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Psychology of Learning - Exam 1 Study Guide | PSYC 2044, Study notes of Psychology

test 1 Material Type: Notes; Professor: Hoffman; Class: Psychology of Learning; Subject: Psychology; University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University; Term: Fall 2007;

Typology: Study notes

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Download Psychology of Learning - Exam 1 Study Guide | PSYC 2044 and more Study notes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! Psychology of Learning Exam 1 โ— How we know what we know โ—‹ Uncritical Acceptance โ–  Tenacity  accepted because com monly believed โ–  Intuition  Com mo n sense โ–  Authori ty โ—‹ Critical Acceptance โ–  Rationalism - reasoning โ–  Empiricis m  experience โ–  Science  combination of o ther two โ— Learning  change in me n tal s t a te which influences per manen tly โ— Innate  no p rior experience, is no t m o dified by experience โ— Historical Backgroun d โ—‹ Early Philosophers โ–  Plato  all knowledge is already there, you jus t realize it โ–  Aristo tle  knowledge comes fro m senses โ–  Descar tes  mind / bo dy d ualis m โ—‹ Empiricist s  Knowledge gained th rough sensory experience โ–  Hobbes  min d and brain are t he sa me โ–  Locke  Same as Aris to tle โ–  Hume  Laws of Association โ—‹ Modern Theoris ts โ–  Pavlov  Classical Conditioning โ— acquisition  initial learning of conditioned res ponse โ— extinction  s t rength of conditioned res ponse declines because t he CS is t here withou t t he US, does n' t actually go away โ— Pairing CS and US โ—‹ t race conditioning  CS begins an d ends before US is p resented โ—‹ delayed conditioning  US appears as or before CS disap pears โ—‹ sim ultaneous conditioning  CS an d US coincide exactly โ—‹ backward conditioning  CS follows US โ— Stimulus Substitu tion theory  CR an d UR are sa me, CS s ubs titu tes US (not really sa me, not a good theory) โ— Prepara tory response t heory  what is learned d u ring classical conditioning is a res ponse t ha t p re pares t he organis m for appearance of US โ— Contingency theory  association is crea ted when one assesses a correla tion between US and CS (can' t accoun t for blocking) โ–  Thorn dike  Operan t Conditioning โ–  Skinner  environ men tal causes for behavior