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Solutions for Midterm Exam | Physics I | PHY 1001, Exams of Physics

Material Type: Exam; Class: Physics 1; Subject: Physics; University: Florida Institute of Technology; Term: Fall 2009;

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Download Solutions for Midterm Exam | Physics I | PHY 1001 and more Exams Physics in PDF only on Docsity! PHY 1001 -Physics I Midterm Exam [, Name: SocuT fD,rJs Please do all of the-following problems. You are allowed to have a formula shee! calculatorand ruler. please showyour work. Part I. Multiple choice problems. Each question is worth 4 points. 1' A sled moves on essentially frictionless ice. It is attached by a rope to a vertical post setin the ice. once given a push, the sled moves around the post at constant speed in a circre of radius R. If the rope breaks, A. the sled will keep moving in a_circle. il B. the sled will mgve on a curved path, but not a circre. ,,---lf --=., c. the sled will follow a curved paih ro. a while, then move in i ll "a straightl ine. lvr q Yvrrrrs' Lrtqrr t , /-nl fn)the iled witt move in a straight line. K*----," 2' Btrocks '4 and Care connected by a string as shown. When released, blockA accelerates tothe right and block c accelerates downward. There is friction between blocks ̂4 and B butnot enough to prevent block B from slipping. If you stood next to t!9 1aU]e during rhe rime rhat block B is slipping on top AblockA, you would see Qlblock B accelerating ro the righr. B. block ,B accelerating to the left. !. 11".5 B moving at constant speed to the right. D. block B moving at constant speed to the left. 3' A car (mass mJ moves at a constant speed v around a fla! unbanked curve of radius R. Afree-body diagram for the car should include A. an outward centrifugal force of magnitu de mv2/R B. an inward centripetal force of magnitu d,e mvz/R C. the force of the car,s acceleration. I.two of the above. @rone of the above. 4' Now the curve in the Iast problem has a bank angle B fmeasured from the horizontal).free-body diagram for the car should include A. a normal force that points vertically upward. ( Br)a normal force that points at an angle Bfrom the\ - / . . ,verucat. C. a normal force that points at an angle Bfrom the horizontal. D. an outward centrifugal force of magnitu de mvz/R. E. more than one of the above. n t t t t V 7 PHY 1001 - Physics I Midterm ExamIf Name: 5. Three blocks are connected as shown. The ropes and pulleys are of negligible mass. lVhen released, block Cmoves downward, block B moves up the ramp, and blockA moves to the right. After each block has moved a distance d, the force of gravity has done A. positive work onA,B, and C. B. zero work on A, positive work on B, and lqgative work on C. ( C.\"rowork on A, negative work on & and fositive work on C. D. none of these G. A 6.00-kg block and an 8.00-kg block are connected as shown. When released, the 6.00- kg block accelerates downward and the 8.00-kg block 8.00 kg aicelerates to the right. After each block has moved 2.00 cm, the force of gravitY has done A. more work on the 8.00-kg block than on the 6'00-kg block' B. the same amount of work on both blocks' @t"rt work on the 8.00-kg blockthan on the 6'00-kg block' D. not enough information given to decide 7. Two iceboats (one of mass m, one of mass ZmJ hold a race on a frictionless, horizontal, frozen lake. Both iceboats start at rest, and the wind exerts the same constant force on both iceboats. rvvhich iceboat crosses the finish line with more kinetic energ/ (KE)? A. The iceboit of mass m: it has twice as much KE as the other. B. The iceboat of mass m: it has 4x as much KE as the other. c. The iceboat of mass 2m; ithas twice as much KE as the other. D. The iceboat of mass Zm:ithas 4x as much KE as the other. @fn"y both cross the finish line with the same KE' The graph shows the potential energy IJ for aparticle that moves along the x-axis' The particle-is initially at x = d and moves in the negative x-direction''A. et which of the labeled x-coordinates does the particle have the greate st speed? A.atx=a fB)" t t=b C.atx=c D.atx=d E. mf,re than o--ne of the above u 9. At which of the labeled x-coordinates is the particle slowing down? 6!t""= o B. atx = b C. atx = c D' atx = d Y-ot" than one of the above 10. At which of the labeled x-coordinates is thete zero force on the Particle? A.atx=aandx=c B.atx=bonly C'atx=donly E. misleading question - there is a force at all values of x. 6.00 kg 2 .00 @r,*=bandd