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Control Task: Listening Comprehension and Prepositions - Prof. Helen Guglielmi, Exams of Russian Language

Slavic Languages and LiteraturesLanguage and culture studiesRussian Language and Literature

A control task for russian language learners. It includes listening comprehension questions in russian and preposition exercises. The listening comprehension questions require students to listen to a recording and answer questions about a person named elena. The preposition exercises involve filling in missing prepositions and translating words from english to russian.

What you will learn

  • What are their names?
  • How many children does Elena have?
  • What does Elena enjoy doing in her free time?
  • How old are they?
  • What is Elena's profession?

Typology: Exams


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Download Control Task: Listening Comprehension and Prepositions - Prof. Helen Guglielmi and more Exams Russian Language in PDF only on Docsity! КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТ А ПО ГЛАВАМ 1 - 3 (100 points) Задание 1. Прослушивание Listen to the recording and answer the follo wing questions in Russian. (5 points) 1. Кто Елена по профессии? ~ у f lt .. ""'-(r.;ьJ 2. Что она любит делать в свободное время? (J у{!,,, JJ,- JJJ. ~е ~ 3. Сколько у Лены детей? 1 • ·СС J t ,,,;-r ~ e,.r;...t;i eu j/"J I I ~ш~ or. Ь 4. Как их зовут? IJJ<.. 1Ф~f\'\. '1ы~ U... .-tf ,A),. 5. Сколько им лет? &~t ~ t,UJ,.tКYLh"VL 1А. 1-ЛfВ 'fЙ' Jц-'t\h МfУ\,, Задание 11. Предложный падеж А. Fill in the missing prepositions (в, н.а, о) and put the words in parentheses into the prepositional case. (24 points) 1. Расскажи мне, ~жалуй ста .f2_ '1ьх (что) говорила Наташа. 2. Кресло стоит~ Э~>J(э~. 3. На уроке преподаватель рассказывал _()_ rfu\,u,\k: ~~~~кие музыканты). V (1 С 4. Ты часто думаешь (Jl} .){.,\,(t (я) и i) IАй...~; Чн"~ друзья). о 1 ~ ' 5. Вчера мы бьши 11.t l'fамери анский балет). 6. Пушкин часто гулял \.L.>..Ц.,.,""""---=--LA.:....:J\c...=......;'''1-;,·'A свой сад). 7. Кремль стоит _ш. ..L.!,!J-"'-=~~~....\J!,l.l.AЦ~ ~асная площадь). 8. Я была _il ЩJ-t. оск ск~ропорт). В. Тrans/ate the words ln parenthesis. ( 6 points) ~ (),U( .,U) .,(,L. 1. Мы ездили в Россию (last year) 6run:~J 1{. '14;/- . 2. Семестер заканчивается (next week) \:ili, ~~~лU,., 3. Мы переедем в новый дом (this month) 6-, ;):010:А~ , . 3ananne Il. AMennrespunii nape ; Give the plural form of the nouns in the nominative case. (10 points) Z, u 1. Gpat & fica oe 6. apa — Spare 2. yanrestb ¢ WAAL 7. 10M Gara __ 3.cemna ~~ Cha MALL 8. pe6éHoK ALNV\AA 4. ropon SUA 9. pyska ‘\ Ly Mu 5. wenonex PATA, 10. 0% HW 3ananne III. Poawresbupiii napea A. Put the words in parenthesis into the Genitive case (singular or plural). (10 points) 21 (mara3un) ena MHoro (KOMHaTa) YVertam _ 13 (my3ei) Malo (101M) AOA, HeCKOJILKO (OKHO) Oho 48 (yuparknenne) pllficouirertain 101 (nexus) ALMA es into Russian using the genitive case prepositions. (10 #4 J