Download Home-Start Bristol Trustees' Report & Financial Statements (Year Ended 31st March 2017) and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Accounting in PDF only on Docsity! Home-Start Bristol (a company limited by guarantee) Report and Financial StatemenE For the year { April z0fffi. to 3{ March 2017 Charity Number 1116207 Company Number 5745817 Home€tart Bristol Reference and Administrative lnformation Charity Name Charity Registration No Company Registration No Registered Office (and operational address) Trustees Advisers Scheme Manager lndependent Examiner Home-Start Bristol 1116207 5745817 Unit 11 Greenway Centre Doncaster Road Southmead Bristol BS10 sPY Sue Otty Trevor Leonard Rita Deegan Jenny Hanis Jim Harris Linda Hunter Kate lnnes Katherine Martin Jules Appleby Beth Campbell Celia Ellis Janet Leonard Angela Loveridge Jess Scott Helen Wilde Beverley Symonds (Chair) (Treasurer) (Resigned 12th April 2017) Bristol Community Accountancy Project The Park, Daventry Rd, Knowle, Bristol BS4 1DQ Bankers HSBC (6 Old Church Rd, Clevedon, BS21 6NA) CAF Bank (zS fings HillAv, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4JQ) Scottish Widows Bank, plc 1oz Monison St, Edinburgh EH3 8YJ) 2 Financial Review The summarised financial results for the year are: o lncome of f159,636 (2015/16 e157,823). . Expenditure of L147,317 (2015116 e151,184). o A net surplus of 812,319 (2015/16 f6,639). Our reserves now stand at874,648 (2015116 862,329) which represents five months of expected expenditure (2015/16 frve months) which is in accordanc,e with our reserves policy. The Trustees regularly review both financial and operational risks. Trustees'responsibilities in relation to the financial statements The charity's Trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with the terms of the Companies Act 2006 and the Charities Act 2011. The Trustees are required to prepare financial statements for each financial year in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair yiew of the state of affairs of the charity for that period. ln preparing these financialstatements the Trustees should follow best practice and: o Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently . Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent o State whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subiect to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements o Prepare the financial statements on the going con@m basis unless it is inappropriate to assume that the charity will continue in business The Trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with applicable law, regulations and the trust deed. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other inegularities. The Trustees have taken advantage of the small companies'exemption in preparing the accounts. Approved by the Trustees and signed on their behalf by: Chair of Trustees Date Registered office: Unit 11, Greenway Centre Doncaster Road Southmead Bristol BS10 sPY 5 lndependent Examine/s Report I report on the accounts of the company for the year ended 31d March 2017 which are set out on pages 7 to1-2. Respective responsibilities of Trustees and Examiner The Trustees (who are also the directors of the company for the purposes of company law) are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The charity's Trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year under section fl Q\ ot the Charities Act 2011 (the 2011 Act), and that an independent examination is needed. It is my responsibility to: . Examine the accounts under section 145 of the 2011 Act, . To follorr the procedures laid down in the General Directions given by the Charity Commission under sectionl45(sxb) of the 2011 Act, and o to state whether particular matters have come to my attention. Basis of independent examineds report My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. lt also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as Trustees concerning any such mafters. The procedures undertaken do not provide allthe evidence that would be required by audit and consequently no opinion is given as to whetherthe accounts present a 'true and fair view' and the report is limited to those matters set out in the statement below. lndependent examine/s statement tn connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention to indicate that: r accounting records have not been kept in accordance with section 386 of the Companies Ac[ 2006; . the accounts do not accord with such records: , where accounts are prepared on an accruals basis, whether they fail to comply with relevant accounting requirements under section 396 of the Companies Act 2006, or are not consistent with the Charities soRP (FRS 102) , any matter which the examiner believes should be drawn to the attention of the reader to gain a proper understanding of the accounts. Joanne Trowbridge MAAT BCAP, The Park, Daventry Road Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1DQ 6 Date.. . .rf Home€tart Bristol (a company limited by guaranbe) Charity Number 1116207 Company ilumber 5715817 STATEMENT OF FINAI{CIAL ACTIVITIES: {st APRIL 20rG to 3lst MARCH 2017 lncome and endowments fiom: Donations and Iegacies Charitable aciivities Other trading activities lnvestments Total Expenditrtrc on: Raising funds Charitable activities Other Total Net income Otrcr recognised gains l,lit movement in funds Reconciliaton of funds: Total funds brought fonrard Total funds carried forward 2 3 4 5 14 Nob Unrcsticbd Funds C 8,297 14,994 13,987 241 971 21,791 2,438 25,300 12,319 12,319 62,329 Restric*d Funds C 122,117 12211; @ Total Funds m17 f 8,297 137,111 13,987 241 971 143,908 2,438 -@ Total Funds 2016 € 7,272 147,807 2,515 229 @ 693 147,978 2,513 122.117 159,636 6 7 12,319 151,184 6,639 12,319 6,639 62,329 55,690 --62325'74,U8 Home€tadBdstol (a company llmibd bygmntfiel Notoc to Flmnchl Sffimeirtg for year endod 3l3t ktth mf 7 (contdl Yearended 3tst trrch 2017 t 4 lncomeandetdowmentrftom oftertndlng ectit iths Beede tXve/Quiz Mght Ab€6il Oherirrcome 13,987 213 261 9,563 3,950 Yeerended 3lsttarch 2016 t 167 792 1,556 2,515 2n Yeerended 3tst tr tth 20r6 € Tt6 1,348 389 2,513 Yeerended 3lrthrch 20lG 5 lntgt0nentlncome CAF GoE aocount Scotfsh ItVUoun 90day account Erpsndlht Eon chadtable acttuiUec Sahry and pensk n coets Stafflvolunteer e,Qenses Tralning costs Publfl<ity/recruitmail Renuheat/pou,er Administration Ofice epenses Toykih/bod<s Oepredaflon ErpendlfurE on odler lnsuranoes Gotrgnance lntependenil Examirer ft e 241 Yearended 3let krch 2017 3 n6 Unnctrlcbd I 15,882 99'l 512 287 1,251 1,l',in 837 127 't66 Rertrlcted e 89,0011 5,552 2,E6E 1,610 7,lW 9,651 4,692 711 929 104,886 6,543 3,3E0 1,897 8,367 11,373 5,529 838 1,095 10/,,26,2 5,955 5,190 5,171 8,366 9,676 7,514 749 1,@5 To0al I Tot l € 21,791 12.,117 Yosr endod Slst lf,ilch ?0l7 I 2,/t38 117,978 769 1,280 389 10 Home€tail Brbtol (. comp.ny llmtbd by guannbe) NobE b Financlat Stetomelrts foryearended Slst tercb 20f 7 (contd) 8 Sfficoctsand numbec Sabrt s Sodal Security co6ts Pension conbibutions Flxed&otr Office Equipment Co6tat 1 Atril Addiuons Dreposab Cost at 3't i,lerdt Depreciation U/hfld Charge furyear Depreciation cd/hrd i,let book value 11 Debtonr 12 Cah d benk and ln hand CAF Gold account HSBG account Scottbh Widorus S) dayaccount Pety cash 1t Cndttor: arnounir frlllng dm wltlrln one year D€ilerred incofire 0ther creditors 104,886 10/,,262 The arrerage monthly number of pail-time staffemplwd throughout fte yearwas six (2016 six). Trult3e remuneradon rnd erpense No remuneration nuas peirl to any Truslee durirU tlc year (2016 NiD. No eryerses u€rc paid to any TrusEe dudng he y€ar (2016 Nal). Yearended 3t!ttorrh 20rG € 6,15: _ 6,159 3,731 1,095 1,826 1,333 Year ended 3lst f,arch 2A'7 e 94,109 3,194 7,583 Yearended 3l!ttorch ?or7 € 6,15: J 6,159 4,826 1,095 s,921 2* 1,300 42,621 43,096 2W 87,270 1'1,760 1,100 12,860 Year ended 3l3tmerch 2015 I 93,765 3,940 6,557 1,300 41,776 42,855 't50 86,081 21,144 9f5 11 25,085 ]toilt Etut Bttsbl (e company [mtbd ty gu.renbe) lloEto FlnencLl St$ementlbryrrrcndcd 3lrthftft Df7 (contd) Ycrr mded 3trt Lfifi AtO Amlyrbolg|orfer fibmcntoffinmclrl ecftltlec lncomr and rndumonte Donatioll3 and legacic CharltaUe aclivllies Ofierbadiry activities ln€sments Umc0lcbd 15,70;1 ,38,056 eryenOrun Rsftthg frrnds Chafiattb adhtitiee O0ter t3,128 Fuilfa C 138.056 Fud. e Tdl Furda t 72n2 9,751 2,515 n9 7,2r2 117,W 2,515 za 6qt 147,978 2,5t3 t*'T6gl 9,gn 2,513 15t,18'l 12