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RBWO Training
RBWO Foundations is a new course offered by the division to staff in roles of what? - correct answer ✔✔case support supervisors and workers and human services professionals DFCS is the --- authorized child welfare agency in Georgia - correct answer ✔✔legally As of 2014, DFCS is the state agency under the direction of the --- - correct answer ✔✔governor's office What are the goals for foster care? - correct answer ✔✔1. preventing the breakdown of families.
- Protecting children from further abuse and neglect; and
- fostering permanency for children in custody. DFCS Core principle is what? - correct answer ✔✔Doing the right work in the right way. DFCS has -- values - correct answer ✔✔ 9 What is Parens patriae? - correct answer ✔✔refers to public policy allowing the state to intervene against abuse/neglect and to act as the parent of any child in need of protection. What laws allow DFCS the right to intervene in the personal lives of Georgia citizens? - correct answer ✔✔State Laws Which court must validate that children have been harmed or at serious risk of harm, before the agency can intervene against the parent's wishes? - correct answer ✔✔juvenile Children must be deemed --- by a --court in order for DFCS to be granted custody. - correct answer ✔✔deprived, juvenile
Deprived means: - correct answer ✔✔1. without proper care, substinence or education as required by law. or control necessary for child's physical, mental, or emotional health or morals.
- placed for care or adoption illegally.
- abandoned by parents or other legal custodian
- is without parent...
- No child, who, in good faith is being treated for medical condition solely by prayer in accordance with recognized church. Ex child needs blood transfusion. What are the 7 types of Placement Authorities? - correct answer ✔✔1. Short-term emergency care- days maximum
- Superior court order--DFCS ordered to care for child--custody battle
- Consent to remain in court(ages 18-21) Complete educational goals
- Voluntary agreement to place child in care--families experiencing short-term crisis-90 days with a chance for another 90 day extension)
- Voluntary Surrender of Parental rights( final after 20 days if not withdrawn)
- Termination of Parental Rights- Reunification failed or not appropriate) required 15-22 months unless compelling reason exists. Method of achieving permanency through adoption.
- Temporary CUstody Order- Child deemed to be deprived, limited to 12 months from the date the child is removed. DFCS becomes the legal custodian. What are the 4 DFCS stakeholders? - correct answer ✔✔Public agencies, private agencies, the media, and child advocates. DFCS is --administered and ---supervised. - correct answer ✔✔state , county There are ---counties in Georgia. - correct answer ✔✔ 159 Over 45% of youth in care are generally placed in ---placements. - correct answer ✔✔RBWO The majority of children placed in foster care are under the age of ---. - correct answer ✔✔ 9
What are OPM 6 key responsibilities? - correct answer ✔✔1. ensure RBWO providers adhere to safety, permanency, and well-being standards and DFCS policy.
- provide routine on-sight monitoring and records review.
- ensure RBWO services are aligned with policy and practices of DFCS field operations.
- facilitate RBWO foundations and other trainings.
- To partner with ORCC in ensuring contracted providers are in compliance with state operating rules.
- To facilitate successful partnerships between DFCS and RBWO providers. Who administers child welfare programs at the federal level? - correct answer ✔✔ACM- Administration for Children/Families What does ASFA stand for? - correct answer ✔✔Adoption and Safe Families ACT What are 3 goals of ASFA? - correct answer ✔✔safety, permanency, and well- being What are the 7 outcomes for children and families served by the cw system? - correct answer ✔✔1. reduce recurrence of abuse/neglect
- reduce incidence of abuse/neglect in FC.
- increase permanency for children in FC. 4.Reduce time in FC to reunification w/out increasing re-entry rates.
- reduce time in FC to adoption.
- increase placement stability
- reduce placements of young children in group homes/institutions. ASFA states that case plans must be developed within --days from the time the child is removed from the home. - correct answer ✔✔ 30 Courts must make finding that reasonable efforts to prevent placement were made. If not, what happens? - correct answer ✔✔State will not receive Title IV-E funds and state eats cost without reimbursement from Federal government.
Permanency hearings must be held within --months of child's entry into FC or --days after no reunification services decision and every -- months thereafter as long as the child is in care. - correct answer ✔✔12, 30, 12 What is the purpose of CFSR- Child and Family Services review? - correct answer ✔✔To ensure that the state is achieving desired outcomes for children and families. The CFSR has --goals, ---outcomes, and ---indicators. - correct answer ✔✔3, 7, and 18 The CFSR gives ratings in 3 AREAS: - correct answer ✔✔safety, permanency, and well-being The CFSR is what? - correct answer ✔✔the federal audit of the state DFCS has its own review team called ---. Their quality case reviews are called ---. These help to prepare for the CFSR - correct answer ✔✔DARE / PEAS CFSR requires: - correct answer ✔✔state-wide assessment on site, reviews of case files, if not in compliance, gives an opportunity to submit a program improvement plan. Comprehensive and Safety reviews occur --- annually with CPA provider, randomly going in foster homes.
- correct answer ✔✔once What is the Fostering Connection Law? - correct answer ✔✔Provisions for connecting to and supporting relative caregivers, improving outcomes for children in care, permitting Native American Tribes to operate IV-E programs, improving incentives for adoption and achieving other purposes. What 3 areas of Fostering Connections will impact your work? - correct answer ✔✔1. promoting educational stability, 2. providing health care oversight and coordination; and 3. maintaining sibling connections. What is Multiethnic Placement Act? PL 103-382 - correct answer ✔✔MEPA
- decrease length of time children wait to be adopted;
- prevent discrimination in placement of children based on color.
- identify and recruit foster/adoptive parents who can meet the needs of the children. IEPA-Interethnic Adoption Act PL 104-188 - correct answer ✔✔allows the federal government to assess financial penalties on a state if it has been given notice of a MEPA violation and has not enacted a corrective action plan within 6 months. Define Traumatic experience. - correct answer ✔✔When life is threatened of one's physical integrity of self or of one close to us--parent or sibling Name 3 types of trauma. - correct answer ✔✔1. Acute (dogbite, car accident)
- Chronic (many traumatic events over time--multiple and varied)
- Complex (multiple traumas caused by parent or guardian) ----- lead to intense physical and emotional reactions. - correct answer ✔✔Traumatic events What is Sanctuary Trauma? - correct answer ✔✔Trauma that occurs while youth is in care, where they expected to be supported and protected. What is Secondary Traumatic Stress? - correct answer ✔✔trauma experienced in one's helping role after hearing horrifying stories. it is also referred to as vicarious trauma and counter transference What is FCP? - correct answer ✔✔Family-centered practice What is family centered practice? - correct answer ✔✔we define problems and solutions within the context of the family's strengths and resources while also respecting their culture.
What are the 8 values in family centered practice? - correct answer ✔✔1. families are expert in their situation
- family is forever; FC is temporary.
- Strength-based assessments yield valuable information for agency and family.
- respect, genuineness, and positive regard are the foundation for communication with family, partners, and each other.
- Information is not filtered; full disclosure is the norm.
- birth and foster parents share parenting.
- power is shared with families and partners. FCP is ---, ---, and ---. - correct answer ✔✔relational, intentional, and collaborative. It is the spirit behind the movement that directs our actions and interactions resulting in self-sufficient families and children who are safe with a strong sense of permanency and sustained well-being. FCP can be conceptualized into 3 parts: - correct answer ✔✔technical, relational, and participatory-- shared decision-making, active in planning, delivery and evaluating own plans and interventions.