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Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Andragogy

A series of questions and answers related to the responsible beverage service (rbs) program, focusing on topics such as alcohol service regulations, identification verification, and responsible serving practices. It is designed to help individuals understand the legal requirements and best practices for serving alcohol in licensed establishments.

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Available from 12/06/2024

NurseTakshif 🇬🇧



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Download Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Exam Questions and Answers and more Exams Andragogy in PDF only on Docsity!

RBS Exam questions and answers well


Which crime is often related to alcohol use? - correct answers.sexual assault

Whose responsibility is it to act as gatekeeper in regard to the community's ability to obtain alcohol in public establishments? - correct answers.the alcohol server

Which condition is associated with alcohol-impaired driving? - correct answers.Impaired judgement

When alcohol is mixed with ______ the side effects can range from discomfort to death.

  • correct answers.medications or recreational drugs

What is the best way to sober up an intoxicated person? - correct answers.only time will sober up an intoxicated person

What does "BAC" mean? - correct answers.blood alcohol concentration

Which statement is true regarding people with a high tolerance to alcohol? - correct answers.they are better at hiding their intoxication

Eating food while drinking alcohol may - correct answers.slow down the rate of intoxication.

The use of foul language is an example of - correct answers.lowering inhibitions

Which statement about alcohol's path through the human body is true? - correct digestion is needed in alcohol absorption

What is the primary purpose of ABC's T.R.A.C.E. program? - correct answers.identify and investigate where persons under 21 years of age obtained alcohol and who was killed or obtained serious injury or accident

It is unlawful for a person who has _____ percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his/her blood to drive a vehicle. - correct answers.0.08 bac

When can a 19-year old legally serve alcoholic beverages in a restaurant? - correct answers.when the server's primary responsibilities is to serve food

Which type of cannabis use is legal at an onsite alcohol establishment? - correct answers.use of cannabis products are not permitted in onsite alcohol establishments

A non-profit organization has obtained a temporary daily on-sale license for a fundraiser. Who within the organization has to be RBS certified? - correct answers.the alcohol pourers

The failure of a licensee to comply with the RBS program requirements shall be grounds for - correct answers.disciplinary action.

Security personnel, whose post is located outside the entrance to an alcohol establishment, has the primary responsibility to control the number of patrons entering and to check their IDs. Does the bouncer need to be certified? - correct answers.Yes, because security personnel check IDs.

Infractions are punishable by - correct answers.fine

What does "RBS" mean? - correct answers.Responsible Beverage Service

What is the maximum penalty for serving alcohol after hours? - correct answers. months in jail

A member of a group of patrons becomes obviously intoxicated. What should the server do? - correct answers.inform the other group members that the obviously intoxicated patron will no longer be served alcohol

A legally acceptable ID has which characteristic? - correct answers.issued by a government agency

Which statement regarding state issued identification cards is true? - correct answers.they are a valid proof of age

PCP is an example of a(n) - correct answers.Hallucinogen

Which substance is considered a depressant? - correct answers.alcohol

What is embossed on the holder's picture on a California Real ID? - correct answers.their birthdate

Which feature is located on the back of a valid California driver license? - correct answers.barcode

When should a server check a patron's ID? - correct answers.prior to serving alcohol to the patron

A server may seize any identification presented by a person that is fake, so long as - correct answers.a receipt is given to the person from whom the fake ID is seized

Upon seizing a fake ID, the alcohol establishment must give the fake ID to local law enforcement authorities within - correct answers.24 hours

What happens when an alcohol server serves alcohol to a minor after inspecting a fake ID and reasonably concluding it to be valid? - correct answers.the alcohol server has a defense against prosecution

Which technique is best for determining the validity of an ID? - correct answers.ompare the signature on the ID to a fresh signature given by the ID holder

When refusing alcohol service to a patron, the server should do so - correct answers.courteously

When refusing alcohol service to a patron, the server should do so - correct answers.discreetly

Which form of ID is NOT acceptable for determining a person's age? - correct answers.interim state issued driver license

When is a work-issued ID valid for purchasing alcohol? - correct answers.never

A youthful appearing patron presents an expired ID and wants to purchase alcohol. Based on best practices, what should the server do? - correct answers.tell the patron that you cannot serve him/her alcohol

What is the most valid reason for refusing service to a patron? - correct answers.The patron cannot provide a valid ID

Which is an indicator of a false ID? - correct answers.card is too thick

An administrative violation occurs on an ABC licensed premises, _____ of that premises is at risk for administrative penalties. - correct answers.the license

One of the benefits of establishing policies for the service of alcoholic beverages is that it - correct answers.provides a safe and comfortable space for patrons and employees.

When an obviously intoxicated patron decides to leave your establishment, what best practice should you observe? - correct answers.Suggest the patron use a ride service to get to his/her next destination.

Which promotion is considered discriminatory? - correct answers.ladies' drinks are half off

Which is considered a good hospitality practice when serving alcoholic beverages? - correct answers.slowing the beverage service down to the patron if needed

Where would the licensee be able to look online to see if their server is RBS certified? - correct answers.the ABC RBS database

Frequent calls for service to local law enforcement by an on-premises licensee may result in - correct answers.suspension of alcohol license.

What does "ABV" mean? - correct answers.Alcohol by volume

Which of these is not a policy for monitoring the behavior of minors seeking alcohol service? - correct answers.minors finding secluded locations in the premises where employees cannot monitor their activities

What information should be documented in an incident log? - correct answers.names

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