Download SPCH 1311 Final Exam Review and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! SPCH 1311 Final Exam Review(latest update)questions with answers Extemporaneous Speech - correct answer ✔✔A speech that is researched and planned ahead of time, although the exact wording is not scripted and will vary from presentation to presentation. Impromptu Speech - correct answer ✔✔A speech that is delivered with only seconds or minutes of advance notice before preparation. Conversational Quality - correct answer ✔✔A question asked to determine or judge whether something is right, moral, good, or just. artifact speech - correct answer ✔✔speech where you share an item or group of items that, if found years from now by an archaeologist excavating your home, would accurately highlight your life High Context - correct answer ✔✔Cultures in which much of a speaker's message is understood from the context. Low Context - correct answer ✔✔Cultures in which speakers use words to convey most of the meaning; Verbal messages are direct, specific, and detailed. Individualism - correct answer ✔✔Cultures that value personal rights and responsibilities, privacy, voicing one's opinion, freedom, innovation, and self-expression. Collectivist Culture - correct answer ✔✔Cultures that value community, collaboration, shared interests, harmony, the public good, and avoiding embarrassment. High Power Distance - correct answer ✔✔Cultures that view unequal power distribution as normal. Low Power Distance - correct answer ✔✔Cultures in which members prefer power to be more equally distributed. High Uncertainty Avoidance - correct answer ✔✔Cultures with a low tolerance for uncertainty and a high need to control unpredictable people, relationships, or events. Low Uncertainty Avoidance - correct answer ✔✔Cultures that tolerate uncertainty and are less driven to control unpredictable people, relationships, or events. Encoding - correct answer ✔✔The process of putting our thoughts and feelings into words and nonverbal behavior. Decoding - correct answer ✔✔The process of interpreting another's message. Feedback - correct answer ✔✔Reactions and responses to messages. Denotation - correct answer ✔✔The direct, explicit meaning of a word found in the dictionary of a language community Conotation - correct answer ✔✔Feelings or evaluations associated with a word. Speaker Credability - correct answer ✔✔The confidence an audience places in the truthfulness of what a speaker says. Interference (Noise)- - correct answer ✔✔any stimulus that interferes with the process of sharing meaning. External Noise - correct answer ✔✔Sights, sounds, and other stimuli that draw people's attention away from the message. Internal Noise - correct answer ✔✔Thoughts and feelings that compete for attention and interfere with the communication process. Revelvant - correct answer ✔✔A piece of information that alerts listeners to why the main point is related to them or why they should care about the topic or point. Jargon - correct answer ✔✔The unique technical terminology of a trade or profession. Informative Speaking - correct answer ✔✔A speech whose goal is to explain or describe facts, truths, and principles in a way that increases understanding. paralinguistics - correct answer ✔✔Main points are parallel to one another when their wording follows the same structural pattern. Proxemics - correct answer ✔✔The study of how space and distance communicate. Kinesics - correct answer ✔✔The interpretation of what and how body motions communicate. Vocalics - correct answer ✔✔The voiced part of a spoken message that goes beyond the actual words. Organization - correct answer ✔✔we must arrange it in some meaningful way in order to make sense of the world. intrapersonal communication - correct answer ✔✔takes place within one person. The purpose of clarifying ideas or analyzing a situation. interpersonal communication (quantitative) - correct answer ✔✔communication between two ppl Abstract words - correct answer ✔✔words that refer to ideas or concepts Concrete words - correct answer ✔✔words that refer to tangible objects Thesaurus - correct answer ✔✔A book of synonyms Authoritarian - correct answer ✔✔Leadership that relies on legitimate, coercive and reward power Laissez-faire - correct answer ✔✔"Hands Off" leadership style French and Raven's 5 types of power - correct answer ✔✔1. Legitimate 2.Reward 3.Expert 4.Deferent 5.Coercive Channel - correct answer ✔✔Is the medium selected to carry the message (Phone call, face to face) Articulation refers to the usage of speech organs such as tongue, jaws, lips, etc. in order to produce sounds while pronunciation refers to the way words need to be sounded when speaking. - correct answer ✔✔What is the difference between Pronunciation and Articulation? The word communication comes from the Latin "communicare" which means - correct answer ✔✔to make common