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Diplopia - Answer Double vision Which normal waveform is NOT typically seen in the posterior leads? (Wickets, photic driving, Lambda, POSTS) - Answer Wickets The EEG of a patient with Down's syndrome is most likely to show: - Answer normal activity The sharpness of the frequency response curve is determined by the filter - Answer rolloff A lesion of the uncus may result in - Answer olfactory hallucinations Delta brushes are seen in what type of patients - Answer premature infants Changes in personality are most likely associated with tumors of the lobe - Answer frontal lobe What type of seizure is NOT associated with Lennox Gastaut syndrome - Answer complex seizures Which of the following is most closely related to the measurement of voltage in relation to current and resistance - Answer Ohms law A meningioma is usually
- infiltrating,
- metastatic,
- rapid growing
- encapsulated - Answer impedance can best be described as
- current produced by a wire coil in a magnetic field
- ability to store an electrical charge
- resistance to alternating current
- resistance to direct current - Answer ...resistance to alternating current What normal activity would be seen most prominently at the C3 or C4 electrode position?
- Mu
- Alpha
- FIRDA - Answer Mu It is common for FIRDA to
- be considered normal in adults age 30 to 50
- be confused with nystagmus
- react to stimulation
- have spikes intermixed - Answer confused with nystagmus Voltage Resolution is correlated with
- Bandwith
- Sample rate
- Analog to digital converter - Answer Analog to digital converter A large lesion at the optic chiasm will likely produce.. - Answer complete visual loss What EEG finding indicates the worst prognosis in patients with cerebral hemorrhages? - Answer burst suppression pattern The neurological examination is most likely to be abnormal in patients with
- Lennox Gastaut
- juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
- Rolandic epilepsy - Answer Lennox gastaut Through what opening do the lateral ventricles merge with the third ventricle? - Answer Foramen of monroe What enviornmental factors enhance LAMDBA? - Answer Scanning high complexity visual scene Compared to recordings from adult patients, Vertex Waves in pediatric EEG recordings are generally - Answer Sharper Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges are most likely associated with which condition - Answer Herpes simplex encephalitis In patients with myoclonic epilepsy of Janz, seizures are most likely to occur: - Answer In the morning During which of the following types of seizures would a patient be likely to experience deja vu?
- myoclonic
- complex partial
- generalized non convulsive
- atonic - Answer ...complex partial A common electrographic correlate of a seizure
- irregular polymorphic delta
- rhythmic activity
- single bifrontal spikes
- intermittent temporal spikes - Answer rhythmic activity Which mathematically converts the time function into a sine wave of different frequencies
- Fast fourier transform
- impedance meter
- A/D converter
- Differential amplifier - Answer Fast fourier transform When a large amount of electrode paste is used to hold EEG electrodes in place, the total recording area will be the
- scalp surface area of the paste
- diameter of the EEG electrode
- inner surface area of the electrode
- inner plus outer surface area of the electrode - Answer total scalp surface area of the paste Photic induced epileptiform discharges are most likely associated with
- meningitis
- barbiturate withdrawal
- hepatic encephalopathy
- down syndrome - Answer barbiturate withdrawal What clinical signs are expected to be seen if a patient has a stroke involving the left anterior cerebral artery?
- left lower extremity sensory loss
- right homonymous hemianopsia
- left homonymous hemianopsia
- right lower extremity sensory loss - Answer Right lower extremity sensory loss Clipping of the waveforms occurs when: - Answer the signal is outside the range of the digitizer Using the International 10 - 20 electrode placements, if the distance from Fp2 to F4 is 5.5 cm, what is the distance from P4 to 02? - Answer 5.5cm
CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE pattern: - Answer Periodic sharp waves Clinical semiology is a way to describe: - Answer behaviors during patient events Which of the following would indiciate the best prognosis in a comatose patient?
- spindle coma
- electrographic changes indicating wakefulness and sleep
- generalized low amplitude delta with no background
- generalized suppression of EEG - Answer Electrographic changes indicating wakefulness and sleep. What is indicated by the presence of unilateral Babinski Signs?
- Pyramidal tract dysfunction
- cerebellar dysfunction
- homonymous hemianopsia
- tic Doulourex - Answer Pyramidal tract dysfunction What normal activity would be seen most prominently at the C3 or C4 electrode postion?
- Mu
- Alpha - Answer Mu Which of the following may be indicated by the presence of blood in the cerebrospinal fluid?
- subdural hemorrhage
- localized ICH w/o communication w/ventricles
- subarachnoid hemorrhage
- extradural hemorrhage - Answer subarachnoid hemorrhage Which of the following most closely relates to the ratio of an amplifiers' output to input signal?
- Display sensitivity
- impedance
- system gain - Answer system gain The most important source generator of the EEG is:
- cortical interneuron discharges
- pyramidal dendritic PSPs
- pyramidal cell action potentials
- thalamic oscillations - Answer pyramidal dendritic PSPs Collateral perfusion is maintained by:
- spinal cord
- brachial plexus
- Cauda Equina
- Circle of willis - Answer circle of willis Which of the following converts an analog signal into a series of digital binary numbers?
- Fast fourier transform
- impedance meter
- Differential amplifier
- A/D converter - Answer A/D converter Ictal EEG
- time during the event
- time following an event
- time before the event
- time in between events - Answer time during the event
Sharply contoured, surface positivity, and seen in clusters over the occipital lobe during drowsiness, describes: - Answer POSTs Which of the following is an effect of phenobarbital on the EEG?
- slow alpha rhythm
- increased beta activity
- decreased theta activity
- increased paroxysmal activity - Answer increased beta activity Which is the most important when evaluating background frequency?
- medications and allergies
- photic stimulation and stim. frequencies
- quality of sleep and HV effort
- wakefulness and age - Answer wakefulness and age What is the value of recording a patient's maximal awake state?
- identifying background frequency
- evaluating reactivity of the background
- distinguish slowing from drowsiness
- all are correct - Answer to distinguish slowing from drowsiness ACTH
- Absence seizures
- status epilepticus
- infantile spasms
- complex partial seizures - Answer infantile spasms Where do most brain tumors occur in children?
- anterior fossa
- frontal lobes
- posterior fossa
- temporal lobes - Answer posterior fossa VOLTAGE RESOLUTION relates to:
- Analog to digital converter
- frequency resolution
- horizontal sampling rate
- bandwidth - Answer analog to digital converter Seizures with visual hallucinations such as flashing lights are most likely to arise from the :
- temporal lobe
- frontal lobe
- parietal lobe
- occipital lobe - Answer occipital lobe At therapeutic levels, phenytoin causes what kind of EEG findings?
- increased beta activity frontocentrally
- diffuse beta activity
- no change
- minimal slowing of the background - Answer no change Todds paralysis is also referred to as:
- seizure onset
- ictal contralaterally
- post ictal
- ictal ipsilaterally - Answer post ictal Vagal nerve stimulators are used to treat:
- pain syndromes
- seizures and depression
- tumors
- headaches - Answer seizures and depression Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy may display ictal automatisms, which are:
- Stereotyped, repetitive movements, such as lip smacking or rubbing fingers together
- Auditory hallucinations, such as hearing music
- Forced head turn to the left or right
- Rhythmic shaking of both lower extremities - Answer Stereotyped, repetitive movements, such as lip smacking or rubbing fingers together What is most prominent clinical feature of Dilantin toxicity?
- behavior changes
- postural tremor
- weakness
- ataxia - Answer ataxia Beginning in adolescence, several members of the same family developed progressive instability, ataxia, and the inability to walk. Which of the following best describes this condition?
- Retinitis pigmentosa
- rheumatic fever
- olivopontocerebellar atrophy
- cystic fibrosis - Answer olivopontocerebellar atrophy BENIGN ROLANDIC EPILEPSY:
- parieto occipital spikes
- centro temporal spikes
- frontal spikes
- occipital spikes - Answer central-temporal spikes If the measurement between preauricular point and T3 is 3.2 cm, what is the distance between C3 and CZ?
- 6.0cm
- 3.2cm
- 6.4cm
- 12.8cm - Answer 6.4 cm What is the typical EEG pattern associated with absence seizures?
- focal spike and wave
- polyspike and wave
- 3Hz spike and wave
- 1.5Hz spike and wave - Answer 3Hz spike and wave A tangle of arteries and veins in the brain, associated with a tendency to bleed suddenly
- cerebral infarct
- subdural hemorrhage
- aneurysm
- arteriovenous malformation - Answer arteriovenous malformation ROLANDIC GYRUS
- frontal and parietal lobes
- frontal and temporal lobes
- occipital and temporal lobes
- occipital and parietal lobes - Answer Frontal and Parietal Lobes The sharpness of the frequency response curve is determined by which filter setting:
- notch
- capacitance
- rolloff
- bandwidth - Answer rolloff When attempting to minimize relentless muscle artifact on a recording, the technologist should be aware that lowering the high filter could cause the artifact to resemble:
- 3Hz spike and wave
- polymorphic delta activity
- vertex waves
- beta activity - Answer beta activity A childhood disorder characterized by acquired aphasia, multifocal epileptiform abnormalities, and focal or generalized seizures:
- West syndrome
- Landau Kleffner syndrome
- Lennox gastaut syndrome
- Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy - Answer Landau Kleffner syndrome Which of the following is a violation of ABRET's Code of Ethics?
- being disrespectful to co-workers
- Not striving to keep current in the technology
- Not joining a professional organization
- Teaching other technologists without the proper credentials - Answer Not striving to keep current in the technology. The polarity convention for EEG states that the deflection is up if:
- input 2 is equal to input 1
- input 2 is more negative than input 1
- input 1 is more negative than input 2
- input 1 is more positive than input 2 - Answer input 1 is more negative than input 2.
Which of the following is the most appropriate instrumentation setting change that should be made in order to enhance cortical slowing?
- Change the LFF from 1Hz to 5Hz
- Change the LFF from 1Hz to .1Hz
- Change the HFF from 70Hz to 25Hz
- Change the HFF from 70Hz to 15Hz - Answer Change the LFF from 1Hz to .1Hz 2016 ACNS guidelines recommends a CMRR of at least:
- 90Hz
- 70dB
- 90dB
- 70Hz - Answer 90dB Precocious puberty is associated with pathology of the:
- Fornix
- hippocampus
- hypothalamus
- lateral geniculate body - Answer hypothalamus The acronym used to describe distinctive EEG waves or complexes that occur between seizures and are distinguished from the background activity:
- IEDs
- FIRDA - Answer IEDs small sharp spikes
- occipital intermittent rhythmic delta activity
- temporal intermittent rhythmic delta activity
- positive occipital sharp transients of sleep benign epileptiform transients of sleep - Answer benign epileptiform transients of sleep The waveform morphology during the clonic phase of a GTC may present as:
- multifocal sharps and spikes
- spike and slow waves, rhythmic generalized
- Diffuse rhythmic slowing
- Diffuse polyspikes - Answer spike and slow waves, rhythmic generalized Non-epileptic events (PNES) typically result in which of the following?
- clinical improvement to antiepileptic drugs
- injury to patients
- nocturnal events
- normal EEG - Answer Normal EEG Balanced impedances allow you to:
- Maximize common mode rejection
- Minimize common mode rejection
- Eliminate artifact rejection
- optimize horizontal rejection - Answer Maximize common mode rejection The onset of West syndrome is most likely to occur at age:
- 12 years
- 5 years
- 4 months
- 18 years - Answer 4 months What is the cause of Wernicke's encephalopathy?
- trauma
- thiamine deficiency
- acute intoxication
- alcoholism - Answer thiamine deficiency Which of the following is the most appropriate test for determining cerebral dominance?
- Computerized axial tomography
- Evoked potentials
- intracarotid sodium amytal (WADA) - Answer intracarotid sodium amytal The main difference between simple partial and complex partial is:
- anatomic location
- focal motor activity
- autonomic activity
- preservation of consciousness - Answer preservation of consciousness Which of the following is the most common EEG correlate of an epileptic aura?
- 3Hz spike and wave discharges
- temporal epileptiform discharges
- FIRDA - Answer Temporal epileptiform discharges A 50 microvolt wave at sensitivity 5 microvolts/mm produces a deflection of
- 5mm
- 10mm
- 15mm
- 7.5mm - Answer 10 mm
Which of the following tumors is LEAST likely to cause epileptiform activity in an EEG?
- metastatic carcinoma
- glioblastoma multiforme
- astrocytoma
- pituitary adenoma - Answer Pituitary adenoma Which of the following is important to know when evaluating the background activity?
- If HV has been performed
- patients ability to cooperate
- patients level of alertness
- if there is a history of seizures - Answer patients level of alertness EMG artifacts time locked with the flash frequency of photic stimulation
- photomyogenic response
- photic driving
- photoparoxysmal response
- delta driving - Answer Photomyogenic Response An EEG obtained within 24 hours following a closed head injury would be LEAST likely to show
- focal spike activity
- asymmetry of the background activity
- focal polymorphic delta activity
- slowing over the posterior head regions - Answer focal spike activity EEG activity is thought to arise from which of the following?
- cortical layers I and IV
- Axonal action potentials
- Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
- Horizontal dipoles - Answer Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
A patient has generalized tonic-clonic seizure during EEG recording. If one electrode is pulled off, which of the following is the primary responsibility of the EEG technologist?
- Protect the patient from injury and keep EEG running
- Stop the recording and fix the electrode
- Stop the recording and protect the patient from injury
- Fix the electrode and then attend to the patient - Answer Protect the patient from injury and keep EEG running Focal or unilateral suppression and slowing:
- Drowsiness in an elderly patient
- generalized seizure disorder
- renal failure
- subdural hematoma - Answer subdural hematoma Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges are found most commonly in the EEGs of patients with
- brain stem tumors
- multiple sclerosis
- acute cerebral infarction
- cephalgia - Answer acute cerebral infarction. FT9 or T1 and FT10 or T2 electrodes record from the
- posterior temporal lobe
- anterior temporal lobe
- sphenoid sinuses
- nasopharynx - Answer anterior temporal lobe Tonic phase in GTC is characterized by:
- synchronous spike and wave
- generalized voltage suppression and muscle artifact
- generalized delta-theta with focal spike and waves
- focal polyspikes - Answer Generalized voltage suppression and muscle artifact A disease occurring only in females characterized by normal development until six to eighteen months of age, after which there is a quick deterioration of mental abilities:
- Tay Sachs disease
- Retts syndrome
- Rasmussens encephalitis
- Lennox Gastaut syndrome - Answer Rett's syndrome fMRI:
- functional MRI
- filtered MRI
- focused MRI
- fluoriscopic MRI - Answer functional MRI What type of monitoring would be useful in an EEG patient experiencing syncope?
- movement transducer
- respiration transducer - Answer ECG What other EEG pattern would you expect to see in the patient with prominent photic driving response?
- slowing in posterior region
- Lambda
- epileptiform discharges - Answer Lambda
What is the term that describes failure of the alpha rhythm to attenuate with eye opening?
- My persistence
- modulation resistance
- alpha imbalance
- bancauds phenomenon - Answer bancauds phenomenon A spike or sharp wave results from
- depolarization of neurons
- repolarization of neurons
- synchronous activation of multiple neurons
- asynchronous activation of neurons - Answer synchronous activation of multiple neurons. An EEG performed two days following a transient ischemic attack is most likely to show:
- polymorphic delta activity
- focal suppression
- normal activity - Answer normal activity Which of the following should not be seen in the normal awake adult?
- no alpha background
- 14Hz
- wicket spikes
- delta - Answer delta Given a voltage of 50 microvolts and a sensitivity of 10 microvolts/mm, what is the amplitude
- .2uV/mm
- 5mm
- 5uV/mm .2mm - Answer 5mm
What type of electricity provides a steady source of current, flowing in one direction only?
- alternating current
- magnetism
- ampere
- direct current - Answer direct current skull defect
- periodic complexes
- diffuse slowing
- breach rhythm
- alpha squeak - Answer breach rhythm Inflammation of the covering of the brain or spinal cord:
- encephalitis
- cerebropathia
- myelitis
- meningitis - Answer meningitis To enhance the background alpha and beta asymmetry in an EEG record showing moderately high voltage delta activity, the technologist should use a:
- shorter time constant and decreased sensitivity
- longer time constant and decreased sensitivity
- shorter time constant and increased sensitivity
- longer time constant and increased sensitivity - Answer shorter time constant and increased sensitivity Damage to Broca's area may result in:
- expressive aphasia
- anoxia
- ataxia
- receptive aphasia - Answer expressive aphasia Which of the following is characteristic of triphasic waves?
- they have a sharp initial positive phase
- they are posterior dominant
- they are usually unilateral
- they have a time lag from frontal to posterior head regions - Answer they have a time lag from frontal to posterior head regions During an absence seizure, the technologist should:
- stop recording and go to the patients aid
- insert a tongue blade in the patients mouth
- test the patients level of consciousness
- turn the patients head to the left - Answer test the patients level of consciousness By which of the following ages should EEG differentiation of the four stages of non-REM sleep be identifiable in a child born at term?
- 2 years
- 1 month
- 6 months
- 1 week - Answer 6 months Scotoma
- retinal inflammation
- increase in intraocular pressure
- scieral tumor
- area of visual loss - Answer area of visual loss
TIME CONSTANT relates to:
- low frequency filter
- sensitivity
- gain
- time axis - Answer low frequency filter Narcolepsy
- decreased REM sleep
- continuous REM sleep
- sleep onset REM
- absent REM - Answer Sleep-onset REM The third ventricle is connected to the fourth ventricle by the
- foramen magnum
- foramen of monro
- foramen of Luschka
- Aqueduct of sylvius - Answer aqueduct of Sylvius Which of the following best describes secondary bilateral synchrony?
- Generates simultaneous generalized discharges
- Originates from both temporal lobes at the same time
- Reflects rapid generalization from one or multiple sources
- Produces 3Hz spike and wave discharges - Answer Reflects rapid generalization from one or multiple sources A prolonged series of generalized convulsions without any period of conciousness between them is referred to as:
- pseudobulbar palsy
- status epilepticus
- complex partial seizures
- Todd's Paralysis - Answer status epilepticus This study would be useful for acute head trauma:
- CT
- x ray - Answer CT Immediately following a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, the EEG typically shows:
- burst suppression pattern
- 8 to 13 Hz alpha background
- generalized slowing - Answer generalized slowing What is the most common cause of generalized beta?
- medications
- burr holes
- hyperventilation
- sleep - Answer medications Which of the following occurs during a typical absence seizure?
- aura
- impaired consciousness
- prolonged postictal depression
- generalized tonic clonic activity - Answer impaired consciousness Vertical resolution is also known as:
- duration
- frequencies
- bits
- amplitude - Answer amplitude Which of the following blood vessels is most frequently involved in strokes?
- posterior communicating artery
- anterior cerebral artery
- posterior cerebral artery
- middle cerebral artery - Answer middle cerebral artery The EEG of a patient with hepatic encephalopathy is most likely to show:
- atypical spike and wave
- burst suppression pattern
- generalized triphasic waves - Answer Generalized triphasic waves Which is not a risk factor for JME?
- absence seizures
- sleep deprivation
- patients ages 3 - 4
- patients ages 14 - 15 - Answer Patients ages 3 - 4 Hypsarrhythmia is a pattern most often assiciated with:
- atonic seizures
- absence seizures
- gelastic seizures
- infantile spasms - Answer Infantile spasms The EEG is MOST useful in evaluating
- seizure disorders
- cerebral trauma
- brain tumors
- cerebrovascular disease - Answer seizure disorders High amplitude spikes in the occipital region, time locked with a slow photic stimulus rate in young children is a characteristic of which of the following diseases?
- Malaria disease
- Battens disease
- Rubella disease
- Pertusis disease - Answer Battens disease Temporal Lobe Epilepsy accounts for what % of all patients with epilepsy?
- 20%
- 40%
- 60%
- 80% - Answer 60% The central sulcus is the anterior boundary of the
- temporal lobe
- occipital lobe
- parietal lobe
- frontal lobe - Answer parietal lobe Slow sampling rate may cause fast frequencies to appear slower:
- low impact impedance
- long time constant
- aliasing
- overfiltering - Answer aliasing
- contagious
- condition only seen in adults
- treatable with anti convulsants
- genetic - Answer genetic Which of the following EEG patterns is characteristic of West syndrome?
- generalized spike and wave
- status epilepticus
- hypsarrythmia
- hypersynchrony - Answer hypsarrythmia BENIGN EPILEPTIFORM TRANSIENTS OF SLEEP
- peak at 30 - 60 years
- common in infancy
- stage iv sleep
- midline occipital - Answer peak at 30 - 60 years Excessive beta frequency activity may be the result of which of the following?
- chronic pain
- drug effect
- sleep deprivation
- skull breach - Answer drug effect What is the most effective means of preventing nosocomial infections?
- equipment processing
- isolation of infected persons
- disinfection of contaminated surfaces