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SHARP Career Course | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+), Exams of Health, psychology

Stress has the ability to affect what four categories? - ✔✔Cognitive, Behavior, Emotions, Physical What is stress? - ✔✔a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way The stress response is also known as what? - ✔✔Fight, Flight, or Freeze What is trauma? - ✔✔an event outside of one's normal experience that causes intense fear for life what four areas does vicarious traumatization effect in the professional realm? - ✔✔Performance, Morale, Relational and Behavioral what is traumatic stress? - ✔✔the stress response to a traumatic event in which one is a victim or witness

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Download SHARP Career Course | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+) and more Exams Health, psychology in PDF only on Docsity! SHARP Career Course | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+) Stress has the ability to affect what four categories? - ✔✔Cognitive, Behavior, Emotions, Physical What is stress? - ✔✔a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way The stress response is also known as what? - ✔✔Fight, Flight, or Freeze What is trauma? - ✔✔an event outside of one's normal experience that causes intense fear for life what four areas does vicarious traumatization effect in the professional realm? - ✔✔Performance, Morale, Relational and Behavioral what is traumatic stress? - ✔✔the stress response to a traumatic event in which one is a victim or witness What are the ABCs for addressing vicarious trauma? - ✔✔Awareness, Balance, Connection What is the difference between traumatic stress and vicarious trauma? - ✔✔Traumatic stress is a victim's reaction and vicarious traumatization is the helper's reaction What is the definition of resilience? - ✔✔the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress How do the five dimensions of strength relate to resilience? - ✔✔by helping to increase it Self care should cover which three aspects? - ✔✔Body, Mind and Spirit What is self-care? - ✔✔what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health and to prevent and deal with illness What are active listening practices and roadblocks? - ✔✔Creating a safe environment, building a rapport and focus on issues What is the value of active listening and How will you use it in your role as SARC/VA? - ✔✔Helps you connect to the complainant/victims and to appropriately asses their needs What are some techniques that will help you be effective at both receiving and sending information? - ✔✔Engaging, Focusing, Thinking, Questioning, Clarifying, Paraphrasing and using "I" statements What are the four components to the effective communication model? - ✔✔Sender, Receiver, Feedback, Verbal and non-verbal messages What is active listening? - ✔✔A technique to understand what is being said a two way process to communicate Describe Active Listening Skills and behaviors - ✔✔Acknowledge: provide verbal and non-verbal awareness of speaker Reflect: reflect feelings, experience or content "what I hear you saying is Probe: ask questions "can you clarify what you meant by" Support: shiw warmth and caring in your own way Be Quite: Give the person time to think as well as talk do not interrupt Paraphrase: summarize and clarify confusion "To confirm what I heard you say" What are the four communication styles - ✔✔Aggressive, Passive Aggressive, Assertive and Passive what is the best way to make yourself aware of your unconscious nonverbal mannerisms? - ✔✔practice, watch yourself in a mirror or record yourself What techniques to consider for leading a discussion? - ✔✔Ask open ended questions, Ask questions before calling on a student by name, Consider the response you weren't seeking, acknowledge responses, Disagree? Ask students to justify answers What are suggestions for opening discussion? - ✔✔Does anyone have a different point of view? Do you agree/disagree? what is your reaction to the homework? Could you relate to what he or she just said? What are suggestions for redirecting a discussion? - ✔✔Don't answer the question, re-direct to another student. Example "you're on the right track, let's hear from another student" What is victimology? - ✔✔the study of victims of crime and the psychological effects on them What three things did psychiatrist Martin Symonds discover when working with victims? - ✔✔React the same to different types of trauma, Quality intervention is consistent with revictimization, and Law- enforcement officers can cause the most good, can bring about revictimization Match the people to their contributions - ✔✔Ann Burgess: coined the term rape trauma syndrome Dr. Martin Symonds: Psychiatric who worked with trauma victims New York City Police Dr. Morton Bard: Psychologist wrote The Crime Victim's Book a book for victims of crime James Rowland: a probation officer who created the victims impact statement Match the dates and events - ✔✔1975 NOVA founded 2004 Justice for all act passed 1965 1st crime victims compensation program was established in California 1995 1st class graduated from NVAA 1972 1st 3 victim assistance programs were created 1981 National Victims' rights week is proclaimed What 3 victim's assistance programs were created in the 1970's? - ✔✔Aid for victims of crime, Bay area women against rape. DC rape crisis center Complete the following sentence: The policy of the Army is that sexual harassment is - ✔✔unacceptable and will not be tolerated Complete the following sentence: The Army will treat all victims of sexual assault with - ✔✔dignity, fairness and respect List at least 5 of the 8 crime victims rights act - ✔✔Be reasonably protected from the accused Be reasonably heard Right to full and timely restitution Reasonable, accurate, and timely notice Right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay AR 600-20 Army Command Policy devotes which chapters and appendices to SH/SA - ✔✔Chapter 7&8 Appendices C E-J What has the Army's historical perspective taught us about addressing the problems of SH and SA? - ✔✔it was reactive in it's response to events and it's emphasis on modifying victim behavior as a means of reducing threats and incidents The Army integrated _____ and _____ to create the SHARP program - ✔✔DA POSH, SAPR The IAM in the IAM strong campaign stands for? - ✔✔intervene act motivate Match the campaign phases with description - ✔✔PhaseI:Committed Army Leadership PhaseII: Army wide conviction PhaseIII: Acheive Cultural change PhaseIV: Sustainment, Refinement and sharing What is the bottom line of IAM Strong Campaign? - ✔✔Eliminate SH/SA and to improve individual and unit readiness List 2 of the 5 ways a single incident of SA can affect an entire unit? - ✔✔Victims won't be able to fill their duties, Detracts from actual mission, Morale drops, Leader focus change What are the SHARP campaign line of effort (LOE) - ✔✔Prevention, Investigation, Accountability, Advocacy, and Assessment Explain the 4 SHARP Functional areas - ✔✔Program management: support unit commanders in developing and executing SH/SA reduction plan Prevention:developing, implementing and support campaigns Resources: responsiblties occurs after the evet happens Training: responsibilities include teaching prevention and risk reduction strategies which organization credentials SARCs and VAs - ✔✔NOVA National Organization for Victims Assistance What is the purpose of D-SAACP - ✔✔Standardize SA response to victims and professionalize military victim advocacy What are the 4 stepd to prevent SH/SA - ✔✔know the rules Reduce the threat promote awareness influence behavior How are prevention and intervention different? - ✔✔prevention is the act of stopping something from happening or arising and intervention is coming in between something by way of hinderance or modification What are each of the misperception of social norms and describe them? - ✔✔Pluralistic Ignorance: Maybe it's just me False Uniqueness: Odd person out False Consensus: Everybody's with me what arevtge 5 steps in the intervention process? - ✔✔Notice the event Interpret the event or behavior as a problem Feel responsible for solving the problem Choose how to intervene Build a culture to eliminate the problem What are some reasons people don't intervene? - ✔✔Assumed it wasn't a problem, didn't know how to intervene, Bystander apathy, Diffusion of responsibility, Fear for personal safety what are the 5 intervention techniques? - ✔✔Anonymous complaint Direct Approach Third party Chain of Command File a Formal Complaint What are 3 potential physical effects of sexual harassment? - ✔✔Fatigue Loss of appetite Muscle pain Decreased coordination Headaches Insomnia Stomach Problems Weight gain or loss what actions must the SARC or VA take prior to the activation of the HRRT? - ✔✔Complete Safety Assessment Describe the 4 coping mechanism - ✔✔Denial: The most common coping mechanism Rationalization: Give individual a logical ways to make excuses for their as well as others behavior Avoidance: emotionally distancing themselves may cause to behave bizarrely or out of character Adaptation: become conditioned to behavior overtime and feel like nothing can be done to connect it. What is crisis intervention? - ✔✔Temporary, but active and supportive entry into the lifr of individuals or groups during period of extreme distress Positive active listening skills - ✔✔Acknowledge:Provide verbal/non verbal awareness nod, eye contact lean forward, "yes I see" Reflect: reflect feelings, experiences or content that has been heard "what I hear you saying is" Probe: ask questions. in a supportive way "can you clarify what you meant by" Support: show warmth and caring in your own way Be quite: undivided attention Paraphrase:Summarize to clarify confusion "to confirm what I heard you say" what is active listening? - ✔✔Listening without judgement and provide complete attention When discussing SH complaints and SA reports describe the difference in confidentiality? - ✔✔SH there is no confidentiality only the chaplain or their laywer SA covered under MRE 514 What are 2 types of advocacy? - ✔✔System: working for the changes needed for the program Individual: working to facilitate changes for the individual client Explain the SARC/VA roles and responsibilities in relation to SH/SA - ✔✔SARC: complaint processing, Advisor to the Commander, Coordinate and manage Brigade's advacocy program, 24/7 response capability to victims of SA, manage VAs in BDE, Explain reporting options to victims VA: Provide essential support and care to SA victims, offer non clinical information on available options and resources. Maintain communication and contact with victims, Report to SARC while performing related duties What is empathy? - ✔✔the action of understanding or being aware of being sensitive to and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts and experience of another without having experienced fully communicated in an explicit manner What are the approaches to tesolving SH? - ✔✔Anonymous Direct Third party Chain of Command File a formal complaint True or False? The SARC will tell the complaintant how to resolve incidents of Sexual harassment? - ✔✔False What are the 4 communication styles? - ✔✔Aggressive Passive Aggressive Passive Assertive What is a first responders? - ✔✔Individuals who are responsible for the protection and preservation of life, property, evidence and the environment What are options available to victims of sexual assault? - ✔✔Family and safety issues, reporting options, medical care/forensic exam. counseling, legal assistance Give examples of a first responder? - ✔✔SARC/VA CID Law enforcement How fo SARCs assist the IO? - ✔✔Ensuring that the reprisal plain aligns with AR 600-20 Developing questions that maintain focus of investigation, avoid shifting focus of the investigation against the complainant, are legal and appropriate Assisting throughout the investigation The commander must notify the GCMCA within ______ of acknowledging receipt of a formal complaint. - ✔✔3calender days Reprisal forms - ✔✔Threatening: Giving signs, warning, or indication of intended actions Intimidating: Making timid by inhibiting, frightening, or discouraging with threats of harm Harassing: Annoying or tormenting repeatedly Who has the responsible to produce a reprisal plan for all parties involved with a formal complaint of SH? - ✔✔Commander 10 items needed to be included in the investigative report that is presented to the appointed authority? - ✔✔IO Appointment Orders DA Form 7279 Reprisal Plan List of ?s developed w/SARC Statements of those interviewed Copies of suppoerting docs Unit policies & procedures Approved extensions Written explanation by IO of extenuating circumstances that prevent from interviewing Written review by SARC Who is the final appeal authority in the Military SH complaint process? - ✔✔General Court Martial Convening Authority (GCMCA) How long does the complainamt have to submit an appeal once notified of results? - ✔✔7 calendar days Outline the appeal process - ✔✔Complainant has to file in writing in 7calendar days Commander refers to next higher commander in 3calendar days Commander reacts to appeal in 14calendar days GCMCA is the final apoeal decision authority What does ICRS stand for? - ✔✔Integrated Case Reporting System What are2systems a SARC must have access to regarding reporting process of SH/SA? - ✔✔Integrated Case Reporting System ICRS Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database DSAID