Download S12 Certificate of Fitness Sprinkler 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS 2024/2025 SOLUTIONS and more Exams Business Administration in PDF only on Docsity! S12 Certificate of Fitness Sprinkler 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS 2024/2025 SOLUTIONS Buildings ( - Shall be inspected (how often) the building owner shall ensure that all areas of the building containing water-filled piping shall be maintained at a minimum temperature of 40°F and not exposed to freezing conditions When the pump is in operation a small water leak on the pump bearings is desirable and should not be considered a malfunction. Additionally, water should discharge from a ---- relief valve (electric pump) or --- exchanger (diesel pump) while the fire pump is operating under a "no-flow" condition. circulation /heat A sprinkler system is a fire extinguishing system, other than a water mist system, that utilizes water as the extinguishing agent. Inspection, testing, servicing and other maintenance of sprinkler systems must be personally supervised and be performed in accordance with NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) #25 2011 edition. All multiple dwellings, factories, office buildings, warehouses, stores and offices, theaters and music halls, hospitals and asylums, and all public schools and other public buildings, churches and other places where large numbers of persons are congregated for purposes of worship, instruction, amusement, and all piers, bulkheads, wharves, pier sheds, bulkhead sheds or other waterfront structures shall provide fire extinguishers, buckets, axes, fire hooks, fire doors and other means of preventing and extinguishing fires as the commissioner may direct. Required fire protection systems shall be extended or altered as necessary to maintain and continued protection whenever the building or structure is altered. Systems not complying with this section shall be considered to be impaired. It shall be unlawful to install or maintain any fire protection system or device that has the physical appearance of fire protection equipment but that does not perform a fire protection function where it may be confused with actual fire protection equipment. An example would be a CCTV camera that is installed inside a shell that resembles a sprinkler head SPRINKLER AND/OR STANDPIPE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS 1. Automatic and non-automatic sprinkler systems shall be inspected, tested and maintained as required by NFPA #25 2011 edition by a competent person holding a S-12 Certificate of Fitness and employed or contracted by the owner, to see that all parts of the system are in good working order, and that the Fire Department connection(s), if any, are ready for immediate use by the Fire Department. A detailed record shall be kept on the premises or other approved location, for a minimum of 3 years for examination by any representative of the Fire Department. 2.A supply of at least six extra sprinkler heads shall be kept available on the premises, to replace promptly any fused or damaged sprinklers. Any head which has opened or has been damaged shall be replaced immediately with sprinkler a standpipe system, sprinkler system or fire alarm system is out of service. The impairment coordinator shall maintain records of all system inspections, tests, servicing and other items of maintenance The impairment coordinator's records of system inspections, tests, servicing and other items of maintenance shall be kept on the premises or other approved location for a minimum of --- and made available for inspection by any member of---- 3 years/FDNY In absence of a specific designee,the ---shall be considered the impairment coordinator. building owner III. OUT OF SERVICE SYSTEMS (OOS) Planned removal from service: When the system, or a portion of the sprinkler system, is placed out of service for a scheduled inspection, testing, regular maintenance, minor repairs or for construction affecting not more than 1 floor, the ---- and ----of and authorize the placing of the system out of service. COF holder/impairment coordinator Unplanned out of service condition A serious defect in the sprinkler system including, but not limited to: an empty tank, a break or major leak in the system's water piping, inoperative or shut water supply valves, defective fire department connections, construction related shut downs affecting more than one floor, or complete or partial shut downs of the sprinkler system, other than a shut down for a planned removal from service When a Fire Protection system is out of service fire watch personnel must: • Continuously patrol the area affected by the out-of-service fire protection system to which such person has been assigned, keeping constant watch for fires. • Be provided with at least one approved means for notification of the Fire Department and emergency preparedness staff. • Immediately report any fire to the Fire Department and notify emergency preparedness staff on premises. • Be trained in the used of portable fire extinguisher. 10 • Be responsible for extinguishing fires limited in size and spread that can be readily extinguished. • Maintain a record of such fire watch on the premises during the fire watch and for a minimum of 48 hours after the fire watch has concluded. • Have no other duties. FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATIONS FOR OUT OF SERVICE CONDITIONS: NOTIFICATION THAT A SPRINKLER SYSTEM OR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, OR ANY PART THEREOF, IS OR WILL BE OUT OF SERVICE SHALL BE MADE TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES: 1. The sprinkler system or fire alarm system is or will be out of service on more than one floor of a building; or 2. The work or repairs cannot be completed, and the system restored to service, within 8 hours of the time the system was placed or went out of service; or 3. With respect to a fire alarm system, the work or repairs will require the fire alarm system to be out of service for more than 8 hours in any 24-hour period; or 4. One or more other fire protection systems in the area in which a fire protection system is out of service are or will also be out of service at the same time. a) The initial Fire Department notification shall include the following: 1. A brief description and extent of the out-of-service condition and system it affects. 2. The area of the building affected, including the floors where fire protection system is out of service. 3. The type of occupancy. 4. The estimated time the system will be out of service. 5. The name and phone number of the person making the notification or the owner of the premises. 6. The building address. 7. Whether the fire protection system is out of service by reason of a planned removal from service (and if so, the reason for placing it out of service) or an unplanned out-of- service condition. 8. Whether or not the other fire protection systems are in good working order. When the Certificate of Fitness holder observes a minor defect or other condition not presenting a serious safety hazard, he or she shall report the defect or condition to the----- Owner if the defect or condition is not corrected within-----it shall be deemed to be an impairment and reported in writing to----- 30 days/Fire Department (FC 901.7.5). Identifying OOS Systems Using Discs/Tags Systems that are out of service, both planned and unplanned, shall be immediately identified by placing a tag at each of the following locations: Fire Department connections, system control valves, fire command center or other clearly visible location in the lobby of the building, indicating which system or part thereof is out of service. ----- and -----Impairment coordinators/building owners shall ensure the placement of these tags by MFSPC's or MP (as restricted). Impairment coordinators/building owners impairment coordinator The impairment coordinator shall----and----the placing of the fire protection system out of service authorize and personally supervise Before authorizing the placing of the fire protection out of service the impairment coordinator shall: • Notify the Certificate of Fitness holder responsible for supervising the maintenance of the standpipe system, sprinkler system or fire alarm system. • Determine the extent and expected duration of the out-of-service condition. • Inspect the areas or buildings involved and assess the increased risks. Make appropriate recommendations to the owner. • Notify the Fire Department in accordance with FC 901.7.5, if required. • Notify the responsible person designated by the owner to issue hot work authorizations in accordance with FC Chapter 26. • Notify the central station and insurance carrier. • Notify the occupants in the affected areas if the duration of time the sprinkler system or fire alarm system will be out of service is estimated to be more than 30 minutes. • Place a tag at each fire department connection, standpipe and sprinkler system control valve and fire command center, indicating which fire protection system, or part thereof, is out of service. • Maintain the fire protection system in service until work is ready to begin. Fire Guard The impairment coordinator or other building staff trained and knowledgeable in conducting a fire watch may conduct a fire watch in lieu of a fire guard during the initial----hours of a planned removal from service, or after discovery of an unplanned out-of-service condition, provided that the floor or area in which the fire protection system is out of service does not exceed----feet 4 hours/50 feet A sufficient number of fire guards shall be provided such that each floor or area in which the fire protection system is out of service is patrolled at least once an hour Impaired Equipment Underground service mains, water storage tanks, Fire Department connections, control valves, fire and or booster pumps, that are out of service and are considered vital to part of the system that are required to be tagged following procedures outlined in Chapter 15 of NFPA #25 2011 Ed. System fully out of service Red tag/White disc System partially out of service Red tag/blue disc System appears free of defects or deficiencies Green tag no disc Only ---, ---- or ---- may place a tag on a system Only FDNY, Owner, MFSPC or MP For systems that are fully or partially out of service that are not equipped with Fire Department connections, the appropriate tags shall be placed at --- &---- is notified immediately the main control valve/the fdny In a building required by the NYC Fire Code to have a Fire Safety Director with (F- 58 or F-25), an Engineer (Q-01 or Q-99) with the S-12 C of F, is authorized to take the system out of the service for less than----place an appropriate colored tag on that system 8 hours In a building required by the NYC Fire Code to have a Fire Safety Director with (F- 58 or F-25), an Engineer (Q-01 or Q-99) with the S-12 C of F, is authorized to take the system out of the service for less than 8 hrs and place an appropriate colored tag on that system. The ---- and ---- must be present at all times FSD and the Engineer Prior to returning a system to service, the impairment coordinator shall ensure that the necessary tests and inspections are conducted to verify that the system is operating normally notify FDNY borough dispatcher notify FDNY borough dispatcher, the building owner's tenants in the affected area, the insurance carrier, emergency preparedness staff, central station operator (if so equipped) remove out of service tags and discs. Prior to returning a system to service, the impairment coordinator notifies FDNY borough dispatcher the building owner's tenants in the affected area, the insurance carrier Communication Office. Failure to make inspections, maintain records, and report defects or violations may be cause for revocation of the Certificate of Fitness and court Record keeping The Certificate of Fitness holder shall maintain a detailed record of all inspections. Records of all ----, ----, ---- and -----required by this NYC Fire Code, the NYC Fire Rules or the referenced standards shall be maintained on the premises or other approved location system inspections, tests, servicing and other maintenance Records of all system inspections, tests, servicing and other maintenance required by this NYC Fire Code, the NYC Fire Rules or the referenced standards shall be maintained on the premises or other approved location for a minimum of- --- years and made available to---- 3 years/any Fire Department representative Detailed Records. A detailed inspection report shall include information relative to conditions of water supply gravity and pressure tanks and levels therein valves risers piping sprinkler heads and fire dept connections alarms fire booster andspecial service pumps obstructions and conditions of all other system equipment and appurtenances. Records shall be readily available to any representative of the fire dept Riser Card. In addition to those records required by NFPA 25 as mentioned above, an approved card bearing the dates of each inspection, certificate of fitness number and signature of the certificate of fitness holder Riser Card. In addition to those records required by NFPA 25 as mentioned above, an approved card bearing the dates of each inspection, certificate of fitness number and signature of the certificate of fitness holder shall be posted on the----This approved card shall not replace or supersede the---- the premises near the main water supply control valve. (FC 901.6.2.1)/detailed record of inspection). Notification of all defects shall be reported to the owner or their representative by the ----- COF Holder Notification of all defects shall be reported to the owner or their representative by the Certificate of Fitness holder. After---- days have not been corrected shall be immediately reported to the Fire Department Borough Communication Office. Failure to make inspections, maintain records, and report defects or violations may be cause for---- revocation of the Certificate of Fitness and court enforcement proceedings. 15 V. INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM TASKS AS SPECIFIED IN THE NEW YORK CITY FIRE CODE S-12/S-15 COF holder visual inspections only, proper notification and record inspection results for examination by FDNY. S-12: Water-based fire protection systems. S-15: : Foam-water suppression systems and water-based fire protection system S-12/S-15* COF holder employed by a ---- specific building owner site S-12/S-15* COF holder employed by a site-specific building owner with the following certifications: Refrigeration Operating Engineer (Refrigeration Q-99 or Q-01), High Pressure Operating Engineer and NYS High Pressure Operating Engineer OS & Y valv A ---- is a non-indicating gate valve equipped with a cast iron extension box flushed with a sidewalk with an operating nut of 1 ¼ inch, this valve is operated using a special curb key wrench. This valve controls the municipal water supply serving the fire sprinkler system. Curb valve ---- is A sprinkler fabricated with corrosion resistant materials, or special coatings to be used in an atmosphere that would corrode standard sprinklers. CORROSION-RESISTANT SPRINKLER ---- is A condition in which the application of the component is not within its designed limits or specifications Deficiancy ---- is A deficiency that, if not corrected, can have an effect on the performance of the fire protection system. CRITICAL DEFICIENCY ----is A deficiency that does not have an effect on the performance of the fire protection system, but correction is needed for the proper inspection, testing, and maintenance of the system(s) NON CRITICAL DEFICIENCY a ---- is A water supply control valve intended to be operated by actuation of an automatic detection system that is installed in the same area as the discharge devices. deluge valve Each deluge valve is capable of ---- and ---- operation automatic and manual ---- is A sprinkler system employing open sprinklers that are attached to a piping system that is connected to a water supply through a valve that is opened by the operation of a detection system installed in the same areas as the sprinklers. When this valve opens, water flows into the piping system and discharges from all sprinklers attached. DELUGE SPRINKLER SYSTEM ------ is A sprinkler system employing automatic sprinklers that are attached to a piping system containing air or nitrogen under pressure. The release of the air or nitrogen,(as from the opening of a sprinkler) results in the water pressure opening a valve known as a dry pipe valve, resulting in the flow of water into the piping system and out of the fused sprinklers heads. DRY PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM A sprinkler secured in an extension nipple that has a seal at the inlet to prevent water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates. May be configured with an upright pendent or sidewall sprinkler. DRY SPRINKLER A device designed to discharge water or foam-water solution in a predetermined, fixed, or adjustable pattern. Examples include, but are not limited to, sprinklers, spray nozzles, and hose nozzles. DISCHARGE DEVICE A type of fast response sprinkler that is listed for its capability to provide fire suppression of specific high challenge fire hazards. EARLY SUPPRESSION FAST RESPONSE SPRINKLER (ESFR) A sprinkler head with and orifice size equal to or greater than 1". This sprinkler is used for protection of high piled storage in warehouses and less pressure is required to achieve a given discharge density. EXTRA LARGE ORIFICE SPRINKLERS (ELO) A type of spray sprinkler with a maximum area of coverage of 400 square feet (20 foot by 20 foot spacing between sprinklers) for light hazard occupancies to a maximum of 144 square feet (12 foot by 12 foot spacing between sprinklers) for extra hazard occupancies. EXTENDED COVERAGE SPRINKLERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM - Any system, including any interconnected fire alarm sub-system, of components and circuits arranged to monitor and annunciate the status of fire alarm or supervisory signal-initiating devices. A connection, normally on the exterior of the building, through which the fire department can pump supplemental water into the sprinkler system, standpipe, or other system furnishing water for fire extinguishment to supplement existing water supplies. (Formerly known as Siamese connection.) FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION ---- is An approved system of devices and equipment which detects a fire and discharges an approved fire extinguishing agent onto or in the area of a fire. Such term includes automatic systems and, where such systems are authorized by this code or the Building Code, manually activated systems. FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM FIRE HYDRANT IMPAIRMENT COORDINATOR A sprinkler equipped with integral shields to protect the operating element from discharge from sprinklers installed at higher elevations. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL SPRINKLER/RACK STORAGE SPRINKLER - LARGE ORIFICE SPRINKLEr A sprinkler head with and orifice size equal to or greater than ¾" and less than 1" A fire protection component that has been tested to perform under parameters specified for its use by a nationally recognized testing agency. Listed device Two most common testing agencies Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) and Factory Mutual (FM) MASTER PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE A pressure reducing valve installed to regulate pressures in an entire fire protection system and/or standpipe system zone. The primary drain connection located on the system riser and also utilized as a flow test connection. These valves are typically globe pattern valves. MAIN DRAIN MICROBIOLOGICALLY INDUCED CORROSION (MIC) Corrosion caused by the presence of microbes in the water supply that over time attack the interior of metallic piping and cause leaks, pitting, and blockages. OUT OF SERVICE SYSTEM A fire protection system that is not fully functional; or whose operation is impaired or is otherwise not in good working order. A sprinkler that directs 40% to 60% of the water initially in a downward direction and is designed to be installed with the deflector in either the upright or pendent position. OLD-STYLE/CONVENTIONAL SPRINKLER PENDENT SPRINKLER A sprinkler designed to be installed in such a way that the water stream is directed downward against the deflector. A visual indicating device required for sprinklers manufactured prior to 1999 identifying small orifice sprinklers and large orifice sprinklers where orifice size is different than the nominal thread size of the sprinkler head PINTLE SCREWS PIPE SCHEDULE SYSTEMS A method of sizing piping based upon the number of sprinkler heads and the occupancy of the protected area. PREACTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM A sprinkler system employing automatic sprinklers that are attached to a piping system that contains air that may or may not be under pressure, with a supplemental detection system installed in the same areas as the sprinklers. PERSONAL SUPERVISION - Supervision by the holder of a FDNY Certificate of Fitness who is required to personally present on the premises, or other proximate location acceptable to the department, while performing the duties for which the certificate is required A pilot operated pressure reducing valve that may be used with a fire or booster pump designed for the purpose of preventing the incoming water supply pressure from dropping below a set pressure. PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE A valve designed for the purpose of reducing the downstream water pressure under both flowing (residual) and nonflowing (static) conditions. PRESSURE-REDUCING VALVE A valve designed for the purpose of releasing excess air or water pressure from the Fire Protection Piping System. PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE A tank using air pressure to supplying water for water-based fire protection systems. Tank contents to be maintained at one third air to two thirds water. PRESSURE TANK A sprinkler in which all or part of the body, other than the shank thread, is mounted above the ceiling. RECESSED SPRINKLER type of fast response sprinkler that has been specifically tested to enhance survivability in the room of fire origin and listed for use in dwelling units RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER A measurement of the thermal sensitivity of a sprinkler head expressed in (meters-seconds) 1/2. RESPONSE TIME INDEX (RTI) WATER SUPPLY - A source of water that provides the flows [gal/min (L/min)] and pressures [psi (bar)] required by the water-based fire protection system. WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - A sprinkler system employing automatic sprinklers attached to a piping system containing water and connected to a water supply so that water discharges immediately from sprinklers opened by heat from a fire. A special fixed pipe system connected to a reliable fire protection water supply and equipped with water spray nozzles for specific water discharge and distribution over the surface or area to be protected. The piping system is connected to the water supply through an automatically or manually actuated valve that initiates the flow of water. An automatic valve is actuated by operation of automatic detection or manual release equipment installed in the same areas as the water spray nozzles. (In special cases, the automatic detection system may also be located in another area.) (section this card) WATER SPRAY FIXED SYSTEM A tank supplying water for water-based fire protection systems. WATER TANK VII. SYSTEM TYPES An automatic wet sprinkler system is an effective fire----system.This system discharges water to a localized area that is subject to fire. suppressio The sprinkler system is designed to extinguish the fire entirely, or to prevent the spread of the fire. An automatic sprinkler system consists of a series of ---- at or near the ---- in a building. pipes/ceiling The (automatic) sprinkler system is fitted with automatic devices designed to release water on a fire. These devices are called ---- sprinkler heads The sprinkler heads are normally closed by a ----or a ---- disc/clap This cap is held in place by a heat sensitive releasing element. A ---- to a predetermined level causes the sprinkler head to open. rise in temperature This cap is held in place by a heat sensitive releasing element. A rise in temperature to a predetermined level causes the sprinkler head to open. Water is then discharged in the form of ----. When the sprinkler heads open they are said to have ---- spray/fused The sprinkler heads are fitted at standard intervals on the piping. If more than one head opens, the area sprayed by each overlaps that of the ---- sprinkler head next to it. Sprinkler systems are---- in various occupancies required by law About ----% of the fires are extinguished or controlled when sprinklers are installed. The other ----% failure was due to a variety of causes including defective piping, closed supply valves, frozen water lines, improper maintenance, and blocked water supply piping. 96% 4% The ---- of the water sprayed from sprinklers lowers the smoke level in the room. The downward force of the water sprayed from sprinklers lowers the smoke level in the room. The sprinklers also serve to ----the smoke cool Most standard sprinkler systems have devices that ---- sound an alarm when a sprinkler head discharges water. This alarm is an audible signal at the premise. automatically In many cases they transmit an alarm to a remote location such as an approved---- central station company The central station company monitors the ----system for water discharge and problems with the equipment. Existing Cold Weather Valves - An automatic sprinkler system should not be ---- or ---- to avoid freezing during cold weather turned off/drained However, parts of the sprinkler system may be shut down. Permission must be obtained from the local fire house Permission may be given to shut off a maximum of ----sprinkler heads on a wet pipe system. 10 Permission may be given to shut off a maximum of 10 sprinkler heads on a wet pipe system. These shutoff valves are commonly referred to as ----. These valves are no longer permitted to be installed. cold weather valves A sprinkler system employing automatic sprinklers that are attached to a piping system containing air or nitrogen under pressure, the release of which (as from the opening of a sprinkler) permits the water pressure to open a valve known as a dry pipe valve, and the water then flows into the piping system and out the opened sprinklers. Dry Pipe Sprinkler System Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems are installed ---- since the protected area cannot be heated to prevent freezing conditions. In where it is impractical to install a wet pipe system (dry piping)In most cases the air pressure in the piping is controlled automatically by an air maintenance device When a sprinkler head is opened by the heat from a fire, the ---- is reduced in the piping. air pressure When a sprinkler head is opened by the heat from a fire, the air pressure is reduced in the piping. The drop in air pressure causes a ---- valve to open special dry pipe When the clapper has opened the valve is said to have ---- tripped When the clapper has opened the valve is said to have tripped. A supervisory device signals when the valve has opened that will ---- automatically sound an alarm. A supervisory device signals when the valve has opened that will automatically sound an alarm. This alarm is an audible signal at the premise and in many cases it will transmit an alarm to a remote location, such as an approved central station company. The central station company monitors the entire fire protection system for ---- and ---- discharge and problems with the equipment When water discharge is identified, the central station company is required to notify the ---- FDNY dispatch Sometimes a combination of a wet pipe and a dry pipe system may be used when a part of the building ---- cannot be heated ----is a condition where a sudden increase in pressure may cause the valve to trip. Water Hammer Higher than normal water pressure and/or water hammer, may cause the dry valve to---- trip accidentally. To reduce this danger air pressure is usually kept well above the normal trip point. To reduce this danger air pressure is usually kept well above the normal trip point. The air or smoke condition. preaction The preaction valve is tripped by the fire detection system before ---- any of the sprinkler heads open The preaction valve is tripped by the fire detection system before any of ----. A supervisory device signals when the valve is opened. sprinkler heads open The preaction valve can also be operated manually The preaction system has several advantages over a dry pipe system The preaction valve opens sooner because the fire detectors react to heat changes faster than sprinkler heads. Fire and water damage may be decreased because water is sprayed on the fire more quickly the alarm signal is given as soon as the preaction valve is opened. Heat responsive devices are commonly used to trip pre-action valves. These devices are also used to activate alarm and supervisory systems. There are three main devices used to trip pre-action valves: 1) devices designed to operate at a fixed temperature; 2) devices designed to operate when the temperature in the room increases a set amount in a given time period (rate-of-rise), and 3) devices combining fixed temperature and rate of rise devices. Other ways to activate a preaction valve are smoke detectors, gas detecting systems, hydraulic, electric, manual release, and automatic signals from other safety systems. A supervisory device signals when the valve has opened that will automatically sound an alarm. special kind of preaction system is a recycling system for controlling sprinklers. This system shuts off the water when the fire has been put out or the heat drops. If the fire rekindles or the heat rises sharply, water is discharged again. The system continues cycling on and off as long as the fire persists. Preaction System with a Recycling Feature These systems have the basic features of both types of systems. The piping system contains air under pressure. A heat detecting device opens the water control valve and a quick opening device. The system then fills with water and operates as a wet pipe system. If the heat detecting system fails, the system will operate as a standard dry pipe system. Combined Dry Pipe and Preaction Systems a ---- sprinkler system is equipped with open sprinkler heads designed to wet down an entire area involved in a fire. Deluge systems are suitable for hazardous occupancies. This includes buildings in which -----s or other ----are handled or stored. flammable liquids/hazardous materials The sprinkler heads in the deluge system are ---- at all times open The sprinkler heads in the deluge system are open at all times. Under normal conditions there is no ---- in the piping. The air in the piping is not under pressure. A closed ---- valve prevents water from flowing into the system. water The sprinkler heads in the deluge system are open at all times. Under normal conditions there is no water in the piping. The air in the piping is not under pressure. A closed ---- valve prevents water from flowing into the system. control closed control valve prevents water from flowing into the system. A fire detection device Waste compactors are usually found in tall multiple dwelling complexes such as apartment buildings. They are used to reduce the trash buildup in a building. They consist of a tall ---- with an opening at each floor. These opening are used for trash disposal. chute The trash piles up at the bottom of the chute where a device regularly crushes the trash into smaller blocks of trash. The blocks of trash are then removed and taken to a garbage dump. The compactor may be located ---- or ---- outdoors ---- systems must be installed to put out fires that start in the compactor chute. Sprinkler Any of the ----- ---- supply sources may be used to supply the compactor sprinkler system. standard wataer Any of the standard water supply sources may be used to supply the compactor sprinkler system. For example, gravity tanks, fire pumps and pressure tanks are all used as ---- supply sources. ----doors shall be installed in the chute to allow firefighter access to burning trash. water/fire the ---- shall know the location of all sprinkler heads, control valves, supply lines and compactor rooms. COF holder A sketch of the entire ---- shall be drawn by the Certificate of Fitness holder. compactor sprinkler system A sketch of the entire compactor sprinkler system shall be drawn by the Certificate of Fitness holder. This sketch shall be posted in the---- the compactor room in a frame under glass. The sketch shall be made available to any representatives from the ----. The Certificate of Fitness holder may be questioned about this sketch by inspectors from the ---- inspectors during routine inspections. fire dept/fire dept A sign indicating the location of all ----valves shall be kept in the compactor room. This sign is shall be displayed with the sketch in the compactor room. A sign indicating the location of all control valves shall be kept in the compactor room. This sign is shall be displayed with the sketch in the compactor room. All control valves in the sprinkler system shall be ---- labeled This sign is shall be displayed with the sketch in the compactor room. All control valves in the sprinkler system shall be labeled. The label is to show the ---- of the valve. purpose Additionally, the labels shall be attached to the ---- of the valves. All indicating valves in the compactor sprinkler system shall be sealed ---- yoke/open A minimum of --- extra sprinkler heads with the appropriate wrenches shall be available to replace any opened or damaged sprinkler heads. Opened or damaged sprinkler heads shall be replaced ---- 6/immediately A ---- hose connected to a water supply shall be kept in the compactor room. garden garden hose connected to a water supply shall be kept in the compactor room. This hose may be used to put out ---- or ----material in the compactor room. small fires/smoldering material The Certificate of Fitness holder shall conduct an inspection of the entire sprinkler system at least once a month When a sprinkler system is supplied from a public water main, the entire system shall be shut down by closing a ---- valve non-indicating type control non-indicating type control valve. This valve is located between the building and the ---- in a box that is recessed into the sidewalk. The location of the box is found by reading a sign on the building or on a post nearby. water main The location of the box is found by reading a sign on the building or on a post nearby. The sign might read ---- or it may have similar instructions. A special --- will be required to operate this valve. "Shutoff for Sprinkler System Located 6 Feet from This Sign'', /key CONTROL VALVES Gate valves of the non-indicating type are provided in water distribution systems, this type of valve is commonly known as curb valve Gate valves allow the sprinkler system to be shut off for repairs or maintenance Gate valves are normally a ---- stem type gate valves are normally a non-rising stem type. They are operated using a special ---- wrench key A valve box is located over the valve to keep ---- from the valve. dirt The valve box also provides a convenient access point for the valve wrench to the valve nut A complete record should be made for each valve in the system. This record should include the ---- exact location, the date it was installed, the make, the direction of opening, number of turns to open, and any maintenance that was performed. The control valve for the building may also be on the outside wall or attached to an upright post, known as a post indicator valve (PIV (PIV) The building or section of the building controlled by the valve is usually marked on the post The position of this valve (open or closed) is shown through a ---- opening in the post. telltale The position of this valve (open or closed) is shown through a telltale opening in the post. On some posts, a ---- must first be opened to release the operating wrench or wheel handle. padlock The main water supply for sprinklers may also be controlled by an----The valves are found just inside the building wall on the main riser, or outside in protected pits. OS&Y valve (Outside Stem and Yolk valve). OS&Y - It is easy to tell at a glance if the valve is open or shut. When the stem is-----the valve is open all the way out OS&Y When the stem is ---- the valve is closed. in Approved Indicator Valves use a ---- that shows the valve position and the valves commonly are used to control the water supply for individual floors in a building. flag Approved Indicator Valves use a flag that shows the valve position and the valves commonly are used to control the water supply for individual floors in a building. Indication Control valves are also installed to shut off certain sections of an individual floow red The Fire Department connection caps on a combined standpipe/sprinkler system shall be painted yellow The ENTIRE Fire Department connection to non-automatic sprinkler system shall be painted silver Local Law 58/2009 requires color coding of fire standpipe and fire sprinkler systems to have the risers, cross connections to the water supply piping painted red (for sprinklers BC 903.6 and for standpipe BC 905.11) . Fire Department connections must always be accessibe (FDC)A working space of not less than ---- inches in width, ---- inches in depth and ---- inches in height shall be provided and maintained in front of and around wall-mounted and free-standing fire department connections, except as otherwise required or approved. 36/26/78 FC 912.3) Each connection shall be fitted with a --- check valve. The --- lower check valve prevents the backflow of the private water supply into the Fire Department connection. lower The automatic ball drip device between the lower check valve and the outside Fire Department connection shall be installed in the ---- position. horizontal This ball drip device makes sure that the Fire Department connection is not blocked by water which has frozen within the piping if water freezes in the Fire Department connection the system will be considered ----. impaired Gravity tanks of adequate capacity and elevation make a good primary supply and may be acceptable as a single supply. A gravity tank may be located on the----- of a builing or on a ---- top or on a tall tower The water in the tank is distributed throughout the sprinkler system because of the pull of ---- gravity Pressure Tanks: Pressure tanks have several possible uses in automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems. The tank is normally kept at (how much) full of water and (how much) full of air two thirds water and one Pressure tank shall be mainained at over above ---- psi 75 Air for pressure tanks is supplied by air compressors Where a small pressure tank is accepted as the water supply, the system is called a Limited Supply System Pressure tanks are often used in situations where an adequate amount of water can be supplied by a ---- source but the water pressure is not adequate public or private The pressure tank gives a strong starting pressure for the first sprinklers or hose valves that open. Pressure tanks are often used in---- that need extra water pressure to supply the highest line of sprinkler heads or hose valves. tall buildings Pressure tanks are often used in tall buildings that need extra water pressure to supply the highest line of sprinkler heads or hose valves. The pressure tank supplies these devices until the Fire Department begins pumping water into the system. Waterflow alarms and fire alarms give warning of the actual occurrence of a fire. They also signal when water flows through the system due to broken pipes. Alarms alert occupants and summon the fire dept Any signal, whether water-flow or supervisory, may be used to sound an audible local sprinkler alarm. It may also send a signal to the central station company In systems equipped with central monitored connections the central station company shall be notified when any control valves are closed for maintenance and repair. This practice reduces false alarms. Sprinkler systems are required to have an approved water ---- or an -----, -----, or --- - on the outside of the building. water motor gong or an electric bell, horn, or siren on the outside of the building. An electric bell or other audible signal device may also be located inside the building Water operated devices must be located near the alarm valve, dry pipe valve, or other water control valves in order to avoid long runs of connecting pipe. Devices and Equipment Supervised . Sprinkler system supervision is commonly provided for several purposes. They are used to 1) water supply control valves, 2) low water level in water supply tanks, 3) low temperature in water supply tanks or ground level reservoirs, 4) high or low water level in pressure tanks, 5) high or low air pressure in pressure tanks, 6) high or low air pressure in dry pipe or pre-action sprinkler systems, 7) failure of electric power supply or phase reversal to fire pumps and, 8) automatic operation of electric fire pumps. The basic design of most water-flow alarm valves is that of a ---- valve which lifts from its seat when water flows into a sprinkler system. This alarm then starts an audible signal to alert the occupants in the building that the sprinkler system has been activated. check ----Switches have a paddle inserted inside the main supply piping perpendicular to the direction of flow. Upon waterflow, the paddle switch transmits an alarm. Vane type waterflow - Vane type water-flow switches shall not be installed to monitor waterflow in dry pipe or pre-action sprinkler systems. An alarm check valve that is exposed to changing water supply pressure needs an alarm retarding device. Alarm Retarding Devices n alarm check valve that is exposed to changing water supply pressure needs an alarm retarding device. This is required to prevent false alarms when the check valve clapper is lifted from its seat by a temporary pressure surge. Vane type water flow switches sensitivity can also be adjusted to changing water pressures. X. SYSTEM COMPONENTS Sprinkler heads are made of metal. They are screwed into the piping at standard intervals. The levers and links are soldered together on the sprinkler head The levers and links are soldered together on the sprinkler head. The solder is a -- - alloy with a fixed melting point. Other types of sprinkler heads use a ---- ---- which expands and breaks under heat metal/ glass bulb The sprinkler head is factory tested to withstand at least ---- psi without injury or leakage. If properly installed, there is little danger of the sprinkler operating unless it is damaged. 400 There are over ---- different variations of sprinkler heads. 50,000 Sprinklers manufactured after ---- are required to have a Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) 1/1/2000 Sprinkler heads manufactured prior shall be replaced as required with sprinkler heads of similar characteristics such as orifice size, temperature rating, and deflector orientation Sometimes the Fire Department has a difficult time finding the control valve to shut down the system. This problem can be prevented by keeping a small sketch of the sprinkler system and the position of the control valves BUILD-UP OF FOREIGN MATERIAL ON SPRINKLERS Sometimes conditions exist which cause a build-up of foreign material on sprinkler heads. This may prevent the sprinkler head from working properly. This build-up is commonly called----The build-up of foreign material insulates the sprinkler head. This build-up prevents the sprinkler from opening at the desired temperature. loading ----loaded sprinkler heads with new sprinkler heads rather than attempting to clean them. If the deposits are hard, attempts to clean the heads are likely to damage them. This damage may prevent the sprinkler heads from working properly. The damage may also cause the sprinkler head to leak. Replace Deposits of light dust are less serious than hard deposits. Dust build-up may delay the operation of sprinkler heads. However, it will not prevent the eventual discharge of water. Dust deposits can be removed using -----or a ---- provided the equipment does not touch the sprinkler. compressed air /vacuum, Removal of protective caps and straps on glass bulb sprinklers shall be performed at the time of---- installation SPARE SPRINKLER HEADS Sprinklers required for emergency replacement must be representative of the type of sprinklers installed along with the proper wrenches Sprinklers required for emergency replacement must be representative of the type of sprinklers installed along with the proper wrenches. These wrenches shall be provided in the spare head cabinet Sprinklers that are replaced during an emergency by unlicensed individuals require that the devices used have been verified appropriate for the protected area by a Master Fire Suppression Piping Contractor After activation by fire, sprinkler heads in close proximity to the affected area should be---- visually inspected and replaced, if required. A stock of spare sprinklers (not less than 6) shall be kept on the premise where the temperature does not exceed 100 Degrees F heads Under 300 sprinklers---- 301 -1000 ---- Over 1000 sprinklers---- 6/12/24 PRESSURE TANKS Pressure tanks are ---- of limited size enclosed water tanks Air pressure in the tank permits forceful discharge of water in the tank into the sprinkler system. A pressure tank may be used as a---- or ---- water supply for a sprinkler system primary/secondary .A pressure tank is usually housed in an ---- stucture enclosed A pressure tank is usually housed in an enclosed structure. The temperature in the enclosure is kept at ----˚ Fahrenheit or above. 40 Pressure tanks are to be maintained at approximately ----- full of water and ----- full of pressurized air two thirds/ one third The minimum acceptable air pressure inside the tank is ---- psi (pounds per square inch). 75 The air pressure in the tank may be automatically maintained by an air compressor. The maximum gross capacity of pressure tanks is ---- gallons 9,000 (pressure tank) some sprinklers systems require more than ---- gallons of water. When this occurs several pressure tanks are used in combination to supply the system. 6,000 For every 1 foot the tank is above the discharge outlet---- (pounds per square inch) of water pressure is generated.In other words the higher the tank elevation the greater the 0.433 psi It does not depend on the operation of ---- ---- to supply the sprinkler system mechanical equipment ----pumps supply the water to most gravity tanks Automatic fill (gravity) The pumps fill the tank at a rate of ---- gpm (gallons per minute) or more. The floats turn on the ---- pump when the water in the tank is too low. 65/fill The ----s make sure the gravity tank always has the right amount of water to supply the sprinkler system floats All gravity tanks have an ---- pipe that drains off excess water in the tank.This happens if the floats do not turn off the fill pump overflow A fill pump is not necessary if the water pressure in the ---- ---- main is able to keep the tank filled with the correct amount of water. city water Gravity tanks are exposed to very low temperatures. All parts of the gravity tank must be ---- or ---- to keep the water from freezing insulated or heated Several methods are used to heat the tank and the pipe that supplies the water. (1) Hot water is circulated by gravity. (2) Steam is discharged directly into tank. (3) Steam coils are placed inside the tanks. (4) Heat from the sun is used. The Certificate of Fitness holder can find out the temperature of the water by using a thermometer. The thermometer is located near the ---- heating device (gravity) During freezing weather, the temperature of the water inside the tank and the riser must be checked (how often) daily or weekly For a gravity tank he temperature of the water shall always be at least ----˚ Fahrenheit. 40 ---- should not be allowed to build-up on the gravity tank. The extra weight of it might weaken the supports of the tank and cause the tank to collapse ice The gravity tank must always have a ----supply of water full Keeping the tank full of water also prevents ---- tanks from shrinking wooden A full tank of water helps keep steel tanks from---- rusting Gravity Tank Supervision - The gravity tank shall be ---- to ensure that the tank and its parts are working. constantly monitored ---- supervision devices monitor the water temperature and the water level in the gravity tank.These devices send signals to an approved central station company about the water level and water temperature. Electrical Electrical supervision devices monitor the water temperature and the water level in the gravity tank. These devices send signals to an approved central station company about the water level and water temperature. The central station company notifies the ---- or the ---- when a problem with the gravity tank is detected. owner/impairment coordinator The owner shall correct the problem ASAP The supervisory devices are sometimes called ---- and ---- alarms high and low The owner shall correct the problem as soon as possible. The supervisory devices are sometimes called high and low alarms since they also send audible signals to alert the --- or ---- or ---- when there is a problem. owner, impairment coordinator, central station The main reason a sprinkler system supplied by a gravity tank fails during a fire is because there is not enough suctions (vertical) When it reaches the rotating impellers the -----and ---- are increased and then forcefully discharged into the fire protection system. water pressure/flow (vert) Although the vertical turbine pump is capable of drawing water from wells it is generally not recommended to use a well as the main water supply source because it may dry up without warning. (vert) Should the wll dry up it would make the ---- pump useless. t is better to draw water from the well and to fill a water storage tank. turbine It is better to draw water from the well and to fill a water storage tank. A fire pump should then be attached to a more reliable supply source such as ---- or ---- tank. storage/suction When using a pump to draw water from a suction supply source it is important to ensure the water intake hose, foot valve, and screens are inspected regularly ---,---,--- and other debris may cause damage to the pump or obstruct the sprinkler system piping mud, gravel and leaves Pump activation Fire, booster or special service pumps supplying fire sprinklers are started automatically when there is a drop in water pressure in the system Minor drops in water pressure are maintained by a ---- pump pressure maintenance When the drop of pressure in the system is greater than the capacity of the pressure maintenance pump, the pump is activated When manually activated fill pumps are installed they may be used in combination with a ---- or ---- gravity/pressure tank When manually activated fill pumps are installed they may be used in combination with a gravity or a pressure tank. These tanks are designed to operate when there is a ---- drop in the fire sprinkler system. pressure The operation of the pressure tank and the triggering of its supervisory devices send a signal to a local alarm point in a building and may alert a central station monitoring company. After the alarms have sounded the ---- holder is required to refill the gravity and/or pressure tanks manually COF Sometimes ---- buttons are used to activate the pump remote push buttons remote push buttons are designed to start the pump but not to ----the fire pump. stop Many fire pump controllers are manufactured with maximum run timers that automatically turn the fire pump -----if an upper pressure limit has been reached. off Many fire pump controllers are manufactured with maximum run timers that automatically turn the fire pump OFF if an upper pressure limit has been reached. As per the FDNY Commissioner, these timers must be disabled for all ---- fire pumps in NYC. automatic These pumps are designed to automatically operate when there is a slight drop in pressure due to leakage in the system. Pressure Maintenance Pumps (Jockey Pumps) The jockey pump ---- the pressure in the fire protection system to the desired level. restores When the drop of pressure in the system is greater than the capacity of the jockey pump, the ---- pump is activated fire pump Jockey Because this pump is considered a "convenience" pump and does not supply flow or pressure during the event of a fire, it does not require ----as per NFPA 25 or the NYC Fire Code. inspection, testing or maintenance These pumps are usually located in the basement. The ---- pump is used when the water pressure available at the highest sprinkler head does not meet the plastic A visual inspection of the system is performed from the floor to determine if the -- -,----- and ---- are place and if the pipimh has moved from its orginal position hangers, bracing and restraints/piping This can be observed if the hanger rods or piping attachments are not being supported adequately from the building, bent, misaligned, loose or missing. Shifting of the system may occur during pressure surges, water hammer, alterations, testing, or operation. The visual inspection of hanging and bracing for sprinkler systems is not required for piping concealed by building construction above ceilings and in concealed spaces. No other components shall be supported using the sprinkler system piping or hanger assemblies supporting the system. A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF PIPING AND SUPPORT FUNDAMENTALS Sprinkler system piping is categorized as follows Branch lines are directly connected to sprinkler heads Cross mains or loop mains are directly connected to branch lines Feed mains are directly connected to cross mains or loop mains. Risers are able to supply---directly cross mains directly. The vertical supply pipes in a sprinkler system. The spacing of hangers varies with the material and diameter of the piping the location of piping connections, ability of the structure to support the piping he location of the piping in relation to the building structure and system the attachments. Hangers generally consist of an attachment to the piping, an attachment to the building structure, and a ferrous rod attaching the components together. Hanging components are generally required to be listed devices; however, a ---- may also certify that a hanger or hanging assembly may be used. licensed professional engineer A partial list of specific hanger spacing requirements is noted below: Standard wall steel pipe with diameters 1 inch and 1 ¼ inch are equired to have hangers placed at a maximum of ---- feet apart. For all other pipe diameters the maximum distance between hangers is--- 12/15 The maximum hanger spacing for threaded light wall steel pipe shall not exceed-- - feet apart 12 The maximum hanger spacing for CPVC (plastic) pipe varies from a maximum for ¾ inch piping to a maximum --- feet for 3 inches 5 ft 6 inches/10 ft The distance for the hanger assembly to the centerline of an upright sprinkler head shall not be less than----inches 3 For systems operating at pressures of ----psi or greater, the hanger closest to the last sprinkler on the line shall be of the type that prevents the upward movement of the piping within the hanger assembly. This can be accomplished by the use of a ---- restrainer 100/surge The cumulative length of an unsupported arm over to a sprinkler head, sprinkler drop, or sprinkler sprig-up shall not exceed---inches for steel pipe and ---- inches for copper pipe 24/12 The minimum size hanger rods are required as follows: Up to and including 4 3/8, Five, Six and Eight 1/2 Ten and Twelve 5/8 Seismic Restraints The NYC Building Code adopted earthquake code requirements. This reclassification requires the installation of sway bracing for earthquake protection be installed on sprinkler systems in buildings built after 40 Inspection and Maintenance of the Gravity Tank The gravity tank shall be regularly inspected and maintained in accordance with NFPA # 25 2011 edition Tanks are to be painted regularly to prevent rusting. Before the inside of a gravity tank is repainted the surface should be thoroughly---- dried The outside of the gravity tank will require local ---- patching The ---- outlet shall be covered for protection during repairs. Only a few sheets of paper or a paper bag tied over the end of the settling basin stub should be used. The paper shall be removed immediately after the job is finished. discharge It is best if gravity tanks are used only for fire protection and for no other purpose. Tanks used for other purposes need to be refilled more often. The FDNY borough ----shall be notified when a tank cannot be used for any reason. dispatcher Pump Inspection and Maintenance In order to ensure the reliable operation of the pump in the case of an emergency, regular inspections and maintenance shall be conducted by the Certificate of Fitness holder. The pump shall be activated as indicated in the reference guide and run for ---- minutes in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 10 If an ----controller operates the fire pump, the pump shall be activated by reducing the water pressure in the system. This can be done by opening the test drain or initiating a large water flow from the system. By starting the fire pump this way the Certificate of Fitness holder can determine if the automatic controller is working properly. automatic The ---- pump relies on the water supply for cooling and lubrication and shall never be operated without the pump being supplied with water centrifugal Fire, booster and special service pumps shall be fully tested (how often) to make sure that the pump, driver, power supply and all other parts are functioning properly. annually The most common sprinkler system deficiencies include painted or loaded sprinkler heads, building contents located less than 18 inches below sprinkler deflectors, changes from the original wall locations, ceiling heights, and positioning of mechanical equipment. For concealed sprinkler systems most common defincies are , cover plates with non-factory coatings and the lack of required gap between cover plate and ceiling and blocking of the spray patterns from light fixtures close to the sprinklers Missing ---- or---- plates not attached properly to sprinklers may indicate hanger deficiencies and may not allow the sprinkler deflectors to drop below the ceiling blocking the spray pattern. trim /cover The C of F holder shall assume that the system being inspected is installed is accordance to the NYC Building Code in effect at the time of installation. The C of F holder is to report those items of change that impact the system components regarding, compliance with any retroactive requirements, the condition of the water supply control valves, water and air levels in tanks and condition of same, unusual changes in water supply or system pressures, condition and accessibility of control valves, fire department connections, clearance around sprinkler heads, accessibility of curb valve box ,system control valves , required signage, attachments to piping other than system components, misaligned piping due to impact, missing pipe hangers and supports, excessive operation of pressure relief valves, easily recognized recalled sprinkler heads and visible leakage. Factors that may require further investigation Installations that don't appear to be correct including sprinkler heads located more than 22 inches below the ceiling or structure, sprinklers not installed in accordance with their listing, using sprinklers with different RTI in the same protected area or the wrong RTI for the occupancy classification, undersized piping, incompatible piping materials, flexible sprinkler hoses not attached to the building structure, along with areas of the building not protected by the sprinkler system all require further investigation by a qualified ---- MFSPC. When sprinklers are replaced, the following information is critical to be certain that the correct devices have been used. Sprinklers with different diameter glass bulbs will have a different RTI and must not be used together in the same compartment Defective sprinklers without SIN identification shall be replaced with devices that building owner Drainage in system area (NFPA 11.2.8) - The area beneath and surrounding a foam water spray system shall be inspected to ensure that drainage facilities, such as trap sumps and drainage trenches, are not ---- and retention embankments or dikes are in good repair. blocked Hanger/Seismic Braces: Hangers installed in concealed space such as above suspended ceilings shall not ---- Hangers installed in areas that are inaccessible for safety considerations due to process operations shall be inspected during each scheduled---- Hangers and braces shall be inspected (how often) from floor level to ensure they are in place, properly aligned and otherwise not damaged. All defects and deficiencies shall be corrected. need inspection/shutdown/annually Pipe and Fittings: - Shall be inspected annually from the floor level to ensure there is no mechanical damage, leakage, corrosion, misalignment and that required supports and bracing are in place and are in good condition. Nothing shall be attached to any sprinkler system component. - Pipe installed within concealed (such as above suspended ceilings spaces) are not required to be----. Exposed piping installed in areas that are inaccessible for safety considerations due to process operations shall be inspected during each scheduled shutdown. - Pipe installed in areas that inaccessible shall be inspected during each scheduled shutdown; Inspected Spare Sprinkler Heads/Wrenches: - The supply shall be inspected (how often) for the proper number and type of sprinklers and a sprinkler wrench for each type of sprinkler. anually Sprinklers: - Sprinklers shall be inspected from the floor level (how often)for signs of leakage, corrosion, foreign materials, paint and physical damage; and shall be installed in the proper orientation (such as upright, pendent or sidewall). If the above problem occurs the sprinkler shall be replaced; - Glass bulb sprinklers shall be replaced if the bulbs have emptied; - Unacceptable obstructions to spray patterns shall be corrected; - Sprinkler installed in concealed (such as above suspended ceilings spaces) are not required to be inspected. - Sprinklers installed in areas that are inaccessible for safety considerations due to process operations shall be inspected during each scheduled shutdown B. Fire, Booster and Special Service Pumps: Pump House, Heating Ventilating Louvers: - The visual inspection shall be performed (how often) to ensure heat is not less than 40ºF (4.4ºC) and 70ºF (21ºC) for pump room with diesel pumps without engine heaters. - Ventilating louvers shall be free to operate. weekly Fire, Booster and Special Service Pump System: - A (how often) visual inspection shall be made to ensure the pump suction and discharge and by-pass valves are fully open; - All piping shall be free of leaks; - Suction line pressure gauge readings shall be normal and reservoir is full; - System line pressure gauge readings shall be normal; - Wet pit suction screens shall be unobstructed and in place. weekly Diesel Engine Pump System: - Fuel system - Tank level shall be ---- full, the tank float switch shall be in auto position, solenoids valve operational, check for water in the fuel system an condition of flexible hoses connectors weekly. - Lubrication system - Oil level in right angle gear drive is normal and ensure that lube oil heater is adequately lubricated (how often) 2/3 weekly Cooling system - Check level, adequate cooling water to heat exchanger, water pump, condition of flexible hoses and connections (how often); (how often) inspect duct work, clean louvers (combustion air); - weekly/annually - Exhaust system - check for any leakage, the drain condensate trap weekly; Battery system - Check electrolyte level of battery system along with the charger and charge rate weekly; - Monthly - Remove corrosion on pump casing, clean and dry housing; - Quarterly - Check that terminals clean and tight; Electric Motor Pump System: A general inspection, such controller pilot light on, transfer switch is closed, reverse phase alarm pilot light is off or normal phase rotation pilot light is on oil level in vertical motor sight glass is normal weekly. - Check (how often) circuit breakers or fuses; - Check (how often) for wire chafing where subject to movement. C monthly/quarterly C. Water Storage Tank: Water Level: - Tanks without supervised water level alarms constantly attended location shall be inspected monthly. - Tanks with supervised water level alarms constantly attended location shall be inspected quarterly. monthly to ensure it is free from physical damage, the valve seat is not leaking, all trim valves are in the appropriate open or closed position and electrical components are in service. - The interior of the valve and the condition of detection devices shall be inspected annually when the trip test is conducted. - Internal inspection of valves that can be reset without removal of a faceplate shall be permitted to be conducted every 5 years. - Strainers, filters, restricted orifices and diaphragm chambers shall be inspected internally every 5 years unless test indicate a greater frequency is necessary. - Foam concentrate strainers shall be inspected visually to ensure the blow-down valve is closed and plugged. Dry Pipe Valves/Quick Opening Devices: Pause page 58 Skip to page 96 XV. OBSTRUCTION INVESTIGATION The presence of obstructions in sprinkler systems shall be checked every ---- years by opening a flushing connection at the end of ---- main per system 5/1 ----- sprinkler head per system toward the end of one branch line shall also be removed. This is done for investigating for the presence of foreign organic or inorganic material. 1 Sources of obstructions to piping include but are not limited to pipe scale, careless installation or repair, raw water sources, biological growth, sprinkler calcium carbonate deposits and Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC). Inorganic material would include but not be limited to silt, sand, rocks, gravel, and construction debris. Organic material includes wood, microbes, and zebra mussels When tubercules and slime are found during the investigation, they shall be tested for ---- MIC An obstruction investigation shall also be performed whenever the following conditions exist such as pinhole leaks, a record of broken public water mains in the vicinity, foreign material in water discharged during drain tests or plugging of inspector's test valve connection. A complete list of system conditions requiring obstruction investigation are listed in Chapter 14 and Annex D of NFPA #25 2011 edition. Unlike other extinguishing agents - water, dry chemical, CO2, etc., a stable aqueous foam can extinguish a flammable or combustible liquid fire by the combined mechanisms of cooling, separating the flame/ignition source from the product surface, suppressing vapors and smothering. It can also secure for extended periods of time against reflash or re-ignition. Water, if used on a standard hydrocarbon fuel, is heavier than most of those liquids and if applied directly to the fuel surface, will sink to the bottom having little or no effect on extinguishment or vapor suppression. If the liquid fuel heats above 212ºF, the water may boil below the fuel surface throwing the fuel out of the contained area and spreading the fire. Foam fire extinguishing systems shall be periodically inspected, tested and otherwise maintained in accordance with information described in this study material as well as NFPA 25 (2011), NFPA 11 (2005), as modified by Fire Code Appendix B, and NFPA 16 The Standard for Installation of FoamWater Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems (2007), as modified by Fire Code Appendix B, and manufacturers listing. Foam Systems are used primarily for ---- protection be operated both manually and automatically to protect both Class ---- and Class ----- hazards using low expansion foam. property/ A&B Foam is very effective and is the most common method of fighting fires in fuel oil storage. Foam is created by mixing a ----%foamite concentrate with water and air. 3 FOAM TYPES ARE SUBDIVIDED INTO THREE RANGES: 1) Low-expansion foam uses foam to solution volume ratios up to 20 to 1 2) Medium-expansion foam uses foam to solution volume ratios from 20 to 1 to 200 to 1 3) High-expansion foam use foam to solution volume ratios from to 200 to 1 to approximately 1000 to 1. It is important to note that different foam manufacturers may not produce foam solution that is compatible with each other. Great care must be exercised when testing and maintaining these systems to be certain that all the equipment is listed to be used together. Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems and Foam Water Spray Systems use ----expansion type foams and are connected to a source of foam concentrate and an ----- water supply. low/automatic The method of fire extinguishment is by covering the ----cutting off the oxygen supply to the fire along with cooling the fuel due to the water content of the mixture.