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A comprehensive set of questions and verified answers related to a respiratory assessment case study involving a virtual patient named tina jones in the shadow health platform. It covers various aspects of tina jones's respiratory health, including her asthma history, triggers, management, and medication use. Designed to help students prepare for clinical simulations and gain a deeper understanding of respiratory assessment procedures.
Typology: Exams
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Asked about asthma --- correct answer --- Reports having asthma Reports asthma exacerbations Asked about severity of asthma --- correct answer --- Reports asthma exacerbations occur up to 2 times a week Reports asthma exacerbations last around five minutes Asked most recent asthma exacerbation --- correct answer --- Reports last exacerbation was three days ago Reports last exacerbation around cats at cousin's house Asked about asthma triggers --- correct answer --- Reports cat allergy as asthma trigger Reports dust as asthma trigger Denies asthma problems at work Denies asthma problems at home Asked asthma management --- correct answer --- Reports inhaler Asked about asthma medication --- correct answer --- Reports albuterol inhaler (Proventil) Reports last inhaler use was three days ago Reports using inhaler no more than 2 times per week
Asked about number of puffs when using asthma inhaler --- correct answer - -- Reports recommended dose is 1-3 puffs as needed Reports typically taking 2 puffs Reports sometimes needing 3 puffs to control symptoms Asked exacerbation symptoms --- correct answer --- Reports chest tightness during exacerbation Reports wheezing during exacerbation Reports shortness of breath during exacerbation Denies coughing during exacerbation Denies chest pain during exacerbation Denies painful breathing Asked current breathing --- correct answer --- Denies current breathing problems Asked cough history --- correct answer --- Reports only coughing when she has a cold Denies coughing up blood Asked about sputum --- correct answer --- Denies sputum Asked about respiratory illness history besides asthma --- correct answer --- Denies history of bronchitis Denies history of pneumonia Denies history of emphysema Followed up on asthma diagnosis --- correct answer --- Reports specific age of diagnosis is 2.5 years old
Asked about seeing an asthma specialist --- correct answer --- Reports not seeing asthma doctor in two years Asked about past hospitalizations --- correct answer --- Reports past hospitalizations for asthma Reports five past hospitalizations for asthma Reports most recent hospitalization at age 16 Reports hospital treatment was usually steroids and a nebulizer Asked about general allergies --- correct answer --- Reports allergy to cats Followed up on allergy symptoms --- correct answer --- Reports sneezing, itchy eyes, and wheezing Asked about allergy treatment --- correct answer --- Reports avoiding cats when possible Reports using inhaler Reports showering Asked about tobacco use --- correct answer --- Denies currently smoking tobacco Denies history of smoking tobacco Denies vaping Asked about marijuana use --- correct answer --- Reports past recreational marijuana smoking Followed up on marijuana --- correct answer --- Reports smoking marijuana for 5 or 6 years Reports stopped smoking marijuana 6 or 7 years ago
Reports stopping because of health reasons and waning interest Asked about secondhand smoke --- correct answer --- Denies secondhand smoke exposure Asked family history of asthma --- correct answer --- Reports sister has asthma Asked family history of other respiratory illness --- correct answer --- Denies family history of respiratory illness Asked family tobacco use --- correct answer --- Denies family history of tobacco use Asked about family history of lung cancer --- correct answer --- Denies family history of lung cancer