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RMA Complete Study Guide, Exams of Nursing

The rma complete study guide is a comprehensive resource designed to help individuals prepare for the registered medical assistant (rma) exam. This updated study guide covers a wide range of topics relevant to the medical assistant profession, including anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, administrative procedures, clinical skills, and ethical considerations. The guide provides detailed explanations, practice questions, and strategies to help candidates successfully navigate the rma exam. Whether you are a student aspiring to become a medical assistant or a professional seeking to enhance your skills, this study guide can serve as a valuable tool to enhance your knowledge and confidence in the field.

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Download RMA Complete Study Guide and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! RMA complete Study Guide new update solution RMA complete Study Guide new update solution parts of the uterus - --fundus, body and cervix 4 d's of negligence - --duty, dereliction, direct cause & damages A,a - --without abandonment - --withdraw without proper notice abduction - --outward AC - --before meals accepting assignment on medicare claims physician gets - --80% to accomodate minor emergencies in office - --leave open slots in scheduleing acne and boils - --staphylococci ad lib - --as desired adduction - --move toward middle adeno - --gland bacillo - --rod like balano - --glans penis banking fees on bank statement under - --service charges bankruptcy notification - --submit form to court trustee barriers - --stand in way of ethical choices Bartholins gland - --mucous producing glands on each side of the vagina basic suture setup - --needle holder & scissors basilic vein - --inner arm basophils - --produce histamines battery - --failure to obtain consent before treatment beneficence - --being helpful benign - --non cancerous BID - --twice a day bilateral - --two sides billiruben specimens need protection from - --light blasto - --beginning or young au - --both ears BP - --blood pressure brach, brachio - --arm burns need immediate attention when - --trouble breathing burso - --sac capillary puncture excessive squeezing causes - --dilution of sample with tissue fluid capillary - --tiny blood vessels connecting arteries to venules capitated - --fee schedule for paying medicare claims carcino - --cancer carotid artery - --in neck carpels - --wrist cartlidge - --flexible tissue attatches bones to joints caudal - --tail CDC - --center for disease control CEJA agrees to - --lethal injection, organ donations, abortion & surrogate motherhood with stipulations cells with no nucleus - --erythrocytes centesis - --surgical puncture to obtain fluid cephalic vein - --outer arm used for obese patients in venipuncture cide - --to kill civil law - --seeks to resolve non criminal disputes claims with assigned assignment of benefits are paid - --the physician CLIA - --clinical laboratory improvement amendments regulates lab quality standards deceased patient bills go to - --estate delinquent accounts are sent - --collection agency deltoid - --upper arm desis - --surgical fixation of bone or joint Di - --double dia - --across , thru diplo - --two distal - --nearest to wrist disto - --away dorsi - --foot dorso - --back duty - --obligation to have or perceived to have dys - --difficult, painful ectasis - --expansion EKG ground - --RL(rt leg) electron - --subatomic particle carrying negative charge elements of informed consent - --diagnosis, risks, benefits & alternative treatments emancipated minor - --child legally considered as an adult emesis - --vomitting emia - --blood encephalopathy - --any brain dysfunction endo - --within or inside eosinphils - --engulf invading bacteria epicardium - --outer layer of the heart epi - --upon E - --remove erythrocytes - --transport oxygen ESR(Erythro Sedimentation Rate) - --detect infection estrogen - --produces female characteristics ethical dilemma - --ethical problem were something of value will be lost ethics - --moral right and wrong etio - --cause eversion - --turn inside out exo - --outer fallopian tube - --fertilization takes place fascia - --enclosed muscle fee splitting - --physician accepts payment from another physician hemophelia - --innability to clot properly hemostat - --controls bleeding hepat - --liver hidra - --sweat HIPAA regulates - --electronic exchange of patient info histo - --tissue hiv codes - --042 disease, v08 infection homeostasis - --bodies abilty to maintain an acid base balance Hr - --hour hs - --hour of sleep(bedtime) humero - --arm hyper - --above hypno - --sleep hypo - --below ICD_9 codes - --diagnosis and cause of death ic - --pertaining to if employer believed to be unethical - --must be certain before reporting IM - --Intramuscular immune response - --highly specific host defense mechanism implied consent - --presumed consent inner ear - --hearing and equillibrium insulin - --assist glucose into cells insurance claim error - --using rule out diagnosis insurance write offs logged - --in adjustment column interragatory - --list of questions from one party of a lawsuit to another intradermal injection - --10-15 degrees 27g intramuscular injection - --90 degrees 21-23g ion - --makes up an atom iron - --FE ism - --state of condition sent to patient with amount owed - --itemized statement itis - --inflammation IV - --intravenous joints - --provide bone movement justice - --fair distribution of burdens karyo - --nucleus keloid - --abnormal scar formation keratin - --makes skin waterproof medicare claims - --submitted electronically required by HIPAA medicare HCPCS code example - --j0540 medicare part B covers - --prescription medical equipment medicare patients treated by non participating physician - --physician pays partial fees mediolateral - --pertaining to middle and one side medulla - --controls breathing and blood flow megaly - --enlarged menopause - --most eggs and follicles have dissappeared mg - --milligram mid brain - --audio and visual minor surgical skin cleanser - --betadine, iodine misdeameanor - --minor crime punishable by fine misfeasance - --improper performance of a lawful act ML - --milliliter monocytes - --horseshoe shaped helps with immune response most accurate blood pressure - --count for 60 seconds most accurate respirations - --count for 60 seconds muco - --mucous myco - --fungus myelo - --spinal cord, bone marrow Myo - --muscle myringo - --ear drum nasopharynx - --passes air only necro - --death negligence - --must be proven neo - --new nephro - --kidney neuorotransmitter - --carries nerve impulses across a synapse neutron - --subatomic particle with no negative electric charge neutrophils - --destroy bacteria night blindness cause - --lack of vitamin A nonfeasance - --failure to perform an act that should have been performed noscomial infection - --hospital acquired NPO - --nothing by mouth O negative blood - --universal donar obtaining blood pressure arm should be - --heart level Od - --right eye olfacto - --smell performing sedimentation rate westigren tube filled - --0mm peri - --around pernicuos anemia - --lack of B12 petachia - --red dots from tight tournequit petty cash - --small incidental items pexy - --fixation pharyngo - --throat pharynx - --recives air & food Phonia - --speech photo - --light pituitary - --regulates growth plaintiff - --person bringing case to court plasma - --liquid part of blood plasm - --formation, substance platelets - --help blood clot plopia - --vision pm - --as needed pnea - --breathing PO - --by mouth post op - --after surgery praxia - --movement pre op - --before surgery presbyo - --old presbyopia - --common eye condition from aging prevailing fee - --range of fees in same community profit &loss statement - --shows net profit pronation - --turning palms downward prostate - --secretes fluid for semen proton - --subatomic particle with positive electric charge proximal - --close to the shoulder proximo - --near puberty - --sperm and egg mature punitive - --punish pustule - --elevation containing pus pyelo - --kidney or pelvis pyo - --pus QD - --every day sepsis,septo - --infection septa - --wall septicimia - --infection from unclean equipment septum - --partition shock - --marked drop in BP sialo - --saliva Sims position - --lying on left side left arm behind the body right arm flexed for support (Rectal exams) slander - --statement not known to be true small intestine parts - --duodenum, jejunum, ilium snellin chart - --test eye sight somato - --body sphygmo - --pulse spiro - --breath spleen - --filters blood stages of dying - --denial, anger, bargaining, depression & acceptance stasis - --movement standard precautions are used - --in contact with blood, body fluids, mucous membranes or non intact skin standard precautions require PPE worn - --in contact with blood staphylo - --grapelike clusters stasis - --stoppage steno, stenosis - --narrowing sterilization - --destruction of all microbial life stomato - --mouth stomy - --new opening strepto - --twisted chains subpoena duces tecum - --order for witness to appear in court with medical records SubQ injection - --45 degrees, 2cc 25g sub - --under supination,supine - --lying on back facing upward supra - --above s - --without sx - --symptoms syncope first response - --supine with legs elevated syncope - --fainting systemic - --affecting entire system systole - --contracting blood chambers temporal - --forehead tendons - --attach muscle to bone urinalysis - --physical, chemical & microscopic valid contract - --must be in writing varico - --twisted vastus lateralis - --outer thigh muscle veins characteristics - --blood to heart, no pulse, no valve, dark red, bouncy and rise venipuncture patient postion - --sitting in chair ventral - --front ventro - --belly viscero - --organ vitamin k - --produced by normal flora in colon voided checks - --retain with cancled checks and write void across VS - --vital signs vulvo - --covering wheal - --round workers comp covers - --occupational injuries xero - --dry zygo - --union abducens - --motor nerve of the eye achromycin - --antibiotic administrative law - --law developed and enforced by gov adrenal gland - --located in each kidney regulates function affrerent arteriole - --group of blood vessels supplies the nephrons ailmentation - --supplying nourishement alveoli - --tiny sacs in lungs anabolism - --metabolism of the body andro - --male angina pectoris - --severe chest pain aorta - --carries blood from lft ventricle to branch arteries aortic blood flow - --aortic semilunar valve to rest of body apheresis - --blood of a donar or patient is passed thru an apparatus to seperate the blood apical heartbeat - --heartbeat heard thru a stethascope ascending colon - --part of the large intestine extends from cecum to colon av bundle(bundle of his) - --specialized for electrical conduction biliary tree - --composed of bile ducts connecting liver gallbladder and duodenum bulbourethra - --small exocrine gland located in male reproductive system casts - --microscopic creatures in urine corpus - --main part of an organ or bodily structure trophy - --growth stenosis - --narrowing menarche - --beginning of menstruation onycho - --nail phagia - --eating plegia - --paralysis praxia - --achieve subQ - --between bone and muscle accommodation - --focusing ability of the eye peritoneum - --membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity muscle contracts becomes - --shorter and thicker muscle expands becomes - --longer and thinner epidermis - --outer layer of skin dermis - --middle layer of skin subcutaeous - --skin layer farthest from surface choroid - --between the sclera and the retna lordosis - --forward curvature of the spine scoliosis - --lateral curvature of the spine xantho - --yellow melano - --black leuko - --white hepatitis - --inflammation of the liver adipose - --fat morale - --confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks priority b - --should be done today priority E - --an errand connotation - --something suggested by a word or thing repression - --unconscious exclusion of painful impulses, desires, or fears subtle - --Difficult to understand feedback - --return of information about the result of a process or activity encroachment - --entry into an area not previously occupied verbal aggression - --verbally attacking radial artery - --next to thumb brachial artery - --middle ulna - --next to pinky urinary tract urine flow - --kidney, ureter, bladder, prostate(males)urethra First class mail - --post cards, letters Packages include boxes, thick envelopes, or tubes Third class mail - --bulk advertisments electrical or chemical signal to another cell hypothalmus - --links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland thalmus - --sensory perception and regulation of motor functions prolactin - --hormone released by the pituitary gland ribose - --simple sugar pyloric sphincter - --ring of smooth muscle at the end of the pyloric canal and lets food pass from the stomach to the duodenum jejunum - --middle section of the small intestine gonococcal cultures obtained from - --urethra antigens - --foreign substances on surface of RBCs shock - --insufficient blood flow to the heart secretion - --bodily fluids excretion - --infected secretion agglutination - --clotting or clumping of blood synovial fluid - --fluid in joints and tendons temporal pulse - --temple brachial pulse - --inner elbow popliteal - --behind the knee dorsalis pedis - --arch of foot pachy - --thick tricho - --hair candida - --fungus sclero,histo - --tissue sarcoma - --cancer rhitido - --wrinkle impetigo - --skin infection adeno - --gland oto - --ear retina - --inner most layer of the eye choroid - --color part of eye kinesea - --movement cephalo - --brain cerebro - --cerebrum glio - --glue tono - --tension Phasia - --speech lexia - --reading lepsy - --seizure lymphatic system - --fights infections physiology - --study of functions of living organisms skelatal muscle function - --heat production, movement &posture atria - --receiving blood chambers diastole - --heart relaxes superficial - --toward the surface anatomical positon - --body errect arms to side palms forward dorsal cavity - --cranial & spinal cavity ventral cavity - --lungs pelvic cavity - --reproductive organs, bladder, lg & sm intestines Medical records alphabetical filing - --Last name, first name, middle, title galacto - --milk genesis - --beginning glosso - --tongue hypno - --sleep linguo - --tongue orchido - --testicles pan - --all penia - --decrease pneumo - --lung poly - --many pseudo - --false pulmo - --lung rhino - --nose sarco - --flesh scope - --instrument for viewing somato - --body syn - --join together tachy - --fast tarso - --flat of foot tricho - --hair vaso - --vessel urethra - --tube that excretes urine soluble - --materials that can be disolved in water metaboliosm - --nutrients broken down in body excessive protein in kidneys - --not functioning properly clean catch - --genitals cleaned before specimen collection urinometer - --measures urine cannulate - --retrive bllod for testing tortuous - --crooked sclerosed - --hard 60 seconds - --tournequit left on trauma - --damage to underlying tissue hemolysis - --destruction of veing vein inflammantion - --phlebitis hemoconcentration - --bllod concentrates one area WBC's - --fight infection RBC's - --transport oxygen hemostasis vascular phase - --injury to area hemostasis platelet phase - --sticks to area to cause platelet plug hemostasis coagulation phase - --platlet converts to fibrin clot hemostasis fibrinolysis phase - --removal of clot dermal puncture - --middle or ring finger lancet - --used to puncture finger microhermatocrit centrifuge - --machine for hermatocrit reading westigren tube - --measures ESR 60-120 - --normal glucose range glucometer - --measures glucose kidney,ureter,bladder,urethra - --urinary system organ flow peristalsis - --movement of food forward mucosa - --innermost membrane lining serosa - --outermost membrane layer parotid - --largest salivary gland bolus - --mass of food frenulum - --anchors the tongue chime - --liquid part of digestive enzymes systole - --heart expands epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous - --skin layers acetylcholine - --aids in transmission of nerve impulses oxytocin - --chemical neurotransmitter in the brain pulmonary veins - --carries oxygenated blood to the heart testes - --produces male hormones pronation - --rotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face downward sa node location - --upper wall of RT atrium anabolism - --synthesis of complex molecules in living organisms from simpler ones together with the storage of energy prostaglandins - --group of lipid compounds that are derived enzymatically from fatty acids estrogen - --female hormones induration - --The act or process of becoming hardened plakia - --a plate or flat plane eu - --good urticaria - --hives bronchi - --main air passages of the lungs stapedo - --stapes of the ear pylorus - --prevent intestinal contents from reentering the stomach pyelo - --pelvis or kidney spirilla - --cell body that twists like a spiral villi - --hairlike projections that cover the lining of the small intestine cilia - --sweep fluids and foreign particles out of cells axon - --that conducts electrical impulses away from the neuron's cell body convolutions - --One of the convex folds of the surface of the brain. ... dendrite - --branched projections of a neuron corium - --skin kyphosis - --convex curve in upper spine angioma - --benign tumor of dilated or newly formed blood vessels cirrhosis - --fibrous connective tissue invades any organ ascites - --retention of free fluid within the peritoneal cavity water soluble vitamins - --B&C customary fee - --fee typically charged for a service in a particular geographic area fee profile - --provide consumers with a general idea of (full) fees net pay - --remaining amount after deductions gluteus Medius - --adult IM injection site betadine, povidone iodine , hibiclens - --skin cleansing agents for minor surgical procedures modality - --mode tinea capititus - --ringworm-fungal infection of the scalp syncope first response - --supine with legs elevated root word - --prefix statutory law - --written law set down by a legislature common law - --law developed by judges through decisions of courts constitutional law - --law that relates to the constitution organelles - --Any of a number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell mitochondria - --organellewhich most cells biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur licensure - --mandatory credential source - --place from which something arises agenda - --list or program of things to be done or considered input device - --any hardware device that sends data to the computer insurance rider - --written form attached to an insurance policy that alters the policy's coverage secondary storage - --hard disk drives, floppy disks, and tape. chronological - --Relating to the establishment of dates and time sequences subject file - --Files organized by topics tickler file - --a file of memoranda or notices that remind of things to be done ICD-9 V- Codes - --external causes of injury medicare funded - --state and federal cessation of breathing - --highest emergency priority formatting - --the structure or organization of digital data for storing, printing, or displaying patient ledger card - --shows services and bills smallest pathogen - --Epstein Barr Virus electrical conduction of the heart - --sa node, AV node, left bundle branches, rt bundle branches , bundle of his, purkinje fibers infant first aid - --back blows, chest thrusts, open mouth medical technologist - --trained to perform lab procedures Gram stain - --staining bacteria using a dye called crystal (gentian) violet. does not require universal precautions - --feces Trendelenberg position - --the body is laid flat on the back (supine position) with the feet higher than the head by 15-30 degrees anabolism - --constructive process of building up new substances troche - --a small tablet or losenge most common blood bourne pathogen - --HIV first step in venipuncture/capillary puncture - --identify the patient