Download Psychology Concepts and Theories and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! BluePrint FL 5 PS Lazarus vs Schacter-Singer - correct answer ✔✔Lazarus = cognitive label -> physiological change + emotional response Schacter-Singer = physiological change + cognitive appraisal -> emotion fundamental attribution error - correct answer ✔✔the tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition misattribution of arousal - correct answer ✔✔The tendency for people to incorrectly label the source of the arousal that they are experiencing normative organizations - correct answer ✔✔members join voluntarily based on shared moral goal (i.e. Red Cross) utilitarian organizations - correct answer ✔✔Organization where members get paid for their efforts (ex. businesses) coercive organizations - correct answer ✔✔organization in which members do not have a choice in joining (i.e. prison) implicit memory - correct answer ✔✔subconscious memory that usually pertains to procedural behavior or conditioned responses. What is sublimation - correct answer ✔✔-part of psychodynamic theory -when someone channels unacceptable urges into something more acceptable Reaction formation - correct answer ✔✔-psychoanalytic defense mechanism by which the ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites. -Thus, people may express feelings that are the opposite of their anxiety-arousing unconscious feelings. -think when you were binging -> its the opposite of what I wanted to do, but did the opposite George Mead theory of self - correct answer ✔✔-theorized that one's identity is developed through social interaction -in order to develop a self, an individual has to be able to view his- or herself through the eyes of others, which is a skill that must be learned "me' = the attitudes, roles, meanings, pressures, and values of society and others around the individual that are organized into one's social self through role-taking. = THE SOCIAL SELF -the part of you that conforms to society's expectations "I" = the part of the self that can be identified with desires, freedom, and creativity. = ONE'S RESPONSE TO THE "ME" -more spontaneous and less likely to conform to society's norms George Mead's social theory presents the part of the self which is called the "me" as the: A. autonomous sense of self that reacts to the attitudes taken in from society. B. part of the self that generates moral behavior and is critical of the self's thoughts and actions. C. collection of attitudes taken from society. D. organized, realistic part of the self that mediates between base desires and moral impulses. - correct answer ✔✔C define the extent to which id, ego and superego is conscious, preconscious, and unconscious - correct answer ✔✔Ego = conscious, preconscious and unconsious