Download SHARP Assessment 1 | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+) and more Exams Criminal Justice in PDF only on Docsity! SHARP Assessment 1 | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+) Crime Victims' 8 Rights - ✔✔- Reasonably protected from the accused - Reasonable, accurate , and timely notice - Not to be excluded from any public proceedings - to be reasonably heard - to confer with government's attorney - full and timely restitution as provided in law - to proceedings free from unreasonable delay to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victims dignity and privacy References for EEO Program - ✔✔DOD Directive 1440.1 AR 690-600 Army EEO and Anti-Harassment Policy of the Workplace What is the bedrock of military justice? - ✔✔Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) DOD Directive for SAPR Program - ✔✔6495.01 DOD Instruction for SAPR Program Procedures - ✔✔6495.02 DOD Directive for DOD MEO Program - ✔✔1350.2 MEO - ✔✔Military Equal Opportunity DOD Directive for Victim and Witness Assistance - ✔✔1030.01 Which Chapters in AR 600-20 Army Command Policy includes SHARP - ✔✔7 & 8 Which Army Regulation outlines provisions Military Justice - ✔✔AR 27-10 Which Policy did SecArmy publish on 27 April 2011 - ✔✔Army Anti-Harassment Policy I. A.M. - ✔✔Intervene, Act, Motivate 4 Phases of the I. A.M. Strong Components - ✔✔I - Committed Army Leadership II - Army-wide Conviction III - Achieve Cultural Change IV - Sustainment, Refinement, and Sharing I. A.M. Benefits BLUF - ✔✔to Achieve cultural change and end sexual harassment and sexual assault to improve individual and unit readiness. 3 Victim Assistance Programs created in 1972 - ✔✔- Aid for Victims of Crime - Bay Area Women Against Rape - Rape Crisis Center Victimology - ✔✔the study of crime impacts on a victim BLUF the Impact of Sexual Harassment and Assault (I. A.M. Strong Campaign) - ✔✔Rape and sexual assault endanger lives of individuals and threaten the Army's mission. 4 Functional Areas of SHARP - ✔✔- Program Management - Prevention - Response - Training 3 categories of Sexual Harassment - ✔✔- Verbal - Nonverbal - Physical Contact What is considered sexual contact under Article 120 of the UCMJ? - ✔✔Touching 6 areas, genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of another person with an intent to abuse, humiliate or degrade, or touching any body part to arouse, or gratify the sexual desire of any person. (think foot fetish) 2 types of Sexual Harassment - ✔✔- Quid pro quo - Hostile environment Intent vs. Impact - ✔✔Given vs. Taken, respectively Inappropriate behavior is determined by the person who perceives the behavior as such rather than by the alleged harasser. True or False: Impact is reviewed and evaluated from the complainant's perspective - ✔✔True 3 types of Social Norms Misperceptions - ✔✔- Pluralistic Ignorance - False uniqueness - False consensus Lesson 4 Summary - ✔✔sexual harassment terminology, behaviors, interventions, misperceptions that prevent intervention, and applied steps for effective intervention 4 Coping mechanisms for psychological effects of sexual harassment on a complainant - ✔✔- Denial - Rationalization - Avoidance - Adaptation True or False: Avoidance is the most common coping mechanism - ✔✔False; Denial is the most common Potential physical effects of sexual harassment on complainant - ✔✔- Weight fluctuation - Sexual dysfunction - Insomnia Who decides the best approach and next steps to resolve sexual harassment complaint? - ✔✔The complainant Five intervention techniques for dealing with sexual harassment - ✔✔- Direct approach - Indirect approach - Third-party assistance - Chain of command - File a formal complaint 4 Communication styles - ✔✔- Agressive - Passive aggressive - Passive - Assertive First use approaches for respective communication styles - ✔✔- Aggressive: Indirect - Passive aggressive: Direct - Passive: Direct - Assertive: Direct Lesson 5 Summary - ✔✔Psychological and physical effects of sexual harassment and examined process for effective communication with complainants of sexual harassment Reasons for not filing complaint - ✔✔- Lack of faith in chain of command - Subject of gossip - Peer pressure - Fear of reprisal How many days do civilian employees have to file for complaint? - ✔✔45 How many days military complainants have to file for complaint? - ✔✔60 Reasons or areas to write memorandum for record (MFR) - ✔✔- Program management - Prevention - Response - Training Purpose of MFR areas - ✔✔- Program management : evaluate complaint resolution and effectiveness - Prevention : identify trends - Response : document - Training : identify potential training areas Agencies that can receive formal sexual harassment complaints - ✔✔- Higher Echelon Command - Provost Marshal - Inspector General - Medical Agency Personnel - Housing Referral Office - Staff Judge Advocate - Chaplain