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ServSafe Certification Exam Study Guide: Food Safety Essentials, Exams of Public Health

This study guide provides a comprehensive overview of food safety principles and practices essential for servsafe certification. It covers key topics such as foodborne illness, temperature control, contamination, proper handwashing, food storage, and sanitation. The guide includes a list of common food allergies, minimum internal cooking temperatures, and guidelines for cooling and reheating food. It also addresses important aspects of food service equipment, pest control, and regulatory compliance.

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ServSafe Certification Exam Study


  1. Foodborne Illness Outbreak : Two or more people
  2. High Risk Populations : Infants, preschool age children, pregnant women, the elderly, people taking medications, people who are seriously ill
  3. TCS : Temperature Control For Safety
  4. Temperature Danger Zone : 41 - 135 F
  1. TCS Foods : Milk, Eggs, Shellfish, Fish, Meats, Meat Alternatives, Untreated Garlic & Oil Mixtures, Baked Potatoes, Raw Sprouts, Cooked Rice, Cut Tomatoes, Cut Melons
  2. Three Types of Contamination : Biological, Chemical, Physical
  3. Biological Contaminants : Bacteria, Virus, Parasites, Fungi
  4. Chemical Contaminants : Cleansers, Sanitizers, Toxic Metals, Pesticides
  5. Physical Contaminants : Foreign Objects
  1. CDC Top Reasons for Outbreaks # : Purchasing Food from unsafe sources
  2. CDC Top Reasons for Outbreaks # : Failing to cook food adequately
  3. CDC Top Reasons for Outbreaks # : Holding food at incorrect temperatures
  4. CDC Top Reasons for Outbreaks # : Contaminated equipment
  5. CDC Top Reasons for Outbreaks # : Poor personal hygiene
  1. Three Ways Food Becomes Contaminated # : Time-Temperature Control -- TCS Foods are left in the danger zone for > 4 hours
  2. Three Ways Food Becomes Contaminated # : Cross Contamination -- Con- taminants cross to food that is not going to be cooked any further
  3. Three Ways Food Becomes Contaminated # : Poor Personal Hygiene -- Food handlers cause the food borne illness
  4. FATTOM : Food Acidity Temperature Time Oxyge n

Moistu re

  1. Toxic Metals : Lead Copper Zinc
  1. Common Food Allergies : Milk Dairy Eggs Shellfis h Fish Wheat Soy Peanut s Tree Nuts
  2. Proper Hand Washing Temperature : 100 F
  3. Scrub hands and arms for: 10 - 15 seconds
  4. Gloves must be changed at lease every: 4 hours
  5. How often should thermometers be calibrated: Before each shift
  6. Boiling Point Calibration Temperature: 212 F
  7. Ice-Point Calibration Temperature: 32 F
  8. What constitutes an approved supplier: One that has been

inspected and meets all applicable local, state, and federal laws

  1. Delivery Temperature for Cold TCS Foods: 41 F or lower
  2. Delivery Temperature for Live Shellfish and Shell Eggs: 45 F or lower
  3. Delivery Temperature for Hot TCS Foods: 135 F or higher
  4. Frozen Food delivery criteria: Frozen Solid with no Fluid Stains or Large Ice Crystals
  5. FIFO: First in First Out stock rotation
  6. All packaging and containters should be labeled with the: Name of the Food and Expiration Date
  7. TCS Foods Prepared on Site Label Should Contain: Name of Food Date it should be sold, consumed or discarded
  8. TCS Foods Max storage Time: Seven Days
  9. TCS Foods Max storage Temp: 41 F or lower
  10. Refrigerators must be set at: 39 F or lower
  11. Cool Food to before placing it in the refrigerator: 70 F
  12. Dry Storage Temp: Between 50 F and 70 F
  1. Food in Dry Storage should be at least off the floor: 6 inches
  2. What should be stored at 41 F or lower: Fresh Meat Poultry Fish Dairy Products
  3. Live Shellfish Storage Temp: 45 F or lower
  4. Shell Stock Identification Tags must be kept how long: 90 Days from the date the last one was sold or served
  5. Fresh Produce should before storage: NOT Be Washed
  6. Reduced Oxygen Packaging (ROP) food should be stored at: Tempera- tures recommended by the manufacturer
  7. Ultra High Temperature (UHT) and aseptically packaged items are: Shelf stable until opened
  8. UHT items, once opened, have a storage temp of: 41 F or lower
  9. UHT items, once opened, have a shelf life of: Max 7 days
  10. Thaw Frozen Food: In Refrigerator Under Cool Running Water In a Microwave Oven Part of the Cooking Process
  1. Never Thaw Frozen Food: at Room Temperature
  2. Control Time and Temperature: Prepare Food in Small Batches Use Pre-Chilled Ingredients, utensils, bowls
  3. Eggs and Egg Mixtures: Cook promptly or store at 41 F or below
  4. Produce and Fruit: Should be washed before cooking, but do not mix different items or do multiple batches
  5. Minimum Internal Cooking Temperature 165 F: Chicken Stuffed Meals Stuffed Pasta Leftovers Food Cooked in Microwave
  6. Minimum Internal Cooking Temperature 155 F: Ground Meat Injected Meat Eggs to be held
  1. Minimum Internal Cooking Temperature 145 F: Steak Chops Fish Roas ts Eggs short order
  2. Minimum Internal Cooking Temperature 135 F: Commercially Processed RTE Vegetab les Fruit Past a Bean s
  3. Cool From135 F to 70 F in: 2 hours
  4. Then Cool From 70 F to 41 F in: 4 hours
  5. Total Cooling Time: 6 hours
  6. Leftover TCS foods must be reheated to an internal temperature of: 165 F within two hours
  7. Hot Holding: 135 F or higher
  8. Cold Holding: 41 F or lower
  9. Holding Foods -- Check Temperature: Every 2 hours
  10. Holding without temperature control: Foods must be

labeled with time re- moved and discard time

  1. Hot Food without temperature control: Can be held a maximum of 4 hours
  2. Cold Food without temperature control: Must never reach above 70 F Max of 6 hours
  3. HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
  4. Flooring: Non- absorbent Resist Wear Help Prevent Slips Easy to Clean Strong and Durable
  5. Food Service Grade Equipment designed with sanitation in mind by: NSF International and Underwriters Laboratories
  1. Stationary Equipment must be: Mounted on legs 6 inches off the floor or Sealed to a masonary base
  2. Stationary Tabletop Equipment must be: Mounted on legs with 4 inches of clearance or Sealed to the tabletop
  3. Potable Water: Water safe to drink
  4. Used to prevent backflow of water: Vacuum breakers and air gaps
  5. Lighting Intensity Food Prep Area: 50 foot-candles
  6. Lighting Intensity Hand Washing, Buffet, Restrooms, Wait Stations and display areas: 20 foot-candles
  7. Lighting Intensity inside walk-in refrigerators, dry storage areas, and dining rooms: 10 foot-candles
  8. Garbage Containers must be: Leak Proof Water Proof Pest Proof Easy to Clean Durable
  9. Cleaning: is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface
  1. Sanitizing: is the process of reducing the number of harmful microorganisms from a clean surface
  2. Food-Contact Surfaces must be cleaned: After each use Whenever you begin working with another food type Any time a task is interrupted At 4 hour intervals if in constant use
  3. Cleaning Sanitizing Process: Wash Rinse Saniti ze Air Dry
  4. Three Compartment Sink Steps: Pre-Soak or scrapped clean Washed in Detergent with 110 F water Rinsed in Clean Water Sanitized in either hot water 171 F or

Sanitized in a chemical- sanitizing solution Air Dried upside down

  1. Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS): Info on safe use of chemicals
  2. Master Cleaning Schedule: lists tasks, when, how and who will do the tasks
  3. Integrated Pest Management Plan #1: Deny Pests Access
  4. Integrated Pest Management Plan #2: Deny Pests Food, Shelter and Water
  5. Integrated Pest Management Plan #3: Work with Licensed Pest Control Operator (PCO) to eliminate any pests that enter
  6. Roaches like: Dark, warm, moist places
  7. Roaches evidence: Droppings look like grains of black pepper and capsule egg cases
  8. Rodents evidence: Droppings, signs of gnawing, tracks, nesting materials
  9. Flies can carry: Shigellosis and typhoid fever
  10. After treatment with pesticides: Wash, rinse and sanitize food contact sur- faces
  11. FDA Food Code issues: Recommendations for restaurants and food service regulations at the federal level
  1. State Level: Regulations are written
  2. Local Level: Regulations are enforced
  3. During Inspection: Ask for ID Accompany inspector Take Notes Fix deficiencies immediately if possible
  4. Hepatitis A: Mainly found in the feces of people infected with it. Can contami- nate water and many food types. Ready-to-eat foods Shellfish from contaminated water
  5. Norovirus Gastroenteritis: Transferred to food when ifected foodhandlers touch food or equipment with fingers that have feces on them. Ready-to-eat food Shellfish from contaminated water
  6. Bacillus cereaus gastroenteritis: Bacteria found in soil. Can produce two different toxins that cause two different illnesses

Cooked vegetables Meat products Milk Cooked Rice Dishes, including fried rice and rice pudding

  1. Listeriosis: Found in soil, water, and plants. Grows in cool, moist envi- ronments. Uncommon in healthy people but high risk population are especially vulnerable especially pregnant women. Raw meat Unpasteurized dairy products Ready-to-eat food, such as deli meat, hot dogs, and soft cheeses
  2. Hemorrhagic colitis (Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli): Found in the intestines of cattle Ground beef (raw and undercooked) Contaminated produce
  3. Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis: Found in soil. Also carried in in- testines of both animals and humans. Grows rapidly in temperature danger zone. Meat Poultry Dishes made with meat and poultry, such as stews or gravy
  4. Botulism: Found in

water and soil. Incorrectly canned foods Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) food Temperature- abused vegetables Untreated garlic-and-oil mixtures

  1. Salmonellosis: Many farm animals carry it naturally Poultry and eggs Dairy Products Produce
  2. Shigellosis: Found in the feces of humans who are infected. Can contami- nate food or water. Flies can transfer the bacteria from feces to food. Food that is easily contaminated by hands such as salads containing TCS food (potato, tuna, shrimp, macaroni, and chicken) Food that has made contact with contaminated water, such as produce
  3. Staphylococcal gastroenteritis: Found in humans particularly in the hair, nose, throat, and infected cuts. Cooking cannot destroy these toxins. Salads containing TCS food (egg, tuna, chicken, and macaroni)
  1. Vibrio gastroenteritis: Found in waters where shellfish are harvested Oyesters from contaminated water
  2. Anisakiasis: Raw or undercooked fish can contain this parasite Herring Cod Halibu t Macker el Pacific salmon
  3. Cryptosporidiosis: In feces of people infected. Day-care and medical com- munities have been frequent locations of person-to-person spread of this parasite Contaminated water Produce
  4. Giardiasis: In feces of infected people Improperly treated water Produce
  5. Scombroid poisoning (Histamine): Caused by eating high levels of hista- mine in certain species of fish Tuna Bonito Mackera l Mahi


  1. Ciguatera Fish Poisoning: Found in certain marine algae Barracuda Group er Jacks Snapp er
  2. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP): Shellfish when they filter toxic algae from the water Clams Musse ls Oyster s Scallo ps
  3. Nerotixic Shellfish Poisoning (NSP): Shellfish when they filter toxic algae from the water Clams

Musse ls Oyste rs

  1. Hot Water Sanitizing Dishwasher Wash Temp: 160 F
  2. Hot Water Sanitizing Dishwasher Final Rinse Temp: 180 F
  3. Top to Bottom order for storing raw foods in same fridge: Ready to Eat Foods Whole Fish Whole Meat Grount Meat Poultry
  4. A foodhandler must be excluded from the operation for which symp- tom?: Jaundice
  5. What is the form bacteria take to keep from dying when they do not have enough food?: Spore
  6. What is the only jewelry that may be worn on the hands or arms while handling food?: Plain band ring
  7. When using a bottom-to-top shelving order, what

determines the best placement of food in a cooler?: Minimum internal cooking temperature of food

  1. A hose connected to a running faucet that is left submerged in a bucket is an example of a: Cross-connection
  2. You should label all ready-to-eat TCS food that is prepped in-house and held longer than: 24 hours
  3. What is the only certain way to prevent backflow?: Air gap
  4. Chili that is being reheated for hot-holding must reach what temp for 15 seconds within 2 hours?: 165 F
  5. What is the first step in developing a HACCP Plan?: Conduct a hazard analysis
  6. Where is the only place a foodborne virus can reproduce?: Person's intestines
  7. What is an infrared (laser) thermometer used to measure?: Surface tem- perature
  8. What is the second step in developing a HACCP Plan?: Determine critical control points (CCP)
  1. What is the third step in developing a HACCP Plan?: Establish critical limits
  2. What is the fourth step in developing a HACCP Plan?: Establish monitor- ing procedures
  3. What is the fifth step in developing a HACCP Plan?: Identify corrective actions
  4. What is the sixth step in developing a HACCP Plan?: Verify that the system works
  5. What is the seventh step in developing a HACCP Plan?: Establish proce- dures for record keeping and documentation