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A comprehensive overview of qsp (qualified stormwater professional) exam questions and answers, covering key aspects of environmental regulations and best management practices (bmps) for construction projects. It delves into topics such as stormwater runoff control, erosion prevention, sediment management, and compliance with relevant regulations. Valuable for individuals preparing for the qsp exam or seeking to understand the principles of sustainable construction practices.
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A likely precipitation event is any weather pattern that is forecasted to have a ____% or greater probability of producing precipitation in the project area. a. 10 b. 25 c. 50 d. 75 e. 99 - Answer- C A QSP is responsible for: a. Day to day implementation, inspections, and observations b. Amending the SWPPP as required c. Developing and certifying the SWPPP d. Certifying reports in SMARTS - Answer- a. Day to day implementation, inspections, and observations A storm that produces ½ inch or more of precipitation, with a 48 hour or greater period between rain events is a/an... a. Qualifying rain event b. Extended storm event c. Inactive storm event d. Unsafe monitoring event - Answer- a. Qualifying rain event
A temporary or permanent structural BMP that directs concentrated flows away from disturbed areas and prevents erosion is... a. erosion control b. run on/ run off control c. sediment control - Answer- b. run on/ run off control Acceptable methods to demonstrate final stabilization include: a. 50%vegetative coverage b. 100% vegetative coverage c. RUSLE 2 method - Answer- c. RUSLE 2 method Activities under the CGP include: a. Routine maintenance to maintain original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of the facility. b. Disturbances to land surfaces solely related to agricultural operations. c. Clearing and grading 2 acres of land d. Discharges of storm water from areas on tribal lands. - Answer- c. Clearing and grading 2 acres of land All NAL data must be uploaded within ___ after NAL exceedance has been identified a. 24 hours b. 1 week c. 10 days d. 2 weeks - Answer- c. 10 days
Certain non-storm water discharges may be necessary for the completion of construction projects. Therefore the General Permit authorizes such discharges provided they meet the following conditions except: a. Meet the NALs for pH and turbidity b. Not cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards c. Comply with BMPs as described in the SWPPP d. Be infeasible to eliminate e. Causes or threatens to cause pollution, contamination, or nuisance - Answer- e. Causes or threatens to cause pollution, contamination, or nuisance Hydrologic source controls are a design technique that minimize and/or slow the rate of stormwater runoff from the site. Examples include: a. Reduction of pervious surfaces b. Use of landscaping as a storm drain treatment feature c. Drain rooftop downspouts to impervious areas d. Stormwater treatment facility - Answer- b. Use of landscaping as a storm drain treatment feature If the R Factor is ____, you can apply for the Erosivity Waiver. a. 1 b. Less than 1 c. 5 d. Less than 5 - Answer- d. Less than 5
NEL Violation Reports must be submitted to State Board within 24 hours after exceedance has been identified. NEL's are only subject to: a. Risk Level 1 b. Risk Level 2 c. Risk Level 3 d. ATS Sites only - Answer- d. ATS Sites only Once identified, dischargers shall begin implementing repairs or design changes to BMPs: a. Immediately b. Within 24 hours c. Within 48 hours d. ASAP, but not more than 72 hours - Answer- d. ASAP, but not more than 72 hours Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) shall consist of all of the following except: a. Site Map b. Signed Certification Statement c. Risk Assessment d. Notice of Termination (NOT) e. Notice of Intent (NOI) - Answer- d. Notice of Termination (NOT) Project sediment risk is: a. the relative amount of sediment that can be discharged, driven largely by scheduling and site characteristics
b. the risk sediment discharges pose to the receiving waters. - Answer- a. the relative amount of sediment that can be discharged, driven largely by scheduling and site characteristics Risk Level 2 monitoring requirements include: a. Effluent sampling where applicable b. Sampling for pH and turbidity c. Sampling for pH, turbidity, and suspended sediments - Answer- b. Sampling for pH and turbidity Stockpiles require a linear sediment barrier at all times, and must be covered prior to a rain event or when inactive. A stockpile is inactive after __days of inactivity. a. 3 b. 7 c. 10 d. 14 - Answer- d. 14 The amount of eroded soil that settles out at a point in the watershed that is remote from the origin of the detached soil particles is... a. Rainfall Erosivity Factor b. Slope Length and Steepness Factors c. Soil Cover Factor d. Sediment Yield - Answer- d. Sediment Yield The discharger shall ensure a QSP develop a Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) __ hours prior to any likely precipitation event.
a. Immediately b. 24 hours c. 48 hours d. ASAP but not more than 72 hours - Answer- c. 48 hours The FOUR phases of construction include, all of the following EXCEPT: a. Streets and Utility Phase b. Vertical Construction Phase c. Stormwater Sampling d. Grading and Land Development Phase e. Final landscaping and Site Stabilization Phase - Answer- c. Stormwater Sampling The R factor accounts for: a. Project location, length of construction period, and time of year b. Project schedule c. Historical rain events d. Potential pollutants on site - Answer- a. Project location, length of construction period, and time of year The REAP must be onsite during construction and available a. for a minimum of 1 Year b. for a minimum of 3 Years c. 72 hours prior to any likely precipitation event d. Until the end of the construction project - Answer- b. for a minimum of 3 Years
The removal of a uniform thin layer of soil by raindrop splash or water run-off is... a. Splash Erosion b. Rill Erosion c. Sheet Erosion d. Wind Erosion - Answer- c. Sheet Erosion TRUE OR FALSE: LUP projects are subject to post-construction requirements due to the nature of their construction to return project sites to preconstruction conditions. - Answer- False TRUE OR FALSE: A project may be terminated if construction activities have been suspended. - Answer- True TRUE OR FALSE: A project may not be terminated if the permitted construction property is sold(property ownership has been transferred) prior to project completion - Answer- False TRUE OR FALSE: All Annual Reports, or other information required by the General Permit (other than PRDs and NOTs) or requested by the Regional Water Board, State Water Board, U.S. EPA, or local stormwater management agency shall be certified and submitted by the QSD - Answer- False (LRP Certifies)
At Risk Level 2 & 3 sites, receiving water monitoring is required if the receiving water monitoring trigger exceeded pH, turbidity and SSC. Bioassessment for sites 30 acres or larger.
LID's goal is to mimic a site's pre-development hydrology by using design and techniques that infiltrate, store, evaporate, and detain runoff close to its source. - Answer- True Upload photos to SMARTS that are taken during daily inspections of the LUP site before, during, and after every ___ storm event a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth - Answer- c. Third Visual monitoring is required for non-storm water, pre-rain and post-rain at what Risk Levels? a. Risk Level 1 b. Risk Level 2 c. Risk Level 3 d. All of the above - Answer- d. All of the above What does the "P" stand for in the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)? a. Soil erodibility factor b. Management operations and support practices (sediment controls) c. Rainfall-runoff erosivity factor d. Length-slope factor e. Cover factor (erosion controls) - Answer- b. Management operations and support practices (sediment controls)
What elements of RUSLE are independent of location? a. K b. R c. LS d. C & P - Answer- d. C & P What is an example of Housekeeping BMPs? a. Silt fence installation around the perimeter b. Waste management c. Covering inactive areas with hydroseed d. Installing fiber rolls along a slope - Answer- b. Waste management What is the difference of an LUP project in comparison to traditional projects? a. Erosion control is not needed. b. "Run-On/Run-Off" is not an objective. c. Sampling is not required. - Answer- b. "Run-On/Run-Off" is not an objective. What is the exceedance trigger for Receiving Water Monitoring? a. 100 NTU b. 250 NTU c. 500 NTU d. 1,000 NTU - Answer- c. 500 NTU
What is the Numeric Action Level (NAL) for pH? a. 3.5-5. b. 6.0-9. c. 6.5-8. d. 9.0-12.0 - Answer- c. 6.5-8. What is turbidity? a. The degree to which the water loses its transparency due to the presence of suspended particulates b. the acidity or alkalinity of a solution c. the degree to which a chemical substance or a particular mixture of substances can damage an organism - Answer- a. The degree to which the water loses its transparency due to the presence of suspended particulates What system that uses chemical coagulation, chemical flocculation, or electro- coagulation to reduce turbidity? a. ATS b. CGP c. CWA d. NAL - Answer- a. ATS When does the CGP apply? Any construction or demolition of one acre or more - Answer- Any construction or demolition of one acre or more
When possible, use erosion controls as the ___ protection, with sediment controls as a ___system. a. primary, secondary b. secondary, primary - Answer- a. primary, secondary Which projects must apply linear sediment controls along the face, toe, and grade breaks of exposed slopes? a. Risk Level 1 b. Risk Level 2 c. Risk Level 3 d. Risk Level 2 & 3 - Answer- d. Risk Level 2 & 3 Which regulation establishes a framework for regulating municipal and industrial storm water discharges to waters of the United States: a. Clean Water Act (CWA) b. Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act c. Endangered Species Act d. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) e. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) - Answer- a. Clean Water Act (CWA) Which risk level must electronically submit all storm event sampling results to State Water Board no later than 5 days after the conclusion of the storm event? a. Risk Level 1 b. Risk Level 2
c. Risk Level 3 d. All Risk Levels - Answer- c. Risk Level 3 Which statement is false? Bioassessment monitoring is required for projects that meet all of the following, EXCEPT: a. Rated Risk Level 3/ LUP Type 3 b. Directly discharges runoff to a freshwater wadeable stream that is sediment impaired and has beneficial uses for cold, migratory, and spawn c. Requires post-construction stormwater treatment d. Total project-related ground disturbance exceeds 30 acres - Answer- c. Requires post- construction stormwater treatment Which statement is false? Monitoring is not required when: a. the site/sampling locations are unsafe to access due to the storm event b. it is outside of scheduled site operation hours c. the contractor elects not to work and the site is "shut down" for a rainy day - Answer- c. the contractor elects not to work and the site is "shut down" for a rainy day Which statement is true? Risk Level 2 sites: a. Are subject to all Risk Level 3 requirements b. Must electronically submit all NAL exceedance storm event sampling results to State Water Board no later than 10 days after the storm event c. Have 10 categories of year-round minimum BMP's d. Do not need to manage run-on or run-off controls - Answer- b. Must electronically submit all NAL exceedance storm event sampling results to State Water Board no later than 10 days after the storm event
Who must file Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) prior to the commencement of construction activity? a. Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) b. Legally Responsible Person (LRP) or the LRP's Approved Signatory c. Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) d. The CEO - Answer- b. Legally Responsible Person (LRP) or the LRP's Approved Signatory Within ____ of when construction is complete or ownership has been transferred, the discharger shall electronically file a Notice of Termination (NOT), a final site map, and photos through the State Water Boards SMARTS system. a. 24 hours b. 3 days c. 60 days d. 90 days - Answer- d. 90 days A discharged shall ensure that a paper copy of each rain event action plan is CORRECT ANSWER: Maintained onsite - Answer- Maintained onsite A discharger is considered covered by the construction general permit when CORRECT ANSWER: PRDs have been filed **** unsure - Answer- PRDs have been filed **** unsure A discharger must notify the Regional Water Boards if there are planned changes in the construction activity that
CORRECT ANSWER: May result in non-compliance - Answer- May result in non-compliance A qualifying storm event is CORRECT ANSWER: A rain event that produces 1/2 inch or more of precipitation with a period of 48 hours or more between rain events. ****check - Answer- A rain event that produces 1/ inch or more of precipitation with a period of 48 hours or more between rain events. *****check All permit registration documents (PRDs) must be certified by ________ CORRECT ANSWER: a legally responsible person (LRP) or legally authorized approved signatory - Answer- a legally responsible person (LRP) or legally authorized approved signatory Are LUP projects subject to the post-construction standards in the construction general permit? CORRECT ANSWER: Yes ****check - Answer- Yes ****check Are sediment control BMPs a primary or secondary means of preventing storm water contamination CORRECT ANSWER: Secondary - Answer- Secondary ATS instruments shall record which of the following? CORRECT ANSWER: Flow, turbidity, and pH - Answer- Flow, turbidity, and pH
ATS records must be kept for three years after project completion. - Answer- True ATS stands for CORRECT ANSWER: Active Treatment System - Answer- Active Treatment System Bioassessment monitoring is an assessment of CORRECT ANSWER: measure of the number and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in a water body. - Answer- measure of the number and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in a water body. BMP stands for CORRECT ANSWER: Best Management Practice - Answer- Best Management Practice Construction general permit order DWQ- 2009 - 0009 regulates storm water discharges from? CORRECT ANSWER: All linear utility projects and construction sites that disturb over 1 acre - Answer- All linear utility projects and construction sites that disturb over 1 acre Continuous monitoring (no less than 15-min intervals) of ATS is required for: CORRECT ANSWER: *****check - Answer- *****check
CSMP stands for CORRECT ANSWER: Construction Site Monitoring Program - Answer- Construction Site Monitoring Program Do type 1 LUPs typically have a high potential to impact storm quality? Yes or No - Answer- No Does this permit authorize discharges of fill or dredged material regulated by the US army corps of engineers under CWA section 404? Yes or No - Answer- No Does this permit constitute a waiver of water quality certification under CWA section 401? CORRECT ANSWER: answer unknown (yes, no, sometimes, when the site looks good) - Answer- answer unknown (yes, no, sometimes, when the site looks good) During routine inspection a LUP discharger observes a non-stormwater discharge and therefore must prepare a non storm water report. CORRECT ANSWER: UNSURE* but: False (no non-stormwater report exists?) - Answer- UNSURE* but: False (no non-stormwater report exists?) TRUE OR FALSE: Each project utilizing ATS shall have a site-specific operation and maintenance manual - Answer- True
Failure to obtain coverage under the permit for storm water discharges to waters of the US is a violation of the CORRECT ANSWER: Clean Water Act and California Water Code - Answer- Clean Water Act and California Water Code For each day of discharge from a qualifying event, the absolute minimum number of pH and turbidity effluent samples is CORRECT ANSWER: Three - Answer- Three For traditional construction projects the LRP may be CORRECT ANSWER: The person who possesses real properly interest in the land upon which the construction activities will occur for the regulated site - Answer- The person who possesses real properly interest in the land upon which the construction activities will occur for the regulated site If required, when should risk level 1 sites conduct discharge sampling? CORRECT ANSWER: During business hours - Answer- During business hours In the RUSLE equation, "P" stands for CORRECT ANSWER: Management operations and support practices. - Answer- Management operations and support practices. TRUE OR FALSE:
Inspection Records have to be kept until the project is complete or three years, whichever comes first. - Answer- False LRP stands for CORRECT ANSWER: Legally responsible person - Answer- Legally responsible person Non-visible pollutant monitoring is CORRECT ANSWER: triggered by the potential for non-visible pollutants to be discharged from any project site. - Answer- triggered by the potential for non-visible pollutants to be discharged from any project site. Offsite run-on monitoring may be required on CORRECT ANSWER: risk level 3 sites - Answer- risk level 3 sites TRUE OR FALSE: Other reputable sources may be substituted for NOAA weather forecasts - Answer- False Quarterly non-storm water discharge monitoring inspections are not required for CORRECT ANSWER: Linear underground/overhead projects (LUP) sites - Answer- Linear underground/overhead projects (LUP) sites TRUE OR FALSE:
Rain Event Action Plan must be developed by a QSD - Answer- False REAPs are created by a CORRECT ANSWER: QSP - Answer- QSP Run-on and Run-off controls are not required for? CORRECT ANSWER: Risk level 1 projects and type 1 LUP projects - Answer- Risk level 1 projects and type 1 LUP projects RUSLE is an estimation of CORRECT ANSWER: Soil loss - Answer- Soil loss TRUE OR FALSE: Sampling activities must be done by a QSP - Answer- False TRUE OR FALSE: Sediment basins, at a minimum, shall be designed according to the CASQA Construction BMP Guidance Handbook. - Answer- True SWAMP stands for
CORRECT ANSWER: Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program - Answer- Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program The acronym LUP stands for CORRECT ANSWER: Linear underground/overhead project - Answer- Linear underground/overhead project The BMP requirements for Type 2 LUPs are found in CORRECT ANSWER: Attachment D - Answer- Attachment D The CGP allows for not monitoring under what conditions? CORRECT ANSWER: Dangerous weather conditions, unsafe storm event, and outside of scheduled operations. - Answer- Dangerous weather conditions, unsafe storm event, and outside of scheduled operations. The CGP requires the following monitoring elements for all risk levels CORRECT ANSWER: Visual monitoring, and monitoring of non-visible pollutants as needed - Answer- Visual monitoring, and monitoring of non-visible pollutants as needed The LRPs approved signatory for the military must be CORRECT ANSWER: Any military officer or department of defense civilian, acting in an equivalent capacity to a military officer, who has been designated - Answer- Any military officer or department of defense civilian, acting in an equivalent capacity to a military officer, who has been designated
The person in charge of the utility company, municipality, or other public or private company or agency that owns or operates the __________ may also serve as the LRP. CORRECT ANSWER: LUP - Answer- LUP The primary goal of BMP implementation is to? CORRECT ANSWER: Prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants - Answer- Prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants The SWPPP shall be available? CORRECT ANSWER: At the project site. - Answer- At the project site. Turbidity is measured in CORRECT ANSWER: Nephelometric Turbidity Units - Answer- Nephelometric Turbidity Units Monitoring is required for CORRECT ANSWER: All projects - Answer- All projects Visual monitoring of ATS is required to be conducted CORRECT ANSWER: Daily - Answer- Daily What BMP does the permit discourage?
CORRECT ANSWER: Plastic cover (maybe sediment basin?) - Answer- Plastic cover (maybe sediment basin?) What does NPDES stand for? CORRECT ANSWER: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Answer- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System What does NTU measure? CORRECT ANSWER: a measurement of optical properties of a liquid that cause light rays to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines through a sample. - Answer- a measurement of optical properties of a liquid that cause light rays to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines through a sample. What does RUSLE stand for? CORRECT ANSWER: Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation - Answer- Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation What does this permit regulate? CORRECT ANSWER: Discharges of pollutants in storm water associated with construction activity (storm water discharges) to waters of the united states from construction site that disturb one or more acres of land surface, or that are part of a common plan of development or sale that disturbs more than one acre of land surface. - Answer- Discharges of pollutants in storm water associated with construction activity (storm water discharges) to waters of the united states from construction site that disturb one or more acres of land surface, or that are part of a common plan of development or sale that disturbs more than one acre of land surface.
What factors are used for RUSLE? CORRECT ANSWER: R, K, LS, C, P - Answer- R, K, LS, C, P What is the CGP-approved method for pH analysis? CORRECT ANSWER: Calibrated field meter - Answer- Calibrated field meter What is the difference between erosion and sedimentation? CORRECT ANSWER: Erosion is the dislodging and transport of soil and sedimentation is the deposition of material. - Answer- Erosion is the dislodging and transport of soil and sedimentation is the deposition of material. What is the most common pollutant in runoff from construction sites? CORRECT ANSWER: Sediment - Answer- Sediment What is the primary federal law governing storm water pollution and regulation? CORRECT ANSWER: Clean Water Act - Answer- Clean Water Act What weather forecast would trigger a reap? CORRECT ANSWER: 50% chance of rain, within 48 hours. - Answer- 50% chance of rain, within 48 hours.
When are Risk level 3 and LUP type 3 sites that directly discharge runoff to a freshwater wadeable stream(s) required to conduct bioassessment? CORRECT ANSWER: When the site is greater than 30 acres - Answer- When the site is greater than 30 acres When does risk level one has to sample? CORRECT ANSWER: When required for non-visible pollutants. - Answer- When required for non-visible pollutants. When is receiving water monitoring required for a risk level 3 site? CORRECT ANSWER: When there is a direct discharge to receiving waters* and effluent is outside the pH range of 6.0-9.0 or turbidity exceeds 500 NTU. - Answer- When there is a direct discharge to receiving waters* and effluent is outside the pH range of 6.0-9.0 or turbidity exceeds 500 NTU. When shall a discharger conduct a construction site evaluation and run-on evaluation? CORRECT ANSWER: Whenever the results from a storm event daily average indicate that the discharge is below the lower NAL for pH, exceeds the upper NAL for pH, or exceeds the turbidity NAL. - Answer- Whenever the results from a storm event daily average indicate that the discharge is below the lower NAL for pH, exceeds the upper NAL for pH, or exceeds the turbidity NAL. Which BMP category should be used as the primary line of defense of preventing erosion? CORRECT ANSWER: Soil stabilization. - Answer- Soil stabilization.