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PT Practice I Final Practice Exam Questions with
Complete Solutions
Who is the Chair of the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners? Vice Chair? Secretary? - Correct AnswersChair: Gary Gray Vice Chair: Sharie Waldie Secretary: Melinda Rodriguez What council does the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners fall under? What do they do (2)? - Correct AnswersExecutive Council of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Examiners (ECOTPTE)
- proposes/adopts rules concerning the Texas Physical Therapy Practice Act
- grants licensure in state of Texas What does the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) do (3)? - Correct Answers1) protects the public
- promotes safe and competent physical therapy practice
- develops and administers the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) What test
- assesses basic entry-level competence for first time licensure,
- provides examination services to regulatory authorities (state boards),
- provides a common element so that standards are comparable across jurisdictions, and
- protects public interest to permit only those with requisite knowledge to practice physical therapy? - Correct AnswersNational Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) How many jurisdictions does the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) have and what are they? - Correct Answers 50 states District of Colombia Puerto Rico Virgin Islands What is the administrative code of the Texas State Practice Act? - Correct AnswersTitle 3, Subtitle H, Chapter 453, Occupations Code Is a referral required for initiation of physical therapy services in Texas? - Correct AnswersYes - A physical therapist is subject to discipline from the board for providing physical therapy treatment without a referral from a qualified healthcare practitioner licensed by the appropriate licensing board, who within the scope of the professional licensure is authorized to prescribe treatment of individuals. Who are the 6 qualifying referral sources under the Texas State Practice Act? - Correct Answers1) physicians
- dentists
- chiropractors
- podiatrists
- physician assistants
- advanced nurse practitioners What are the 4 exceptions to the referral requirement? - Correct Answers1) A PT may evaluate without referral.
- A PT may provide instructions to any person who is asymptomatic relating to the instructions being given without a referral, including instruction to promote health, wellness, and fitness.
- Emergency circumstances. A PT may provide emergency medical care to a person after the sudden onset of a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity without referral if the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in a serious threat to the patient's health, serious impairment to bodily functions, or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
- Prior referrals. A physical therapist may treat a patient for an injury or condition that is the subject of a prior referral if all of the following conditions are met. A physical therapist may treat a patient for an injury or condition that is the subject of a prior referral if what 4 conditions are met? - Correct Answers1) The physical therapist must notify the original referring healthcare personnel of the commencement of therapy by telephone within 5 days, or by letter postmarked within 5 business days;
- The physical therapy provided must not be for more than 20 treatment sessions or 30 consecutive calendar days, whichever occurs first. At the conclusion of this time or treatment, the physical therapist must confer with the referring healthcare personnel before continuing treatment;
- The treatment can only be provided to a client/patient who received the referral not more than 1 year previously; and
- The physical therapist providing treatment must have been licensed for 1 year. The physical therapist responsible for the treatment of the patient may delegate appropriate duties to another physical therapist having less than 1 year of experience or to a physical therapist assistant. A physical therapist licensed for more than 1 year must retain responsibility for and supervision of the treatment. What are the 2 methods of referral? - Correct Answers1) in a written document, including faxed and emailed documents
- verbally, in person or by telephone. If a referral is transmi tted verbally, whether in person or by telephone, it must be received, recorded and signed by the PT, PTA or other authorized personnel, and include all of the information that would appear on a written referral.
What 2 components must a reevaluation include? - Correct Answers1) onsite reexamination of the patient
- review of the plan of care with appropriate continuation, revision, or termination of treatment Can a PTA provide physical therapy services without supervision of a PT? - Correct AnswersNo What 2 reasons would a patient receiving treatment need to be reevaluated by the physical therapist? - Correct Answers1) at a minimum of once every 30 days after treatment is initiated, or at a higher frequency as established by the PT
- in response to a change in the patient's medical status that affects physical therapy treatment, when a change in the physical therapy plan of care is needed, or prior to any planned discharge How long is a temporary license valid for in the state of Texas? - Correct Answers1) until the applicant receives the score report from the board, or
- until the last day of the third month after the month the license is issued, whichever occurs first True or False. An applicant with a temporary PT license must have on-site supervision by a physical therapist with a permanent license to practice in Texas when providing physical therapy services. - Correct AnswersTrue Licensees are required to renew their licenses every ___ years by the end of the MONTH in which they were originally licensed. The board will send notification to each licensee at least 30 days prior to the license expiration date. The licensee is responsible for ensuring that the license is renewed, regardless of receipt of notification - Correct Answers _______ is the ongoing acquisition and maintenance of the professional knowledge, skill, and ability of the PT or PTA through successful completion of educational and professional activities related to the physical therapy profession. - Correct AnswersContinuing competence
For each biennial renewal, physical therapists must complete a total of ___ continuing competence units (CCUs) or hours. Continuing competence activities utilized to fulfill renewal requirements must be completed within the 24 months prior to the license expiration date. - Correct Answers Licensees must maintain original continuing competence activity completion documents for ___ years after the license expiration date. - Correct Answers All licensees must complete ___ CCUs in board-approved programs in ethics and professional responsibility as part of their total continuing competence requirement. - Correct Answers What 4 criteria must be met in order for services provided by a student to be billed by the long-term care facility according to Medicare Part B guidelines? - Correct Answers1) The qualified professional is present and in the room for the entire session. The student participates in the delivery of services when the qualified practitioner is directing the service, making the skilled judgment, and is responsible for the assessment and treatment.
- The practitioner is not engaged in treating another patient or doing other tasks at the same time.
- The qualified professional is the person responsible for the services and, as such, signs all documentation. (A student may, of course, also sign but it is not necessary because the Part B payment is for the clinician's service, not for the student's services.)
- Physical therapy assistants and occupational therapy assistants are not precluded from serving as clinical instructors for therapy assistant students while providing services within their scope of work and performed under the direction and supervision of a qualified physical or occupational therapist. Are physical therapy students required to be in line-of-sight of the professional supervising therapist/assistant according to Medicare Part A guidelines? - Correct AnswersNo - Within individual facilities, supervising therapists/assistants must make the determination as to whether or not a student is ready to treat patients without line-of-sight supervision. Time may be coded on the MDS when the therapist provides skilled services and direction to a student who is participating in the provision of therapy. All time that the student spends with patients should be documented.
A permanent legal record that contains:
- subjective and objective patient information (obtained by the physical therapist),
- the medical care rendered,
- informed consent to treatment, and
- advanced directive and "DNR." - Correct Answersmedical record What program was founded in 1918 and was composed of primarily physicians in which provided complete, accurate reporting of care? - Correct AnswersHospital Standardization Program What 2 programs were founded in 1965 that allowed for physical therapy documentation in medical records for patient care purposes? - Correct AnswersMedicare Program Social Security Act What happened in 1980 that allowed (1) CMS/Medicare tracking of services, (2) documentation for reimbursement, and (3) documentation for fraudulent claims? - Correct Answerscomputerization What 4 components must be present in order to authenticate medical record entries with signature? - Correct Answers1) name
- professional designation (PT or SPT)
- educational degrees (DPT)
- license number Who is the largest payer of healthcare in the U.S. that sets guidelines for all other payers? - Correct AnswersCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) A framework for measuring health and disability of individuals and populations in a unified and standard language endorsed by the World Health Organization. It provides a common language for describing functional status and disability according to health and health- related states. It also blends anatomical and physiological impairments, physical functioning, and contextual factors. This is accomplished by categorizing information
about an individual's health condition into what 2 distinct but related parts? - Correct AnswersInternational Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
- Functioning and Disability
- Contextual Factors Part 1 of the ICF, Functioning and Disability, can be further divided into what 2 components? - Correct Answers1) Body Functions and Structures (Impairments)
- Activities (Limitations) and Participation (Restrictions) Part 2 of the ICF, Contextual Factors, is composed of what 2 components? - Correct Answers1) Environmental Factors
- Personal Factors What part of the ICF is used to examine the individual and determine if deviations from "normal" physiological and anatomical functions and structures exist? It allows for identification of body systems that are uninvolved (or intact [positive aspects]) and involved (or impaired [negative aspects]). - Correct AnswersBody Functions and Structure Completion of a task or action by an individual. - Correct Answersactivity Involvement in a life situation or role. - Correct Answersparticipation A problem with body function (physiological or psychological) or structure (limb, organ) such as deviation from or loss of what would be considered normal. It may be directly related to the health condition or a result of another impairment. It can be considered permanent or temporary; progressive, regressive, or static; intermittent or continuous; slight or severe; fluctuating. - Correct Answersimpairment Difficulties that might be encountered by an individual who is attempting to complete a task or carry out an activity. - Correct Answersactivity limitations Problems an individual might face while involved in life situations or roles. - Correct Answersparticipation restrictions
Encompasses bodily functions, activities, and participation. - Correct Answersfunctioning Encompasses impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. - Correct Answersdisability The facilitating (+) or hindering (-) impact of features in the physical, social, and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives. - Correct Answersenvironmental factors (facilitating or hindering) Systematic framework created by Saad Nagi for the U.S. Social Security Agency in order to conceptualize work disability in a better way so that there could be a better scheme programmed for U.S. workers. - Correct AnswersNagi Disablement Model (1965) What 4 steps does the Nagi Disablement Model follow? - Correct Answers1) active pathology
- physical impairment
- functional limitations
- disability A system of classifying patient illnesses and injuries by diagnosis. - Correct AnswersInternational Classification of Disease (ICD) Developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the 1850s to describe what the actual illness is that is affecting the patient as well as to include referral information. - Correct Answersmedical diagnosis Problem for which therapy is being rendered for (different from medical diagnosis) that is functionally orientated rather than physiologically or illness related. It ties diagnosis, goals, and intervention all together. - Correct Answersphysical therapy diagnosis What is the ICD- 10 code for gait abnormality? - Correct Answers781.
What is the ICD- 10 code for stiffness of joint? - Correct AnswersM25.621 (the last 3 digits after the decimal are specific to which joint it is) What is the ICD- 10 code for pain of joint? - Correct AnswersM25. What is the ICD- 10 code for general weakness? - Correct AnswersR53. What is the ICD- 10 code for posture? - Correct AnswersR29. Developed and owned by the AMA and is required for all billing purposes that are medical field related (including PT). PT related services are referred to as _______. - Correct AnswersCommon Procedural Terminology (CPT- 4 codes) physical medicine codes What is the unique PT CPT- 4 code for evaluation? - Correct Answers What is the unique PT CPT- 4 code for reevaluation? - Correct Answers What is the unique PT CPT- 4 code for hot pack? - Correct Answers What is the unique PT CPT- 4 code for therex procedures? - Correct Answers What is the unique PT CPT- 4 code for gait training? - Correct Answers What is the unique PT CPT- 4 code for manual therapy? - Correct Answers System proposed by the APTA to reform payment services for outpatient PT services in order to make things simpler and easier for PT coding/billing purposes and will "improve quality of care, recognize and promote the clinical judgment of the PT and provide policy makers and payers with an accurate payment system that ensures integrity of necessary services." - Correct AnswersProposed Physical Therapy Classification and Payment System (PTCPS)
The Proposed Physical Therapy Classification and Payment System (PTCPS) is divided into what 2 categories by a code descriptor (separates how the billing works)? - Correct Answers1) evaluation based on clinical complexity
- visit/session based examination (patient severity) and intervention (intensity of visit) What are the 3 categories of G-codes? - Correct Answers1) current status
- projected goals
- discharge status Two-letter codes used to describe the status severity of impaired conditions. - Correct Answersseverity modifiers 0% impaired - Correct AnswersCH 1 to < 20% impaired - Correct AnswersCI 20 to < 40% impaired - Correct AnswersCJ 40 to < 60% impaired - Correct AnswersCK 60 to < 80% impaired - Correct AnswersCL 80 to < 100% - Correct AnswersCM 100% impaired - Correct AnswersCN What part of the SOAP note includes the following:
- information collected from the patient/caregiver that is RELEVANT to therapy,
- previous therapy and results, pertinent quotes, verbal history,
- present complaints, goals, description of symptoms, patient's view of progress, and
- information from Medical Chart Review? - Correct AnswersSubjective
What part of the SOAP note includes the following:
- precautions,
- data from tests performed (vital signs, ROM measurements, strength grades, etc.),
- observations made with the therapist's eyes, ears, hands,
- measurable descriptions of body functions/structures, activities, and participation (functional activities),
- interventions performed, described, in detail, including duration, and
- red and yellow flags? - Correct AnswersObjective What part of the SOAP note includes the following:
- evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis,
- evaluation of S & O,
- impairment list,
- condition change for better or worse and why, and
- professional opinions of patient's potential, progress, and referral needs? - Correct AnswersAssessment What part of the SOAP note includes the following:
- short-term and long-term goals,
- frequency, duration, specific interventions, precautions to be followed, and progression,
- discharge plan? - Correct AnswersPlan What 3 components must be included in the discharge plan? - Correct Answers1) current physical/functional status
- degrees of goals achieved and reasons for goals not being achieved
- discharge/discontinuation plan related to the patient/clients continuing care (i.e. home program, referrals for additional services, family and caregiver training, and equipment provided)
What are the 3 stages of empathy? - Correct Answers1) self-transposal (active listening)
- identification
- sympathy What are the 3 stages of active listening (self-transposal)? - Correct Answers1) restatement
- reflection
- clarification What serves as the cornerstone for the care we give that implies the very first impression counts in order to obtain patient/client trust at initial contact? - Correct AnswersThe Helping Interview What are the 3 stages of the Helping Interview? - Correct Answers1) initiation
- body
- closing What are the 6 non-verbal elements of the Helping Interview? - Correct Answers1) time/uninterrupted
- space/positioning
- posture
- voice inflection (change)
- eye contact
- distracting body movements The prevalence of low health literacy of English-speaking patients is ___% and of Spanish- speaking patients is ___%. - Correct Answers 50
What model from the Models of Helping admonishes (scolds) the patient for causing the problem? The patient's education is of high value but probably less likely to happen. - Correct AnswersMoral Model What model from the Models of Helping is used when the provider has sympathy for patient's problems? The patient's education is highly valued and the provider is highly motivated to provide education. - Correct AnswersCompensatory Model What model from the Models of Helping lessens the value of the patient's education and makes the responsibility of the provider to find a solution which minimizes the need for patient education? - Correct AnswersEnlightenment Model What model from the Models of Helping is used when the provider has sympathy for the patient but is responsible for a solution that minimizes the need for patient education? It places a less value on patient education. - Correct AnswersMedical Model Personal actions have direct influence on outcomes, events, and experiences under their control; likely to seek information and tend to have more favorable health outcomes. - Correct Answersinternal locus Events caused by fate; powerful others; factors out of their control; prefer to follow directions of an expert. - Correct Answersexternal locus What are the 5 stages of the Transtheoretical Model? - Correct Answers1) precontemplation
- contemplation
- preparation
- action
- maintenance What stage of the Transtheoretical Model is the patient not intending to change? - Correct AnswersPrecontemplation
What stage of the Transtheoretical Model is the patient intending to change within 6 months? - Correct AnswersContemplation What stage of the Transtheoretical Model is the patient actively planning to change in the next 30 days? - Correct AnswersPreparation What stage of the Transtheoretical Model is where the patient has initiated change within the past 6 months? - Correct AnswersAction What stage of the Transtheoretical Model is where the patient has successfully modified behavior for more than 6 months? - Correct AnswersMaintenance What grade reading level are most patients at? - Correct Answers6th to 8th