Download Sanitarian Final exam Study Guide part 2 QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE 100% VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2 and more Exams Food science in PDF only on Docsity! Sanitarian Final exam Study Guide part 2 QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE 100% VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 Foods containing food borne disease bacteria are Not necessarily decomposed in appearance Present-day knowledge indicates that MOST food borne illness is caused by Bacteria MOST pathogens of food borne diseases thrive on foods high in Protein Which of the following foods has the LOWEST pH Fruits Although thermal death is principally a time-temperature effect, other factors are involved. Which of the following is the LEAST important factor The generation time In a food-borne disease outbreak where the median incubation was thirty minutes, a logical assumption as to the cause would be: Lemonade in a galvanized washtub Which of the following, if stored in a galvanized container, would be MOST hazardous? Barbecue Sauce Which of the following symptoms is NOT generally included in those of chemical food poisoning? Fever All the following may be classified as "food Intoxications" (the ingestion of preformed toxins) EXCEPT Salmonellosis Some states consistently report more food borne outbreaks & more cases than others. The MOST likely explanation for this observation is: Theses states have higher rates b/c they encourage reporting & investigation Botulism organisms Have a widespread distribution Which of the following foods would be more suspect as the vehicle for botulism? Home-canned green beans Botulism spores Are extremely resistant to heat Botulism toxin Is heat labile If you observed a food service person preparing a potentially hazardous food in an otherwise acceptable manner but he exhibited a nasal discharge & a purulent skin infection on his right forefinger, what would you recommend? Remove from food prep activity until well An outbreak characterized by nausea, vomiting & diarrhea which appears 2-6 hours after eating potato salad would lead you to suspect? Staphylococcal intoxication While salmonellosis infection & staphylococcus intoxication may have common symptoms, the intoxications do NOT generally show: Fever Which of the following do you consider MORE important in the prevention of staphylococcal intoxication Effective refrigeration of freshly prepared moist foods Staphylococcal intoxication is caused by Ingestion of preformed toxins The chain of transmission for salmonella may be Man to man Man to animals Animals to man Animal product to animals or man The symptoms of Clostridium perfringens food-borne illness are largely Abdominal pains & diarrhea The following are listed as objectives of investigations of food borne illness. What is the EXCEPTION Furnish evidence for legal proceedings In considering principles of control of food borne spread of intestinal pathogens, which of those listed below would be LEAST effective as a control practice? Medical examination of food service personnel each six months The GREATEST single known animal reservoir of salmonella reaching humans in food is in Poultry Proper pasteurization of milk will Kill pathogens Every time the sanitarian makes an inspection he should Record & explain all violations to person in charge at the time of each visit The flow pressure on the final sanitizing rinse supply of a spray-type dishwashing machine shall be Not less than 15 nor more than 25lbs per sq. inch on the water line at the machine The wash solution temp in a single-tank stationary rack, door type machine & spray type glass washers using chemicals for sanitization shall NOT be less than 120 F When commercially prepared food is suspected as being the cause of reported illness in a home & many hundreds of units of the same food were distributed w/ no history of illness, the MOST logical assumption would be: The food was handled improperly after it reached the home Which of the following actions would be INAPPROPRIATE for a local health dept. when a commercially prepared food is suspected of being the cause of a food-borne disease outbreak Immediate condemnation, seizure & destruction of all packages of the same food wherever found Perishable samples of unfrozen food for lab analysis should be Kept at 32-40 F from collection until received at the lab In which of the following groups of diseases would the collection & lab examination of vomitus be MOST indicated Staphylococcus intoxication & metal poisoning Fecal specimens Should be refrigerated or otherwise preserved Collection of stool specimens from victims is indicated in food-borne outbreaks in all the following w/ one EXCEPTION which is: Cadmium poisoning The investigation of a food-borne disease outbreak may serve many purposes such as locating unknown victims, obtaining prompt treatment for more ill & etc. However, the PRIMARY purpose of an investigation is to: Determine the circumstances leading to the outbreak & to supply info that may be used to prevent a recurrence MOST food-borne disease bacteria are quite sensitive to salt False Causative agents of food-borne illness are ALWAYS introduced & therefore NEVER a natural part of the offending food. True If meat passes Federal inspection, the meat is guaranteed free from trichinae. False Trichinae in meat may be killed either by cooking all pork to 150 F or by freezer storage at 5 F for 20-30 days True Poisonous plants & animals can be safely eaten if they are thoroughly cooked. False Brucellosis is unique in that it may be transmitted by food or by contact. True Botulism spores & vegetative cells will cause NO ill effects in the human being when ingested False One reason that staphylococci are so resistant to injurious environmental conditions is their ability to form spores False The expressions enterotoxin & exotoxin are synonymous False A healthy human may harbor large numbers to staphylococcus organisms True Freezing has proven to be an effective method for destroying both staphylococci & their toxins. False Both animals & man may become carriers of Salmonellae. True The case fatality rates for salmonellosis & botulism are about the same False The investigation of a food-borne outbreak should include histories of persons who ate suspected foods, both ill & well True Properly pasteurized milk which has not been re-contaminated & is held at appropriate temps will keep almost indefinitely False Pasteurization of ice cream mix requires lower time-temp relationships than whole milk. (Milk - 140 F for 30 minutes; Ice cream - 150 F for 30 minutes) False The time it takes 2 daughter cells to mature & become ready for division is called Generation time Which of the following factors affect bacterial multiplication Inhibitors Oxygen tension Initial inoculum What 2 substances, when added to foods, will affect bacteria by creating HIGH osmotic pressure: Sugar & salt All of the following fall into a neutral pH range EXCEPT Apples Thermophilic bacteria have an optimum temp. range of 113-140 F Mesophilic bacteria have optimum growth temp at 68-113 F Heat resistance of microorganisms varies w/ all of the following EXCEPT Size Which of the following factors affects the heat resistance of bacteria Age Medium Shape Thermal death depends upon all of the following EXCEPT Size of the organism Which microorganism listed below requires the MOST exposure to heat in order to destroy it Yeast spores Which one of the following choices is NOT a type of mold Leuconostoc Which of the following is NOT known to cause food-borne illnesses: Yeast Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus Yellow fever What protozoan causes the disease "amoebic dysentery": Entamoeba histolytica What is the BEST method to control the spread of trichinosis Cook all garbage fed to hogs Which organisms below produces undulant fever in man Brucella Abortus Brucella suis Brucella melitensis The causative organism, vibrio comma, causes what disease in man Cholera