, and may experience intense discomfort when alone for more than a brief period of time are demonstrating characteristics with which of the following personality disorders?: C) Dependent personality disorder Incorrect: avoid PD, passive PD, antisocial PD
47.Generalized convulsions, oliguria, and renal failure are symptoms seen with which of the
following lithium levels?: D) >25 mEq/L (TOXICITY)
48.A form of child abuse in which a patient or character repeatedly fabricates or actually inflicts
injury or illness in a child for whom medical intervention is then sought in an ER is known as which of
the following?: D) Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
49.Self-care strategies for the ARNP in preparing for the certification exam include all of the
following EXCEPT?: D) plan to study for short periods over a longer period of time
50.A patient presents with a formal, tense manner. He reluctantly reports a longstanding (since early
adulthood) pervasive suspiciousness of others, pre- occupied with..trustworthiness of friends, unjustified concerns about others deceiving him, angry about perceived insults and slights, reluctant to confide in the ARNP. The ARNP suspects that the pt likely has which of the following PDs?: B) Paranoid PD Incorrect: schizoid PD, BDP, Antisocial PD
51.A pt will a hx of alcohol use presents to the ED with oculomotor distur- bances, cerebellar ataxia,
and confusion. Symptoms are consistent with which of the following psychiatric emergencies?: C) Wernickes Encephalopathy Incorrect: akathisia, korsakoff's syndromes, idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication
52.Cluster A personality disorders are more common in biological families of pts with which of the
following disorders?: D) Schizophrenia Incorrect: depression, OCD, alcohol use disorder
53.NP core competencies for INDEPENDENT practice includes all of the following EXCEPT:: B)
Demonstrates the highest level of accountability for profes- sional practice
54.NP competencies for independent practice:: A) Maintain a collaboration agreement with
C) Practices independently managing previously diagnosed and under-diagnosed pts
D) Practices patient centered care recognizing culture diversity and the pt or de- signee as a
full practice in decision making
55.Cluster A personality traits consists of which of the following?: A) Schizo- typal, schizoid, and
paranoid subtypes
56.The misuse of the charge's funds for personal gain is known as which of the following?: C)
Financial abuse /exploitation
57.the ARNP recognizes which of the following as long term effects of sex trafficking on
victims?: D) All of the above
A) Severe depression
B) Spiritual questions
C) Trauma bonding
58.In about half of the cases in which suicides occur while pts are on a psychiatric unit, a lawsuit
results; which of the following is NOT consistent with what courts..related to impatient psychiatric unit suicide events?: B) Courts provide ZERO suicide rates in inpt setting
59.Cultural Dimensions Therapy is a framework for cross-cultural communi- cation that describes
the effects of a society's culture on the values of its which of the following therorists?: A) Hofstede
60. The tx of choice for pts with paranoid PD includes which of the following?-
: D) B&C
B) Behavioral Therapy and
C) Psychotherapy
61.The differences in quality of healthcare actions across individuals or groups regard to
access, tx options and p..following?: B) Health disparities
62. The incidence of suicide is highest for which of the following populations?-
: D) Older African American men
63.The pt on lithium with a hx of alcohol use disorder presents with dry mouth, ataxia, dizziness,
abdominal pain, and slurred speech. The ARNP should do which of the following?: C) The ARNP recognizes the symptoms of moderate lithium toxicity, discontinues the lithium immediately, orders lithium level, serum electrolytes and renal function tests
64.The ARNP takes a position in which a specific amount is paid according to a set job description.
The ARNP should do which of the following?: C) The ARNP recognizes these are symptoms of
mild to moderate lithium toxicity, discontinues the lithium immediately, orders a lithium level, serum electrolytes and renal function tests
65.The ARNP takes a position in which a specific amount is paid according to a set job description.
This type of pay structure is known as?: D) Hourly rate
66.A PD characterized by emotional constriction, orderliness, perseverance, stubbornness,
indecisiveness, a inflexibility as which of the following?: Ob- sessive compulsive PD
67.Which of the following is consistent with what is known about the epidemi- ology of anxiety?: B)
Women have a higher lifetime prevalence of anxiety than men
68.Which of the following is consistent with NP practice parameters when prescribing
buprenorphine?: D) the NP is require to complete specific training to prescribe and dispense buprenorphine
69.Which of the following are consistent with current data related to the prevalence of drinking
alcohol?: B) Men and women with higher education and income are more likely to drink alcohol
70.A pt with hx of hypoglycemia reports feelings of fear, worry and restless- ness that has persisted
over the past 6 months. The pt states these feelings are worse when glucose is low. the ARNP suspects the pt has which of the following dx?: A_) GAD attributable to another medical condition
71.Which of the following is not consistent with benzo withdrawal?: B) The best way to proceed
with benzo withdrawal is to stop it immediately and tx withdrawal s/s
72.Which of the following is true about the legal practice of the PMHNP?: D) A&B only
A) all have some degrees of prescriptive privileges in all states and the district of columbia
B) all are considered primary providers in all states and the district of columbia
73.Flashbacks in which the individual may act and feel as if the trauma were reoccurring represent
which of the following clinical features of PTSD?: A) Intrusion Symptom B) Symptom of Avoidance
74.In which ways are NPs and PAs different?: D) A&B
A) NPs differ from PAs in legal definition, scope of practice, licensure, and indepen- dence of
B) NPs practice under their own license and independent of the physician, PAs always work
under the supervision of a physician
75.Which of the following initials would a PMHNP use to designate appropri- ate credentials?:
76.Variations from norms in gender roles such as toy preferences, rough and tumble play,
aggression, or playmate gender is known as which of the following?: B) Gender role behavior
77. 3 major neurotransmitters associated with anxiety, based on animal stud- ies and response to
drug tx include?: B) GABA, norepinephrine and serotonin
78.Which of the following is consistent with the epidemiology of schizophre- nia in the US?: D)
Onset of schizophrenia before the age of 25 is extremely rare
79.Clinical findings that may indicate abuse include which of the following? Select all that apply: B)
Explanation by the pt which is inconsistent with the type of injury
C) Psychological distress such as depression, anxiety, SI, and/or sleep disorder
D) Explanation by the parent that is inconsistent with the type of injury
80.According to the APA, which of the following is consistent with the EBP for telepsych?: B) In
populations with severe anxiety, tele psychiatry is preferred
81.Which of the following is consistent with literature regarding the term psychosexual?: D)
None of the above -psychosexual is used to describe personality development and functioning -psychosexual is synonymous with libidio in the Freudian sense -Psychosexual basically refers only to sexual feelings and behavior
82.Bleuler identified 4 fundamental s//s of schizophrenia, known as the 4 A's, which include which
symptoms?: A) Associations, Affect, Autism, Ambivalence
83.The fear/anxiety regarding places from which escape may be difficult is known as which of the
following:: C) Agoraphobia
84.All of the following are one of the 5 major categories of third-party payers EXCEPT:: D) only A &
A) Medicare/medicaid
B) Managed care organization (MCOs)
85.Which of the following are risk factors for sexual assault EXCEPT:: A) Religion
Incorrect: serious mental illness, substance use disorder, family hx of sexual abuse
86.Which of the following is consistent with what is known about PP depres- sion?: D) All of the
above (feelings of guilt/ and inadequacy are often present and excessive; thoughts of harming the baby are often present; typical onset is within 3-06 months of delivery)
87.Affirmatively acting to benefit another or others, going beyond what is required by law is
known as which of the following?>: C) Beneficence
88. Which of the following is used for treating alcohol dependence individuals seeking to continue
to remain alcohol free after they have stopped drinking?- : D) Acamprosate
89.The NP can impact health policy and healthcare by doing which of the following?: D) All of
the above -becomes an active member of local, state, and/or national NP -becomes familiar with the resources available on NP organization websites -Volunteer to serve on legislature committees within professional NP organizations
90.The tx of others equitably and distribution of benefits/burdens fairly is known as?: B) Justice
91.Which of the following is INCONSISTENT with current literature about victims of sexual abuse?:
C) The pre-existing relationship and\ familiarity with the abuser may impeded the victim's ability to make rational decisions
92. Which of the following would constitute negligence? Select all that apply-
: A) Failure to give necessary care
B) Failure to refer when necessary
C) Failure to follow up with a patient
D) Failure to disclose necessary info to a patient
93.Which of the following developed a biblically-based cultural competence model for healthcare
professionals?: B) Camipinha-Cacote`
94.the ARNP recognizes which of the following as long term effects of sex trafficking on
victims?: D) All of the above -severe depression -spiritual questions -trauma bonding
95.A patient appears odd, with a pervasive hx of magical thinking, ideas of reference, illusions or
derealization. This is consistent with which of the folllowing PDs?: C) Schizotypal PD
96.Which of the following are criteria for a particular suicide to be considered inevitable?: D) All of
the above -strong genetic hx of suicide in one or more family members -a strong genetic loading of mental illness in the family -the pt may have received the highest standard of tx and that txd failed
97.A pt with a hx of alcohol use disorder presents to the ED with oculomotor disturbances,
cerebellar ataxia, and confusion. The ARNP recognizes these symptoms as consistent with which of the following psych emergencies?: C) Wernicke's encephalopathy
98.The emotional burnout and lack of empathy towards clients that healthcare providers experience
after treating victims is known as the following?: B) Primary traumatization
99.The ACE study found that which of the following relationships between child traumatic events
and high-risk behaviors exhibited by adults?: D) The study revealed an indirect relationship between child traumatic events and high risk adult behaviors
100. Walking on eggshells and appeasement/avoidance behaviors by the vic- tim is
characteristic of which phase of the cycle of DV?: A) Honeymoon phase
101. What are the different phases of DV?: 1. Tension building phase
102. The only appproved therapy in the US for moderate to severe Alzheimers Disease is which
of the following?: B) Memantine
103. Memantine is?: A) Namenda,
cognition enhancing medication for alzheimers/dementia
104. A term that defines a person who has distress with clinical symptomology because their
gender identity is not consistent with gender assigned at birth is which of the following?: D) Gender Dysphoria
105. Narcissistic, borderline, antisocial, and histrionic subtypes are associat- ed with which
cluster of PDs?: B) Cluster B
106. Odd, eccentric cluster of PDs?: Cluster A
a. Paranoid PD
b.Schizoid PD
C. Schizotypal PD
107. Characterized by appearing dramatic, emotional, or erratic PD?: Cluster B
a., antisocial
c. histrionic
d. narcissistic
108. inner emptiness, unstable relationships and emotional dysregulation?: -
109. Attention seeking and excessive emotionability?: Histrionic
110. Social irresponsibility, diregard for others, deceitfulness, and manipula- tion of others for
personal gain: Antisocial
111. Self-grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy: Narcissistic PD
112. Eccentric ideas and behaviors PD?: Schizotypal PD
113. Disinterest in others PD?: Schizoid
114. Mistrust and suspicion PD?: Paranoid PD
115. Characterized by appearing anxious or fearful. it includes which PDs?: -
Cluster C
a. avoidant PD
b.dependent PD
c. obsessive compulsive PD
116. Perfectionism, rigidity and obstinacy traits PD?: OCD PD
117. Avoidance of interpersonal contact due not rejection sensitivity PD?: -
118. Submissiveness and a need to be taken care of PD?: Dependent PD
119. Which of the following is NOT consistent with recommendations for psychiatric hx taking
and the MSE of older adults?: B) Pt should be seen alone even in cases of clear evidence of impairment to persevere the privacy of a doctor/pt relationship
120. Low health literacy has been linked with which of the following?: D_ All of the above
-poor health outcomes -lower rates of hospitalization -less frequent use of preventative services
121. A claim of malpractice requires that a patient/plaintiff prove which of the following?
Select all that apply: A) The existence of a client-professional relationship--duty ti care
C) a causal link b/t the provider's failure to confirm to tx standards and harm to the pt
D) Actual injury to the pt
122. According to USDHHS and the Federal Bureau of Primary Health Care, which of the
following individuals would be considered homeless?: D) All of the above -an individual whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private facility that provides temporary living accommodations -an individual who is a resident in transitional housing -a person who is living w /a friend`
123. A particular form of psychotherapy used for pts with BPD, especially those with
parasuicidal behaviors, such as frequent cutting is known as which of the following?: A) DBT incorrect: mentalization based tx; transference focused psychotherapy and exposure therapy`
124. As a pmhnp, one of the most common areas you will counsel your patients about is the
importance of sleep hygiene. Which of the following is NOT consistent with common recommendations for good sleep hygiene?: B) Set a cool room temp True sleep hygiene tips: -avoid alcohol and caffeine -set TV to turn off within 1 hr of falling asleep -go to bed at the same time each night
125. The need for NPs to practice to the full extent of their education and training is
necessary for which of the following reasons? Select all of the above: A) The growth in number and proportion of older Americans
B) The projected PCP shortages by 2025
C) increased number of individuals who have access to healthcare
126. according to Freud, stubborn, parsimonious and highly conscientious traits are
associated with?: B) Anal stage
127. Freud's Psychosexual Theory and 5 Stages of Human Development?: -
1. Oral stage
2. Anal stage
3. Phallic stage
4. Latent stage
5. genital stage
128. The mouth, sucking, swallowin ect: Stage 1- oral stage
129. EGO develops in which phase?: ORAL phase 1
130. The penis or vagina-sexual intercourse?: Stage 5 genital
131. `The anus- withholding or expelling feces: 2. Anal stage
132. Little to no sexual motivation present?: Stage 4. Latent phase
133. The penis or clitoris- masturbation: Stage 3 Phallic
134. the SUPEREGO develops at what phase?: Stage 3 Phallic
135. Features that point to a medical cause of a mental disorder includes which of the
following?: D) A& C A) Acute onset C) Visual hallucinations
136. A patient currently on risperidone presents to the ED with increased agi- tation,
restlessness, muscle discomfort and dysphoria. the ARNP recognizes these symptoms of akathisia and recommends which of the following? Select all that apply: B) Benztropine IM only incorrect: reduce antipsychotic dosage, Benadryl PO or IM, B&C only
137. Self-care strategies in preparation for the certificate exam includes all of the following
EXCEPT:: C) Drink lots of caffeine and eat high concentrated sugars good self care strategies: -plan to study for short periods over a long time
-study in a distraction free environment -6-8 hours of sleep is recommended
138. Which of the following professionals would be able to precept a NP student?: D)
B) Physician
139. the ARNP is txing a 27 year old female who bipolar disorder who is obese and has renal;
dysfunction. Which of the following is true?: C) An atypical antipsychotic such as olanzapine or risperidone should be used
140. Pts with this PD are described as excitable, emotional and behave in a colorful, dramatic,
extroverted, attention-seeking fashion, often with an inabil- ity to maintain deep long-lasting attachments: B) Histrionic PD
141. a PD characterized by emotional constriction, orderliness, perseverance, stubbornness,
indecisiveness and a pattern of perfectionism and inflexibility is known as which of the following?: D) OCD PD
142. Which of the following core competencies are quality competencies?: D) A&C
A) use best available evidence to continually improve quality of practice C) evaluates the relationship among access cost quality safety and their influence on health care
143. Non-pharmacologic tx for abuse includes all of the following EXCEPT:: D) Involve the
abuser in the tx planning Non-pharmacologic tx options for abuse victims? -CBT -build a community of support -assist pt to devise a safe escape plan
144. a PD characterized by extraordinarily unstable affect, mood, behavior, object relations
and self-image is known as?: BPD
145. A particular form of psychotherapy based on Otto Kernbeg's object re- lations theory is
known as which of the following?>: C) Transference-focused psychotherapy
146. generalized convulsions, oliguria, and renal failure are symptoms seen with which of the
following Lithium levels?: C) > 2.5 mEq/L
147. nausea, vomiting, anorexia, blurred vision, clonic limb movements, con- vulsions,
oliguria and renal failure: Moderate Lithium toxicity: 2.0-2.
148. Lithium therapeutic window: 0.6-1.2 mEq/L
149. first med approved for bipolar d/o: lithium
150. Common side effects of Lithium,: tremor, nausea., fatigue, increased thirst, slowed
151. Important serious side effects of Lithium:: hypothyroidism, weight gain, diabetes
insipidus, and lithium toxicity
152. How do we decrease the risk of lithium toxicity?: Blood level monitoring
therapeutic range: 0.6 - 1.
153. Lithium levels are known to (increase/decrease) when used concurrently with diuretics,
thiazides, ACE inhibitors and NSAIDs?: Increase ACE inhibitors: lisinopril, catopril, enalapril
154. Lithium levels are known to (increase/decrease) when used with drugs including
caffeine, acetazolamide and theophylline: Decrease
155. concurrent use of lithium and antidepressants and/or antipsychotics can cause what?:
Serotonin syndrome & Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
156. The term "suicide survivor" refers to which of the following?: A) those who have lost a
loved one to suicide
157. At a minimum, a psychiatric evaluation in an emergency should include which of the
following? Select all the above: C) is the problem organic, functional or a combination?
158. A pt presents with a formal, tense manner. He reluctantly responds a longstanding (since
early adulthood) pervasive suspiciousness of others, pre- occupied with trustworthiness of friends, unjustified concerns about others deceiving him, angry about perceived insults and slights, reluctant to confide in the ARNP. The ARNP suspects the pt likely has which of the following PDs?: B) Paranoid PD
159. The obligation to not inflict harm or balancing unavoidable harm with benefits of good
achieved is known as which of the following?: B) Beneficence
160. `In about 1/2 the cases in which suicides occur while pts are in a psy- chiatric unit, a
lawsuit occurs. Which of the following is NOT consistent with what court expects related to inpt psych unit suicide events?: D) Evidence of formulation of a tx plan with a high level of security
161. Using the LIAASE: A general cultural competency tool, the ARNP would do which of the
following?: D) all of the above -agree to disagree on differences in values -solicit other options or points of view -acknowledge and validate powerful emotions when expressed
162. Which of the following is NOT consistent with what is known about PP psychosis?: A)
symptoms of PP psychosis can often begin within days of delivery
163. Concerns when treating geriatric patients with psychotherapeutic drugs includes all of the
following EXCEPT:: B) Elderly persons may be more suscep- tible to adverse effects of psychotherapeutic drugs
164. A clause in an employment contract that specifies that an employer and employee may
end the working agreement without cause within a specific number of days is known as which?: C) Termination clause
165. Standards of care are now being set, modified, monitored and publicized by certain self-
appointed consumer-oriented agencies as well as government agencies, including which of the following?: D) All of the above -Medicare -the Joint Commission
-The agency for healthcare research and quality
166. The differences in the quality of healthcare across individuals and groups in regards to
access of care, treatment options, and preventative services is known as?: B)Health disparities incorrect: racism, vulnerable populations, SDOH
167. Which of the following medical conditions can present with prominent mental status
changes that mimic common psychiatric illnesses. Select all that apply: B) Thyroid diseases C) Head trauma Incorrect: DM, AIDS
168. Risks factors for school violence include which of the following? Select all the above: A)
B) being bullied
C) Isolation
169. Being knowledgeable about one's own thoughts, feelings and sensations as well as the
ability to reflect on how these can affect one's interactions with others is known as?: A) Cultural awareness
170. A pt with an inability to conform to the social norms that ordinarily govern many aspects
of a person's behavior is consistent with which of the following PDs?: D) Narcissistic PD
171. Which of the following meds are associated with neural tube defects when given during
pregnancy?: C. Valproic acid
172. curriculum content supports the NP scientific competency area includes which of the
following? Select all that apply: A) Comparison of pt data sets with evidenced based standards to improve care B) Science from other disciplines relevant to heath care
173. Self-injurious behaviors with a nonfatal outcome, accompanied by explic- it or implicit
evidence that the person intended to die, is most specifically known as what?: C) Suicide attempt
174. The ARNP is working with a pt who has heightened sense of self-impor- tance and
grandiose feelings of uniqueness. The pt also lacks empathy for others, although is very sensitive to
minor criticisms. The ARNP recognizes these s/s as consistent with which of the following PD?: C) Narcissistic PD
175. The degree to which individuals have the cognitive and social capacity to access,
process, and utilize basic health info and services to maintain good health, make appropriate health decisions and meet their goals is known as?: A) Health Literacy
176. Risk factors for physical abuse includes all of the following EXCEPT:: A) Literacy
Risk factors for physical abuse?: -pregnancy, serious mental illness, hx of victimization during the developmental years
177. According to Freud, passive and dependent personality traits are associ- ated with which
stage of development?: B) Anal stage
178. Sexual assault is most often which of the following?: C) family member
incorrect: stranger, acquaintance, professional
179. Which of the following is the tx of choice for pt's with depressive person- ality?: A)
Exposure therapy incorrect: light exposure therapy, insight oriented psychotherapy, transmagnetic stimulation (TMS)
180. Which of the following medications is associated with Ebstein's anomaly when gievn
during pregnancy?: B) Lithium *Actually a very small risk to pregnancy-- should be used more
181. In Canterbury v Spence in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
listed physician responsibilities for disclosure. Which of the following is NOT listed as a responsibility?: D) inform the pt about precautionary therapy that he or she should seek in the future
182. Ethnocentrism results in which of the following?: C) Provides caregivers with the
ability to better care for pt's of various culture
183. Which of the following demographic characteristics is consistent with high suicide
risk?: D) Over 45 years of age
184. An ARNP takes a position in which the ARNP is guaranteed a set salary but can make
additional salary if he/or she generates practice income over some set amount; this is known as what type of pay structure?: C) Base salary plus percentage
185. Which of the following is NOT consistent with guidelines as a mentor?: D) Be specific and
kind when giving constructive feedback that ay not be what the mentee might want to hear
186. Which stage of the cycle of DV is characterized by overt aggressive:
187. Cluster A PD includes which 3 disorders?: Schizotypal, schizoid, paranoid subtypes
188. Cultural dimensions therapy:: Hofstede
describes the effects of a society's culture on the values of its members
189. Tx of choice with a pt with paranoid PD?: B&C
-behavioral therapy -psychotherapy
190. Which of the following is NOT a common physical effect of cannabis?: B) Mild
191. s/.s of cannabis physical effects?: Mild tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, dilation of
the conjunctival blood vessels
192. A conscious standard recurrent behavior such as counting, checking, avoiding that
interferes with the person's normal routine and functioning is known as?: A_ Compulsion
193. Most everyone has a firm conviction that they are male or female by which age range?: B)
2-3 years of age
194. A pt who presents absent movements with difficulty starting activities, flat affect and
avolition would be assessed as having?: D)_ Pseduo-parkinson- ism
195. What of the following is consistent with current epidemiology literature about gender and
OCD?: D) Adult men and women are equally likely to have OCD
196. A type of schizophrenia in which the individual has a marked disturbance of motor
function and may involve stupor, negativism, rigidity, excitement or posturing or mutism is?: B) Catatonic
197. A pt who presents with the inability to remain still with motor restless- ness, would be
assessed to have?: B) Akathisia
198. method of therapy used to tx individuals with substance use disorders?-
: B) Contingency Management
199. Ethnocentrism results in which of the following?: C) provides care givers the ability to
care for pts of various cultures
200. Which of following demographic characteristics is consistent with high suicide risk?: D)
Over age 45
201. In educating the pt beginning to take Lithium, the ARNP explains which of the following
is related to diet and fluid intake?: D) All of the above -caffeine and alcohol act as hydration agents and can raise your lithium concentra- tions -drink @ least 1 gal of water or more each day & limit your salt intake -if you go on A diet, your doctor may need to increase the frequency of blood tests
202. Three major neurotransmitters associated with ANXIETY, based on ani- mal studies and
response to drug tx include?: B) GABA, norepinephrine and serotonin
203. What neurotransmitter increases libidio?: D) Dopamine
204. Concerns when treating geriatric pts with psychotherapeutic drugs in- cludes all of the
following EXCEPT?: C) Elderly persons may metabolize psy- chotherapeutic drugs more rapidly
205. Concerns when treating geriatric pts with psychotherapeutic drugs?: A) Elderly people
can be more susceptible to adverse effects of drugs B) Elderly persons may metabolize drugs more slowly D) Elderly people may excrete psychotherapeutic drugs more slowly.
206. Persons who subordinate their own needs to those of others, get other to assume
responsibility for major areas of their lives, lack self-confidence and may experience intense discomfort when alone for more than a brief period of time are demonstrating characteristics consistent with what PD?: C) Dependent PD
207. According to Sullivan, which of the following are consistent with a men- tor/mentee
relationship?: C) Goals for the mentoring relationship are set mutually incorrect: mentors are assigned; mentor relationships are shorter term; A&B only
208. The need for NPs to practice to their full extent of their education and training is
necessary: select all of the above: ALl of the above
209. The ARNP assessing lifestyle as a social determinant of health would ask about which of
the following?: A) Diet
210. What are social determinants of health and lifestyle choices?: The social determinants
of health (SDH) are the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life.
211. In educating the pt about Lithium, the NP explains which of the following is related to diet
and fluid intake?: D) All of the above
212. The goal of psychotropic tx is to eliminate all manifestations of a disorder to below the
syndromal threshold, which is defined as which of the following?- : B) Remission
213. The NP can impact health policy and healthcare by doing which of the following?: D)
All of the above
214. A term used to describe individuals and families who are found to live in overcrowded
homes, relocate frequently and struggle to pay rent and monthly expenses is which of the following?: D) A& B
215. Which of the following is consistent with current literature regarding the epidemiology of
dependent PD?: C) Persons with chronic physical illness in childhood may be the most susceptible to this disorder
216. Pts who injure themselves by self-mutalization but usually do not wish to die are said to
have which of the following?: C) Parasuicidial behaviors
217. The NP preceptor should have which of the following?: D) All of the above
218. The tx choice of pts with histrionic PD include which of the following?: D) A & B
219. The antipsychotics that are most likely to cause neuroleptic induced parkinsonism have