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Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Exam with Answers, Exams of Public Health

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to responsible beverage service (rbs) training. It covers various aspects of alcohol service, including legal requirements, identification verification, signs of intoxication, and responsible serving practices. Designed to help individuals preparing for rbs certification exams or seeking to enhance their knowledge of alcohol service regulations.

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Available from 11/11/2024

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Download Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Exam with Answers and more Exams Public Health in PDF only on Docsity!




Irresponsible alcohol sales in a community typically lead to an increase in - ANSWER Calls to the fire department Which term is defined as drinking a lot of alcohol in a short time period? - ANSWER Binge drinking Which symptoms is associated with alcohol-impaired driving? - ANSWER Reduced coordination When alcohol is mixed with ______________ the side effects can range from discomfort to death - ANSWER Medications or recreational drugs What is the best way to sober up an intoxicated person? - ANSWER Only time will sober up an intoxicated person What does "BAC" mean? - ANSWER Blood alcohol concentration In the simplest of terms, binge drinking can be described as drinking alcohol - ANSWER Rapidly Eating food while drinking may - ANSWER Cause less of the alcohol to be metabolized A patron may be displaying signs of being obviously intoxicated when they - ANSWER Become increasingly argumentative

Some consumed alcohol is absorbed into the body through the - ANSWER Stomach lining What is the primary purpose of ABC's T.R.A.C.E. program? - ANSWER Identify and investigate where persons under 21 years of age obtained alcohol and who was killed or obtained serious injury or accident A person with a BAC of 0.05 percent - ANSWER Can be arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol? When can a 19-year old legally serve alcoholic beverages in a restaurant? - ANSWER When the server's primary responsibility is to serve food Can ABC agents arrest an individual for criminal violations of the laws pertaining to alcoholic beverages?

  • ANSWER Yes, as they are sworn peace officers What is the duty of the designated RBS certified person at a non-profit organization's temporary alcohol event? - ANSWER To remain onsite for the duration of the event When is an employee's initial employment date? - ANSWER When the employee works his/her first shift Security personnel, whose post is located outside the entrance to an alcohol establishment, has the primary responsibility to control the number of patrons entering and to check their IDs. Does the bouncer need to be certified? - ANSWER Yes, because security personnel check ID's Selling alcohol to a person under 21 years of age is classified as a(n) - ANSWER Misdemeanor What does "RBS" mean? - ANSWER Responsible Beverage Service What is the maximum penalty for serving alcohol after hours? - ANSWER 6 months in jail What should you do is a patron arrives at your establishment and is already obviously intoxicated? - ANSWER Don't serve the patron alcohol

A legally acceptable ID has which characteristic? - ANSWER Photograph The photo on a California issued ID appears to be altered. Is the ID still valid to determine the patron's age? - ANSWER No, the ID is invalid Which symptom is characteristic of someone on a hallucinogenic drug? - ANSWER Excessive sweating Which substance is considered a stimulant? - ANSWER Nicotine What is printed on the holder's picture on a California Real ID? - ANSWER A bear Which feature is located on the back of a valid California driver license? - ANSWER Barcode Leslie was born on September 12, 2002. When will Leslie be able to purchase alcohol? - ANSWER September 12, 2023 When should a server check a patron's ID? - ANSWER Prior to serving alcohol to the patron What is the most valid reason for refusing service to a patron? - ANSWER the patron appears to be pregnant A good practice when refusing alcohol service to an obviously intoxicated patron is to - ANSWER not bargain with the patron A server asks a patron a question to confirm the validity of the patron's ID. Which question is least helpful? - ANSWER "Where did you go to high school?" Which technique is best for determining the validity of an ID? - ANSWER Compare the signature on the ID to a fresh signature given by the ID holder

Upon stopping alcohol service to an obviously intoxicated person, the server should - ANSWER Inform the other members of the patron's group, if any. When refusing alcohol service to a patron, the server should do so - ANSWER Firmly Which form of ID is NOT acceptable for determining a person's age? - ANSWER Student Registration Card When is an interim or temporary star-issued driver license valid proof of a patron's age? - ANSWER Never When is a work-issued ID valid for purchase alcohol? - ANSWER Never What is the most valid reason for refusing service to a patron? - ANSWER The patron cannot provide a valid ID Which is an indicator of a false ID? - ANSWER Card is too thick An administrative violation occurs in an ABC licensed premises, _____________ of that premises is at risk for administrative penalties. - ANSWER The license One of the benefits of establishing policies for the service of alcoholic beverages is that it - ANSWER Eliminates the risk of civil liability for the servers Promotions for that encourage the intemperate consumption of alcohol should be __________ by management - ANSWER Prohibited Which alcohol promotion is permitted in California? - ANSWER Happy hour A person in a group who is not drinking alcohol is commonly referred to as the - ANSWER Designated driver

What is the minimum age an employee must be to pour an alcoholic beverage? - ANSWER 21 Frequent calls for service to local law enforcement by an on-premises licensee may result in - ANSWER Suspension of alcohol license How many fluid ounces are in a standard size drink of beer? - ANSWER 12 Which of these is not a policy for monitoring the behavior of minors seeking alcohol service? - ANSWER Minors asking for well drinks What information should be documented in an incident log? - ANSWER Any injury, medical treatment, or hospitalization of a person that occurred on the ABC licensed premises homelessness - ANSWER Which neighborhood quality of life issue is most affected by the overuse of alcohol? a gatekeeper - ANSWER Regarding the service of alcohol in public establishments, the alcohol server's primary responsibility is to be the impaired judgement - ANSWER Which condition is associated with alcohol-impaired driving? medications and recreational drugs - ANSWER When alcohol is mixed with ____ the side effects can range from discomfort to death. only time will sober up an intoxicated person - ANSWER What is the best way to sober up an intoxicated person? .08% - ANSWER A blood alcohol concentration of .08 indicates that ____ percent of your blood is alcohol they are better at hiding their intoxication - ANSWER Which statement is true regarding people with a high tolerance to alcohol?

1 - ANSWER Intoxication can occur with as little as ___ drink(s.) sweating - ANSWER Which physical characteristic is a potential sign of intoxication? small intestine - ANSWER Most of the alcohol that a person consumes is absorbed by the body through the identify and investigate where persons under 21 years of age obtained alcohol and who was killed or obtained serious injury or accident - ANSWER What is the primary purpose of ABC's T.R.A.C.E program? your physical or mental abilities are impaired - ANSWER Being "under the influence" of alcohol means that when the server's primary responsibilities is to serve food - ANSWER When can a 19-year old legally serve alcohol beverages in a restaurant? Yes, they are authorized to do so - ANSWER Can local law enforcement officers enforce laws pertaining to alcoholic beverages? the alcohol pourers - ANSWER A non-profit organization has obtained a temporary daily on-sale license for a fundraiser. Who within the organization has to be RBS certified? disciplinary action - ANSWER The failure of a license to comply with the RBS program requirements shall be grounds for Yes, because the security personnel check ID's. - ANSWER Security personnel, whose post is located outside the entrance to an alcohol establishment, has the primary responsibility to control the number of patrons entering and to check their IDs. Does the bouncer need to be certified? disorderly conduct - ANSWER An obviously intoxicated person is blocking patrons from entering a bar. The person can be arrested for

  • ANSWER Which administration penalty can be imposed against a retail licensee that knowingly permitted the illegal sale, or negotiations for the sales, of controlled substances or dangerous drugs upon his or her licensed premises? obviously intoxicated - ANSWER A person whose intoxication can plainly be determined by exhibiting one or more of the specified physical conditions Which statement about intoxication is NOT true? - ANSWER Food, coffee, and fresh air will speed up the process of a person becoming more sober. When the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reaches _______, coordination and judgement are impaired; reaction time is slower. At this BAC, a person over 21 can be charged with DUI in California. - ANSWER. You serve two guests the same amount of alcohol in the same amount of time. One of them appears more intoxicated than the other. What might be the reason? - ANSWER All of the above. Before serving alcohol, you must interact with patrons to observe if they are showing signs of obvious intoxication. - ANSWER True. Beginning July 1, 2022, an alcohol server or supervisor must have completed RBS training within 60 days of employment and be recertified how often? - ANSWER Every 3 years. In general, a server cannot be held liable for accidents that caused by an obviously intoxicated patron they served. Only the licensee can be held liable. - ANSWER False. According to California law, anyone who provides alcohol to a person under 21 can be charged with a misdemeanor, including the server, the licensee, or another customer. - ANSWER True Which of the following statements about TRACE ( Target Responsibility for Alcohol Connected Emergencies) is not true? - ANSWER If found guilty, the licensee will be required to take additional training.

Todays date is September 15, 2020. Customers present IDs with the following birthdates. Which customer is of legal age to purchase alcohol? - ANSWER September 1, 1999 All of the following are indicators of a fake ID except which one? - ANSWER Smooth to the touch. What is the best thing to say when refusing sale of an alcoholic beverage to an obviously intoxicated customer? - ANSWER "I am sorry. But I can get in trouble if I give you any more alcohol. " You must be familiar with your house policy which specifies responsible serving guidelines such as: serving only one beverage at a time, offering food, and slowing down service when necessary. - ANSWER True. A house policy should provide guidelines for servers and managers and include which of the following? - ANSWER All of the above. Which crime is often alcohol related? - ANSWER Domestic violence Whose responsibility is to act as gatekeeper in regard to the community's ability to obtain alcohol in public establishments? - ANSWER The alcohol server Which symptom is associated with alcohol impaired driving? - ANSWER Reduced coordination A person may experience very harmful effects when mixing alcohol with - ANSWER Recreational or illegal drugs What is the best way to sober up an intoxicated person? - ANSWER Only time will sober up an intoxicated person. What does "BAC" mean? - ANSWER Blood alcohol concentration In the simplest of terms, binge drinking can be described as drinking alcohol - ANSWER Rapidly

Eating food while drinking alcohol may - ANSWER Slow down the rate of intoxication Which physical characteristic behavior is an indication that a patron might be obviously intoxicated? - ANSWER Slurred and varied speech Some consumed alcohol is absorbed into the body through the - ANSWER Liver What is the primary purpose of ABC's T.R.A.C.E. program? - ANSWER Identify and investigate where persons under 21 years of age obtained alcohol and who was killed or obtained serious injury or accident It is unlawful for a person who has ______ percent or more, by weight, of alcohol and his/her blood to drive a vehicle. - ANSWER 0. When can a 19-year-old legally serve alcoholic beverages in a restaurant? - ANSWER When the servers primary responsibilities is to serve food. Can ABC agents arrest an individual for criminal violations of the laws pertaining to alcoholic beverages?

  • ANSWER Yes, as they are sworn peace officers. What is the duty of the designated RBS certified person at a nonprofit organizations temporary alcohol event? - ANSWER To remain onsite for the duration of the event Does the manager of a licensed establishment need to obtain an RBS certification? - ANSWER Yes, because he manages and trains alcoholic servers and pourers. Security personnel, whose post is located outside the entrance to an alcohol establishment, has the primary responsibility to control the number of patrons entering and to check their IDs. Does the bouncer need to be certified? - ANSWER Yes, because security personnel check IDs. Selling alcohol to a person under 21 years of age is classified as a(n) - ANSWER Misdemeanor What does "RBS" mean? - ANSWER Responsible Beverage Service

A patron becomes intoxicated at a bar and falls, seriously injuring himself. The alcohol server may be held liable due to their - ANSWER General negligence A group of arrives and all of the members are obviously intoxicated with the exception one who identifies himself as a designated driver. What should you do? - ANSWER Do not serve the intoxicated group members What is not needed in order for a military ID to be considered a valid form of ID? - ANSWER Physical description of the holder Which type of ID is acceptable without containing a physical description of the holder? - ANSWER Government issued passport Which symptom is characteristic of someone on a hallucinogenic drug? - ANSWER Excessive sweating Which substance is considered a stimulant? - ANSWER Cocaine What is on the back of a California drivers license? - ANSWER Magnetic strip Which feature is added to a California issued ID to indicate the holder is under 21 years of age? - ANSWER Vertical format A server serves alcohol to a young looking patron who presented a fake ID that appeared to be valid. Who has most likely committed a crime? - ANSWER The patron Pat was born on June 17, 2001. When will Pat be able to purchase alcohol? - ANSWER June 17. 2022 An alcohol server confiscates a fake idea at 6 PM on a Thursday. When must the fake ID be turned over to local law-enforcement authorities? - ANSWER Before 6pm on Friday

What is the most valid reason for refusing service to a patron? - ANSWER The patron request service outside of the hours of operation The photo in California issued ID appears to be altered. Is the ID still valid to determine the pigeons age?

  • ANSWER No, the ID is invalid. Which technique is best for determining the validity of an ID? - ANSWER Compare the signature on the ID to a first signature given by the ID holder When refusing alcohol service to a patron, the server should do so - ANSWER Assertively When refusing alcohol service to patron, the serve should do so - ANSWER Discreetly Which form of ID is not acceptable for determining a persons age? - ANSWER Student registration card When is an interim or temporary state issued driver license valid proof of a patrons age? - ANSWER Never Which form of ID is not acceptable for determining a persons age? - ANSWER Work ID What is the most valid reason for refusing service to a patron? - ANSWER If the patron is obviously intoxicated by alcohol Which is an indicator of a false ID? - ANSWER Alterations of the birthdate Whose duty is it to ensure that policies are created to guide employees of an alcohol establishment in the service of alcoholic beverages? - ANSWER The owner/licensee One of the benefits of establishing policies for the service of alcoholic beverages is that it - ANSWER Eliminates the risk of civil liability for the servers

It is critical that in establishment that serves alcohol develop a policy on - ANSWER How to check a patrons identification Which alcohol promotion is permitted in California? - ANSWER Ladies night Which is considered a good hospitality practice when serving alcoholic beverages? - ANSWER Encouraging patrons to have a safe ride to their next destination Where with the licensee be able to look online to see if there's server is RBS certified? - ANSWER The ABC RBS database Operating a licensed premises with disorderly activity may result in - ANSWER Frequent calls for service to law-enforcement How many standard drink equivalents are in a 60 ounce pitcher of beer? - ANSWER 5 Which of these is not a policy for moderating the behavior of minors a seeking alcohol service? - ANSWER Minors talking about their high school days What information should be documented in an incident log? - ANSWER Seizure of a patrons ID