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Medical Students and Faculty List from a University, Study notes of French

A list of medical students and faculty members from an unspecified university. The list includes their names, last names, and in some cases, their academic positions and rows they are seated in. The document seems to be organized in rows and columns, with the names of the individuals written from left to right.

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for assistance ia furulaldnq picture• aod ei:lllnrial mallar for tllis volume and

Qlllperaliau lo oaa1rm11 at•er way1 , gratefal act.aewledqment Is made la Iha Air

Forces nivision, War Department, Bureau of PublJc Relations, Washington, U. C.

  • UN IT ED S T A E




The Army Ai1• Forces Western Flying lroini1"9 Command wos lou!lded in August, 1940, when

~ hondful of olflcer< armed with orders from f,., War D&partment t<:>ok over a few desk~ a

Moffett Field, California (un1il the ir advent e iac::lical base). Previous to this. flying troining

in tho Air Forc.e c had been res1ricted lo RM dqph Field and its fow branches in Texas.

Tho eleven Western States: Colilornio , Oregon, Woshin9ton, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico , Colorado, Wyoming ond Montono - plus the small westernmost portion$ of Texos, Nebraska, North Dokot& end South Dakota- was the territory Msi9ned to AAFWFrC. Its quota was, and is, one-third of the notion's flying officers. In thoso opening months th ree years 090 AAFWFTC had under Its jurisdic1ion only 1hree fly · ing schools- G lendale, Sonia Mo no end San Di09 0, oll primary-with a totol enrollment ol 250 Avielion Codets. Ifs si9hts were oim&d ol 2,000 flying oH<cer 9raduoles 6 yeor. Within a year, by August, l'HI , AAFWFrC wa; expand in9 at o rapid pace. Its schools grew to 17 octiva ted and live under conriruclion. Bos ic schools like Mintor Field M 8o ~ers lield, odvon ced schools l; ke Albuquerque ond Motker and Stockton. supplemented lhe prima ry school<. Three thousand Cadet! were enrolled. Today. with f\AFWFTC g oing into its fourth yeor, its Jurisdiction covers dolens of schools throughout the Western States. The exact number , of co"ti.e, cannot be published. but it" o far cry fr om those dorting day• of two yeors 090. Heodquorle" of AAfWFTC moved from Mofletl Field lo Sonfo Ano , Calilornio, when the former wos returned to the status <if a Novy lighter-than-air base in April, 1942. The first Command ing Generol and organiter of the AAFWF-TC was Brigadier General Henry W. Harms. After sli 9h fl y less lh on & year he was ordered to Washington In June, 1941, and Colonel (now Br;9adie r General) Edwin B. Lyons temporarily assumed Commond. In Ju ly.

  1. Mojor General (now Lieutenant General) Dorton K. Yount arrived from 0 toctical com. mand in Florid& to take over. After six months os head of MFWFTC, General Yount we s called lo Wash ington in Janu· ary, 1 942, and appointed head of the new Train ing Command, now headquartered ot Fort Worth, Texos. H is succegsor was Major General Ro lph P. Cousins, West Point graduole ond member of the staff of Lieutenant General Henry H. Arnold. Todoy AAFWFTC includes War Service TraininQ Detochments, many collA<Je lrA ining d..toch- ments, a huge class ificalion and pre· flign l lraining center at the Santo Ana Army Air Base: pri- mary , basic, single.engine, and iwin ·engine 1'dvanced pi lot training schools: twin·engine and four-engine tronsition schools, three gunnery schools in Nevada ond Arizona, and bombardier schools throughout the Southwest.
  • =================================


Majo'i q~

Commtnding Genertl , Army Air forces We.torn Flying Tr~inin9 Comm•nd

R•tfn911 Oihtr '9""·•1 ComrNnd $tttlo11•: P{lot u1dlor (^) dCommo11d tr fltwol, ObJ.9'""' ar-ow11tvllle, 1•uu: l11te1lor of Mu O. C.: ko : (^) E1tqlu1dS•n 01.qo, •nd Ctllfornit: Fttnct dllt:n9 ~t11l ctt1WM 8ordtt: ld Wtt Ailttin, I; Aoo~vtH l•u•: W~tkl119!onF1eld. N•w , y_.t; '•·rM Reid, Miol..,ippl1 Kelly Fkld , ltle a: Mit l $111. O~l t "i o"'tl 'Cla1•^ $.ellt"t cRettd id,^ t',^ NtwPhlllppfne,,^ 'f01t:^ CtWipOe-t•tltd^ V11U ,^ ttMw a JtKtvMtMbtr^ :^ Chu1uttof I~^ Fltld.G.nertl^ llllno $ttff^ l•: .ui11m1d^ Cotpj^ tltd cem^ Utmt^ iq•d~ et^ totM^ Gt"'•I Army^ AirSttff krc...,with^ lWt01NI^ roops^ u Fhhof^19 A 11q111fnlnll'l9f^ 20, Com! ,• mo11d, J11n •ory 26, 1'41.



o.a.tal QW St•flf/llf SWJ c.,,


JOH C.00. N H. (^) • I~tlll

c...,,.1St A.t•• OwtH



JAM ii f , l'OWl ll C.000. G4fl.,., (^) A-4'~" c.""

  • • •

PREFLIGHT mtk•t soldlttt of fv tur• Army Air Fo rt•& fly.-1t.

Pfim •r r fli9 hl tr a lnl n9 ts the fled4llt1g·s bNdge fro"' etrth +o 1ly.

a.sic tra i nit19 , •• a mot• powerful 1:hip, add-s igreater flyin9 knowle.d9e to fund•rn e ntals- alre•dv miutc,..d.

ADVANCE t"i•· in 9· 1i n· ,b i gger pl•fl•t. po ll 1l.t tl'! e fvtu't pflot.

l r•a.tltfon pilc.t trelnll'!g, in tky 9l1nh, rttdft' 11ewly•commiulontd fly- tn for po'iUon1 ., bomber comm•ndef1..

NAVlt>ATION l• t1u9M ie Hud 1on bombt"- cl•nroomt of tht s•y.

BOM8A~DIERI N t7 1, dlm1i1d by nlght mri. 1io n 1 ifl silv• r bomben.

6UNNER.Y training ;,. now 9Htn boiqberdler., •nd l'l1vJ91tort IJ well.


TO: All Members of This Commond. For more t han lwo yeors the !reining of Aviotion Students ond Cedets hos been our work hore ot Santo Ano Army Air Base. I em sure that most of you. like myself , have wished meny t imes during these years tho t he or she miqht have been assigned lo o more active th eater of operations. This is a no t urol ond proper desire. However, let me assure you egain, as I have in the post-yo ur work here is a necessary end importent one. And oech one of you who hes done his job lo the best of his ability hes contributed il'I ~ome pbrt, however smoll or remote, to the success of the AAF obr~d. For you r wor k here is realized in its fulfillmenl in the skies ovor Burme ond Gcrmeny en d Roumenie end Peremush iro ond Hollendio end wherever the whito-s tarred bombe rs ond fig hters streak down to d ear a peth for o ur fight in g men ond the fig'1ting mon of our Allies. Let us continue, then. to do lhe tasks to which wo hove been ossigned and to pursue them with the some sense of urgency which our met1 must experience when they meet the lino! lest of their !reining ... in combot.

W, A , ROBERTSON Colonel. Air Corps Commondinq

W. A. ROBERTSON COLONEL Commanding, Santa An a Army Air Base and 8 l•t Tr4ining W ing , Santa Ana , California

Born : Coffee County, Tennessee, on February IS , 1890. School Attended: United Stotes Mili tary Academy, cltiss of 1914. Decor11t ions: Purple Heort, Wo rld W11r I Vic.

tory Medol, Mexicon Borde r, French Leg ion of

Honor. Rotings: Military Aviator {inactive ).


Former Stations: Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia: Son Diego, Ca li fornia; Columbu s, New Mexi co: Overseas w'th the AEF : Wa shi ngton , D. C.: Rockwe ll Fie ld, Celifornia; Mather Field , Ce li - for ni o; University of Ca lifornia , Berkeley, C11li- forn ia; Moffett Field, Californio; Army Gunnery School, Las Vegas, Nevado; Sonta Ana Ar my Air Base, Santa Ana , Colifornill.


The orospective loss of Moffett Field o• on Air Corps

Treininq Conlor in 19+1 led to tho con•idorolion of

vorio us othor sites fot o p'oposad Cedet Replecement

Troln in 9 C, ntar. Believin9 tho l tho centor of treinin edivitios was movi n9 fo wo rd the Southwo~I. Md that o loc.>lion there wou ld be more convonien l lo the bul
o f the Civil Avio tio11 Schools which ii wai proposed lo uS<• for more odvonced troin inq. higher outhorily finally on lb June 1'1 4 1, reco-nmended !hot the C..det Roploce- menl Centor be located on its prosont silo neor ~nlo Ano, The 9rQund selected wos \nown es tho Wh'ttier Estoto. It wos formerly the Berry Rancho. ond before thot

wos porl of the Rencho Sanlio90 de Sonto A no. o 9ron

of t he Sponish crown to Jose Antonio Yorba in t810.

Tht 1lte conloinod o littlo over 400 ocras, ond wo

ideall y localed from t he stondpoinl of occ1mibilily ond tronsporlo lion focilit ios. It hod often beo" considered

01 tho 1ile for o civili on oviotlon .chool, Md t ho im·

mediate vicinity wos the location of tho Glenn Mnrlin p'ont ond experimenh in 1911. n. 9rwnd wos f1ol. with few <>bstruetiO<IS, ono boforo construction bogon wos plonted lo be.Ins. beets. ond olfolfo. Climotic con· dit iOflt wore very fovorobl~ for lro;ninq •'tiv itie,. !her~ bein9 few dovs of the yeor on which outdoor work con · not be c.>rried on. .'lrronqomonf> were mode b.tween the Wor Deport ment <ind the City of Sonto Ano for the le.01in9 of the lond ol $I per yeo r. The U. S. Eng lnoer• sli•rfed odver· l1$1ng for bid• on t he build in 9 construction on 18 Oc- tob<>r 1 '1 4 I. The pril'M controcl wos owo rded lo the Griffith Compiiny of Los A n9oles ; ond fo<fTlo l ground· breokinq ceremonie$ were held on 23 October. Meonwhile , on 12 Oct<>ber, the present Commondin Officer of t ho Bose. Colonel (then Moler) Williom Ab- bott Robertoon. 0 veteran nver ond e•perienced Of· qonizer. orr'ved ot Sonia Ana and set up temporary hoodquorlen ot the FOOorol l!vildin9. Choo1ln9 o c.>dre ol ollicors from Moff ett Field end other slolions, ond 1tudyin9 ot htr replace men t centol'! throughou t lho coun fry. he 9raduolly built ~P tho or9oniiotion nocoHory for tho project. Additiooal officers. enli1ted men, ond ;up· p lies poured into Sonto A no. The 1v•nls ol 7 Oooemlw (:loll

19 4 t caused oil plans to bo rovis<>d upword, howover. ond even before !ht rint lnilollolions on the new bose we re roody for ocevponcy it was \nown tho t they would

bo quao inodoqueto for th~ pro91om boin~ ovolvod b-y

the heeds ol t he Army Air Forces. Colonel Robertso.n'• chief assist4nt in +he eorly orqanizolion was liet.1t enent

Colonel (thun Captain) ThomM P. Al~in•on who wos

Adjutant ond Commander of Troops.

On IS February 1'1 42 t ile headquarters w,,. mo~

from Sonlo Ano to 1he new boso. Some bu;ldi"C)l were reody for the codols, 350 of whom orrived. mo;nly from W illioms and Mintor Field•. in !ho los t w~k of Februo<y. The troini1>q of Aviat;on Cadots for • irc rew wos the

orimory obiective "'I lhe now bose. ond it was thus nam..d

the 11;, Corp• Reploc•menl Tro;ninq Con ler (Air( tow):

this nome wos chonqed lo Sonia Ana /\ rmy Air Bose on 7 April i ~42. Alter the (irsl wee ~ cadets be9en to poor ;n until, durinQ the first weol io MMch, the officer< in choroe were told on Thuridoy thot thev were lo sl<1rl schcml the lo· owing Monday with S.000 ~det1. Al

thii fme th• Av;6tion Clld•t Sectiorr was orqani1ed an~

errorqed into companies tJ,o infantry svstem beino used

since e qood d.,.J ol the qround lroin' rq wo• ;n bosic

militory subjo,ts. In Mov. 1q 4z, th io oystem "'"' chonqod into an OtQ&l'\iution of WinQ•. Groupr., and Squadrons in view of indoctnnotion in /';, Cort>s or9aniialion. For tho traininq o f the future aircrew officers procure• r-ent o/ficlol1 won t out to tho hiqh schools Md colleg e; ond recruited n focu hy ol lroinod and e•porienced teachers, o sloff whi ch i ncroosod until it numbered over

  1. Most of thoso men hod advoocod degrees, •"d lh eir presence ond dutios •ctu11lly mode the bose o 9reol uoivers'ly. The instNctors were uniformed for disc:p. 1;nary and morole reo1on1. ond wofe. w11h;n the yeor. olmost completely mili torizod. mo$t of them beinq com. missioned 0$ ofl;ccrs in the A. U, S. The lro:ninq pro· gram •I fnt wo1 tho somo for future pilots, bombordien. Md Mvlgolo,.., ond consi,tod of military training , phys·

:col tro:ning. ond ocedemic ll~i~iMJ i ~ prof)Oflioned

dose" The 0 ,odemic t r11ining included courses in mo the· mol ies, phytic>. Morse Code. mops end chorls, novol ond oircr11lt recognition, orgoni>otion ond uso of grou"d

rorc.tu, militory cu1tom1 And cour1esie1, 1ofe9uardinq mili. tory inlormotion militory hy9 iene, ond Wor Oeporlment publications. On 15 June 19i2 mo1 t of the l inh in the lroinin

oroqrom hod been ironed out ond on thot dote t he

""'it'ltion C"det Sec.tion ...,,.. , t,plit up into tho thre• school.: Air Force Clossi f:cot:on Center; A ir Force Pre· flig ht School fPOlot) ; ond Air f:orco Profli9M School (Bom. oordied.Novi9otor). Tho lotter ore self·o•plonotory in tit' e: the Clossi fi cotion Center wos responsible for the testinq of P"totive oircrow troineos t ho eli minotion of the unfot, ond the pl&ein9 of those who ~·sed in tho most oppropriote cot09ory. For those purf>OM" the trained scionfols ond oducolof1 in cho19e hove dovelopod botter ie1 ol tests of oil types lor mento1 olerlness, me· chonical optitude, etc., which hove 9oined 9rebl otton• tion fr om the educotionol outhorilie1 out,ide of the ,<\rmy. Tho tes ting work in Clossilico tion Center is IMge- ly porlormod by Psycholo9icol Roit4'ch Unit No. 3 ond by the 33rd "-lti tudo Troin ing Unit, which cooporoto wi th th u Fl ight Sur9o on in physic•I ond psycholo9icol exominotion of tho fit ne 1s or tho condido los. 11 may be no tf;l<I tho t Santo Ano wa s the on ly base In lho c0<ontry !reining oil th ree typos of preflight troinin9- Pilo t. Somborditr. ond Nov 1 9otor, end olso the on ly one having • Cla$$ificolion Center o; well os t ne profli9ht 1choo l. Other Schoo s developod on th e Bose hove been the Stoclent Ollicors School, 1 to rtod on April t 2. t'143 , lor lhe prefli9ht lroininq of olfiors trM1ferrin9 from other <ervices to the Air Cotps, ond lhe Chin111e Delechmen t, lot the ndocltinot ion, Enqlish longuoge troining. ond orellight tro;ning of Chine~ oflic•"· codots. ond en· listed men of the Chinese A ir Forces under a lend · loose orron9•ment wilh the Repubt.c of China. The Chine•• School wos storied in September I'.

The BMe hos had, or course, the oid prov:ded by

other service. ond bronchos of t he Arm ed Forces. The Ouorlermaster Corps hos supplied it adequotely ond well : tho Corp. of En9 ino>Of1 hos con1tructed appro· priete buildin9s and built road;. pavements. end porode c;irounds; the Finance Department hos look.d alter th e large peyrolls; th o Ordnence Ooportmont ho• token core of l'fltHJOS, wo~pon a ttr.d l\l"nl"l'Ho''lition: •ho Chom1col Wor· loro Sorvico hos 9ivon troinin9 and suppllos In the vital pro9rM1 of C hom icol Dofonso. Morale ho1 olwoys been hl9h on tho Boso, end this,

of eovrso, hes been largely duo lo lho fi ne equ ipm ent end services pro-ided by VMiov1 Army morole agencies, whose octivities have been sought ond oncourogod by the Commondinq Officer and h'' oidos. These inc lude: the Army Posto! Service, with ils moin P°'I Office and (ivo bronch~ ; tho P01ot EJi chonqe, w ith livu bt'oo~h.n ond vorious concessions: the A rmy Theoler Proqrom, with three movie thesters: the Specie! Services 8ronch, with ii& operAtion of Publ ic Reletions, Army Emergency Re lief, the Service Club. 1he Port librory, ond the "Codof ' NeW1ooper: th& Americon Rod Cron, with its Field ond Ho~ito l Se<vico; ond obovo all tho Chop· loin's Oepodmcrt , with its four chopels >loffcd by de·

voted Mini$fOt$ of \fOriOVS foilh s.

The Stotion Hospilol i1 o ml)st important octivity. Not only hos ii developed into a I500-bed ho•pitol with oll modern loc ilitios , but ii ho• proved lo be • troi ning ground from wfich mony Med ica l Officers hove 9one oul to 01·9onize •nd heod other instolla ti ons. It h&1 e lso done consider~ bl e volvo b!e ori9in ol resear<:h, the resu lts of wh ich hove been made aveileb!e to, and U$od by, t he •ntire Arm ed Forces, ond It hos coopereted In lho o•· •mlnation Md s•lection of o ircrew condidales. In S<>p lcmber t943 higher outhority ch ong ed the ob ·

joctive of t he a••• fr om the single one of training olr-

crew JO include also the tra in ing o f enlisted men. Sine• then. under th~ direction of the Bose Plons ond Troinin Office, hero hos been o $lronq program of bosic mi lit ory troinin9 for enli;1ed men. resu 1 ting in preporotK>n ond shipping cl ma ny men for ove1seas duty. The Bo•e hos contributed greotly to the Army Air Forces Troinin9 Pr09rom in the development of new methods. techniques. end troininq olds; It hos conlrl· bvtod. in proctic41ly every deporlmont to the lroinin of officers who have ta\en over higher po<itions in other instollolions; but obove all it hos hod • most imporlonl port in the troininq of the Pilots, Bombordiots, one! Novi ·

gotors who oro !he principol c09s in tho mighty mo chlne

of the Arm y Air Fo~es. General Arnold hos roleos~ for publication the foct tho t we have troined ,inco 1941 over I 00 ,000 plots, over 18 ,000 noviqo lo,., ond over 20,000 bom ba rdie rs. We cannot give figur<1s bu t every officer ond man of the Sonto An& A rmy Air Bo se Is proud of the feet thot no 1moll proportion o f lhes6 men hove 1ece ived the ir prefl ight traini ng ot Sonic A no, "Tho Crodle of the Crew",




R. I , ~H~YM/\H ·wJl..llAM^ o.^ CAMrae:u D•p1;ly (^) Op.1•tion1f•t .'::nl no •"Id l>epv~MAlfltt lo""''°'r Sop 11••'•pll• 1 a nd

T A T I (^0) N s

DOH Maj W,or fU Sf9t1al OHlcrt

JAMES ll•11t•11ant A. MlCol llON Q1ttl Al'l"M ' Offf~t

PHI UP C. Mf CA)Ot LDWt ll ..,. ~tn O!Uc:• ,

JAMH (^) MaJ. (^) jorGllSON Avi.sUQ.n ~y1;flolo9l.ri

ClAlkt Mtl W, or Hf NKlE Cfvlflu~ PttSOl'll'l•I Offt<itc


J, M. M MfHZIE5 .o (ot Adf11f•at

v (^) I

OLIN (^) C1>loMI0. NlW El. L Air l111peetor

c (^) E

W lltlA'M l-ot11f J.c:> (^) rCLAS8Y fl.oft C~tp.l•lf'I

VUNON A. JONES ~ tot1!1 11 $fuur

CRIO (^) Ml.tlo tlDlfYr Forrn•r B• 1• s.a


a1CH/JtO Melor C.. T"FT CH:e1 y,....,.

VAH S. ltl.f£JHfN ,.,,..,....- "''°' o~,

fVAN L c.~ ATICIWSON.. 1 ..

Mew ()t!k.,-

~•H>ll•l11 lCI: I , DAVIS

,,.,,i.ofoqicill ••w•rc•

CHAAlt NntS 'Wl'9, (^) 11'fH•11tJACOISON

a.,. ct•._·a,.n." ottK•t

ORYAf.. Hnt I Utvt~"''JOHN.SfOH C..ot~Hllftl 110 Offl<tt

MSLv'IN Cep 0 .t.t (^) fl'ILO N ~ M•" Offk•r

WILUAM F\M U •..t-.MH. LUCIO P~I., led OffJQ,

NOl~AN M. Me ~tCHAtl.tOH for Ot p1.1ty A""'C•

SA..... UEl. flnt (^) L;...tJ. MclUltHl...•I Y C'Mottl"

Vll N C. C.ptai.n, MULLARJ<'V l u• fh.til t t1 O ff lcor

HENRY flrn l.1"tt,.,.11t t.. GltNN a.~ l.6Q.e1 Ofit.u

(^101111) Ji.t1t A. Ut¥t•_.,., McCOllKLI ... "- l ..IH'MCt otli<M

OIVll,lE Rnt Uell'I•-••S, HU l.1.llO Otr;cen• Mffl Oftkw

A\IC:lt FCrtt Ue PC'.lt utt~ R. IS 11t t-1 Ad!/t•fll

lrtlMti $t<'ot1d J. U (^) e11ttlUAHCrt "•1tt ltu ~blic t tioM Offket

SVEl _ S.<t'ITorid J. UelritM IA NNI nt Stl• OlrM.tor of C.det lnl r• m11H I "l~•tlu

St<.ol.'ld^ l'.t\A^ N( l.,l•llf•~ettE.^ tl:l l\8Y Cel'N'l'lt~d bf l$•"o 11d1 orn<u

cmt Ctlltf oN 'W'.• e.rtt11 u rn.t OHlc•t0tH

Au.i,te11t late Adlute" t

AOI .Se<Ol' S. Ueuh1t11ntt•EtTHA•l l •q• I O ffk·1tt

WILLIAM Second (^) Lle111"11•1ttIt QAEENE !"ll·olc•I h11tflll.tor

k'ENNE .S.<ondTH UeI.flt• CUTltl\ l!e11t Pti'fll<•l l t•l nf.11 4 l111tru<lor

G~ Stco O•Gt 11 d Lllt\lf.,).tl\tA.. KRAUS• At•>1t.tfll PerlOftMl O fficef


JO HN Co.1011•1 0. GALLAGHat, M. C lti:rljltflll, $td lo" AAF ttoip Region.Il l•I


ll •wt•l.^ GEORGEtllf Caleeel^ M.^ HOUCK , M. C , Ch ltt or httd kt l l11vJc1


HOii. CE .: 1 ;AM1$0N

Cllf•f lt11tll•l•thl

Rnt^ DlNlll UHM•~t^ $ ,^ IAIKE•. M. C. M...k tf *1'1"

t.AIJ•ENce M•1•t, ti,M. C, DO•CY OIC Co••tttK•~t frfll"I~

HAIO•I"- lO M t.CI.. C.IOYD E. N. T. ~

'-IOl4;1 Mflor, T. ....MITCHf C. lL AUltf••t $4;tQ •O'I

R'11^ JA'-'lS Ut ..^ W, eMfll,^ CADUf M C, Mt4ktl S.f'll'k•

'fil\1.TE• W. HE!tl\MANN ""'•H1tlotltt'•" M C,

A. WI U•.IAM Me (^) forMULTHAU J. Ctilef ..n1te\lrlr""•11

00t(ALD l. (^) , IOtllts()-NM, :., C.: cfMOt't•K•J... SKIM

W IL-lAltO c.,l•I• V (^) ,TltAOWIEU M, C. Ot>t•ettkel S.d 1 ""

SAM,"7t..AVlilt "''"'0'"'t••fl

Al.A.HOO Ji 1All.AN1YN t Oc!,ok MIO.



WALTEl (^) Cfpft0 , stANMAlDll
Otnt ht

HENRY C.ft• 111 H ,. M.GUIAU c.

P~.,..l c• P tC)Ctnl ~o U1'11

JACtc C•pt• (^) l 11 O., M. C .HULi. C• t di0Yt 1'vl•1 Std loB

Fl"t^ JOHN tl^ t11ft:ttt1I,' ·^ Wt~KS M.^ ,^.^ Jl C.^ , ArstJOHN Utu^ t •MntP.^ WH11t, M. C. Surqic•l Servi ce Nrit^ Al^ lAH Ut^ wt ,lt l\tnt,^ WILICINSON M. C. Mit<l'!c•I S•,...k•^ Siu^1 qkel^ Service

JOHN Ll•11••fl•nt t.. CARTERCo~•I Chltl of O•l'lttl Su•lce

SAMU El C:..ptaln IROWN, IV Oenl• I SUrqtol'I

(^80115) OtGILOEHlERG pttt ln 1>611tltt

klNNETH (^) Captain$, WAlKM!ISt l·R WIH' "f.D W.Captt W£SfMOl.£lANDl" Ot11-tlsl Otdt l Oflker


CMt( or Otllt•I $u;fQl t'

FRANCIS C~pt•I" E. KEL'l'ER. 0.nt~I Officer, Dtt1l•I CorPt

Al~ltlO fi r Jt Ut.' S. (^) lt~nfAl.Ol-N OeMal s~,.,•o•

C...IL (^) Mtl<l4', , MIR.SCH O•nttt.I Corp•

HAR.OLD (^) c.l. SCKfCHTMAp.1 •. 111 N

o.,,,.r o trk er

ltOt~• Flntl U. Ll•11l•n•nt A.MtS l URY O• Corp'

f&ANll'. An1u (^) ••T_1.-.,.t PAik 0.dht

J AMI! ffrlt HLktitflot"'lt VAUOHN 0.ltfi•

Fb,.,C Ar.tulS. (^) ......'W l'tAIC Aul:ttu1t D..t•J Swt•011

CAllO Rist f. U.ntw11ttVtc¢H IAltlll ~.1 Ofllct.f

I•~:~ b, !,~~~IN Or•I S..irO•Of't

HtllllT fJttl Ll J,t11 (^) l•NftlH[l. Ltt Ot,.ftl Oorp1

SAMUQ. M SOSf'fO'I 0.•ttl^ Hnt^ ' ' • h,....,...•M•t

FRANK Pir•t S.le11ttM1tlJ , IOl,llO AttllliMll Otl'tlal $11·1-o..on

h4 (^1) Fint20N Ut.te.n1nt~. HOlAN Ottili'l

IA Flr$tlPH (^) u.wt~.1,I, HIOOSIA Ot.iM

CAlt. Rt1tU.011~ I. $,A..51UIY t 0..lltbt

lO WARO Piut Ut tut• C0$ A1) Otnlhl

HOt.&Cf Ru.1 (^) U•wtO. H• UMS.A nt11tKEl 0f..llto11 c.,,..

atCHAl.D Font UA. t• (^) !-•ISW!HSOH

"·~··· Offttl ~'i+ofl

"u~•Y Fiu' Llt111it11•111A. tlSHOr Dtnt•I ~totth ttlu

AlflED Rntu-1..,.1tt S, rAOLUCC I Auf.dtflt D••tt! Sw;.on

HA (^) HutllY (^) LlH , ...t._.t U$Tllc:H 0...-1.1 S.t ..-






rAU l (^) C•PJ•11'1R. HANSON lio1ofl•I ln1~tot

M (^) Arstu-i•.utlPH M. W ILLIS All6i,.f• .e rt. o.- (^61) .... -4 h t t-1114

CLI NTON L, ~U lO St•t:•^ M•I• .-.,...,.,le•

Cl.YOE Httt C.Ll1\d•n•ftt CURRIEA M4tPll•I "•n• Otrk1t tlid 'f1tllllf'.q

•o•urf.IHI L•e 1. \lttl'tnl o...m

Pl•u tlld Trtl1'!no ()HI~•'

fOWAID W.ioHM W, Ofrtcer NlrrAS ,,.o.,ty Offtcet