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SPCH 1110 Exam 2 Preparation Guide, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive guide for preparing for the spch 1110 exam 2. It covers key topics such as the importance of organization, the number of main points, strategic order of main points, the role of transitions, the structure of an effective introduction and conclusion, techniques for getting the audience's attention, establishing credibility, guidelines for preparing an outline, tips for delivering effective speaking notes, and best practices for vocal variety, articulation, and eye contact. The document also outlines a 5-step method for practicing delivery. This detailed information can be highly valuable for students enrolled in spch 1110 or related communication courses, as it offers guidance on how to excel in their upcoming exam.

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Available from 10/15/2024

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"organization is important" - correct answer ✔✔Pg 166 Listener demand coherence, establish connections between your points, have 3 mains parts (intro, body, conclusion) Number of main points - correct answer ✔✔differs, usually 2-5. too many confuses audience-condense them strategic order of main points - correct answer ✔✔chronological, spatial (directional pattern), casual (cause-effect relationship), problem-solution, topical (main points divide the topic info in logical subtopics) transitions - correct answer ✔✔very important, must be clear, indicates when speaker is moving onto a new point/topic 5 things in an introduction - correct answer ✔✔1. State your thesis 2. attention-getter 3. establish credibility 4. relate topic to the audience 5. preview main points ways to get audience's attention - correct answer ✔✔Quotes, facts, stories, rhetorical questions establish credibility - correct answer ✔✔From personal experience or a source you cite the conclusion - correct answer ✔✔Let me know you're ending the speech, reinforce audiences understanding central idea 3 things in a conclusion - correct answer ✔✔1. Review main points 2. provide closure 3. memorable

guidelines for preparation outline - correct answer ✔✔State specific purpose, identity central idea, label body, intro, conclusion, use consistent pattern, state in full sentences, label transitions, attach bibliography, give a title speaking notes - correct answer ✔✔write legibly, include delivery notes, use phrases what is good delivery? - correct answer ✔✔Conveys speakers thoughts clearly, doesn't draw attention to actual speaking. Doesn't distract audience, constantly changing. Usually includes conversational feel. Speak intelligently, avoid distracting mannerisms, eye contact. methods of delivery - correct answer ✔✔Manuscript (tendency to 'read'), memorize (word for word), impromptu(off top of your head), extemporaneous (prepared, practiced, delivered from notes. conversational feel) vocal variety - correct answer ✔✔range, pitch, volume - make sure they vary but aren't too much! volume, pitch, rate, pauses - correct answer ✔✔loud/soft, high/low, fast/slow, plan them! articulation and pronunciation - correct answer ✔✔clearly and correctly eye contact - correct answer ✔✔Makes you look more trustworthy and confident. 80-90% eye contact, don't stare down one part of the audience 5-step method for practicing delivery - correct answer ✔✔1. Go thru prep aloud 2. Prep speaking outline

  1. Practice speech aloud w/ only speaking outline 4. Polish and refine delivery 5. Dress rehearsal with close real conditions