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SOCRA CCRP exam questions and answers
already graded A+| Updated & Verified | 2024
Timeline of Historical Events - ✔✔Nuremberg Code 1947, Declaration of Helsinki 1964, Belmont Report 1979 The Three Principles of the Belmont Report - ✔✔respect for persons, beneficence, justice Application of Respect for Persons - ✔✔informed consent (autonomy, choose for themselves) Application of Beneficence - ✔✔risk/benefit analysis Application of Justice - ✔✔appropriate selection of patients (equality) Language Level ICF - ✔✔6th-8th grade 8 basic elements of ICF - ✔✔1. purpose, duration, and procedures
- risks/discomforts
- benefits
- alternatives
- confidentiality
- compensation/medical treatments injury
- contact information
- voluntary participation and discontinuation at any time Long ICF - ✔✔standard consent form Short ICF - ✔✔a document that elements of ICF, orally stated, understood by participant 4 components of consent process for short form - ✔✔1. short form document
- oral presentation of ICF elements
- IRB approved summary
- a witness When can you use short form? - ✔✔language, short window ICF monitoring - ✔✔1. most recent IRB approved version
- signature present
- subject dated/correct date
- errors corrected by a single line
- all pages present SAE Reporting Requirement - ✔✔immediately investigator, 15 days for sponsor UADE Reporting Requirement - ✔✔10 days investigator, 10 days for sponsor
Consent and Assent for children - ✔✔Parental consent from 1 or both parents or LAR required, and child assent may be required as determined by IRB Time period where financial disclosure is needed - ✔✔during the study and one year after completion The primary goal of the IRB - ✔✔to protect the right and safety of human subjects Composition of IRB - ✔✔5 or more members with different backgrounds including 1 scientific, 1 nonscientific, and 1 not affiliated Definition of minimal risk and its expedited review process - ✔✔no more harm than routine exam; individual reviewer Definition of significant risk and non-significant risk device - ✔✔SR: the potential for serious risk, support human life, substantial importance NSR: does not meet SR requirement Difference between SR and NSR device studies - ✔✔SR: Follows all IDE reg., IDE app approved NSR: abbreviated requirements, no IDE app, and sponsor/IRB no report to FDA prior Time required for IRB record retension - ✔✔3 years after study completion Two common tools used for reducing bias - ✔✔Blinding and Randomization Data Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP) - ✔✔is used to ensure safety of subjects and validity of data
Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) - ✔✔a group of experts that reviews research data 3 primary investigator responsibilties - ✔✔1. oversee the conduct of the trial
- protect the rights, safety, and welfare of subjects
- control the use of the investigational product Significance of FDA 1572 and investigator agreement (device) - ✔✔a declaration of the investigator to comply with FDA regulations Commitment of Investigator listed on 1572 - ✔✔1. follow the protocol
- personally conduct or supervise the study
- obtain informed consent
- report AE
- properly train staff
- maintain records
- ensure compliant IRB oversees
- comply with all other CFR requirements FDA dateline for investigator reporting SAE(s) (drug) - ✔✔does not give specific, just immediately report to sponsor, and promptly to IRB
FDA dateline for investigator reporting SAE(s) (device) - ✔✔does give specific, within 10 working days after discovery Investigator Responsibilities for ICF - ✔✔- obtain legally effective informed consent
- provide sufficient opportunity to decide
- minimize coercion or undo influence
- language understandable to the subject
- avoid exculpatory (waive legal rights)
- current version of IRB approved ICF Show ICF obtained prior to study procedures - ✔✔to record the time of consent Definition of essential documents - ✔✔documents that permit evaluation of the conduct of a trial and the quality of the data produced Time required to keep clinical trial records at site - ✔✔2 years after FDA approval or 2 years after study ended Quality Control (QC) focuses on what? - ✔✔identification and correction Quality Assurance (QA) focuses on what? - ✔✔prevention Corrective And Preventive Actions (CAPA) process - ✔✔to identify root cause of issues or problems and actions to resolve them
CAPA plan - ✔✔a document that describes the CAPA process A sponsor is... - ✔✔an entity that initiates a clinical trial A sponsor does not conduct a clinical trial directly, but... - ✔✔through clinical site(s) Under the regulation who is responsible for the clinical trial conducted under its initiation and oversight? - ✔✔the sponsor Role, Responsibilities, and Obligations of the Sponsor - ✔✔- selecting qualified investigators
- providing information and training needed
- monitoring the trial conduct
- ensuring protocol is followed
- maintaining effective IND
- proper reporting of significant AE or risks What is a sponsor's main responsibility? - ✔✔overall clinical trial conduct is in compliance of regulations Sponsors should qualify investigators based on what? - ✔✔training and experience Info needed from investigator prior to trial participation - ✔✔- 1572
- CV
- Signed protocol
- FDF Sponsor must choose who to oversee the trial? - ✔✔a qualified monitor Other sponsor responsibilties - ✔✔- monitor the progress
- secure compliance or discontinue shipment of IP
- review safety and efficacy data and report safety issues to FDA
- submit annual reports to FDA
- discontinue use of IP that cause significant risk, notify FDA 5 working days, destroy IP, and submit full report to FDA of study closure How long does a sponsor have to submit IND safety report? - ✔✔within 15 calendar days after knowing How many days does sponsor have to submit additional information to FDA? - ✔✔within 15 calendar days after receiving request How long does sponsor have to notify FDA of unexpected fatal or life-threatening suspected adverse reaction? - ✔✔within 7 calendar days of initial receipt of info How long does the sponsor have to report unanticipated adverse device affects (UADE)? - ✔✔within 10 working days of receipt of the info
Items to be considered for an electronic record system - ✔✔- completeness, accuracy, reliability, consistency, and ability to detect invalid records
- SOP usage
- audit trail
- limited access
- back-up
- checking systems (operational, authority, device)
- qualified personnel
- accountability of misconduct/falsification
- authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality Record retention requirements for drug sponsor - ✔✔2 years after approval or 2 years after last shipment of IP and FDA notified Record retention for device sponsor - ✔✔2 years after study completion or 2 years after PMA date or date on notice of completion Phases of drug development - ✔✔- Discovery (screening of small molecules, natural products, extract)
- Pre-clinical (animal testing, PK, PD)
- Phase 0 (PK and PD in humans), Phase I (safety), Phase II (efficacy), Phase III (pivotal studies), Phase IV (post marketing surveillance) Medical Device Classification - ✔✔- Class I- general controls (bandages, gloves)
- Class II- general controls + special controls (x-ray machine, infusion pump) may require 510(K) clearance
- Class III- general controls + pre-market approval (HIV test, pacemaker) usually requires PMA Medical device trials do not have phases, but are usually done in what two steps? - ✔✔pilot and pivotal Regulatory pathways - ✔✔SR full NSR abbreviated exempt is exempt from IDE app IVD classification - ✔✔- Class I- general controls
- Class II- general controls + special controls, may require 510(K) clearance
- Class III- pre-market approval required Focus Areas during FDA inspection of Sponsor/CRO - ✔✔- personnel and organization
- site selection and communication w/ site
- monitoring and AE monitoring/reporting
- data handling/verification
- control of IP
- electronics systems
- record retention 3 possible classifications a sponsor/CRO after FDA inspection - ✔✔1. official action indicated
- voluntary action indicated
- no action indicated Focus areas during FDA inspection of site - ✔✔- personnel and organization
- facility
- IRB approval
- protocol adherance
- documentation of informed consent
- data collection
- IP accountability
- financial disclosure
- clinical trial oversight/ monitoring
- electronic data
- adverse evnts
- record retention