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Real PCT davita
final exam
questions &
answers Latest
- Which of the following statements is not an underlying assumption of self management: People with complex chronic kidney conditions such ass ESRD have P a g e 1 | 27
more difficulties with successful self management
- Which of the following is a basic principle of self management: Dealing with the consequences of the illness rather than just the physical disease its self
- Andragogy takes into account: That adults desire to take responsibility for what they learn
- In order to detect problems as early as possible a thorough evaluation of a new fistula four to six weeks after creation should be considered mandatory: true
- Vessel mapping should be performed on all new patients when possible- : true
- The goal of vascular mapping is to assure that every new patient receives a fistula if possible: true
- A juxta-anastomotic stenosis is considered an "outflow" stenosis (inhibits the blood from flowing out of the access vessel).: inflow
- The salvage (success) rates for endovascular therapy in early AV fistula failure cases are around 20%.: false 84- 98%
- Venous stenosis is the most common cause of late fistula loss.: true
- Persistent swelling of the access arm and prolonged bleeding after needle withdrawal are signs of an inflow stenosis (inability for blood to enter the access): true
- A secondary AV fistula is defined as a fistula that is created following the failure of a graft or fistula.: true
- A catheter that is not able to deliver at least 400 ml/minute should be evaluated for dysfunction.: true
- The most serious catheter related complication is infection: true
- 3 processes that make up the water treatment system: pre treatment, water- purification, distribution
- 3 roles of davitas pnp play: a standard of care best demonstrated practice prima facieevidence
- 4 ways to prevent contributing to excess blood loss: eveluate effectiveness of of heparin rinse back blood till lines are pink hold acess site forappropriate time dont waste blood in redraws
- acronym used when communicating: SMART simple meaningful actual read teach
- adequacy of dialysis is represented by: kt/v
- antibiotic that should be administered over a period of at least 60 min: vancomycin
- what factors influence k: bvp
- what happens when arterial pressure becomes greater than -260: hemolysis
- what happens if total Cl is collected before the minimum time the RO should be operating: rsults could be falsely negative
- what happens to the TMP if clotting occurs in the dialyzer: it decrease
- what happens when bleach an parecitc acid are mixed: a toxic cl gas is produced
- wjat is a good adequacy goal for 3 times per week HD: KTV of atleast 1.2 URR of at least 65%
- what is KDQOL 36 used: to asses physical health, mental health effects in dialy living symptoms burden of kidney disease
- what not to include in AOR: personal opinion specu;ation vendettas
- what shou;d you do if pt needs a bathroom break: return blood and recirculate machine
- when is a pyrogenic reaction most likely to occur: during the first 45-75 mins
- when is risidual bleach testing done: after bleach dis infection and prior to use 31 when to chart in medical record: change in baseline assesment or pt condition procedure or treatment
medication administration pt teaching care plan
- when to give hep b booster: when HBsAB drops 10
- when to use directing communication: when trainning pts
- when to use folowing communication: when pt need time to process or digest something
- when to use guiding communication: when creating an action plan
- what bacteria requires hand washing instead of alcohol rub: c diff
- which direction should arterial needle be placed: anti or retro who cares
- which direction should the venous needle be placed: antegrade with flow of blood
- who educate pt on treatment modality: neph, SW and CN
- to evaluate if pt is stable before discharge: nurse must complete post treatment assessment
- pre treatment required by nurse?: if abnormal findings for AKI pt pretreatment always required
- if a pt with acute kidney injury dialyses in the out pt facility one task of the pt
. care TM is to monnitor blood pressure and weight closely why?: HYPOvolemia and HYPO tensives episode can cause RENAL ISCHEMIA and can further damage the kidneys
- CKD can have its origin pre renal, intra renal, or post renal. which of the following conditions is an intrs renal cause of CKD: hypertension
- pt with cardiac disease are ten times more likely to experience intradailytic hypotension: LVH
- offering a pt this is an example of sodium loading: broth
- what is an intra cellular or intersistial symptom of fluid overload: edema
- this electrolyte is often elevated in pts who experience severe itching: phosphorus
- the kidneys help regulated BP with this: renin
. 49 this hormone stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells: erythopoieten
- this electrolyte aids in clotting, nerve impluse transmission, muscle contractions and bone formation: calcium
- restless leg syndrome is a symptom of which complications in CRF: peripheral neuropathy
- what is classified as a bone disease associated with renal failure: - CKD-MBD
- the kidneys convert Vitamin D into which hormone: calcitrol
- these procedures can cause significant blood loss in our patients: access
- maintaining normal serum calcium levels is the primary function of this hormone: PTH
- this disease is the leading cause of death in patients at all stages of CKD: cardiovascular
- the transport mechanism when particles move from an area of higher solute concetration to an area of lower solute concentration is called: diffusion
- during dialysis the movent of bicarb from the dialysate into the blood: helps normalize ph
- the kineys excretory function include: nomalizing electrolytes
- chlorine/chloramine testing can be found in: the sample port from the primary carbon filter
- hardness testing removes: calcium and magnesium
- excess calcium and magnesium in water used for dialysis: muscle weakness
- what removes chlorine and chloramines: carbon tanks
- arterial pressure more positive: seperation of blood tubing from arterial access
- venous pressure more positive: clotting in drip chamber
- venous pressure more negative: severely clotted dialyzer
- role davitas pnp play: best demonstrated practice standard of care 68 purpose of DQI: encourage continuous improvement accross a broad range of disease management
- consequences of fluid overload: increased mortality
- consequences of hypovolemia during treatment: ischemia and damage to vital organs
- KDQOL 36: identifies barriers
- hyperkalemia: muscle weakness abmormal HR
- 4 key elements affect CKD MBD: soft tissue calcification
- ultrafiltration: fluid forced through semipermeable membrane
- covection: slolutes and solvent move
- vtags: state specific regulations to be met with a condition such as infection providing interpretive guidance for each regulation
- when is the pretreatment assessment by the licensed nurse required: when it is mandated by the state when the pct performing a data collection notices abnormal findings when the patient reports unusual symptoms to the nurse prior treatment initiation when the nurse observes