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REHS Exam Questions and Answers: Comprehensive Guide for 2024-2025, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of questions and answers for the rehs exam, covering topics such as environmental health, water treatment, waste management, and public health. It is a valuable resource for students preparing for the rehs exam, offering detailed explanations and accurate information.

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The tissues most often damaged as a result of inorganic mercury entering the body include all of the following except a. brain b. heart c. kidney d. liver - ANSWER✔✔heart The most common occupational exposure to mercury is through a. inhalation b. absorption c. ingestion d. inoculation - ANSWER✔✔inhalation The most common source of exposure to cadmium is through a. inhalation b. absorption c. ingestion d. inoculation - ANSWER✔✔ingestion

Which of the following is (are) true about composting a. it has been a great success in the US b. it may come from municipal solid waste c. it results in poor fertilizer d. both b and c - ANSWER✔✔both b and c Which of the following composting methods will require limited land space? a. beccari method b. bangalore process c. fairfield process d. none of the above - ANSWER✔✔none of the above ______ is the thermochemical process for the conversion of complete organic solids in the absence of added oxygen, to water, combustible gases, tarry liquids, and stable residue a. composting b. incineration c. wet oxidation d. pyrolysis - ANSWER✔✔pyrolysis Which of the following allows for 95% or more volume reduction of municipal solid wastes a. incineration b. pryolysis

c. high temperature incineration d. both b and c - ANSWER✔✔both b and c Shredding reduces the volume of wastes to about ______ or less of the original bulk a. 60% b. 50% c. 40% d. 30% - ANSWER✔✔40% Resource recovery can be expected to achieve no more than _____ reduction of future landfill volume requirement a. 50% b. 25% c. 60% d. 40% - ANSWER✔✔60% Methane in the presence of air is explosive at concentrations between a. 5 and 15% b. 3 and 5% c. 20 and 25% d. 50 and 60% - ANSWER✔✔5 and 15% Often over 90% of sodium arsenate can be removed by

a. filtration b. coagulation c. ion exchange d. all of the above - ANSWER✔✔coagulation Reduction of the level of fluorides in drinking water can be accomplished by a. coagulation b. lime softening c. ion exchange d all of the above - ANSWER✔✔all of the above Which contaminant in water is associated with methemoglobinemia? a. zinc b. lead c. copper d. nitrate - ANSWER✔✔nitrate The substance constantly used as a coagulant in water treatment is: a. aluminum sulfate b. calcium sulfate c. potassium chloride d. sodium phosphate - ANSWER✔✔aluminum sulfate

The disinfecting ability of chlorine is affected most by: a. BOD b. temperature c. hydrogen ion concentration d. dissolved oxygen - ANSWER✔✔hydrogen ion concentration Alkalinity exists in three forms, which is not one of these forms? a. bicarbonate b. hydroxide c. carbonate d. hypochlorite - ANSWER✔✔hypochlorite Which of the following would not contribute to water hardness? a. calcium sulfate b. magnesium sulfate c. calcium chloride d. sodium chloride - ANSWER✔✔sodium chloride Improperly located wells, allowing fecal pollution of the water supply may lead to outbreaks of: a. botulism, leptospirosis, typhus fever, maria b. brucellosis, strep infections, chlorea, yellow fever c. salmonellosis, shigellosis, chlorea, hepatitis

d. relapsing fever, histoplasmosis, psittacosis - ANSWER✔✔salmonellosis, shigellosis, chlorea, hepatitis Historically in the US, most of the impetus for adequate water treatment came from the need to control: a. infectious hepatitis b. tuberculosis c. malaria d. typhoid - ANSWER✔✔typhoid The liquid form of chlorine used for emergency disinfection of small volumes of a. calcium hypochlorite b. sodium hypochlorite c. bromide hypochlorite d. potassium hypochlorite - ANSWER✔✔sodium hypochlorite The presumptive evidence of the presence of coliform in the MPN test is: a. the color change in the culture media b. turbidity of the culture broth c. the presence of gas from the fermentation of the media d. metallic sheen of colonies - ANSWER✔✔the presence of gas from the fermentation of the media If hard water is softened by the ion exchange method, which one of the following will increase?

a. dissolved oxygen b. iron c. p1- 1 d. sodium - ANSWER✔✔sodium The langelier index is used to determine the point of stability of a. aluminum sulfate b. calcium carbonate c. water pH d. HOCL - ANSWER✔✔calcium carbonate The manner in which water moves from place to place, changing from one form to another is called the: a. evaporation cycle b. hydrologic cycle c. precipitation cycle d. evapotranspiration cycle - ANSWER✔✔hydrologic cycle Which of the following is not a characteristic of groundwater? a. most bacteria are absent b. evaporation is virtually non-existent c. it is less expensive to treat than surface water d. it is more expensive to access than surface water - ANSWER✔✔it is more expensive to access than surface water

The amendments of the Safe Drinking Water Act do not cover: a. municipal wells b. county reservoirs c. private wells d. public water systems - ANSWER✔✔private wells Degradation of groundwater supplied by human-generated pollutants is generally the result of: a. failure to cover the water supply b. failure to adequately chlorinate the water c. faulty waste disposal practices d. allowing industry exceptions to safe water practices - ANSWER✔✔faulty waste disposal practices The primary reason for the decline in the water table in some groundwater dependent areas of the world is: a. over pumping b. lack of permeable aquifers c. high rate of evaporation d. low rates of precipitation - ANSWER✔✔over pumping Xeriscape landscaping means: a. using rock as the basis for yard landscapes b. eliminating the use of trees in yards for landscaping

c. selecting plants that can thrive on natural precipitation d. using sand as the basis for all landscaping needs - ANSWER✔✔selecting plants that can thrive on natural precipitation Chemicals that have been used for pools disinfection include chlorine, chloro-iso-cyanurates, bromine and a. ammonia b. soda ash c. sodium thiosulfate d. iodine - ANSWER✔✔iodine The gutters or skimmers receive a minimum of ________ of the total pool water due to the large quantity of organisms and materials which typically float. a. 95% b. 45% c. 60% d. 30% - ANSWER✔✔60% To raise the pH, add a. chlorine b. muriatic acid c. soda ash (sodium carbonate) d. sulfuric acid - ANSWER✔✔soda ash (sodium carbonate) A chemical commonly used to improve water clarity is

a. alum b. muriatic acid c. hydrogen chloride d. sodium carbonate - ANSWER✔✔alum When chlorine is added to water a. one acid is formed b. two acids are formed c. HCl is considered the primary product d. ozone is produced in large quantities - ANSWER✔✔one acid is formed Which of the following would not be as likely to be contracted bathing at a beach? a. leptospirosis b. middle ear infection c. spinal meningitis d. all of the above - ANSWER✔✔spinal meningitis The causative agent Naegleria fowleri has been linked to which of the following diseases? a. bacterial meningitis b. PAM (primary amoebic meningoencephalitis) c. cholera d. diptheria - ANSWER✔✔PAM

A seechi disk is used to determine; a. pH b. clarity in recreational waters c. coliform contamination d. heavy metals - ANSWER✔✔clarity in recreational waters A chemical used to adjust pool alkalinity is: a. chlorine b. calcium chloride c. sodium bicarbonate d. copper sulfate - ANSWER✔✔sodium bicarbonate Which raises the pH of pool water? a. chlorine b. alum c. sodium carbonate d. all - ANSWER✔✔sodium carbonate The preferred treatment of algae control is: a. copper sulfate b. superchlorination c. quaternary ammonium d. drain and scrub pool - ANSWER✔✔superchlorination

Muriatic acid is a wear solution of: a. nitric acid b. sulfuric acid c. acetic acid d. hydrochloric acid - ANSWER✔✔hydrochloric acid In which situation would you most likely find PAM? a. river or pond b. geothermal pool c. reservoir d. atlantic ocean - ANSWER✔✔reservoir The main drain should have a grate that is _____ the area of the discharge pipe to prevent dangerous suction effects a. 4 times b. 5 times c. 6 times d. 2 times - ANSWER✔✔4 times Toxicity is determined by a laboratory procedure called the a. EPA method 012 b. toxicity characteristic leaching procedure

c. method sixteen d. landfill toxicity screening - ANSWER✔✔toxicity characteristic leaching procedure The regulatory level for benzene under the RCRA Toxicity Characteristic rule is a. 0.50 mg/l b. 100 mg/kg c. 0.2 mg/l d. 25.0 mg/l - ANSWER✔✔0.50 mg/l The regulatory level for total cresol under the RCRA Toxicity Characteristic rule is a. 600 mg/l b. 400 mg/l c. 200 mg/l d. 100 mg/l - ANSWER✔✔200 mg/l In 1984 , RCRA was amended to require ____ or the equivalent, as hazardous waste landfills a. double liners b. auxiliary incinerators c. EPA coordinators d. all of the above - ANSWER✔✔double liners A permanent facility for collecting and storing household waste should be located away from residential areas and places of public gathering

a. true b. false - ANSWER✔✔true Sources of dioxin include: a. wood preserved with PCPs b. paper mill bleached pulp and sludge c. bleached paper products d. all of the above - ANSWER✔✔all of the above Neutralization and detoxification are feasible with most of the organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, but not with the a. chlorinated hydrocarbons b. acids c. bases d. all of the above - ANSWER✔✔chlorinated hydrocarbons The louder the sound, the greater the: a. frequency b. amplitude c. timbre d. pitch - ANSWER✔✔amplitude Maximum sensitivity to sound for humans is in the range of

a. 500 - 1,000 cps b. 1,000 - 5,000 cps c. 5,000 - 10,000 cps d. 10,000 - 15,000 cps - ANSWER✔✔1,000 - 5,000 cps Hearing loss that lasts a few hours following exposure to excessive noise is referred to as: a. sensorineural loss b. temporary threshold shift c. conductive loss d. noise induced hearing loss - ANSWER✔✔temporary threshold shift The first type of hearing sensitivity to become damaged as a result of excessive noise exposure is sensitivity to: a. low frequencies b. middle frequencies c. conductive loss d. high frequencies - ANSWER✔✔high frequencies Loss of hearing to the extent that low frequency sounds are distorted or can't be heard is considered: a. sensorineural loss b. temporary threshold shift c. conductive loss d. noise induced hearing loss - ANSWER✔✔sensorineural loss

Hearing loss that results from infections or trauma is called: a. sensorineural loss b. temporary threshold shift c. conductive loss d. noise induced hearing loss - ANSWER✔✔conductive loss The act that authorized the Environmental Protection Agency to work in partnership with state and local governments in the area of anti-noise programs was the: a. Quiet Communities Act b. Noise Control Act c. Noise Abatement Act d. Environmental Noise Pollution Act - ANSWER✔✔Quiet Communities Act The hearing ability of a fetus is well-developed by the a. 18th week b. 22nd week c. 26th week d. 28th week - ANSWER✔✔28th week A constant buzzing or ringing in the ears is called: a. sensorineural impact b. tinnitus c. threshold abridgment

d. ottis media - ANSWER✔✔tinnitus Age-related hearing loss is referred to as: a. preemptive throshold shift b. presbyopia c. presbycusis d. predysplasia - ANSWER✔✔presbycusis By age 65 the number of Americans who experience hearing loss sufficient to affect communication is: a. 1 in 2 b. 1 in 3 c. 1 in 4 d. 1 in 5 - ANSWER✔✔1 in 4 The amount of time required to produce permanent damage to hearing is cut in half with an increase in sound of a. 3 dB b. 5 dB c. 7 dB d. 9 dB - ANSWER✔✔5 dB A minimum of ______ of sleeping area per person is required in the APHA appraisal method a. 10 ft

b. 20 ft c. 40 ft d. 60 ft2 - ANSWER✔✔40 ft The ASHRAE recommended minimal thermal standard for dwellings is _____ at 40% humidity and an air circulation rate of 45 fpm. a. 57F b. 60F c. 68F d. 76F - ANSWER✔✔76F The end of a waste pipe should terminate at least ____ above the rim of a sink or receptacle directly connected to the drainage system. a. 2in b. 4in c. 5in d. 6in - ANSWER✔✔2in The distance between the end of the water supply pipe and the sink should be the diameter of the supply pipe a. 1 1/ b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 - ANSWER✔✔ 2

Excessive condensation, corrosion, and mildew occur when the relative humidity exceeds a. 20% b. 40% c. 80% d. 60% - ANSWER✔✔60% Vent gasses combined with high moisture inside a chimney will form a. a glass like glaze b. hydrochloric acid c. sodium chloride d. sulfuric acid - ANSWER✔✔sulfuric acid Radon cannot be reduced with which of the following devices a. humidifier b. electrostatic precipitators c. ionizers d. none of the above - ANSWER✔✔none of the above Short term exposure to formaldehyde levels above ______ can cause serious health or threatening reactions a. 50 ppm b. 20 ppm c. 10 ppm

d. 0.5 ppm - ANSWER✔✔50 ppm The Muerto Canyon virus causes disease of the ____ in humans a. lungs b. kidneys c. intestine d. brain - ANSWER✔✔lungs The incidence of tuberculosis in English laboratory workers working with M. tuberculosis was reported to be ___ higher than for general population a. 2 times b. 3 times c. 5 times d. 10 times - ANSWER✔✔5 times Universal precautions refer to a. specific respiratory protection used in hospitals b. an infection control measure in which all human blood and certain body fluids are treated as infectious c. procedures used when handling hazardous wastes d. none of the above - ANSWER✔✔an infection control measure in which all human blood and certain body fluids are treated as infectious The biosafety containment level suitable for work involving agents of moderate potential hazard to personnel and the environment is

a. biosafety level 1 b. biosafety level 2 c. biosafety level 3 d. biosafety level 4 - ANSWER✔✔biosafety level 2 The term containment is used in describing a. control of infectious wastes in the laboratory b. a biosafety cabinet c. safe methods for managing infectious agents in the laboratory d. facilities designed for research on recombinant DNA - ANSWER✔✔safe methods for managing infectious agents in the laboratory Campylopbacter may be safely used in the lab as a minimum at a. biosafety level 1 b. biosafety level 2 c. biosafety level 3 d. biosafety level 4 - ANSWER✔✔biosafety level 2 A national performance standard has been developed by the a. National Sanitation Foundation b. National Safety Council c. National Institute of Health d. American Biological Safety Association - ANSWER✔✔National Sanitation Foundation

The appointment and maintenance of an Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is one requirement of a. EPA b. CDC c. NIH d. FDA - ANSWER✔✔NIH ________ is the failure to perform an official duty without sufficient excuse a. nonfeasance b. misfeasance c. malfeasance d. a or b above - ANSWER✔✔nonfeasance An example of _______ is closing down an establishment without sufficient excuse. a. nonfeasance b. misfeasance c. malfeasance d. none of the above - ANSWER✔✔misfeasance ______ is the doing of an authorized act in an unauthorized manner a. nonfeasance

b. misfeasance c. malfeasance d. feasance - ANSWER✔✔misfeasance An individuals right to be treated with at least minimum of decency and fairness by governmental officials is guaranteed by the provision of a. state rights b. home rule c. equal protection d. due process - ANSWER✔✔due process If a health official failed to close a restaurant known to have imminent health dangers this is a. misdemeanor b. malfesance c. misfeasance d. nonfeasance - ANSWER✔✔nonfeasance What is the most important means of enforcement of the Federal Food Drug & Cosmetic Act? a. embargo b. licensing c. registration d. inspection - ANSWER✔✔embargo

The term applied to certain incorporated towns or cities in which the state of constitution or legislature gives them the right to formulate and adopt city characters and regulate their own affairs is a. eminent domain b. ultra vires c. inherent law d. home rule - ANSWER✔✔home rule In legal terminology the power of condemnation is also known as a. eminent domain b. noscitur ad sociis c. law of nuisances d. judicial presumption - ANSWER✔✔eminent domain Police power a. is about derived from mostly federal laws b. is assigned entirely to the federal government by the constitution c. cannot be used except by a police officer d. is almost exclusively left to individual states to establish and enforce laws for the citizens welfare - ANSWER✔✔is almost exclusively left to individual states to establish and enforce laws for the citizens welfare Which component of clean dry air has the smallest volume? a. carbon monoxide

b. nitrogen dioxide c. ammonia d. sulfur dioxide - ANSWER✔✔sulfur dioxide Major effects on humans are caused by Los Angeles and London- type smog, along with what two pollutants? a. sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride b. sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide c. hydrogen sulfide and peroxacyl nitrates d. ozone and nitrogen dioxide - ANSWER✔✔sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride What type of air pollution causes loss of chlorophyll in plants? a. PAN (peroxyacyl nitrates) b. sulfur dioxide c. industries processing hazardous wastes d. high motor vehicle traffic - ANSWER✔✔PAN (peroxyacyl nitrates) Injury to plant due to _____ shows up as flecks, stipple and bleaching, tip burns on conifers, and growth suppression. a. ozone b. peroxyacyl nitrates c. hydrogen fluoride d. sulfur dioxide - ANSWER✔✔ozone Glazing, silvering, or bronzing on the underside of a leaf is evidence that injury has occurred by