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Sedimentation and Erosion Control in Construction, Exams of Nursing

An overview of sedimentation and erosion control practices in construction projects. It covers the main types of soil erosion, best management practices (bmps) for erosion and sedimentation control, surface water quality violations, stormwater pollution prevention plan (swppp) requirements, and various erosion and sediment control measures such as sediment traps, check dams, dewatering methods, and outlet protection devices. The document also addresses inspection and reporting procedures, as well as common misconceptions about erosion and sediment control. By studying this document, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the key principles and regulatory requirements related to managing sedimentation and erosion in construction activities.

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Available from 10/12/2024

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Erosion iiis ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiprocess iiby iiwhich iithe iiland iisurface iiis iiworn iiaway iiby iithe iiaction iiof iiwind, iiwater, iiand iigravity. Which iiof iithe iifollowing iidescribes iisedimentation? ii- iiAnswers ii-The iisettling iiout iiof iisoil iiparticles iitransported iiby iiwater iiand iiwind. The iimain iitwo iitypes iiof iisoil iierosion iidiscussed iiin iithis iitraining iiare: ii- iiAnswers ii-Wind iiand iiwater An iiexample iiof iia iiphysical iieffect iiof iierosion iiand iisedimentation iiis: ii- iiAnswers ii- Increased iiflooding. What iiare iithe iifour iifactors iithat iiinfluence iithe iierosion iipotential iiof iian iiarea? ii- iiAnswers ii-Soil iicharacteristics, iivegetative iicover, iitopography, iiand iiclimate. Best iiManagement iiPractices ii(BMPs) iifor iierosion iiand iisedimentation iicontrol iiinclude iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing? ii- iiAnswers ii-Silt iifence iiand iisoil iistabilization. Projects iiwith iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiissues iicould iiexperience iian iienforcement iiaction iiand iipossibly iimonetary iipenalties iifrom iiregulatory iiagencies: ii- iiAnswers ii-Any iiof iithe iiabove When iiis iiConstruction iiGeneric iiPermit ii(CGP) iicoverage iirequired? ii- iiAnswers ii-When iiyour iisite iidisturbs iiover ii 1 iiacre iior iiis iiless iithan ii 1 iiacre iiand iipart iiof iia iilarger iiproject What iiare iithe iiconcerns iiwhen iidewatering iidischarges iigo iioffsite? ii- iiAnswers ii- Turbidity, iierosion, iiflooding, iirelease iiof iicontaminated iigroundwater iiand iiother iisurface iiwater iiquality iiviolations. What iiareas iishould iibe iievaluated iiduring iiyour iiweekly/rain iievent iiinspections? ii- iiAnswers ii-All iiof iithe iiabove Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iiconsidered iia iisurface iiwater iiquality iiviolation? ii- iiAnswers ii- Turbidity iilevel iiis iigreater iithan ii 29 iiNTU iiabove iinatural iibackground iiconditions. Within ii____ iicalendar iidays iiafter iiyour iisite iihas iiachieved iifinal iistabilization iiand iiall iidischarges iiare iieliminated, iiyou iimust iisubmit iiyour iiNOT iiform iiaccording iito iithe iiConstruction iiGeneric iiPermit ii(CGP) ii- iiAnswers ii- 14 iidays

BMP iimaintenance iiactivities iican iibe iiclassified iiinto iicategories iiincluding ii__________. ii- iiAnswers ii-All iiof iithe iiabove How iilong iidoes iithe iioperator iihave iito iiupdate iior iirevise iithe iistormwater iipollution iiprevention iiplan ii(SWPPP) iiwhen iisite iiconditions iihave iichanged? ii- iiAnswers ii- 7 iiDays Along iiwith iiclearing, iigrading iiand iiexcavating, iithe iiFDEP iihas iidetermined iithat ii_____ iialso iimeet iithe iidefinition iiof iiconstruction iiactivity. ii- iiAnswers ii-demolition iiactivities What iiis iia iimajor iiimpact iiof iisedimentation? ii- iiAnswers ii-All iiof iithe iiabove A iitemporary iisediment iitrap iimust iihave iian iiinitial iistorage iivolume iiof ii_____ iicubic iiyards iior ii_____ iicubic iifeet iiper iiacre iiof iidrainage iiarea, iimeasured iifrom iithe iilow iipoint iiof iithe iiground iito iithe iicrest iiof iithe iigravel iioutlet? ii- iiAnswers ii-134/3, Sand, iia iiType iiA iihydrologic iigroup iihas ii_____ iiinfiltration iirates iiand ii_____runoff iipotential iieven iiwhen iithoroughly iiwetted. ii- iiAnswers ii-High/Low A iifloating iiturbidity iibarrier/curtain iiis iidesigned iito ii______sediment iiladen iiwater iiand iiallow iienough ii_____for iisediments iito iisettle iiout iiof iisuspension. ii- iiAnswers ii- Contain/Time For iiproper iiinstallation iiof iia iisilt iifence, iia iitrench ii_____inches iideep iiand ii______inches iiwide iimust iibe iiexcavated. iiThis iiwill iiallow iithe ii_______inches iiof iifabric iito iibe iiburied. ii- iiAnswers ii-4" iiD iix ii4" iiW; ii8" The iimaximum iispacing iibetween iicheck iidams iishould iibe iisuch iithat iithe ii_____ iiof iithe iiupstream iidam iiis iiat iisame iielevation iias iithe ii_______of iithe iidownstream iidam. ii- iiAnswers ii-Bottom/Top When iisodding iia iislope, iistart iiat iithe ii_____and iiwork iitoward iithe ii_______. ii- iiAnswers ii-Bottom/Top What iiis iithe iipurpose iiof iihaving iibaffles iiin iia iisediment iibasin? ii- iiAnswers ii-Increase iiflow iilength The iitype(s) iiof iidewatering iiin iiFlorida iithat iigenerally iiproduce(s) iiclear, iinon-turbid iigroundwater iiis/are: ii- iiAnswers ii-Both iia iiand iic ii(Horizontal iisock iipumping iiand iiwell- point iipumping) A iistormwater iiconveyance iichannel iiis iia iiconstructed iiwaterway. iiWhat iikind iiof iilining iishould iiit iihave? ii- iiAnswers ii-Erosion iiresistant In iia iiSWPPP iiwho iiis iiincluded iiin iithe iiStormwater iiTeam? ii- iiAnswers ii-Qualified iiinspector

A iidetention iibasin iiis iidesigned iito iistore iistormwater iion iisite iiand iithen ii_________. ii- iiAnswers ii-Release iiat iia iicontrolled iirate The iifour iiprinciple iifactors iiinfluencing iisoil iierosion iiare: ii- iiAnswers ii-Vegetation, iiSoils, iiTopography, ii& iiClimate Keep iirunoff iivelocities ii_______and________runoff iion iithe iisite. ii- iiAnswers ii- Low/Retain An iiimportant iiprinciple iiof iierosion iiand iisediment iicontrol iiis iito iiimplement iia iithorough ii______ iiand ii_________program. ii- iiAnswers ii-Maintenance ii& iiFollow-Up Apply ii_______practices iito iiprevent iiexcessive iion-site iidamage. ii- iiAnswers ii-Erosion iiControl During iiPhase iiI iiof iisite iidevelopment iieven iithe iismallest iisites iiwill iirequire iithe iiinstallation iiof iipractices iiprior iito iisite iiclearing iiand iigrading. ii- iiAnswers ii-Perimeter iiControl Proper iifertilizer iiand iipesticide iiapplication iicontrol iiunder iithe iiGI-BMP iiProgram iiis iiwhat iikind iiof iiBMP? ii- iiAnswers ii-Perimeter iiControl In iiflowing iiwater, iiturbidity iicurtains iishould iibe iiplaced ii______to iithe iidirection iiof iiflow iiin iithe iireceiving iiwater iibody. ii- iiAnswers ii-Parallel ii(along) For iia iitype iiIII iiturbidity iibarrier iiinstallation, iiwhere iiare iithe iianchor iilines iiattached? ii- iiAnswers ii-Buoy What iido iiwe iiwant iito iiavoid iiwhen iiconstructing iia iiretention iibasin iiwith iiheavy iiequipment, iiespecially iion iithe iibasin iifloor? ii- iiAnswers ii-Excessive iiCompaction During iiconstruction, iihow iioften iishould iiinlets, iioutlets, iiand iiother iicontrol iistructures iibe iiinspected? ii- iiAnswers ii-Weekly ii(every ii 7 iidays) iiand iiAfter iievery ii1/2" iior iigreater iirain iistorm What iishould iiyou iilook iifor iiwhen iiinspecting iistorm iidrain iiinlets iiafter iimajor iistorms? ii- iiAnswers ii-Clogging, iibypassing ii& iipiping What iishould iiyou iilook iifor iiwhen iiinspecting iioutlets ii(i.e., iimitered iiend) iiafter iimajor iistorms? ii- iiAnswers ii-Erosion iiand/or iisediment The iimaximum iispacing iibetween iicheck iidams iishould iibe iisuch iithat iithe ii_____of iithe iiupstream iidam iiis iiat iithe iisame iielevation iias iithe ii_________of iithe iidownstream iidam. ii- iiAnswers ii-Bottom/Top

A iistand iiof iivegetation iiis iiconsidered iifully iiestablished iiafter iihow iilong? ii- iiAnswers ii- 1 iiyear An iioutlet iiprotection iidevice iiis iidesigned iito iiprevent iiscour iiat iioutlets iiand iiminimize iierosion iidownstream iiby iireducing iithe ii_____of iiconcentrated iistormwater iiflows. ii- iiAnswers ii-Velocity When iiplacing iiriprap, iigreat iicare iimust iibe iitaken iito iiavoid iidamaging iithe ii_______while iiplacing iithe iistone. ii- iiAnswers ii-Geotextile What iicould iihappen iito iiblown iistraw iimulch iiwhich iiis iinot iianchored, iicrimped, iior iitacked? ii- iiAnswers ii-It iicould iibe iiblown iior iiwashed iiaway Before iiapplying iitopsoil, iiwhat iishould iibe iidone iito iithe iisubsoil iito iiinsure iiproper iibonding iiwith iithe iitopsoil? ii- iiAnswers ii-Discing iiand iiScarifying When iisodding iia iislope, iiin iiwhich iidirection iishould iithe iistrips iibe iilaid? ii- iiAnswers ii- Perpendicular iito iithe iislope The iiprocess iiby iiwhich iithe iiland iisurface iiis iiworn iiaway iiby iithe iiaction iiof iiwind, iiwater, iiand iigravity iiis: ii- iiAnswers ii-Erosion The iisettling iiout iiof iisoil iiparticles iitransported iiby iiwater iiand iiwind iiis iicalled: ii- iiAnswers ii-Sedimentation The iifour iiprocesses iiof iioverland iierosion iiare: ii- iiAnswers ii-Raindrop ii(splash), iiSheet, iiRill ii& iiGully When iiinstalling iierosion iicontrol iinets iior iiblankets, iiwork iifrom iithe ii_____toward iithe______. ii- iiAnswers ii-Top/Bottom When iisodding iia iislope, iistart iiat iithe ii___________and iiwork iitoward iithe ii__________. ii- iiAnswers ii-Bottom/Top Stormwater iiretention iibasin iiis iidesigned iito iiallow iithe iistorage iivolume iito iirecover iithrough iipercolation iiand iievaporation iiin iihow iimany iihours? ii- iiAnswers ii- 72 iiHours What iiis iithe iifirst iithing iito iiinstall iiduring iisite iiclearing iiand iigrading? ii- iiAnswers ii- Perimeter iicontrols During iithe iibuilding iiconstruction iistage, iitwo iiconcerns iifor iithe iiinspector iiare: ii- iiAnswers ii-Increased iiTraffic iiand iiExcavation When iishould iisediment iicontrol iiBMPs iibe iiremoved? ii- iiAnswers ii-When iithe iiinspector ii& iisuperintendent iiagree iithat iithe iiarea iiis iistabilized

Unless iiotherwise iispecified, iiwhen iishould iiaccumulated iisediments iibe iiremoved iifrom iia iisediment iicontrol iiBMP? ii- iiAnswers ii-At ii50% iicapacity In iidealing iiwith iithe iipublic iiit iiis iimost iiimportant iito iifollow iiproper iilegal iiprocedures iiof iiyour iicompany iiand iito iialways iibe ii_______ iiand ii________. ii- iiAnswers ii-Courteous iiand iiFair Where iiand iihow iioften iishould iithe iiinspector iiwrite iia iireport? ii- iiAnswers ii-At iithe iiconstruction iisite, iiand iievery ii 7 iicalendar iidays iior iiafter iia ii1/2" iirain iievent. When iiyou iiarrive iiat iithe iiconstruction iisite, iiyou iishould iistart iiyour iiinspection iiby? ii- iiAnswers ii-Start iiat iithe iilowest iidischarge iipoint iisampling iiwith iiyour iiturbidity iimeter iiand iiwork iiyour iiway iiback iito iithe iihighest iipoint iion iithe iijob iisite What iidoes iiundercutting iiof iia iisilt iifence iiindicate? ii- iiAnswers ii-Improper iiinstallation What iido iigullies iiin iia iichannel iibottom iiindicate? ii- iiAnswers ii-Too iimuch iivelocity iifor iithe iiselected iichannel iilining What iiparts iiof iia iistormwater iipond iiare iimost iilikely iito iifail iidue iito iiimproper iicompaction? ii- iiAnswers ii-Structural iielements ii(i.e. iipipes) What iiis iithe iipurpose iiof iian iiexfiltration iitrench? ii- iiAnswers ii-Provide iibelow iiground iiretention The iikey iito iiefficient iiand iicost-effective iierosion iicontrol iiis iito iiplan iiconstruction iiactivities iiin ii_______to iireduce iithe iierosion iipotential iiof iithe iisite. ii- iiAnswers ii-Phases Pollution iisource iicontrol iiplanning iion iian iiactive iiconstruction iisite iishould iicover iithe iifollowing iielements: ii- iiAnswers ii-All iiof iithe iiabove. _____are iithe iilast iiline iiof iidefense iiand iione iiof iithe iimost iivisible iiand iimaintenance- intensive iiBMPs iion iian iiactive iiconstruction iisite. ii- iiAnswers ii-Perimeter iicontrols A iisilt iifence iishould iionly iibe iiinstalled iifor iisediment iicapture iiunder ii______conditions. ii- iiAnswers ii-Sheet iiFlow When iiproperly iiinstalling iia iisilt iifence, iia iitrench iishall iibe iiexcavated iiapproximately ii______, iibackfilled iiand iicompacted. ii- iiAnswers ii-4" iideep iiand ii4" iiwide A ii_______is iiintended iito iidivert iioverland iisheet iiflow iito iia iistabilized iioutlet iior iia iisediment-trapping iifacility iiduring iithe iiestablishment iiof iipermanent iistabilization iion iisloping, iidisturbed iiareas. ii- iiAnswers ii-temporary iidiversion iiberm

Various iistorm iidrain iiinlet iiprotection iidevices iiare iiavailable iifor iidifferent iiapplications iidepending iion iithe iisite iiconditions iiand iitype iiof iiinlet; iihowever, iiall iiare iifor iidrainage iiareas iino iigreater iithan ii___________acre(s). ii- iiAnswers ii- 1 If iia iisediment iibasin iiis iidesigned iias iia iipermanent iistructure, iithe iibottom iiof iithe iibasin iishould iibe iiexcavated iito ii 6 - 12 iiinces iihigher iithan iithe iieventual iibottom iiof iithe iiretention iito iiensure ii_________once iicontsruction iiis iicomplete. ii- iiAnswers ii-removal iiof iiaccumulated iisediments Which iibest iimanagement iipractices iican iibe iiused iiin iilive iistreams? ii- iiAnswers ii-None iiof iithe iiabove Three iiexamples iiof iistructural iistormwater iiBMPs iiare: ii- iiAnswers ii-exfiltration iitrenches, iiswales ii& iiretention iiponds Dewatering iimethods iifor iimanaging iinonstormwater iidischarges iiand iiremoving iiaccumulated iistormwater iifrom iidepressed iiareas iiat iia iiconstruction iisite iiinclude: ii- iiAnswers ii-All iiof iithe iiabove When iiusing iichemical iitreatment iisystems iifor iidewatering, iia iikey iipoint iito iiremember iiis: ii- iiAnswers ii-the iiright iichemical iiat iithe iiright iidosage Prior iito iidischarge, iieach iibatch iiof iichemically iitreated iistormwater iimust iibe iisampled iiand iitested iifor iicompliance iiwith____________. ii- iiAnswers ii-pH iiand iiturbidity iilimits Which iitype iiof iipermit iiintegrates iistormwater iiquantity iiand iiquality, iias iiwell iias iiwetland iiprotection iirequirements, iiinto iia iisingle iipermit? ii- iiAnswers ii-Florida iiEnvironmental iiResource iiPermit ii(ERP) When iiconducting iia iisite iiinspection, iiyou iishould iialways iicomplete iithe iiinspection iiform(s): ii- iiAnswers ii-While iion iithe iijobsite iievery iitime Upon iicompletion iiof iithis iiclass, iiwhen iidoes iiyour iicertification iiexpire iias iia ii"Qualified iiStormwater iiManagement iiInspector?" ii- iiAnswers ii-It iidoes iinot iiexpire Sediments iishould iibe iiremoved iibefore iithey iireach ii_______ iiof iithe iioriginal iiheight iiof iiany iiBMP. ii- iiAnswers ii-50% Your iierosion iicontrol iiplan iiis iithe iisame iias iiyour iiSWPPP. ii- iiAnswers ii-False Best iiManagement iiPractices ii(BMPs) iiare iinot iinecessary iifor iia iisite iismaller iithan iione iiacre. ii- iiAnswers ii-False Mulching, iiseeding, iiand iisodding iiare iiexamples iiof iisoil iistabilization iimethods. ii- iiAnswers ii-True

Maximizing iithe iiamount iiof iisoil iithat iiis iiexposed iion iia iiconstruction iisite iiis iian iieffective iiway iito iiprevent iiand iicontrol iierosion. ii- iiAnswers ii-False Clogged iifish iigills iiand iireduced iilight iifor iiaquatic iiplants iiare iiexamples iiof iibiological iieffects iiof iierosion iiand iisedimentation. ii- iiAnswers ii-True Vegetative iicover iiplays iian iiextremely iiimportant iirole iiin iicontrolling iierosion. ii- iiAnswers ii-True Sediment iicontrol iipractices iirequire iiless iimaintenance iithan iierosion iicontrol iipractices. ii- iiAnswers ii-False Curb iiinlet iiprotection iidevices iishould iihave iian iioverflow iispace iiso iias iito iiprevent iiflooding. ii- iiAnswers ii-True Physical iiimpacts iiof iierosion iiare iiinexpensive iiand iieasily iimanaged. ii- iiAnswers ii-Falso You iidon't iihave iito iicontrol iierosion iion iiprojects iismaller iithan iione iiacre. ii- iiAnswers ii- False Inspectors iishould iilet iicontractors iiknow iiimmediately iiif iithere iiis iia iiproblem iiwith iitheir iisite's iierosion iiand iisediment iicontrol iimeasures. ii- iiAnswers ii-True Under iithe iiNPDES iiprogram iiyou iihave ii 30 iidays iito iirepair iia iidamaged iisilt iifence. ii- iiAnswers ii-False Silt iiand iisand iiare iithe iitwo iisoils iithat iicause iiturbidity iiissues iiin iiFlorida. ii- iiAnswers ii- False Rain iievents iiless iithan ii0.50 iiinches iido iinot iirequire iia iiNPDES iiinspection. ii- iiAnswers ii-True Temporary iiconstruction iientrances iineed iiat iileast ii6" iiof iistone iithickness iito iiproperly iisupport iivehicle iiweight. ii- iiAnswers ii-True A iistand iiof iipermanent iigrass iivegetation iiis iiconsidered iiestablished iiafter iitwo iimowing iievents. ii- iiAnswers ii-False A iipaved iiflume iishould iihave iihydrostatic iirelief iiholes iiwhen iiseasonal iihigh iiwater iitable iior iiseepage iifrom iislopes iiis iia iiconcern. ii- iiAnswers ii-True Three iiexamples iiof iinon-structural iistormwater iiBMPs iiare: ii- iiAnswers ii-education, iistreet iisweeping ii& iiconcrete iiwash-outs