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This research paper aims to investigate the relationship between tiktok usage and mental health among senior high school students at la milagrosa academy. The study uses a correlational design and surveys 50 students to determine their tiktok usage patterns, daily screen time, and the impact of tiktok on their mental health and academic activities. The findings suggest that a significant number of students use tiktok several times a day, spend considerable time on their screens, and report that tiktok affects their sleeping patterns.
Typology: Study notes
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Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Review of Related Literature Nicole Borgenicht (author) (SAGE publications) 2022 in front cover image for TikTok faces investigation into effect on kids and teens. A multistate coalition recently announced it would be looking into social media app TikTok to investigate whether the techniques it uses to engage young users violate consumer protection laws. The news of the probe follows recent reports that revealed the damaging mental health impact that social media apps have on children and teens, resulting in Instagram pausing its Instagram for Kids service and in lawmakers drafting several bills aimed at protecting children's mental health and online privacy. Cited by Kristopher M Ngilangil International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) 7 (4), 2022. TikTok is very popular among the young and has become for many a mode of free and creative self-expression. Many people use Tiktok, but most users are teens, and it has become a celebrity start-off. Darragh McCashin, Colette M Murphy (author) Publication:Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 28, 202301, 279. Globally, TikTok is now the fastest growing social media platform among children and young people; but it remains surprisingly under-researched in psychology and psychiatry. This is despite the fact that social media platforms have been subject to intense academic and societal inspection regarding their potentially adverse effects on youth mental health and wellbeing, notwithstanding the inconsistent findings across the literaturre. Authors Rutu Patel, Meenal Pathak, Ankit Jain, Jasmin Lagman (Publication:Psychiatry Research Case Reports, 2, 202306) says that TikTok is a popular social media platform where individuals make and share short videos, including activity challenges. Younger generations comprise the majority of TikTok users and are more impressionable to impersonate these challenges. Authors Xing Zhang, Siyuan Feng, Rui Peng, Hansen Li, article 2022 (Publication:International journal of environmental research and public health, 19, 20220423) says TikTok, the most popular social media, brings various benefits to nowadays living. However, the problematic use of TikTok has also elicited a range of health problems, such as sleep problems. Physical activity (PA) appears to play a protective role in the problematic use of TikTok and its health consequences, but the pathways between PA and sleep health are understudied.
Review of Related Studies According to Burnes (2020) habits are unconscious behaviors that are triggered as a result of repeated action that has an associated dopamine release. Around 70% of our daily routines are automatic, as they are influenced by the unconscious mind manipulated by repeated behavior. According to brain research, frequent behaviors such as TikTok usage may develop into habits over time (Wojdan et al., 2021). The neurons that connect fire in unison, increasing the urge to acquire routines that meet the body’s dopamine requirements. Daily focus on TikTok builds new neural networks in the brain and provides the greatest potential for the learner to establish the activity as a habit. Lewin noted that transformation is a process that requires the school to shift into a new state of being (Burnes 2020). There is a considerable correlation between social media addiction and senior high pupils’ study habits. Such a pattern suggests that the school students’ study habits are contingent upon their social media addiction. The more the students use social media, the more their study habits will change with reduced attention to scholarly works (Wojdan et al., 2021). The imbalance between TikTok use and focus during study time reduces the student’s academic prospects. Vannucci, A., Flannery, K. M., & McCauley Ohannessian, C. (2017). Social media use and anxiety in emerging adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 207, 163-166. Social media use is central to the lives of emerging adults, but the implications of social media use on psychological adjustment are not well understood. The current study aimed to examine the impact of time spent using social media on anxiety symptoms and severity in emerging adults. Woods, H. C., & Scott, H. (2016). #Sleepyteens: Social media use in adolescence is associated with poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.They say the study explores the relationships between social media use and mental health indicators, including anxiety and depression, among adolescents. This research could shed light on how TikTok usage impacts the mental well-being of high school students.
Chapter III METHODOLOGY Research design The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of TikTok on mental health among senior high school students of La Milagrosa Academy. This will be a quantitative research study, which will use a correlational design to examine the relationship between TikTok usage and mental health. The independent variable in this study is TikTok usage, while the dependent variable is mental health. The study will use a survey questionnaire to collect data from a selected senior high school students at La Milagrosa Academy. It will also utilize existing data on the number of active TikTok users among high school students in the local area. Respondents of the study The respondents of this research are the selected students of senior high school at La Milagrosa Academy. The respondents are those currently having the habits to use the social media platform, TikTok. Most of the student enjoys to use TikTok for fun but plenty of people does not like this social media app due to addiction and wasting time on it. Survey questionnaires will be given through online by the researchers to know what their opinion is, and if there are bad effects to their mental health. Research environment This study will be conducted at La Milagrosa Academy. TikTok in LMA is crucial since students also use TikTok for school purposes but sometimes they tend to be distracted from their academic performance, limits focus during study time, and works on school activities. It can hinder their ability to engage in deep meaningful learning. Some student in LMA who engage in tiktok might lead to mental health problem like anxiety and depression. Research procedure The researchers state the possible problems and questions needed to be resolved. Collecting information that provides insights on our topic from books, articles, and internet websites. The
survey that will be distributed to selected respondents that contains questions that is related to the topic which is about the effects of TikTok on the mental health of Senior High school students. The researchers will analyze and interpret the data collected to identify the findings and conclusions. 10 Research instrument The research instrument that we will be using in this research study is a multiple choices questionnaire to gather necessary information. Questions are focused on their experiences in using TikTok and how it affects their mental health. The questions for the checklist are well- studied by the researchers to get valid answers. Datta gathering technique This research gives learning to both teachers and learners. The following are the techniques that will be used to fulfill the needs of this research study: •Team work •Interpreting ideas •Making questionnaires •Conducting survey •Using website sources Statistical treatment The following statistical measures will utilize in the analysis of data: Frequency counts (f) and percentage (%) will use to determine the profile of the effects of TikTok on mental health among senior highschool students at La Milagrosa Academy. Where: P = Percentage F = Frequency
N = Number of respondents 11 Chapter IV PRESENTATION ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Analysis of Respondents' Background A total of 50 selected Senior high school Students with different strand from La Milagrosa Academy are the respondents of this study. They have given the researchers the authority to gather some profile background. The respondents below is in terms of age, gender, and grade level. Table 1 - Age Age Age Frequency Percentage 16 11 22% 17 26 52% 18 12 24% 23 1 2% Total 50 100%
The table 1 presents the frequency and percentage of the respondents' age from 16 - 23 years old. Out of the 50 respondents, 11 (22%) were in the age of 16; 26 (52%) in the age of 17; 12 (24%) in the age of 18 and only 1 (2%) is in the age of 23. 12 Table 2 - Gender Gender Frequency Percentage Male 19 38% Female 31 62% Total 50 100% Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage of the respondents' gender. Out of 50 respondents, 19 (38%) of them are male, and 31 (62%) are female. Table 3 - Grade Level Grade level Frequency Percentage 11 23 54% 12 27 46% Total 50 100% Table 3 presents the grade level of the respondents. Out of 50 respondents, 23 (54%) are in grade 11, and 27 (46%) are in grade 12.
Analysis of Survey Questionnaire
1. TIKTOK USAGE PATTERNS A. TikTok usage Variable Frequency Percentage Several times a day 33 66% Once a day 4 8% Several times a week 7 14% Rarely 5 10% Never 1 2% Total 50 100% As shown in the table about the TikTok usage, the students rated of how frequently do they use TikTok. Out of 50 respondents 33 (66%) of them use TikTok several times a day; 4 (8%) of them use TikTok once a day; 7 (14%) of them use TikTok several times a week; 5 (10%) of them use TikTok rarely, and 1 (2%) of them says never. 14 B. TikTok daily time screen time Variable Frequency Percentage 1hour 9 18% 2hours 10 20% 3hours 17 34%
4hours 5 10% 5hours 9 18% Total 50 100% As shown in the table about daily time screen it presents the frequency and percentage of time consumed of using tiktok. Out of 50 students 9 (18%) of them are on the screen for 1 hour; 10 (20%) of them are on the screen for 2 hours; 17 (34%) of them are on the screen for 3 hours; 5 (10%) of them are on the screen for 4 hours, and 9 (18%) of them are on the screen for 5 hours. It presents that most of the students are on their phone for 3 hours to watch TikTok daily.On there other hand only 9 students are on their phone for 1 hour to watch TikTok daily. 15 2.. MENTAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT Table A. Emotional well-being Variable Frequency Percentage 1 Very low 6 12% 2 Low 11 22% 3 Neutral 22 44% 4 High 7 14% 5 Very high 4 8% Total 50 100% As presented in the takle 2.A about emotional well-being, out of 50 students 6 (12%) of them has very low emotional well-being; 11 (22%) of them has low emotional well-being; 22 (44%) of them has a neutral well being; 7 (14%) of them has high emotional well-being being, and 4 (8%) of them has a very high well-being.
Very low emotional well being means having a problem with an individual's emotional well- being or an individual's emotional health. Same goes to the other variables that is indicated. It is presented that most of the students have neutral emotional well-being, means they neither have high and low emotional health. Cv 15 Table B Stress Levels Variable Frequency Percentage Strongly agree 7 14% Agree 19 38% Neutral 16 32% Disagree 7 14% Strongly disagree 1 2% Total 50 100% As shown in table 2.B about the dress levels that TikTok can affect to the students, out of 50 respondents 7 (14%) of them strongly agree; 19 (38%) of them agree; 16 (32%) of them are neutral; 7 (14%) of them disagree, and 4 (8%) of them says strongly disagree. It is presents that most of the students agrees about TikTok affecting their stress levels. 16 Table C. Sleep Patterns Variables Frequency Percentage Yes 18 36% No 16 32%
Not sure 16 32% Total 50 100% As presented in table 2.C about TikTok affecting the students' sleeping patterns, out of 50 students 18 (36%) says yes, that TikTok affects their sleeping patterns; 16 (32%) of them says no, and 16 (32%) of them says not sure. It is seen that the table shows that most of the students says yes that TikTok affects their sleeping patterns. While the other students says no and not sure. 17 Chapter V SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIO AND RECOMMENDATION The summary of findings The ultimate goal of this research is to identify the effects of TikTok on the mental health of the senior high school students. We collected data and information that would support the research we have conducted. We selected 50 senior high school students from La Milagrosa Academy. This study is primarily focused to sought students' thoughts and experiences when it comes to the usage of TikTok through survey questionnaires online. This survey contains the following that is related to their TikTok usage, time screen on their phones, and if TikTok affects their mental and an academic activities. Upon the distribution of the online survey the respondents must provide certain answers. The findings of this study are as follows:
1. How do you frequently use TikTok? 1.A TikTok usage Based on the survey 66% of the total respondents said that they use TikTok several times a day. And the rest of them says once a day, several times a week, and rarely with a total of 34% 1.B TikTok daily time screen
Based on the survey most of the students says that they spend 3hours on their screen daily which gives us a total of 34%. And the rest of them says 1hour, 2hours, 4 hours and hours that gives us a total of 66.%. 18
2. Mental Health Assessment 2.A Emotional well-being Based on the survey most of the students says they have neutral emotional well-being which gives us a total of 44%. And the rest of them says very low, low, high and very high which gives us a total of 56%. 2.B Stress Levels Based on the survey collected most of the students says that they agree when it comes to TikTok giving them stress levels which gives us a total of 38%. The rest of them says that they strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree which gives us a total of 62%. 2.C Sleep Patterns Based on the survey, most of the students says yes TikTok affects their Sleeping patterns which gives us 36%. And the rest of them says no and not sure which gives us 64% in total 19 Conclusion
One of the negative effects of TikTok on mental health is the potential for comparison and negative self-esteem. Users may feel pressure to compare themselves to others and strive for unrealistic standards of beauty or success. Like all social media platforms, TikTok has the potential for cyberbullying. Negative comments, harassment, and other forms of online abuse can have a significant impact on mental health. TikTok can be highly addictive, leading to users spending hours scrolling through content. This can take away from time spent engaging in other healthy activities, such as exercise, socializing, or self-care. In conclusion, TikTok can have both positive and negative effects on mental health. While it can be a great outlet for creative expression and building connections, it is important to be mindful of the potential negative impacts and take steps to minimize them. By setting boundaries, monitoring your feed, and prioritizing self-care, you can ensure that your TikTok use is a positive addition to your life. Recommendations The researchers have gathered plenty of information and answered multiple questions. The researchers recommends a topic that would answer "what?" And "how?". The researchers suggest a topic that would explain what do we do and how do we do it. The researchers suggests in reducing the time screen of the students by guiding them an giving time limits on their phones. And suggests to delete the app for the meantime to manage their time and know their limits. For the parents they must guide their children in dealing with the usage of their phones. And for students the researchers also recommend on having new hobbies to limit their usage of their phones.
- Introduction .. .... 1-
Niel C. Detalo