Download SHARP TRAINING Study Guide | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded and more Exams Occupational therapy in PDF only on Docsity! SHARP TRAINING Study Guide | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+) what are the 4 SHARP functional area? - ✔✔1 program management 2. Prevention 3.response what are the three potential physical effects of sexual harassment? - ✔✔1. Fatigue 2. Headache 3. loss of appetite What is Traumatic Stress? - ✔✔The stress response to a event in which one is a victim or witness What is trauma? - ✔✔A threat to ones safety security and sense of well-being What 4 areas does vicanous traumatization effect in the professional realm? - ✔✔1. Performance 2.Morale3.Relational4. Behavioral What is the whist blower ? - ✔✔DODD 7050.06 Stress has the ability to affect what 4 categories? - ✔✔1. Cognitive 2.Behavior3.Emotions 4.Physical Self Care should cover which 3 aspects? - ✔✔1.Body2.Mind3.Spirit What is the PAO service to the SHARP program? - ✔✔to spread information i for the sharp program and what go on What are the ABC for addressing vicarious trauma? - ✔✔1. Awareness 2. Balance 3. Connection What are the 4 components to effective communication model? - ✔✔1. Sender 2.Reciever3. decoder 4. feedback What are the 4 types of ARMY Briefing - ✔✔1. Information Briefing 2. Decision briefing 3. Mission Briefing 4. Staff Briefing What should the presentation introduction include? - ✔✔1. Introduction 2.Presentation 3. Summary The five dimension of army strength - ✔✔Physical , emotional, social, spiritual, familial What is P5D? - ✔✔1. Projection2.pitch3.pauses4.pace5.pronuniation6.distractors What is APCE? - ✔✔1. Ask 2. Pause 3.Call 4. Evaluate What are the SHARP campaign lines of effort? - ✔✔1. Prevention 2.Investigation3.Accountabiliity4.adovacy 5.assesment What are the army values? - ✔✔Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage What to the values represent? - ✔✔Basic for behavior , Establish what is acceptable, must be modeled to be meaningful, reflected is assumption Avoidance? - ✔✔A reaction to conflict that involves ignoring the problem by doing nothing at all, or deemphasizing the disagreement. Which organization credentials SARC and VA? - ✔✔NOVA / started 2012 What is sexual innuendo? - ✔✔Indirect remark suggesting something rude or sexual in nature. What is the purpose of D-SAACP? - ✔✔Standardize a response to victims and professional military VA Step Two: Communicate group standards and expectations Step Three: Enforce group standards and expectations How often is the deox conducted - ✔✔first 60 days after assuming command, then annually What is pluralistic ignorance - ✔✔"Maybe its just me" What is False uniqueness - ✔✔Odd person out What is False Consensus - ✔✔everybody's with me what are the three categories of Sexual Harassment - ✔✔verbal non-verbal physical contact What are the types of sexual harassment - ✔✔Quid Pro Quo Hostile Environment What is the intervention Process - ✔✔1. Notice the event 2. interpret it is a problem 3. feel responsible for resolving it 4. choose how to intervene 5. build a culture to eliminate it What is Crisis Intervention? - ✔✔involves- establishes reppor with victims, gathering information, averting a potential state of crisis It aims to- help victims regain equilibrium and sense of control, engage victims in healing interpersonal process, helps victims access internal and external resources. What are the 4 coping mechanisms? - ✔✔Denial Rationalization avoidance adaptation What are the two types of advocacy - ✔✔System advocacy individual advocacy What are the four parts of behavior-centered feedback - ✔✔1. Specific 2. Non-evaluated 3. private 4. empathetic What Army Regulation covers EEO? - ✔✔AR 690-600 How many calendar days do civilians have to report sexual harassment to the EEO? - ✔✔45 Calendar days What regulation and appendix covers sexual harassment - ✔✔AR 600-2 Chapter 7 Appendix C. What is the Use for MFR - ✔✔Program Management-to evaluate resolution and effectiveness Prevention- to identify trends Response- document complaint training- identify potential training areas what are the three parts of the "I" statement - ✔✔I feel_______ when_______ because_______ What is stress? - ✔✔A normal physical response to a event.