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A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to red cross lifeguarding practices and procedures. It covers a wide range of topics, including cpr, aed usage, first aid for various medical emergencies, and proper techniques for assessing and caring for injured or ill individuals. Designed to serve as a valuable resource for lifeguards, first responders, and anyone interested in learning or reviewing essential lifesaving skills. The detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions make this an excellent study guide or reference material for individuals preparing for red cross lifeguarding certification exams or refresher courses. Whether you're a seasoned lifeguard or a newcomer to the field, this document offers a wealth of practical knowledge and insights to help you provide effective and efficient emergency care in a variety of situations.
Typology: Exams
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CPR Should be performed on a victim who is... - Correct Answers In Cardiac Arrest or unconscious with an obstructed airway. After an AED says "No Shock Advised," it is best to... - Correct Answers Perform CPR for about 2 minutes. When giving chest compressions to an adult, how do you position your hands? - Correct Answers Heel of one hand on the center of the chest with the other hand on top. Once you have turned on the AED, you should... - Correct Answers Apply the pads and allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm. When providing care to a conscious infant who is choking, it is most appropriate to... - Correct Answers Position the infant so the head is lower than the chest. The cycle of chest compressions and ventilations in two-rescuer CPR for an infant is... - Correct Answers 15 chest compressions and 2 ventilations. The purpose of a secondary assessment is to... - Correct Answers Identify and care for conditions that are not life threatening.
When giving a primary ventilation to an adult who is unconscious and not breathing, you notice the chest is not rising. What should you do next? - Correct Answers Re-tilt the head and attempt another ventilation. After summoning EMS for a victim who is conscious and bleeding severely, and after obtaining consent and putting on gloves, what should you do next? - Correct Answers Press firmly against the wound with a sterile dressing and apply bandaging. The bleachers at a swim meet suddenly collapse. Out of all the symptoms in the crowd, you should first care for... - Correct Answers An unconscious victim. A victim has slurred speech, cannot lift their right arm level with the left, is unable to smile and half her face is drooping. What would you assume has happened? - Correct Answers A stroke. As the only lifeguard performing CPR on an 7-year old, you would perform cycles of... - Correct Answers 30 chest compressions and 2 ventilations. You notice a child is choking on food at the concession stand. After activating your EAP and getting consent from the parents, what should
you do next? - Correct Answers Stand or kneel behind the victim and give 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts. If there is a risk of the AED pads touching each other on a small child or infant, you should... - Correct Answers Place one pad in the middle of the chest and the other on the back. Where should you place your hands when giving CPR to an infant? - Correct Answers One hand on the forehead and two or three fingers on the center of the chest. How deep should you compress the chest when giving CPR to an adult?
You are giving ventilations through a resuscitation mask, and the victim vomits. What should you do? - Correct Answers Turn the victim as a unit onto his or her side (similar to HAINES recovery position). When applying the AED, you notice the victim has several body piercings on their chest. How should you place the pads accordingly? - Correct Answers Place the pads on their chest, being sure to avoid the jewelry. During a primary assessment, what should you check first (after ensuring the scene is safe)? - Correct Answers Check the victim for responsiveness. An infant is crying uncontrollably. You could safely assume that their airway is... - Correct Answers Open. When caring for musculoskeletal injuries, what does RICE stand for? - Correct Answers Rest, Immobilize, Cold, Elevate A victim is having a seizure in the water. What should you do? - Correct Answers Support the victim with his or her head above water until the seizure ends.
How can you protect yourself from possible bloodborne pathogens when treating a victim? - Correct Answers Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as disposable gloves and a breathing barrier. Sudden illness can be identified by many things, including... - Correct Answers Loss of vision or blurred vision, changes in skin condition, or nausea/vomiting. What is the universal sign that a person is choking? - Correct Answers Clutching the throat. You are performing CPR when a second lifeguard arrives. What is most appropriate for the second lifeguard to do first? - Correct Answers Check to see whether EMS personell have been called. What is the first step in the Cardiac Chain of Survival? - Correct Answers Early recognition and access to emergency medical services (EMS) system. You must keep checking a victim's LOC in a secondary assessment. What does the "C" in LOC stand for? - Correct Answers Consciousness.
When providing care to a conscious infant who is choking, what part of the hand would you use to give chest thrusts? - Correct Answers Two or Three fingers. When immobilizing an injured patron's arm... - Correct Answers Leave the arm in the position you find it or in the position the patron is holding it. You are performing CPR on a victim when you notice the chest begins to rise and fall. What do you do first? - Correct Answers Stop CPR and reassess the victim's breathing and pulse. If the breathing is not regular, continue CPR as though no breathing were present. What is the first step you should take in treating a victim with burns? - Correct Answers Remove the victim from the source of the burn. A boy clutches at his chest and has problems breathing. After obtaining consent for care, his mom informs you that he has asthma, but he does not have his inhaler nearby. What care should you provide? - Correct Answers Call EMS and place the victim in a position that helps breathing. A patron cuts her leg on the bleachers and is bleeding severely. You can tell she may be in shock because she may... - Correct Answers Becomes restless and irritable
What should you do when first approaching the scene of an emergency? - Correct Answers Size up the scene, make sure it is safe for you to interact. You and another lifeguard are preparing for CPR on an adult. You find no pulse and no breathing and state "Victim has no pulse. Begin CPR." What should the second lifeguard do next? - Correct Answers Begin chest compressions. When using a resuscitation mask, what should you do? - Correct Answers Place (and seal) the mask with the broad end between the chin and the lower lip. When giving abdominal thrusts, where should you position your fist? - Correct Answers In the middle of the abdomen, just above the navel. What is most true about bag-valve-mask resuscitators (BVMs)? - Correct Answers Two rescuers need to operate the BVM. During a second assessment, the SAMPLE acronym is used to collect important information. What does the "A" in SAMPLE stand for? - Correct Answers Allergies.
You pull an adult from the water. After a primary assessment, you conclude the victim has a pulse but is breathing irregularly. You should... - Correct Answers Give 2 initial ventilations. THIS IS TO CLEAR THE AIRWAY OF ANY WATER THAT MAY BE PRESENT, SINCE YOU PULLED THIS VICTIM FROM THE WATER. The AED advises a shock should be given. What should you do next? - Correct Answers Tell everyone to stand clear of the victim. You are using a resuscitation mask to give ventilations to a child. After positioning the mask, what should you do? - Correct Answers Seal the mask. When compressing a child's chest for CPR, how many should compressions should you give per minute? - Correct Answers 100 BPM (This is roughly the tempo of the song "Staying Alive" by the BeeGees. Ironically, it is also the tempo of "Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen. You can choose how optimistic you feel). You are providing care for a victim having a heart attack. What should you do first? - Correct Answers Summon EMS Personell. Upon approaching a scene where someone appears to be hurt, you would commence a primary assessment. In this period, you would NOT
check something like... - Correct Answers Swelling, or anything that is non-life-threatening. While preparing to use an AED on a victim, you notice a medication patch on the chest, where the AED pads need to go. What should you do with this patch? - Correct Answers Remove the patch using a gloved hand. You are coming up to a scene where a patron appears to be injured. While making sure the scene is safe, what should you NOT do? - Correct Answers Begin the primary assessment of the victim. A patron appears to be having a diabetic emergency. What should you do? - Correct Answers Give them something to drink, such as a non- diet soda, a fruit juice, or, if these are not available, a glass of water with table sugar dissolved in it.