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Research and Program Evaluation: Comprehensive Guide to CPCE Questions & Answers, Exams of Algorithms and Programming

This comprehensive document covers a wide range of topics related to research and program evaluation, including key concepts, research methods, statistical analysis, and more. It provides detailed answers to common cpce (counselor preparation comprehensive examination) questions, making it a valuable resource for students preparing for this exam. The document delves into fundamental research principles, such as reliability, parsimony, and experimental design, while also exploring sampling techniques, hypothesis testing, and measures of central tendency. It offers insights into the importance of internal and external validity, as well as the various statistical tests used in research analysis. This document serves as a comprehensive study guide, equipping students with the knowledge and understanding necessary to excel in the cpce and beyond.

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Available from 09/17/2024

NurseTakshif 🇬🇧



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Download Research and Program Evaluation: Comprehensive Guide to CPCE Questions & Answers and more Exams Algorithms and Programming in PDF only on Docsity! Research and Program Evaluation CPCE QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 2024 ( A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED) Reliable - Ans - If an experiment can be replicated. Parsimony (Occaim's Razor) - Ans - The finding should be explained and interprited in the simplest and most economic way Experiment - Ans - The most common type of research. The researcher has control over all relevant variables. Usually conducted in Labs or high control settings. Confounding - Ans - When undesirable variable enter the experiment. Independent variable (IV) - Ans - The variable that the experimenter manipulates Dependent variable (DV) - Ans - The result, the data, the scores, some form of human response. Control Group - Ans - Group of people who don't receive any form of the IV or experimental variable Experimental Group - Ans - Group of people who do receive the IV or experimental variable. Random Sampling - Ans - Every member of the population has an equal probability of being selected for the study and the selection of one member of the population has no effect on the selection of an other member. Random assignment - Ans - Subjects are randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. True Experiment - Ans - Every member has an equal chance of selection AND are randomly assigned to groups. Rare in most studies. Quasi Experiment - Ans - Any research that fails to use random assignment or lacks a control group. All intact group studies. Stratified Sampling - Ans - People are selected from sub-groups. Proportional Stratified Sampling - Ans - The data reflects the pattern that occurs naturally. i.e. the population you are working with is 1/2 black and 1/2 white. Your study would have 1/2 black 1/2 white Cluster Sampling - Ans - A naturally existing group is selected. i.e. an experiment wanted to show the side effect of a certain drug on substance abusers in treatment users so the experimenter contacts substance abuse programs and selects people from those. "n"th Sampling - Ans - The experimenter picks every "10"th person or every "2"nd person from a population and that is how your groups are generated. Systematic sampling v. Random sampling - Ans - Research shows the finding are comparable. Representativeness of the sample - Ans - More important to the study than the procedure used to select the population. Probability samples - Ans - Random sampling, Stratified sampling, Cluster sampling, "n"th sampling. Non-probability samples - Ans - Subjects are not selected based on probability. (Judgement sampling, convenience sampling, quota sampling) Judgement Sampling - Ans - Uses the judgement of the experimenter to choose subjects that are thought to be representative of the population Convenience Sampling - Ans - An intact existing group is used with no random sampling Quota Sample - Ans - The subjects have pre-specified characteristics so that your sample will mimic the same type of characteristics that you assume actually exist in the general population being studied. Hypothesis - Ans - The idea or question the researcher wants to answer. Null Hypothesis - Ans - The absence of a relationship between the IV and the DV. No significant difference. The modern form of describing a hypothesis. - Ans - The hypothesis is written in the present tense without the word significant and without any mention of measurement. You might have sub-hypotheses. A null hypothesis might include interaction hypotheses. Test of significance - Ans - Determines what the difference is between the control group and the experimental group. Operate on the principle of probability (p). Significate findings - Ans - p<.05 Only a 5% chance that the difference in the groups occurred by chance.