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Servsafe Practice Test questions verified with 100% correct answers, Exams of Public Health

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Servsafe Practice Test (50 Questions &


1.Who has the higher risk of foodborne illness (Answer) Elderly people 2.Parasites are commonly associated with (Answer) seafood 3.Ciguatera Toxin is commonly found in (Answer) amberjack 4.What is a TCS Food (Answer) Baked potato

5.Metal shavings are which type of contaminant : Physical

  1. What should foodservice operations do to prevent the spread of hepatitis A (Answer) Exclude staff with jaundice from the operation 7.To wash hands properly, a food handler must first : wash hands and arms
  2. What should foodservice operators do to prevent customer illness from Shigella spp . (Answer) Control flies inside and outside of the operation.
  3. What must a food handler with a hand wound do to safely work with food

(Answer) Bandage the wound with an impermeable cover and wear a single-use glove 10.What items are considered acceptable work attire for a food handler (Answer) - Plain-band ring 11.What task requires food handlers to wash their hands before and after doing it (Answer) Handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood 12.Which action requires a food handler to change their gloves (Answer) The food handler is wearing gloves that have been torn. 13.How should the temperature of a shipment of cottage cheese be taken when it arrives in the operation (Answer) Place the thermometer stem into an opened container

14.When should a shipment of fresh chicken be rejected (Answer) The receiving temperature is 50F 15.Where should ground fish be stored in a cooler (Answer) below the pork roasts 16.What is the maximum number of days that ready-to-eat food can be stored if held at 41F (Answer) 7 days 17.In top-to-bottom order, how should a fresh beef roast, fresh halibut, lettuce, and a pan of ground chicken be stored (Answer) Lettuce, fresh halibut, fresh beef roast, ground chicken 18.What organization requires Material Safety Data Sheets (Answer) OSHA

19.What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for rice that is hot-held for service (Answer) 135F

20.What food item does the Food and Drug Administration advise against offering on a children's menu (Answer) rare cheeseburgers 21.TCS food reheated for hot-holding must reach what temperature (Answer) 165F for 15 seconds 22.What method should never be used to thaw food (Answer) Place item on a prep counter 23.When partial cooking food to be finished later, what is the maximum cooking time allowed during initial cooking (Answer) 60 minutes (1 hour) 24.Food held at 41F or lower before being removed from refrigeration can be held without temperature control for up to how many hours (Answer) 6 hours 25.Hot TCS food can be held without temperature control for a maximum of (Answer) 4 hours 26.Which food may be re-served to customers (Answer) Unopened, pre-packaged food 27.What is the purpose of setting a critical limits in the HACCP plan (Answer) To Reduce hazards to safe levels 28.What is the minimum water temperature required when using hot water to sanitize objects (Answer) 171F

29.What HACCP principle is being practiced when food handlers rewash melons that have surface dirt (Answer) Corrective Action 30.What is the final step in cleaning and sanitizing a prep table (Answer) allowing the surface to air dry 31.How many seconds does an iodine sanitizer need to be in contact with the object being sanitized (Answer) 30 seconds 32.If a food-contact surface is in constant use, how often should it be cleaned an sanitized (Answer) every 4 hours 33.What is the third step in cleaning and sanitizing items in a 3- compartment sink (Answer) Rinsing 34.What type of thermocouple probe should be used to check the internal temperature of a beef roast (Answer) Penetration 35.What food safety practice can prevent cross-contact (Answer) Washing, rinsing, and sanitizing, utensils before each use. 36.What is the most likely cause of wheezing and hives (Answer) Food allergies

37.What is a basic characteristic of a virus (Answer) requires a living host 38.Where should staff members eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum (Answer) In designed areas 39.When can a food handler with a sore throat and a fever return to work with or be around food (Answer) A written medical release is provided 40.What should a foodservice operator do when responding to a food- borne-illness outbreak (Answer) Segreate the product 41.What bacteria is commonly linked with poultry, eggs, dairy products and produce (Answer) Salmonella spp. 42.Scombroid poisoning can be prevented by (Answer) purchasing fish from approved, reputable suppliers 43.Jaundice is a symptom of which foodborne illness (Answer) Hepatitis A 44.Food must be cooled from 135F to within 2 hours: 70F 45.What type of container should be used to transport TCS food from the place of preparation to the place of service (Answer) Insulated 46.A back-up of raw sewage has occurred in the kitchen. What should happen next (Answer) close the affected area and clean it. 47.What is coving (Answer) curved, sealed edge between a floor and a wall 48.What is the definition of sanitizing (Answer) Reducing the

pathogens on a surface to safe levels 49.Which reason should an inspector close an operation (Answer) Infestation of cockroaches or mice 50.Where should dirty clothing be stored inside the operation (Answer) in non-ab- sorbent containers or washable laundry bags