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A comprehensive set of multiple-choice questions covering various topics in psychology, including critical thinking, research methods, perspectives, and ethical considerations. Each question is accompanied by a correctly solved answer, making it a valuable resource for students preparing for exams or seeking to deepen their understanding of the subject.
Typology: Exams
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1.Which of the following is a principle of critical thinking?: Insist on evidence 2.Who was among the first to show that intelligence tests are culturally biased?: Jorge Sanchez 3.Which of the following is a drawback of case studies?: Interviewers may influence participants to give responses that suit their expectations. 4.Evelyn's therapist keeps reminding her that she must take responsibility for her thoughts and actions, and reinvent herself. Which approach is her therapist most likely using?: humanistic-existential 5.John B. Watson developed the social-cognitive perspective, arguing for the influence of social factors over cognition: False 6.Researchers in which field primarily study how we perceive and mentally represent the world, how we learn, remember the past, plan, problem solve, and use language?: cognitive psychology 7.A participant's agreement to participate in research after receiving infor- mation about the purposes of the study and the nature of the treatments
2 / 49 is referred to as .: informed consent 8.Which of the following is an important factor emphasized by the sociocul- tural perspective in understanding behavior and mental processes?: gender 9.Ravi is unable to choose the right career path after completing his college education. He plans to visit a psychologist who might help him find the right career. In this scenario, Ravi is most likely to visit a human factors psychologist.: false 10.Which of the following statements is true of the scientific method?: Psy- chologists are guided by principles of critical thinking as they try to draw conclusions from research evidence collected through the scientific method. 11.Psychologists with which of these perspectives primarily venture into the realm of mental processes such as sensation and perception, memory, intelligence, language, thought, and problem solving to understand human nature?: Cognitive 12.Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method?: formulating a research question 13.Javinder was arguing with Pina, Kurt, over the best approach to studying
3 / 49 psychology. John insisted that we should consider only what we can observe, while Kurt maintained that human perceptions cannot be explained only in terms of basic units, that it is more than the sum of its parts. To which school of thought does John subscribe?: behaviorism 14.Which of these s the school of psychology that argues that the mind consists of three basic elements—sensations, feelings, and images— that combine to form experience?: structuralism 15.People using which perspective were the first to believe that the mind functions by combining objective and subjective elements of experience?:
4 / 49 19.Someone is having trouble adjusting to the new students in their class- room. This individual does not have any serious psychological disorders but has trouble making new friends. What kind of psychologist would most likely be consulted to help the person?: developmental 20.Which method allows psychologists and other scientists to observe be- havior where it happens, or "in the field?": naturalistic observation 21.Breonna insists racism is only present if a person violently attacks some- one of another race while spewing racial slurs, but Jacqueline believes that racism happens when someone supports policies that benefit one group over another. On which point and aspect of critical thinking do Breonna and Jacqueline disagree?: examine definitions of terms
5 / 49 .: how physical events are related to psychological sensations and per- ception 25.According to the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Asso- ciation, animals cannot be harmed under any circumstance while conducting research: False 26.Julie's research work requires her to interview a sample of 200 people within two months. She needs to gather data about the sample group's attitude toward certain situations through a questionnaire, but she has limited time to gather the information. Which of the following methods should Julie use to gather the required information?: the survey method 27.While industrial psychologists focus on the relationships between people and work, the behavior of people in workplaces such as businesses is studied by which of these fields?: organizational psychologists 28.Which of the following statements is true of clinical psychologists?: They evaluate problems such as anxiety and depression through interviews and psycho- logical tests.
6 / 49 30.Veronica wants the people in her study to reflect the proportionate demo- graphics of her country. Which type of sample should she seek?: stratified 31.Psychoanalysis is the name of the theory of personality developed by Sigmund Freud.: true 32.Correlations allow us to determine causality.: False 33.In the 1940s and 1950s, psychodynamic theory dominated the practice of psychotherapy.: True 34.Nathan is known to have moments of unnecessary drama when he be- haves as if he is having a panic attack, even though he really isn't. During these moments, his friend friend Agador helps him to relax by giving him two tablets that Nathan thinks are real medication. In fact, they are just compressed baking soda that have no medicine in them. If Nathan feels better after taking the tablets, stating that they help him relax, the baking soda pills are acting as a(n) .: Placebo 35.Which early researcher published Elements of Psychophysics, showing how physical events can stimulate psychological experiences?: Fechner 36.Caroline is a psychologist who studies how stress induces ailments
7 / 49 such as heart problems and headaches. Some of her clients are smokers, and she is helping them quit smoking. She also suggests lifestyle changes to her clients to help them reduce and cope with stress. Caroline can best be described as a(n) .: health psychologists 37.Derris is a research assistant in Dr. Smith's psychology lab. When the participant asked him what the conditions of the study were, Derris replied, "I do not know.' This is an example of a study.: double-blind 38.Gestalt psychologists claimed that one cannot explain human perceptions, emotions, or thought processes in terms of basic units.: True 39.As opposed to a dependent variable, an independent variable is manipu- lated by the experimenters so that its effects may be determined.: True 40.Identify a true statement about social-cognitive theorists.: They note that people engage in intentional learning by observing others. 41.In every experiment, what the researcher is trying to determine has changed or not is called the .: Dependent variable 42.Tunde has concluded that the only reason Jerry chooses bullying behav- iors is due to his lack of dopamine. Which aspect of critical thinking has Tunde mistaken?: do not oversimplify
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9 / 49 species—are made possible by the nervous system and especially by the brain?: Biological 49.Which contemporary perspective is most likely a combination of struc- turalism, functionalism, Gestalt, and the ideas of Socrates?: cognitive 50.When you are training a pet, you are most likely relying on which of the following psychological perspectives?: behaviorist 51.Structuralists emphasized the tendency to organize perceptions into wholes and to integrate separate stimuli into meaningful patterns.: False 52.Erik Erikson focused more on unconscious processes and less on con- scious choice and self-direction.: False 53.Psychology seeks to describe, explain, predict, and control behavior and mental processes.: True 54.Sociocultural psychologists study those things we refer to as the mind.: - False 55.A person in which field primarily focuses on the relationships between people and work?: industrial psychologist 56.Who was a founder of the school of functionalism?: William James
10 / 49 57.Identify a true statement about social-cognitive theorists.: they note that people engage in intentional learning by observing others 58.Famous neoanalysts such as Karen Horney and Erik Erikson differ from earlier psychodynamic practitioners in that they .: focused less on unconscious processes and more on conscious choice and self- direction 59.Who was the founder of behaviorism?: John B. Watson 60.Which of the following statements is true of applied research?: It is de- signed to find solutions to specific personal or social problems 61.Which of the following is a goal of psychology?: to explain behavior and mental processes 62.Which of the following is true of behaviorism?: Behaviorists define psychol- ogy as the scientific study of behavior, not of behavior and mental processes. 63.Which of the following perspectives stresses people's capacities for self-fulfillment and the central roles of consciousness, self-awareness, and decision making?: humanism 64.Which of these can be defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes?: psychology
11 / 49 65.A hypothesis is a .: statement about behavior or mental processes that is testable through research 66.Which perspective is grounded in the work of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow?: humanistic-existential 67.Which two early approaches are no longer followed by psychologists today?: structuralism and functionalism 68.Karen Horney and Erik Erikson are two examples of psychologists who put their own spin on Freud's methods, and call themselves .: neo- analysts 69.The brain and the spinal cord make up which of these parts of the nervous system?: central nervous system 70.Which part of the brain do some researchers consider to be the "executive center" of the brain, where decisions are made to keep information in working memory and to solve problems?: prefrontal cortex 71.Chukuameka is similar in appearance to his siblings. Which of these is determined by nature and nurture?: phenotype 72.Which of the following statements highlights the relationship between dopamine and schizophrenia?: People with schizophrenia may have more recep- tor sites for dopamine in an area of the brain that is involved in
12 / 49 emotional responding. 73.The body's system of ductless glands that secrete hormones and release them directly into the bloodstream is known as which of the following?: en- docrine system 74.In the context of behavioral genetics, identify the correct statement.: - Heredity is apparently involved in psychological disorders ranging from anxiety and depression to personality disorders. 75.The nucleotides found along just one of the rungs of a DNA double helix are also called the .: genetic code 76.Nicotine, alcohol, and many other drugs are pleasurable because they heighten levels of .: dopamine 77.Alex and Sean went hiking to celebrate their wedding anniversary, and saw a bear in their path. Which division of their nervous systems would prepare them for the fight or flight response?: sympathetic 78.The electroencephalograph is a method of .: detecting brain waves by means of measuring the current between electrodes placed on the scalp 79.As Dagwood is chomping on a huge sandwich, he thinks about how glad he is that he does not have to consciously control his digestion because
13 / 49 that function is handled by his .: autonomic nervous system 80.Which of the following is most directly related to the endocrine system?: - hormones 81.Which of the following is a likely consequence of low thyroxin secretion in adults?: Adults who secrete too little thyroxin may feel tired and sluggish and may put on weight. 82.Ijeoma hurt her knee when she fell while learning a new snowboarding trick. She is already starting to feel better before taking pain killing medication due to her body releasing which morphine-like neurotransmitter?: endorphins 83.Being left-handed appears to provide a somewhat greater-than- average probability of .: having dyslexia 84.The bulge in the hindbrain that lies forward of the medulla and transmits information about body movement is called the .: pons 85.Akira's pituitary gland is acting strangely, sending random signals to his other glands. Akira may have damage in which brain structure that controls the master gland?: hypothalamus 86.The left hemisphere of the brain is relatively more involved in tasks that require logic and problem solving than the right hemisphere.: True
14 / 49 87.Each kind of neurotransmitter has a unique chemical structure, and each can fit into a specifically tailored harbor, also known as a .: receptor site 88.Which of the following statements is true of hormones?: They are secreted directly into the bloodstream. 89.Lamar got a head injury while playing football, and his doctor wants to see which parts of his brain are active while he is doing various mental tasks. Which technology should Lamar's doctor choose?: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) 90.Paul is a 55-year-old man who has been having some difficulty recalling important details. On visiting a doctor, he was told that he was in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. Which neurotransmitter is most associated with Alzheimer's disease?: acetylcholine 91.Chika has lost the sensation of touch in her skin. Which part of her brain is most likely malfunctioning?: somatosensory cortex 92.Shantra is a young girl who was in a bus accident a few years ago. Since her accident, Shantra is only able to remember people she had met before the accident and instances from her childhood. However, she is unable to remem- ber people she met recently or events that are currently happening
15 / 49 in her life. She reads the same newspaper for several days without realizing that she has read it before. The accident has made Shantra unable permanently store new information because she sustained an injury to her .: hippocampus 93.What is the purpose of a split-brain operation?: To integrate the functions of both the hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. 94.Whenever we hear a loud, unexpected sound, we often have a startle response. The pattern of behavior that is triggered in this specific situation is called a (an) .: instinct 95.One of the concepts of evolutionary psychology is that not only physical traits but also many patterns of behavior, including social behavior, evolve and can be transmitted genetically from generation to generation.: True 96.Nasreen and her younger brother Abdellah have a genetic overlap of percent.: 50 97.Which of the following statements is true of instinctive behavior?: Instinc- tive behavior tends to resist modification, even when it serves no purpose. 98.Jakob is always too warm and perspires frequently. Which of the following structures is most responsible for him being too warm?:
16 / 49 hypothalamus 99.The neural impulses that travel along a neuron are purely chemical in nature.: False
17 / 49 and processes?: nature
18 / 49 cause of these issues?: reticular formation
19 / 49 natural parents in a particular trait, strong evidence exists for a genetic role in the development of that trait.: True
20 / 49 primary language processing area?: Broca's and Wernicke's areas are usually on the left.
21 / 49 anything. But as they became more attentive, the sound gradually became clearer. This is an example of .: sensitization
22 / 49 dimensional sphere. Which of the following monocular cues can account for this effect?: interposi- tion
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