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Quiz 2 - History of Western Civilization | HIST 100, Quizzes of Cultural History of Europe

Material Type: Quiz; Professor: Orens; Class: History of Western Civilizatin; Subject: History; University: George Mason University; Term: Fall 2017;

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 12/01/2017

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Download Quiz 2 - History of Western Civilization | HIST 100 and more Quizzes Cultural History of Europe in PDF only on Docsity!


  1. Why were the northern Italian city states so wealthy during the Renaissance?
  2. What were the most important differences between medieval and Renaissance art?
  3. According to Pico della Mirandola, what is unique about the place of human beings on what he calls "the chain of being”? What difference did he believe this makes in how human beings can live their lives?
  4. In The Prince , what did Machiavelli say is a ruler's principal responsibility, and how did he advise a ruler to behave?
  5. How did Martin Luther believe that human beings are justified before God? In The Bondage of the Will, what did he argue is the part that they play, if any, in their own salvation?
  6. Why did Martin Luther write his Ninety-Five Theses?
  7. What did Luther believe is the only source of Church doctrine?
  8. What were the principal differences between John Calvin’s religious reform and Martin Luther’s?
  9. Why did Henry VIII want his marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled?
  10. What did Henry VIII do when the pope would not annul his marriage to Catherine?
  11. How did the Church of England change under Edward VI and Mary I?
  12. What religious policy did Elizabeth I pursue?
  13. What was the Council of Trent and what did it accomplish?
  14. How did the Protestant Reformation affect the way people understood the role of the individual in the Christian life?
  15. What happened to Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms?
  16. How did Henry IV try to end the religious conflict in France?
  17. How did the Peace of Westphalia change the Holy Roman Empire?
  18. According to Thomas Hobbes, who created government and why? What authority did Hobbes believe the government should possess?
  19. According to Bishop Bossuet, from where did government receive its authority?
  20. What did Bishop Bossuet teach about the rights and duties of monarchs?
  21. Why was Versailles important to Louis XIV?
  22. How did Louis XIV reform the French government to enhance his power?
  23. What is mercantilism and how did Jean-Baptiste Colbert use it to enrich France?
  24. How did Louis XIV deal with the Huguenots?
  25. How did Frederick William strengthen his control of Brandenburg-Prussia?
  26. In what ways was Frederick II of Prussia an enlightened absolutist?
  27. What did Peter the Great do to strengthen his authority?
  28. By the reign of James I, why were monarchs becoming frustrated with the House of Commons?
  29. What were the principal differences between Anglicans and Puritans?
  30. How did the House of Commons justify the trial of Charles I?
  1. Who was Oliver Cromwell and what role did he play in English government after Charles I’s death?
  2. What did Charles II promise before becoming King of England?
  3. Why did the Glorious Revolution take place?
  4. How did the Bill of Rights alter the English government?
  5. According to John Locke, what is the source of political authority and what did Locke believe the chief responsibility of government to be?