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Relativity One Review Pro Certification Questions with Answers, Exams of Information Technology

Relativity One Review Pro Certification Questions with Answers

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Available from 01/09/2025

hesigrader002 🇺🇸



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Relativity One Review Pro Certification Questions with Answers

1.You need to access the Review Batches tab but are unsure what each icon stands for in your

sidebar. What action should you take to reveal the tab names?: Click the expand arrow icon in the sidebar.

2.How can you update your user settings?: Click the user dropdown menu and select "My


3.Where can you click to see all tabs in your workspace available to you?: The three horizontal

lines icon

4.What is a secure data repository in which documents are stored?: Work- space

5.What allows you to view and access your recently viewed pages?: Favorites menu

6.You are reviewing documents and are told that the folder browser is orga- nized by custodian, you

are assigned to review documents from Custodian A, how can you filter your list to documents from Custodian A only via the folder browser?: Select the Custodian A folder in the folder browser.

7.Where do you view your saved searches?: Saved searches browser

8.How do you build complex searches using drag-and-drop to rearrange and visualize nested

conditions?: Use the Search panel.

9.How do you mark a page as a favorite in Relativity?: Click the star to the right of the

breadcrumbs at the top of the page.

10.While reviewing a document, you use the related items card to navigate to a document's

duplicates, and then family documents. How do you return to the document you were reviewing before browsing documents through the related items card?: Documents link in Viewer

2 / Breadcrumbs

11.In the Review Interface, how can you view the full email addresses on an email?: Expand the

email header in the Native Viewer

12.With the appropriate permissions, what can you do through the Document actions menu in the

Review Interface?: Download document native.

13.You are instructed to review documents based only on the Key Terms persistent highlighting

set. While reviewing, you see the documents contain terms highlighted in different persistent highlighting sets. What is the most efficient way to navigate to the location of each hit from only the Key Terms persistent highlight set in the document?: Select the Key Terms highlight set in the Persistent Highlight Sets card and navigate through the hits using the Go to previous highlight/Go to next highlight buttons.

14.You are instructed to review documents based on a set of key terms in a persistent highlight

set. While reviewing, you find a document with a large number of key terms but notice these terms are not highlighted. Why might the key terms not be highlighted?: You are currently viewing the document image.

15.With the appropriate permissions, what task can you perform in the Review Interface?: Redact

imaged documents.

16.While reviewing a document in the Review Interface, where can you display a list of duplicates of

the current document?: Related Items Card

17.What task can you perform while redacting a document in the Image Viewer?: Change

Redaction Type Style to Text.

18.When in the Review Interface, what displays a list of all redactions and highlights, including

their page numbers?: Markup Navigation pane.

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19.When in the Review Interface, what displays the document list so you can navigate from

document-to-document without having to leave the Viewer?: - Documents card

20. While reviewing a Short Message, why would you see grayed out messages in the Short

Message Viewer and grayed out activity bars in the Timeline Navigator?: You have filters applied.

21.You're reviewing a short message conversation spanning multiple days in the Short Message

Viewer. How can you quickly jump to a particular date in the conversation?: Click the date in the Timeline Navigator.

22.In the Short Message Viewer, how can you view additional information about the

conversation?: Hover your cursor over the short message application icon.

23.In the Short Message Viewer, what task can you perform?: Create a slice.

24.Why might no documents appear for review when you have the My Unre- viewed Documents

view selected?: You do not currently have any checked-out batches.

25.A new set of documents is loaded into the workspace and batched out. Your project manager

asks you to begin reviewing the documents in the new batch HD_00003 immediately, but you are still reviewing documents in your current batch FLR_00001. What should you do first in order to review documents most efficiently?: Check in batch FLR_00001 as Pending.

26.What review strategy does a Review Manager implement if each document should only be

reviewed once during first level review?: Batching

27.What step should you take after reviewing all documents in your batch during first level

review?: Check In As Completed

28.With proper permissions, what actions can you take so that your current batch is no longer

assigned to you?: Check your batch in as Pending.

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29.What can you do to change the coding decisions for documents in a batch that you checked in as

complete?: Check out the batch and update documents as needed.

30.What Relativity feature controls how you see documents in your checked-out

batches currently in progress?: View

31.When reviewing documents using Active Learning, how do you access documents you already

coded in the review queue?: Go to the active learning documents list view.

32.You are reviewing documents using active learning and notice that you are seeing documents

grouped by family. How should you code groups of documents in the same family?: You should code each document in the family using the "Four Corners" test, and code each document independently of other documents in the family.

33.You are reviewing a document family using active learning. One of the documents in the family

contains a party's home address, making it the only Responsive document in the family. How should you code this document?: - Code the document Responsive because it contains relevant information.

34.After you review documents using active learning, what documents will you see in your

document list view?: All documents in the project that you have reviewed, and documents you have skipped.

35.Where do you go to review documents in an Active Learning review queue?: The

documents list view for the active learning project.

36.When reviewing a document in an Active Learning prioritized review queue, you leave the review

field blank and click Save & Next. How does active learning treat this document?: It is treated as neutral.

37.What Active Learning queue focuses on documents that are the most impactful to training

the model?: Coverage review queue.

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38. You are tasked with coding documents for Responsiveness. After you code the first

document Responsive, you see the following message: When you choose Responsiveness, you must also select a choice for the Privilege field. What should you do next to continue review?: Select a coding decision for the Privilege field and proceed to the next document.

39.What feature replicates coding decisions from one document to the next?-

: Copy from Previous

40.You are responsible for conducting a second pass review to confirm Re- sponsiveness for all

documents. You review the first document in your batch and determine the document isn't Responsive. You change the Responsive coding to Not Responsive, and then notice the Overturned choice is not available on the Responsive Overturned field. What is the best way to handle this situation?: Inform the Review Manager the Overturned choice is not available.

41.On what object do you code documents?: Layouts

42.How do you know a field is required when coding documents?: The field has a star.

43.How do you know if you can select more than one choice in a field on the coding layout?: The

selection options are a check box.

44.What does the Save & Next button do on a document layout?: Saves all of your coding

decisions on the current document layout and moves to the next document in your view.

45.What is an example of hidden content?: Filtered columns on an Excel spread- sheet.

46.What does the Copy button do in the coding layout?: It copies values from fields with Enable

Copy from Previous set on the layout.

47.If you have access to more than one layout, how do you switch to another layout?: Select a

different layout from the layouts drop-down menu.

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48.In the Review Interface, what can provide you with further guidance as you interact with the fields

in a category?: Contextual help

49.You are reviewing documents in the Review Interface, and you notice you are unable to apply

coding tags. What action should you take so that you can code the documents?: Click the Edit button on the Coding Layout

50.You are asked to QC redactions on a set of large documents containing many images. What

feature can be used to identify existing redactions on document images?: Markup Navigation Pane

51.What action can you perform using the Thumbnail Viewer?: Scan, locate, and navigate to

pages in an open document.

52.What native file type can you apply manual markups to using RelativityOne Redact?: PDF

53.How can you remove native markups from PDF documents?: Right click the redaction and

select delete.

54.You are instructed to apply a black redaction to a single column in a native Excel file. Using

Redact, what is the most efficient way to do this?: Select the column header you want to redact, right-click, then choose Black from the Redact context menu.

55.You are instructed to redact a chart embedded in an Excel spreadsheet. How can you do this

without imaging the document?: Select the chart in the Redact Markup Navigator card and click the Redact button.

56.Which action is available after placing an Inverse Redaction on an Image?-

: Move the Inverse Redaction

57. What is the most efficient way to delete all redactions from an image?: Click the delete

markups icon.

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58.How do you switch between redaction visibility of visible, transparent, and invisible?: In the

viewer, click on the Change Markup Visibility button.

59.What is a customizable list of items in Relativity from which you can sort and filter to locate

specific items?: View

60.You are told by your Review Manager to use the My Reviewed Documents view, but you are

unable to see this view in the views drop-down. Why might this be?: You do not have permissions to access this view.

61.What is a saved page configuration that can include an item list and widgets?: Dashboard

62.What does a view control?: The items displayed on the list, based on a set of criteria. The

custodian assigned to documents.

63.How can you change the fields displayed to you in the list?: The view dropdown menu

64.If you have multiple columns filtered on your list and you need to construct a new search query,

how do you remove the applied filter conditions on the list?: Click the clear all filter icon.

65.In a view, what do thick blue lines indicate?: Documents in the same relation- al group.

66.You notice that there are only 10 documents in your list but would like to see at least 50

documents to scan through the metadata available in your view. Where can you change the number of documents that appear in the view?: Adjust the number of items per page in the navigational controls.

67.What happens to your document list when you select family documents from the Related Items

drop-down menu?: Family documents are added.

68.You need to go back and review documents you had previously coded. Why might you not see

any documents when you select a view that is set up to return documents you have coded?: A filter is applied to the view that excludes all documents.

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69. You are viewing a Pivot pie chart displaying coding decision for the respon- siveness field

and notice that there is a legend item with the label "(blank) (1)." What does this mean?: A document was not coded on the responsiveness field.

70.When viewing a pie chart visualization on the document list, what will happen when you click

the responsive portion of the pie chart?: It will filter to only responsive documents.

71.What describes an inclusive email?: It has unique content not included in any other email in

the thread.

72.What differentiates an email thread group from an email family?: An email thread group is a

single conversation that starts with the original email and includes all subsequent replies and forwards, and can include email families.

73.You are reviewing a document and would like to find documents that are conceptually similar to

the entire document you are currently reviewing. How can you do this?: Click the View Similar Documents button in the viewer.

74.What is the most efficient way to QC coding decisions in an email thread?-

: Use email thread visualization to highlight the coding decisions in the email thread.

75.You are told the following paragraph is highly relevant: Though my view is still that these

valuations, looked at in isolation, are correct, the entire LJM structure is deeply flawed and, in my view, has not been executed with the best interest of Enron's shareholders in view. To give you an analogy, a building inspector would act unprofessionally and unethically if he gave a clean bill of health to a kitchen, without alerting the buyer that the rest of the edifice is rotten. You would like to use a search to return other documents that may be closely related to the paragraph above. What should you do to return the best results?: Run a concept search on the entire relevant paragraph.

76.You are reviewing documents with email thread visualization and notice some coding conflicts

9 / within the email thread. How would you code all doc- uments in the thread group Responsive to resolve the conflict using email thread visualization?: Select the nodes in the email thread visualization and click edit.

77.The Review Manager asks you to review the coding on documents that are Textual Near

Duplicates. What should you do?: Review Textual Near Duplicate Groups with inconsistent coding.

78.What can you see using email thread visualization?: Coding inconsistencies.

79.What is a bad example source to use for a concept search?: A keyword that you determined to

be relevant to the case.

80.What is a benefit of using email threading to review documents, as op- posed to traditional linear

review from the document list view?: You can focus the review on inclusive, non-duplicate emails.

81.Which index should you use if you want to search for variations of a date format?: dtSearch

82.What are your logic operator options in a logic group?: AND & OR

83.You want to search on a field that is not currently on your document list view. What action

should you take?: Click Add Condition in the search panel.

84.You add a search condition to your document list but notice the expected results do not appear.

Why might this be?: A filter is applied to your document list and is limiting the number of documents returned.

85.Which search index works best with complete sentences or concepts?: -

Analytics Index

86. When you run a proximity search, what will not return instances of the word orange if orange

is five words away from grapefruit?: orange w/4 grapefruit