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Scope of Professional Nursing - Community Nursing, Primary Health Care - Past Exam, Exams of Nursing

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Download Scope of Professional Nursing - Community Nursing, Primary Health Care - Past Exam and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

Semester I Examinations 2008/ 2009

Exam Code(s)

Exam(s) Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Public Health

Nursing) 1PDH

Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Public Health

Nursing and Child/Maternal Health) 1PDC

Module Code(s) NU

Module(s) Concepts and Principles of Community Nursing and

Primary Health Care

Paper No. 1

Repeat Paper

External Examiner(s) Ms Frances Appleby

Internal Examiner(s) Prof. Kathleen Murphy

Dr. Philip Larkin

Ms Marcella Kelly


Please answer THREE (3) questions.

All questions carry an equal mark.

Please use a separate answer book for each question.

Please note that you are expected to support your

answers by referring to relevant literature and, where

appropriate, your clinical experience.


2 Hours

No. of Pages 2

Department(s) School of Nursing and Midwifery

Course Co-ordinator(s) Marcella Kelly

Requirements :



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  1. ā€œImproving patient care is at the heart of the nurse prescribing initiative, which has the potential to bring about a significant expansion in the role of the nurse and midwife in all care settings and represents a milestone in clinical practiceā€ (Health Service Executive,
    Critically analyse the future Public Health Nurseā€™s role in the prescribing and administration of medicinal products within the community setting and the potential benefits for clients.
  2. Critically evaluate one of the following policies with regards to its effects in guiding Public Health Nursing practice: ļ‚· Scope of Professional Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework (An Bord Altranais, 2000). ļ‚· The Code of Professional Conduct for each Nurse and Midwife (An Bord Altranais, 2000).


  1. The Health Service Executive (2007) has identified one of its key priorities as the ā€˜configuration of Primary, Community and Continuing Care services to deliver optimal and cost effective resultsā€™. Critically debate this priority linked with the future role and function of the public health nurse as a member of the primary care team.
  2. ā€œPublic Health has been described as the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, promoting, protecting and improving health and well-being through the organised efforts of societyā€¦. at the level of the populationā€™s healthā€ (Acheson, 1988 cited by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland, 2007) Critically evaluate the concept of public health in relation to the role of the public health nurse in targeting population health needs.
  3. The importance of community nurses as a source of insight into local culture and health beliefs should not be underestimated. Community and public health nurses often gain the trust of local people. Over time, they ā€˜knowā€™ communities intimatelyā€¦.(Mason and Clarke,
    Critically evaluate the differences and similarities between nursing in the community and nursing in the acute care setting.
  4. In order for the public health nurse to effectively work with the community as client s/he must clearly understand the concept of community. Critically evaluate the importance of understanding the community in providing an effective public health nursing service. - End -