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Safety Terms for MSSC Exam: A Glossary of Manufacturing Terminology, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive glossary of key terms related to manufacturing processes, safety, and industry standards. It defines essential concepts such as production, logistics, inventory control, and quality assurance, offering a valuable resource for students and professionals seeking to understand the fundamentals of manufacturing. The document also includes explanations of important acronyms like osha, epa, and lean manufacturing, providing context for their significance in the industry.

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Safety Terms for MSSC Exam

Manufacturing - correct answer The process of changing raw or processed materials into products people can use. Frontline Workers - correct answer All of the people, from entry-level through first line supervisors, who work to produce a product or whose work supports production. Consumer Goods - correct answer Products designed for personal use Suppliers - correct answer or vendors, are the companies that make and sell the parts, materials, and machines to the manufacturer used to make the product. Subindustries - correct answer 1. Chemicals (Soap, paint, ink, etc.),

  1. Electrical Equipment & Appliances (Microwave ovens, refrigerators, washing machines, air purifiers, blow dryers toasters etc.),
  2. Computers & Electronic Products (CD and DVD players, digital cameras, cell phones, TV studio equipment, lasers),
  3. Food & Beverage
  4. Furniture
  5. Machinery Subindustry
  6. Nonmetallic Minerals Subindustry
  7. Petroleum and Coal Products Subindustry
  8. Plastics and Rubbers
  9. Primary & Fabricated Metals
  10. Printing Subindustry
  11. Textile, Textile Products, Apparel & Leather Subindustry
  12. Transportation Equipment
  13. Wood & Paper

High Performance Manufacturing - correct answer Combines a highly skilled and empowered workforce, advanced technology, and new ways of working to achieve superior levels of quality, customer satisfacion, and efficiency. Production - correct answer All of the activities involved in the making, assembling, packaging, and distribution of manufactured goods. Logistics - correct answer The movement of materials and products both within the plant, and into and out of the plant. Inventory Control - correct answer The Process of keeping track of materials and products and where they are located in the plant. Cross-training - correct answer Process of training someone to perform more than one job. Skill Standards - correct answer the knowledge, skills, and performance needed for success in the workplace Sub-Assembly - correct answer A part or component of a larger product that is assembled before being Certification - correct answer The process of demonstrating that you are qualified to work in a certain field. Accredited - correct answer Officially recognized as maintaining standards that qualify students for more education or for work in a certain profession. on-the-job training (OJT) - correct answer The opportunity to learn relevant skills while working, or learning by doing.

Apprenticeship - correct answer training program that combines classroom instruction with actual work experience under the guidelines of a skilled worker. Productivity - correct answer The measure of how efficiently goods are produced Mass Production - correct answer the process of manufacturing huge numbers of the same product at a relatively low cost Customization - correct answer the process of building products to meet the specific needs of individual customers or groups of customers Tariff - correct answer a tax on imported goods. OSHA - correct answer Occupational Safety and Health Administration Collective Bargaining - correct answer negotioation process used by workers and employers to determine employment conditions EPA - correct answer Environmental Protection Agency, regulations concerning earth, air, and water. Quality - correct answer A product meets or exceeds the expectations and the needs of the customers Lean Manufacturing - correct answer Eliminate all waste during the entire manufacturing process, from customer order to delivery Waste - correct answer Anything that does not benefit the customer Just In Time Manufacturing - correct answer The material or parts needed to make a product arrive at the time they are needed.

Cellular Manufacturing - correct answer Small numbers of production workers are grouped together to produce similar types of parts or products or to complete related stages in the production process. Manufacturing Cells - correct answer Workers in a cell have a range of skills that enable them to produce a variety of related parts or production processes depending on the needs of the day Agile Manufacturing - correct answer a system in which processes can be rapidly adapted to changing customer needs, new technologies, new opportunities, and unexpected events Supply Chain Manufacturing - correct answer a sequence of suppliers and processes that result in providing the product to the final customer. Automation - correct answer the automatic operation of machines and processes used to make products CADD - correct answer Computer Aided Design & Drafting CAM - correct answer Computer Aided Manufacturing CIM - correct answer Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Robotics - correct answer The field of engineering that involves the design and operation of robots to simulate human movement and to perform a range of manufaturing tasks, including dangerous, precision, and repetitve operations. CNC - correct answer Computer Numerical Control FMS - correct answer Flexible Manufacturing System, links manufacturing cells together, highly automated.

MEMS - correct answer Micro-electro-mechanical systems, embeds tiny mechanical devices Smart System - correct answer Follows orders from human language Nanotechnology - correct answer a branch of engineering that designs and creates machines and materials at the molecular level Quality Audit - correct answer an independent review that compares some aspect of quality performance with the standard for the performance Clean room - correct answer work area with controlled air quality, humidity, and temperature bunny suit - correct answer protective, one-piece outfit worn over clothing to prevent lint dust hair and other particles from entering the clean room atmosphere Hot Lot - correct answer rush order that needs to move as quickly as possible through the production process Standard Operating Procedure - correct answer step by step instructions for carrying out a specific process - work instructions Traveler - correct answer a document with information on exactly where the product is going and what it needs. Empowerment - correct answer decreasing the number of managers and increasing workers' responsibility and sense of ownership in the company. Specification - correct answer Detailed description of the acceptable limits allowed for different aspects of a product or process specifications must be followed in order to meet design and customer requirements (Weight, Size, Temperature, Pressure)

Catalyst - correct answer A material used to trigger a chemical reaction or speed up a reaction Slurry - correct answer mixture of liquid and solid particles Active listening - correct answer The skill of paying attention and interacting with a speaker nonverbal communication - correct answer the use of behaviors and sounds other than words to convey a meaning. gestures, sighs, body language constructive feedback - correct answer specific advice on how to improve his/her performance, feedback intended to help them improve. Jargon - correct answer A special vocabulary that explains ideas and processes Proprietary information - correct answer Information that legally belongs to the company External Customers - correct answer Persons outside the plant Internal Customers - correct answer Persons inside the plant Diversity - correct answer The mix of many different types of people Netiquette - correct answer A combination of the words, internet, and etiquette, used to describe the guidelines you should follow when using email. Intranet - correct answer A network that allows employees to share information on company Web sites.

Team - correct answer a group of people who work together toward a common goal, to complete a specific task within a specific time frame Work team - correct answer a group of workers responsible for a product or a stage of the manufacturing process Project team - correct answer a team that focuses on a single major issue of concern to the plant, such as plant safety, production quality, or new product design Self-managed team - correct answer a team that develops its own strategies, makes its own job assignments, and monitors its own performance SMART goal - correct answer a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based Brainstorming - correct answer a process in which all members of a group spontaneously present as many ideas as possible. Criteria - correct answer Standards on which a decision may be based Interim Goal - correct answer a goal that helps measure progress as you work toward a goal Consensus - correct answer an agreement arrived at by most of the people directly involved Conflict Resolution - correct answer a strategy for settling disputes and solving problems between people in a way that is fair to everyone, a permanent solution Forming - correct answer Forming is the intorductory meeting, who is the leader, deciding specific goals, identify team player roles

Storming - correct answer Develop processes for carrying out plans, decide methods for communication, and conflict resolution Norming - correct answer Follow planned processes, cooperate and get along well, support encourage and guidance Performing - correct answer Achieve high levels of productivity, take initiative, know how to work together, cooperation, develop a high level of trust, focus primarily on getting the work done Specific - correct answer Identifies specific actions, Specifies actual numbers and percentages Measurable - correct answer Measures against common standards, Specifies actual numbers and percentages Achievable - correct answer Realistic, Challenges team abilities Relevant - correct answer Relates to business goals, reflects mission statement Time Based - correct answer Provides a deadline, Challenges team abilities Conflict - correct answer Disrupts work and keeps the team from achieving its goals Training needs assessment - correct answer a process undertaken to identify gaps between what is supposed to happen and what actually happens Training Matrix - correct answer A tool used to place workers with jobs Cross-Training - correct answer the process of training someone to perform more than one job

NIOSH - correct answer National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, Research Agency who takes data and makes decisions based on that data Workers Compensation - correct answer Financial aid to workers who are injured on the job Safety Committee - correct answer A group of front line workers and managers looking for ways to improve safety/ Respond to worker concerns Safety Representative - correct answer A person who helps improve safety in the workplace Hazard Analysis - correct answer "Job Safety Analysis" A process used to reduce the risks of hazards to an acceptable level ASTM - correct answer American Society for Testing and Materials, they develop and certify a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services. Respirator - correct answer includes a face piece, hood, or helmet with a replaceable cartridge. Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) - correct answer The transfer of an electrical charge when two materials come very close to or in contact with each other Ground - correct answer a path for electricity to flow safely to the earth PASS - correct answer Pull the pin to unlock the fire extinguishers levers; Aim Low; Squeeze the lever: sweep the hose back and forth Lockout/Tagout - correct answer a process used to prevent machines from starting or releasing energy while being repaired or maintained

Class A Extinguisher - correct answer Wood, paper, cloth, plastic Class B Extinguisher - correct answer Grease, oil, chemical Class C Extinguisher - correct answer Electrical cords, switches, wiring Ergonomics - correct answer the science of designing and arranging things people use Hot Work - correct answer Any process that creates sparks or involves heat or open flame Hazardous Material - correct answer A substance that poses a danger to human health or the environment MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet - correct answer Required information sheet that identifies and describes the hazardous ingredients of a substance 5S - correct answer Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain HMIS - correct answer Hazardous Material Identification System Cut Points - correct answer These occur where two edges of a machine contact one another or a non moving part Crush Points - correct answer These created when two objects move toward each other, or one object moves toward a nonmoving part Pinch points - correct answer These occur at the spot where two parts of a machine move toward each other

Wrap points - correct answer These are found on a spinning part of a machine such as a lathe or a milling machine Guards - correct answer prevent accidents by acting as a barrier between a worker and the machine's moving parts Interlocks - correct answer Keep machines from working unless certain conditions are met Simultaneous Control Devices - correct answer Some tools are designed with an interlock that allows them to operate only if the operator's hands are on particular controls Safety Valves - correct answer Open if the pressure exceeds their design limit Fuses and Circuit Breakers - correct answer Shut off electric tools when the current load exceeds the maximum allowed for a circuit Emergency Stop Buttons - correct answer Power tools and equipment usually have an emergency stop button Trip Devices - correct answer detects a potential contact hazard and shuts off a machine or activates an alarm Alarms - correct answer Provide warnings in situations where no actual danger has been detected but a potential danger exists. Audible or Visual Preventive Maintenance - correct answer Planned maintenance that doesnt interrupt production, Scheduled Maintenance Reactive Maintenance - correct answer When a machine shuts down during production time, and you have to react

Predictive Maintenance - correct answer is a program in which equipment condition is monitored at regular intervals to determine when to perform preventive maintenance Total Productive Maintenance - correct answer Involves all workers, where the operator learns to perform routine maintenance and inspection