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Relevance of Evidence in Legal Proceedings, Schemes and Mind Maps of Law of Evidence

The concept of relevance in legal proceedings, providing a detailed examination of the various types of evidence and their admissibility. It covers topics such as the connection between statements and facts, the conditions for evidence to be considered relevant, the burden of proof, and the rules governing the examination of witnesses and documents. The document delves into the nuances of relevance, highlighting the factors that can make evidence relevant or irrelevant, and the exceptions to the general rules. It also addresses the importance of proper questioning techniques and the role of the court in determining the admissibility of evidence. This comprehensive resource offers valuable insights for legal professionals, students, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of evidence and its application in the judicial system.

Typology: Schemes and Mind Maps


Available from 09/22/2024

kayna-gulam-husain 🇮🇳

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Download Relevance of Evidence in Legal Proceedings and more Schemes and Mind Maps Law of Evidence in PDF only on Docsity! Sundaram Relevancs Pomanon Y Connection betweeh Bidence poshoaditg ink betweeneuera p»oo and stakemenk that ei do be Ralevant oo mËght be KjetelBmaonchle hme Oommonls perminoble Nothiog o be Stun chong ogically hot yaid tagcadiny aauea dafinihion kink bethw een Statament and sotement ha Cne fat becomes appuable b anobc FOR EDUCATIONAL USE *R ele van tP at: - fao tha t can be used o pov a ca H ac lu se l na tur oy C ors idu e d by Co wt) Rale v nt Se ci 5- Fac to ’ at w s ac id en ta l in to so na l Sec i4 ’ Fat o ev se na sta g min d bod y Sec i3- Fao al ev an t i- ngn t co om n Yu Bo ho n Se ci 2- Sih -fo r do m ag o Cou Y de ido 3 mak o a| hiq hiy pr ob bu lr lim pro bc be G m on tle va t ik OS nco no iste nt coi th th ea t ’ but uo efu lev an + Sec iI - Fa o ’o H eo se not le va nt be ome dso ign (sec io- Thi rys ’sw d or don e by on op iyo dr Com rno 9 Sec 4 fao nec eo ar4 to ex pla in S ino d ce Soc G - Fa to to rm in g Se ct i- Fa to ’ oC Ca si on Q o e Qu bte que nt Con duc t Rel aan t Se cs: (- Fat o Sho (m ohw e p Lp yev iOu o Sec 5i ude nce give n on Pa k in nus elev on t dev anc y Sec s t o i6| Cor o lini hon o ’Ad Sonc Saa moh ue expl ain Re lev ant ’ efet on FII Sam e han s. Part gSa me tYa nJa hon Rle ven t e, ele t fact in inu Rev ant Baclena Siptohn Sm ptne beee in big (O foncene Coua S n d iy Oeohon 9ndi& Quohoka Smprop Coust opingon1 Quohion. Dn-ect Ruohon Paoper Cout shau C o noide the olo wny Hhe want to tel he orfheo U he doeo nt SMALL B E A RED WHGN C om PL eD oUKT T O DEC D E WHeN QUG3TIO T o pooe hina by poihon ToDOcois TCreoo Q sow o Honty YUaaty Albaut Sec l46 ChOo xominchion Seciu3 when hey Se clw : C ou rt p o u m o S ec lu A A b a d co no e n Ra pe | P es u m e S ec l1 3: B o P a ss h o n tr ib r S ec t l2 : Bo P eg ih m ay y Se c il I BO p-> q oo d f a it ty an s ac h o n eg :S cl u b y Pt or ne yP oa hy un a lo h on J o a h e C on bd en S e c lo q : ie n t o a n a tl o n o a h o sh ip By urd en B o P la n d lo rd BO P o n e o p e S c io i: W h a t? eq al m an t o y li a b it e x is te ne d f a S e c to 4 : 8o P- D ea h P e s o n N o t k n o n ho b N o S e c 1 o 8 in r ye aA Pe on o n e a s e s Pc ot 3 0y ea ng |h ai ’ wo i w h o OE te o o . S eç i0 6: c o ih in ba tou go S e c l O 2 : on h o m ? D s a y O u t he po pe rt y to h im e i n a u e R ai lu ay te e t iy a F o P o p e a y B u d e n Po ui r S e c lo 5 (3 D o eo n ot a g co w t lo bo lie t eu rd en Pr ao ! Se c l0 3 : Fa ct S e c i 0 4 : B un de n P o o A m is ib le W ho b ei ev cs h e r o tn a d A cc es e h a So rm e ec ep W on i U nd er d e la r o h o n )O n A cc us eo p e a dy in g A) h eo u ad to o ee ne ra l ix ce pn o IP C m u rd er d o n e U ns oo nd m in M COn oi aed a o al eu id ne opinio n Thi ng cied o sno el sen , hea ud docu men ts (3) H O w to pro ue theo e oihn eo Pao on ai ble o C4: rime com mit tel elu cric apt do cun ent >C oun terp ot (Du pica te) Sue ral Patb Dou men t g Con hnt Oval eid ene ew ide na gin pa din ek ufad s (9t co nsi de eui den a M aot be Se on dy 2 type o O Sec 54% 60 O Sec 6l to 62 Ora l euid en a Eu'd e n e Dou rmet a y Sec t4t Sundaram CorsoboYahgn Gonvichoo EDUCATIONAL USE DD lei dne nip D nyaihie o o - tccostana Quohon oy m Signa nig euicentioy made ohet stat emens ae dons iotent he caoe egal pnnciple Aatevens a puoon from atuging facts to paot daimo oNDITiONS Lonico ae conay Conirary o Rup Rep made by made Oun ona (muo be be true and noN ao to la 3 Paeclu deo SOme on e Rom arguwng anyhin acions bma de dore Rep muot be m ade (soppel exiohy Theperson 6 Theeon cono alieuo he ep loo yt Pyevent pesontm giing falae aucnce aloo hodo 2oponoible faoe aprcientathio Con du )laitoble eot Sec l5 tol4 onvenhon Cloofeaion Type DEst by naher ecorda Quaoi-Rord to) S by Acquiescen Ca ’Mater Qrise Bom Coutudgemnt Siun e alowo no h ES by Deed Est by Conduct Est by ’Person hao 2 inoNstunt nigh Aioeo PrVen5 a poroon fom taking adwontage ’ htao Rom Benami Tnsachon (Torieoy ehon excde dhes )est by Negugien Ce ond Persono Neggienu >Prioes Bom ohwn a Peoon the ngnt anoher fon oon io prvenud Bom duying o ppopety ’ Aoo cahen pnty to contrat aqne cantanstatu aba domae ()) Conty at aar t Pouh o conha& agnee Hhas antaun fa au Ipeoon to muot undaram) FOR SecGSA elechonie uttenee idena Acnpaldgoo Ectonic acods ao elun de ecrnic Prpudt Roy pao en Ang ioß an e- e or d Prin ted on papa |capred Decmc Dotunent R den ce ||ErAtreobo rnandako aconpeny | ega ydognhon aigotc signakuteo palating ne elechne hee to eord omputer oi salegarko uutenhty atuaay Conaiong eduidere [Admibiblel EDUCATIONAL USE