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Rock Identification & Contextual Interpretation: Geologic History & Fault Analysis, Lab Reports of Geology

A lab instruction for a geoscience course focusing on rock identification and interpreting geologic history based on rock relationships and geological features such as faults and unconformities. Students are required to identify rocks using provided forms and create a schematic cross-section of a mystery region, explaining the formation of each rock, fault, and unconformity.

Typology: Lab Reports

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Download Rock Identification & Contextual Interpretation: Geologic History & Fault Analysis and more Lab Reports Geology in PDF only on Docsity! Geoscience 001 Fall 2005 Rock Identification and Contextual Interpretation The purpose of this week’s lab is to gain some more experience and practice in identifying rocks and then interpreting the geologic history of a region based on the context of the different rocks – their relationships to one another. Geologic history is a story told by sequences of rocks and other features like faults and unconformities. The first and most important step is always the identification of the rocks because different rocks form in different ways — a particular rock implies a set of processes and an environment of formation that can contribute a great deal of information to the history of a region. Faults and unconformities also provide important parts of the story. An unconformity usually represents a good deal of missing time, which is like tearing a bunch of pages out of a book. This might seem like a useless feature, but you can still say some things about what must have happened during that missing time. For instance, if you have an unconformity in which metamorphic rocks that formed at depths of around 20 km below the surface are covered by sediments (which are obviously deposited at the surface), then you’ve got to explain how 20 km of material was removed — no small task. Erosion is limited by sea level (rivers cannot erode below sea level and wave action is confined to the upper 100 meters of the oceans), so erosion alone cannot do the job. We require some process to actively uplift the rock as the surficial layers are stripped away by rivers — this process is generally called uplift and is usually driven by crustal thickening, which is in turn caused by compression of the crust related to larger processes of plate convergence and collision. As you can see, some big things are hidden in the form of the modest-looking unconformity. There are nine unknown samples to be identified. Carefully examine each one and fill out the identification form for each, providing as much information as possible. Make use of the lab manuals and the rock identification charts in the lab. Once you have identified the rocks, fill in the blank spaces of the schematic cross- sectional view of our mystery region using the appropriate symbols shown below. This is a schematic cross-section, which means that it does not necessarily represent a particular slice through the upper crust, but is instead a kind of cartoon that represents the relationships observed in a specific area. Then, , construct an outline of the geologic history following the example shown here. It will be useful to study the example carefully to make sure you can follow the kind of reasoning that is used to construct the geologic history. Note that you have to explain the formation of all the rocks, but also the faults and unconformities as well. Uplift and erosion, forming modern topography(9) Thrust faulting (8) from tectonic compression Deposition of fluvial sandstone and conglomerate (7) deposited by rivers in a terrestrial environment near mountains — suggests a fall in sea level or regression relative to previous formation Deposition of shallow marine sandstone (6) — suggests a regression or sea level fall relative to previous formation Deposition of deep marine shale (5) — suggests a transgression or sea level rise relative to previous formation; could be related to crustal thinningimplied by the normal faulting Normal faulting (4) from tectonic extension Deposition of shallow marine limestone (3) — suggests a sea level rise (transgression) relative to the underlying unconformity, which probably formed by erosion above sea level Unconformity (2) — lots of uplift and erosion because schists form at depths of greater than 15 km below the surface Metamorphism and folding of shales and sandstones to make schist (labeled 1) — suggests major tectonic compression Deep burial to around 15 km or more. Deposition of a thick sequence of shales and sandstones 9 7 6 5 4 8 2 3 1 Sequence of Geologic Events (to be read from the bottom up) Geologic Cross Section o ld es t yo u n g es t Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic RocksIgneous Rocks limestone dolostone shale siltstone sandstone conglomerate gneissschist slate or phyllite volcanic rocks basalt lava flows granite other intrusive igneous rocks Standard Lithologic Symbols Fossils (if present) Rock Name #4 General Rock Type (circle one): igneous metamorphic sedimentary Color(s) Identifiable Minerals Texture (terms depend on whether it is igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary) Fossils (if present) Rock Name #5 General Rock Type (circle one): igneous metamorphic sedimentary Color(s) Identifiable Minerals Texture (terms depend on whether it is igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary) Fossils (if present) Rock Name #6 General Rock Type (circle one): igneous metamorphic sedimentary Color(s) Identifiable Minerals Texture (terms depend on whether it is igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary) Fossils (if present) Rock Name #7 General Rock Type (circle one): igneous metamorphic sedimentary Color(s) Identifiable Minerals Texture (terms depend on whether it is igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary) Fossils (if present) Rock Name #8 General Rock Type (circle one): igneous metamorphic sedimentary Color(s) Identifiable Minerals Texture (terms depend on whether it is igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary) Fossils (if present) Rock Name #9 General Rock Type (circle one): igneous metamorphic sedimentary Color(s) Identifiable Minerals Texture (terms depend on whether it is igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary) Fossils (if present) Rock Name