Download Vocabulary List: English Words and Their Definitions and more Exams English Literature in PDF only on Docsity! SSAT Upper Level Vocabulary Words, SSAT Exam Questions with Verified Solutions. 1. Abandon - Correct answer Desert or leave someone/something 2. Antipathy - Correct answer Hatred 3. Cascade - Correct answer to fall heavily 4. Dawdle - Correct answer Linger or waste time 5. Dubious - Correct answer Hesitating or doubting 6. Flourish - Correct answer to grow well or thrive 7. Illustrate - Correct answer Explain or to decorate 8. Liberate - Correct answer to set something free 9. Optimistic - Correct answer Hopeful 10. Recalcitrant - Correct answer Uncooperative 11. Robust - Correct answer Strong and healthy 12. Taper - Correct answer Narrow or thin 13. Abbreviation - Correct answer the shortened form of a word 14. Anxious - Correct answer Worried or nervous 15. Cater - Correct answer to provide for 16. Debate - Correct answer to discuss something (verb) or a discussion (noun) 17. Duration - Correct answer how long something will take 18. Fluctuate - Correct answer an irregular rise and fall in a number or amount 19. Immaculate - Correct answer Very clean or spotless 20. Limber - Correct answer to warm up 21. Opulent - Correct answer Very rich, luxurious or lavish 22. Reckless - Correct answer doing something carelessly or without thinking 23. Rouse - Correct answer to stir up or excite someone 24. Task - Correct answer a piece of work to be done 25. Abdicate - Correct answer to renounce someone's throne 26. Apprehension - Correct answer Anxiety or fear that something bad will happen P a g e 1 | 86 27. Cautious - Correct answer Careful 28. Debt - Correct answer Money that is owe or due 29. Eager - Correct answer wanting to do something very much 30. Foolhardy - Correct answer recklessly bold or rash 31. Impasse - Correct answer a situation in which no progress is possible 32. Linger - Correct answer wait around 33. Ostentatious - Correct answer trying to impress or attract attention 34. Refute - Correct answer disprove or prove wrong 35. Routine - Correct answer procedure 36. Taunt - Correct answer a remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone 37. Abhor - Correct answer hate 38. Approximate - Correct answer estimate or guess 39. Censor - Correct answer to cut out unacceptable parts of something 40. Deceive - Correct answer to trick someone 41. Economize - Correct answer to save money 42. Foreseen - Correct answer to predict 43. Imply - Correct answer insinuate 44. Lofty - Correct answer tall/high 45. Overbearing - Correct answer dominating 46. Reject - Correct answer to turn down or refuse something 47. Rue - Correct answer regret 48. Tenacious - Correct answer to keep a firm hold on something 49. Abrupt - Correct answer a sudden action 50. Arbitrary - Correct answer random 51. Chagrin - Correct answer distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated 52. Decline - Correct answer a decrease in something P a g e 2 | 86 104. Barren - Correct answer unproductive or worthless 105. Vindicate - Correct answer to clear someone of blame or suspicion 106. Venture - Correct answer a risky or daring journey or undertaking 107. Trite - Correct answer overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality 108. Altruistic - Correct answer selfless 109. Vilified - Correct answer speak or write about in an abusively derogatory manner 110. Enigma - Correct answer a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand 111. Hasten - Correct answer be quick to do something 112. Germane - Correct answer relevant 113. Mundane - Correct answer dull or boring 114. Voracious - Correct answer wanting or devouring great quantities of food 115. Meticulous - Correct answer showing great attention to detail 116. Capricious - Correct answer given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior (fickle) 117. Impoverished - Correct answer to make something poor 118. Parsimonious - Correct answer unwilling to spend money 119. Banal - Correct answer so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring 120. Benign - Correct answer gentle; kindly 121. Mirage - Correct answer optical illusion 122. Feisty - Correct answer lively, spirited 123. Erratic - Correct answer unpredictable 124. Inundate - Correct answer to overwhelm someone, or a flood 125. Eradicate - Correct answer destroy completely 126. Ventilate - Correct answer cause air to enter an circulate a place 127. Brittle - Correct answer a hard material but easy to break or shatter 128. Paltry - Correct answer small or meager P a g e 5 | 86 129. Detrimental - Correct answer harmful 130. Wily - Correct answer skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully 131. Ravenous - Correct answer extremely hungry 132. Agile - Correct answer able to move quickly and easily 133. Adamant - Correct answer refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind 134. Ambivalent - Correct answer having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone; uncertain 135. Barrage - Correct answer bombardment 136. Accord - Correct answer an official agreement or treaty 137. Homely - Correct answer unattractive in appearance 138. Shrewd - Correct answer having or showing sharp powers of judgment 139. Nimble - Correct answer quick and light in movement or action 140. Malodorous - Correct answer smelling very unpleasant 141. Intricate - Correct answer very complicated or detailed 142. Superfluous - Correct answer unnecessary or excessive 143. Conundrum - Correct answer a confusing and difficult problem or question 144. Innate - Correct answer inborn or natural 145. Sullied - Correct answer damage the purity or integrity of something 146. Astute - Correct answer shrewd or sharp 147. Aggrandize - Correct answer increase the power, status, or wealth of something 148. Pungent - Correct answer having a sharply strong taste or smell 149. Ignoble - Correct answer dishonorable 150. Permeate - Correct answer to spread throughout something 151. Esoteric - Correct answer likely to be understood by a few 152. Replete - Correct answer filled or well-supplied 153. Placate - Correct answer make someone less angry or hostile 154. Auspicious - Correct answer favorable 155. Rambunctious - Correct answer boisterous P a g e 6 | 86 156. Arid - Correct answer having little or no rain 157. Chasm - Correct answer a deep fissure in the earth, rock, or another surface 158. Decree - Correct answer an official order issued by a legal authority 159. Elegant - Correct answer stylish 160. Fortunate - Correct answer lucky 161. Incident - Correct answer an event or occurrence 162. Lure - Correct answer tempt 163. Pact - Correct answer a formal agreement between individuals or parties 164. Remote - Correct answer distant or unlikely to occur 165. Rustic - Correct answer rural, countryside 166. Thrive - Correct answer grow or develop well or vigorously 167. Quandary - Correct answer a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation 168. Virtuoso - Correct answer a highly skilled artist 169. Virulent - Correct answer extremely poisonous; bitter; hostile 170. Volatile - Correct answer changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly 171. Voluble - Correct answer fluent; talkative 172. Voluminous - Correct answer bulky; large 173. Vulnerable - Correct answer susceptible to wounds 174. Whimsical - Correct answer fanciful; capricious 175. Willful - Correct answer intentional; headstrong 176. Withhold - Correct answer hold back; refuse to give 177. Zealot - Correct answer fanatic 178. Usurp - Correct answer seize someone's power or rank 179. Vacillate - Correct answer waver; fluctuate 180. Venerate - Correct answer revere; regard with great respect 181. Veracity - Correct answer truthfulness 182. Verbose - Correct answer wordy P a g e 7 | 86 235. Buttress - Correct answer support 236. Cursory - Correct answer casual; hastily done 237. Dispassionate - Correct answer calm; impartial 238. Esteem - Correct answer respect; value 239. Founder - Correct answer fail completely; sink 240. Iconoclast - Correct answer someone who attacks cherished traditions 241. Indiscriminate - Correct answer choosing at random; confused 242. Invert - Correct answer turn upside down or inside out 243. Misanthrope - Correct answer someone who hates mankind 244. Paradigm - Correct answer a model, pattern or example 245. Preclude - Correct answer prevent from happening; make possible 246. Receptive - Correct answer quick or willing to receive ideas 247. Seclusion - Correct answer Isolation; solitude 248. Surpass - Correct answer exceed 249. Aberrant - Correct answer abnormal or deviant 250. Animosity - Correct answer strong hostility 251. Cacophonous - Correct answer inharmonious; discordant 252. Curtail - Correct answer shorten; reduce 253. Dispel - Correct answer drive away; scatter; cause to vanish 254. Espouse - Correct answer adopt; support 255. Frail - Correct answer weak 256. Idiosyncrasy - Correct answer an individual trait, usually odd in nature 257. Indolent - Correct answer lazy 258. Irascible - Correct answer irritable; easily angered 259. Miserly - Correct answer stingy; mean 260. Paradox - Correct answer something contradictory in nature 261. Precocious - Correct answer advanced in development 262. Recluse - Correct answer hermit; loner P a g e 10 | 86 263. Sedentary - Correct answer requiring sitting 264. Surreptitious - Correct answer secret 265. Enmity - Correct answer hostility 266. Intransigent - Correct answer unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something 267. Peninsula - Correct answer a piece of land almost surrounded by water 268. Sovereign - Correct answer a supreme ruler, esp. a monarch 269. Hierarchy - Correct answer a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority 270. Duplicity - Correct answer deceitfulness 271. Quarantine - Correct answer a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed 272. Amorous - Correct answer showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire 273. Temporal - Correct answer non-spiritual; of or relating to time 274. Guile - Correct answer sly or cunning intelligence 275. Zest - Correct answer great enthusiasm and energy 276. Incendiary - Correct answer flammable; tending to stir up conflict 277. Lurid - Correct answer very vivid in color; wild sensational; graphic 278. Fanciful - Correct answer over imaginative and unrealistic 279. Alleviate - Correct answer make something less severe 280. Disseminate - Correct answer spread or disperse widely 281. Elucidate - Correct answer make something clear, explain 282. Satiate - Correct answer satisfy to the full 283. Quibble - Correct answer a slight objection or criticism 284. Zenith - Correct answer highest point 285. Infallible - Correct answer incapable of making mistakes or being wrong 286. Prevalent - Correct answer widespread in a particular area at a particular time 287. Archipelago - Correct answer group of islands P a g e 11 | 86 288. Decibel - Correct answer Used to measure sound 289. Tactile - Correct answer connected with sense of touch 290. Conviction - Correct answer declaration of guilt 291. Precipice - Correct answer cliff face 292. Hyperbole - Correct answer exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally 293. Adulation - Correct answer excessive admiration or praise 294. Insipid - Correct answer lacking flavor 295. Adroit - Correct answer skillful 296. Unfettered - Correct answer unrestrained 297. Ubiquitous - Correct answer found everywhere 298. Impeccable - Correct answer flawless 299. Impressionable - Correct answer easily influenced 300. Preface - Correct answer introduction 301. Maneuver - Correct answer move skillfully and carefully 302. Contrivance - Correct answer device; scheme 303. Crude - Correct answer in the raw or natural state; simple; vulgar 304. Abominable - Correct answer loathsome 305. Competent - Correct answer capable 306. Untimely - Correct answer badly-timed; premature 307. Inalienable - Correct answer unable to be taken away from 308. Prodigal - Correct answer wasteful; generous; abundant in 309. Incorrigible - Correct answer not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed 310. Placid - Correct answer even-tempered; quiet 311. Malignant - Correct answer virulent; cancerous; spiteful 312. Acolyte - Correct answer assistant 313. Slovenly - Correct answer messy, dirty; careless 314. Beatific - Correct answer blissfully haply P a g e 12 | 86 369. Indomitable - Correct answer impossible to defeat 370. Indubitable - Correct answer unquestionable 371. Irrelevant - Correct answer unrelated 372. Irrational - Correct answer lacking reason; illogical 373. Misnomer - Correct answer wringer name 374. Mitigate - Correct answer appease; moderate 375. Paragon - Correct answer model of perfection 376. Parochial - Correct answer narrow in outlook; related to parishes 377. Predilection - Correct answer preference 378. Predecessor - Correct answer former occupant of a post 379. Rectify - Correct answer set something right 380. Relegate - Correct answer banish to an inferior position; assign 381. Sequester - Correct answer isolate; retire from public life; seclude 382. Serenity - Correct answer calmness; placidity 383. Sustain - Correct answer experience; support 384. Swindler - Correct answer cheat 385. Substantiate - Correct answer prove something 386. Terrestrial - Correct answer of, on, or relating to the earth 387. Terrarium - Correct answer an enclosure for smaller terrestrial invertebrates, usually glass-fronted 388. Subvert - Correct answer destabilize; corrupt 389. Extrovert - Correct answer an outgoing, overtly expressive person 390. Introvert - Correct answer a shy, reticent, and typically self-centered person 391. Traverse - Correct answer travel across or through; cross 392. Extrapolate - Correct answer extend the application of something to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable 393. Superimpose - Correct answer place or lay (one thing) over another, typically so that both are still evident 394. Supersede - Correct answer replace P a g e 15 | 86 395. Subservient - Correct answer very obedient 396. Travesty - Correct answer a grotesque, mocking or inferior imitation 397. Panegyric - Correct answer speech of high praise 398. Penultimate - Correct answer next to last 399. Spurious - Correct answer not genuine; not authentic 400. Cantor - Correct answer leader of singing 401. Loquacious - Correct answer someone who talks a lot 402. Somnolent - Correct answer sleepy, drowsy or causing sleep 403. Somnambulist - Correct answer a sleepwalker 404. Progeny - Correct answer children or offspring 405. Fulsome - Correct answer overdone or too much 406. Dissident - Correct answer rebellious 407. Acumen - Correct answer astuteness 408. Garrulous - Correct answer excessively talkative, esp. on trivial matters 409. Taciturn - Correct answer talkative 410. Corpulent - Correct answer fat 411. Culpability - Correct answer guilt 412. Tacit - Correct answer understood without being stated 413. Quagmire - Correct answer swamp 414. Inept - Correct answer unskillful 415. Imprudent - Correct answer unwise 416. Acrid - Correct answer pungent/bitter 417. Avarice - Correct answer greed 418. Noisome - Correct answer extremely bad smell 419. Abstemious - Correct answer sparing in eating and drinking; temperate 420. Apocryphal - Correct answer untrue; made up; not genuine 421. Abstruse - Correct answer obscure; profound; difficult to understand P a g e 16 | 86 422. Candor - Correct answer frankness 423. Debilitate - Correct answer weaken; enfeeble 424. Dissent - Correct answer disagree 425. Evanescent - Correct answer fleeting; vanishing 426. Exacerbate - Correct answer worsen; embitter; aggravate 427. Futile - Correct answer ineffective; fruitless 428. Galvanize - Correct answer stimulate by shock; stir up; revitalize 429. Illusory - Correct answer deceptive; not real 430. Induce - Correct answer persuade; bring about 431. Irreproachable - Correct answer blameless; impeccable 432. Parry - Correct answer ward off a blow; defect 433. Partisan - Correct answer one-sided; prejudiced 434. Presumptuous - Correct answer overconfident 435. Relinquish - Correct answer give up something without reluctance 436. Sycophant - Correct answer servile flatterer; yes man; bootlicker 437. Tangential - Correct answer hardly touching a matter; peripheral 438. Assail - Correct answer attack; plague; criticize 439. Coerce - Correct answer pressure 440. Deft - Correct answer skillful 441. Embodiment - Correct answer personification 442. Incite - Correct answer encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior) 443. Carnage - Correct answer bloody and extensive slaughter 444. Ingratiate - Correct answer win over 445. Antecedent - Correct answer previous 446. Antebellum - Correct answer occurring or existing before a particular war 447. Belligerent - Correct answer hostile and aggressive 448. Bellicose - Correct answer demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight 449. Enamored - Correct answer be filled with a feeling of love for P a g e 17 | 86 503. Androgynous - Correct answer partly male and partly female in appearance 504. Feasible - Correct answer possible to do easily or conveniently; practical 505. Laudatory - Correct answer expressing praise and commendation 506. Ominous - Correct answer threatening 507. Ameliorate - Correct answer make something bad, better 508. Flotsam - Correct answer wreckage of a ship 509. Stringent - Correct answer strict 510. Flaccid - Correct answer soft and hanging loosely or limply, esp. so as to look or feel unpleasant 511. Reservations - Correct answer doubts 512. Adverse - Correct answer unfavorable; hostile 513. Aesthetic - Correct answer artistic; dealing with or capable of the appreciation of beauty 514. Affinity - Correct answer natural liking; kinship; similarity 515. Archaic - Correct answer antiquated 516. Ardor - Correct answer heat; passion; zeal 517. Artisan - Correct answer manually skilled worker; craftsman 518. Charlatan - Correct answer pretender to knowledge 519. Clemency - Correct answer mercy; lenience 520. Conciliatory - Correct answer reconciling; appeasing; amiable 521. Conflagration - Correct answer great fire 522. Conscientious - Correct answer diligent; careful 523. Delineate - Correct answer portray; depict; sketch 524. Depravity - Correct answer corruption; wickedness 525. Dogmatic - Correct answer opinionated 526. Ebb - Correct answer recede; lessen 527. Eclectic - Correct answer wide-ranging 528. Effervescent - Correct answer exuberant; bubbly and excited 529. Expository - Correct answer explanatory P a g e 20 | 86 530. Extant - Correct answer still in existence 531. Extricate - Correct answer free; disentangle 532. Expedient - Correct answer convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral 533. Hackneyed - Correct answer trite; banal 534. Hallowed - Correct answer blessed; venerated 535. Hamper - Correct answer obstruct 536. Hardy - Correct answer sturdy; robust 537. Hedonist - Correct answer someone who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life 538. Hiatus - Correct answer gap 539. Impecunious - Correct answer without money 540. Imperious - Correct answer domineering; haughty 541. Impervious - Correct answer incapable of being damaged or distressed 542. Inexorable - Correct answer relentless; unyielding 543. Infinitesimal - Correct answer so small as to be almost nonexistent 544. Judicious - Correct answer sound in judgment; wise 545. Laconic - Correct answer brief and to the point 546. Lassitude - Correct answer weariness 547. Levity - Correct answer lack of seriousness 548. List - Correct answer tilt; lean over 549. Lucid - Correct answer easily understood 550. Listlessness - Correct answer lack of energy or spirit 551. Nefarious - Correct answer very wicked 552. Perfunctory - Correct answer superficial; not thorough 553. Pensive - Correct answer dreamily thoughtful; contemplative 554. Peripheral - Correct answer outer; marginal 555. Profane - Correct answer violate; desecrate; treat unworthily P a g e 21 | 86 556. Profligate - Correct answer wasted; wildly immoral 557. Profusion - Correct answer overabundance; lavish expenditure 558. Respite - Correct answer interval of relief, time for rest; delay in punishment 559. Resplendent - Correct answer dazzling; glorious; brilliant 560. Tenacity - Correct answer firmness; persistence 561. Terse - Correct answer concise; abrupt; pithy 562. Ascendancy - Correct answer controlling influence 563. Ascetic - Correct answer practicing severe self-discipline; self-denial; austere 564. Assuage - Correct answer ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) 565. Atrophy - Correct answer waste away 566. Audacious - Correct answer daring; bold 567. Augment - Correct answer increase; add to 568. Converge - Correct answer approach; tend to meet; come together 569. Corroborate - Correct answer confirm; support 570. Credulity - Correct answer belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naiveté 571. Elusive - Correct answer evasive; baffling; hard to grasp 572. Enervate - Correct answer weaken 573. Engender - Correct answer cause; produce 574. Enumerate - Correct answer list; mention one by one 575. Ephemeral - Correct answer short-lived; fleeting 576. Epicure - Correct answer expert of food and drink 577. Episodic - Correct answer loosely connected; occurring at intervals 578. Erroneous - Correct answer mistaken; wrong 579. Erudite - Correct answer learned; scholarly 580. Hone - Correct answer sharpen 581. Husband - Correct answer use sparingly; conserve; save 582. Hypothetical - Correct answer based on assumptions; supposed P a g e 22 | 86 636. Transcendent - Correct answer surpassing; exceeding ordinary limits; superior 637. Transient - Correct answer momentary; temporary; staying for a short time 638. Undermine - Correct answer weaken; diminish 639. Unprecedented - Correct answer never done or known before; unheard of; new 640. Didactic - Correct answer teaching; instructional 641. Diffuse - Correct answer wordy; rambling 642. Discerning - Correct answer mentally quick and observant 643. Facile - Correct answer easily accomplished; ready or fluent 644. Fallacious - Correct answer false; misleading 645. Feasible - Correct answer practical 646. Fervor - Correct answer intensity of feeling 647. Flagrant - Correct answer conspicuously wicked; blatant 648. Incense - Correct answer enrage 649. Incessant - Correct answer ceaseless, constant 650. Incline - Correct answer slope 651. Discrepancy - Correct answer lack of consistency; difference 652. Discursive - Correct answer digressing; rambling 653. Disinclination - Correct answer unwillingness 654. Disinterested - Correct answer unprejudiced 655. Disparage - Correct answer belittle 656. Forestall - Correct answer prevent by taking action in advance 657. Forsake - Correct answer desert; abandon 658. Fortuitous - Correct answer accidental; by chance 659. Incongruous - Correct answer not fitting; absurd 660. Incontrovertible - Correct answer indisputable 661. Indigenous - Correct answer native 662. Indigent - Correct answer poor; destitute P a g e 25 | 86 663. Magnate - Correct answer person of prominence or influence 664. Martinet - Correct answer rigid disciplinarian 665. Pithy - Correct answer concise; meaningful 666. Pivotal - Correct answer crucial; key; vital 667. Platitude - Correct answer trite remark; commonplace statement 668. Pliant - Correct answer flexible; easily influenced 669. Poignancy - Correct answer quality of being deeply moving 670. Ponderous - Correct answer clumsy; awkward 671. Prattle - Correct answer babble 672. Precarious - Correct answer uncertain; risky 673. Precipitate - Correct answer rash; hasty 674. Precipitous - Correct answer steep; sudden 675. Reticent - Correct answer reserved; uncommunicative 676. Rudimentary - Correct answer not developed; elementary 677. Sagacious - Correct answer perceptive; shrewd 678. Sage - Correct answer person celebrated for wisdom 679. Satirical - Correct answer mocking 680. Androgynous - Correct answer having features of both sexes; suitable for both male and female 681. Annex - Correct answer (v.) To add to, attach: to incorporate ;( n.) An attachment or addition 682. Apprehension - Correct answer anxiety or fear about the future 683. Assured - Correct answer guaranteed; promised confidently 684. Assent - Correct answer (v.) to express agreement; (n.) agreement 685. Austere - Correct answer (adj.) severe or stern in manner; without adornment or luxury, simple, plain; harsh or sour in flavor 686. Bastion - Correct answer (n) a fortified place, stronghold 687. Bemoan - Correct answer lament; moan for; express sorrow or disapproval of 688. Brash - Correct answer Prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent P a g e 26 | 86 689. Blunt - Correct answer frank or honest without sensitivity: very frank or straightforward and showing no delicacy or consideration 690. Adj. - having a dull point or edge; not sharp 691. Brazen - Correct answer (adj.) shameless, impudent; made of brass 692. Cater - Correct answer to satisfy the needs of, try to make things easy and pleasant; to supply food and service 693. Censor - Correct answer Expurgate; removing objectionable words and/or material 694. Strong or vehement expression of disapproval 695. Composure - Correct answer Control over one's emotions; steadiness of manner; tranquility. 696. COLLECTEDNESS 697. Creed - Correct answer a formal statement of religious belief or confession of faith. 698. Confound - Correct answer (verb) confuse; puzzle 699. Condemn - Correct answer express complete disapproval 700. Confer - Correct answer have a conference in order to talk something over 701. (v.) to consult, talk over, exchange opinions; to present as a gift, favor, or honor 702. Conspicuous - Correct answer Easy to notice; obvious 703. Decree - Correct answer to command, to declare 704. TO ORDER 705. Deft - Correct answer (adj.) skillful, nimble 706. Discreet - Correct answer Showing tact, respect, and restraint in speech or behavior. 707. Dismayed - Correct answer struck with fear, dread, or consternation 708. Dispel - Correct answer to clear away; to remove or get rid of, as if by scattering. 709. Disparage - Correct answer to degrade, to speak of someone or something in a derogatory manner. 710. Drastic - Correct answer Extreme; harsh or intense 711. Drenched - Correct answer soaked or very wet 712. Egress - Correct answer an exit; a means of going out 713. Elongate - Correct answer (v.) to grow in length, become longer; to extend the length of P a g e 27 | 86 771. Infiltrate - Correct answer (v.) to pass through or gain entrance to gradually or stealthily 772. Ingress - Correct answer Entrances or a means to enter. 773. Innocuous - Correct answer (adj.) harmless, inoffensive; insignificant 774. Intermission - Correct answer a break between acts of a play or performance during which people are sent out for snacks or stretch breaks 775. Jest - Correct answer a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter 776. Laudatory - Correct answer Expressing admiration or praise 777. Lucrative - Correct answer (adj.) bringing in money; profitable 778. Menace - Correct answer a threat or the act of threatening 779. Mirage - Correct answer an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions 780. Nag - Correct answer to keep complaining to somebody about their behavior or keep asking them to do something 781. A horse 782. Notorious - Correct answer Famous for something bad 783. Null - Correct answer make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of 784. Overt - Correct answer (ad) open, not hidden, expressed or revealed in a way that is easily recognized 785. Pact - Correct answer a formal agreement between two countries; a bargain 786. Invaluable - Correct answer too valuable to measure; priceless 787. Rife - Correct answer (adj.) common, prevalent, widespread, happening often; full, abounding; plentiful, abundant, replete 788. Shroud - Correct answer 1. A cover for dead body, 2. To cover 789. Veil 790. Dowdy - Correct answer (ad) poorly dressed, shabby; lacking smartness and good taste 791. Tacit - Correct answer silent; not talkative 792. Understood 793. Writ - Correct answer law 794. Cummerbund - Correct answer a broad sash worn as a waistband, especially in formal wear 795. Ulcer - Correct answer a deep loss of skin surface that may extend into the dermis; may cause periodic bleeding and the formation of scars. P a g e 30 | 86 796. Surly - Correct answer Bad-tempered, hostile, unfriendly, or rude 797. Divinity - Correct answer the quality or character of being godlike. 798. Asylum - Correct answer a place of retreat or security 799. Token - Correct answer (1) Sign or symbol 800. SYMBOL; EXPRESSION; REPRESENTATION 801. (2) Existing in name or appearance only, without depth, or significance 802. NOMINAL; SUPERFICIAL; MEANINGLESS 803. Buoyant - Correct answer (ad) able to float easily; able to hold things up; cheerful or hopeful 804. Manic - Correct answer a mood disorder marked by a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state 805. Domain - Correct answer (n) territory over which rule or control is exercised 806. Land the 807. Bazaar - Correct answer a market consisting of a street lined with shops; a place where miscellaneous items are sold 808. Bistro - Correct answer a small informal restaurant or bar, especially in France or in a French style 809. Warden - Correct answer the prison official who is ultimately responsible for the organization and performance of a correctional facility. 810. Agony - Correct answer Great pain of mind or body; suffering 811. Sanguine - Correct answer (adj.) having a ruddy complexion; of a naturally cheerful, confident, or optimistic outlook 812. Inebriated - Correct answer drunk, intoxicated 813. Nihilistic - Correct answer believing no religious or moral principles, believing that life is meaningless 814. Delectable - Correct answer (adj.) delightful, highly enjoyable; deliciously flavored, savory; (n.) an appealing or appetizing food or dish 815. Distraught - Correct answer mentally confused, crazed 816. Mat try 817. Promiscuous - Correct answer mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular, particularly sexually 818. Demeanor - Correct answer (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people 819. Disgruntled - Correct answer Angry; dissatisfied; annoyed; impatient; irritated P a g e 31 | 86 820. Intrepid - Correct answer fearless; resolutely courageous 821. Parsimonious - Correct answer thrifty 822. Paltry - Correct answer meager 823. Adj. insignificant; worthless 824. Sterling - Correct answer Excellent 825. Limpid - Correct answer clear; transparent 826. Brunt - Correct answer (n.) the main impact, force, or burden 827. Garble - Correct answer distort; confuse; muddle 828. Accrue - Correct answer to accumulate over time 829. Goad - Correct answer (v.) to drive or urge on; (n.) something used to drive or urge on 830. ENCOURAGE; EXHORT; INSTIGATE; COERCE; AROUSE 831. Prod 832. Desperado - Correct answer Criminal 833. Exorbitant - Correct answer (adj.) unreasonably high; excessive 834. Joggle - Correct answer a sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. 835. Dispensary - Correct answer Infirmary 836. Vault - Correct answer 1) a jump over something 837. 2) A room with thick walls and a strong door, especially in a bank, used for keeping valuable things safe 838. 3) An arched structure used to hold up a ceiling or roof 839. Patron - Correct answer + person who gives money and support to artists and writers 840. + A person who uses a particular shop/store, restaurant, etc. (khaki hang queen) 841. Perpetuate - Correct answer (v.) to make permanent or long lasting 842. Permeate - Correct answer (v.) to spread through, penetrate, and soak through 843. Persist - Correct answer refusing to give up 844. Pretentious - Correct answer (adj.) done for show, striving to make a big impression; claiming merit or position unjustifiably 845. Prototype - Correct answer (n.) an original model on which later versions are patterned P a g e 32 | 86 898. Doleful - Correct answer Mournful or full of sorrow; causing grief 899. Forlorn - Correct answer Sad and lonely 900. Mope - Correct answer (v.) To be sad and gloomy; to lose interest in the things that usually bring pleasure 901. Indignant - Correct answer Angry at unfairness 902. Livid - Correct answer furiously angry 903. Malice - Correct answer Extreme ill will or spite 904. Outraged - Correct answer angered at something unjust or wrong 905. Aptitude - Correct answer a natural talent or ability; quickness in learning 906. Proficient - Correct answer Able to do something very well; skillful 907. Prowess - Correct answer Exceptional skill and bravery 908. Sage - Correct answer (adj.) wise; (n.) a very wise person 909. Sapient - Correct answer WISE; FULL OF KNOWLEDGE 910. Inept - Correct answer clumsily or awkwardly expressed; not suitable for the occasion. 911. Impetuous - Correct answer acting passionately and without forethought 912. Adj. Inclined to act without thinking; hasty. 913. Inane - Correct answer Empty; shallow or silly 914. Abrasive - Correct answer rough; coarse; harsh 915. Infamy - Correct answer an evil reputation; extreme disgrace 916. Pettiness - Correct answer of small importance; trivial 917. Scoundrel - Correct answer an unprincipled, dishonorable person; villain 918. Feign - Correct answer Pretend 919. Forgery - Correct answer (1) made false writing 920. Fraud - Correct answer a deliberate deception intended to secure an unfair or unlawful gain 921. Hoax - Correct answer an act intended to fool or deceive others 922. Cogent - Correct answer convincing; reasonable 923. Laud - Correct answer Praise P a g e 35 | 86 924. Chastise - Correct answer (v.) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely 925. Chide - Correct answer (v.) to blame; scold 926. LECTURE 927. Diatribe - Correct answer (n.) a bitter and prolonged verbal attack 928. Slander - Correct answer false speech intended to damage a person's reputation. 929. Tirade - Correct answer (n.) a long, angry speech, usually very critical 930. Atrophy - Correct answer (n) the wasting away of a body organ or tissue; 931. DEGENERATION 932. Quell - Correct answer - extinguish; to put an end to 933. Dwindle - Correct answer (v.) to lessen, diminish 934. Wane - Correct answer to get smaller, dimmer; or weaker; to near an end. 935. Retract - Correct answer to draw back; withdraw 936. Abase - Correct answer (v) to humiliate, degrade 937. To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem 938. Limber - Correct answer Flexible 939. Gainsay - Correct answer (v.) to deny, contradict, controvert; to dispute, oppose 940. Opulent - Correct answer (ad) wealthy 941. Abundant 942. AFFLUENT 943. Interment - Correct answer Burial 944. Sunder - Correct answer separate; part 945. Portentous - Correct answer Ominous 946. Gouge - Correct answer Scoop 947. Quadrant - Correct answer a quarter of a circle. 948. Cupidity - Correct answer greed 949. Apologist - Correct answer a person who speaks in defense of a person, an idea, or a position. 950. Defender 951. Wheedle - Correct answer (v.) To use coaxing or flattery to gain some desired end P a g e 36 | 86 952. Sojourn - Correct answer a temporary stay 953. A short stay or visit 954. Highwayman - Correct answer Robber 955. Munificent - Correct answer (adj.) extremely generous, lavish 956. Agog - Correct answer amazed; wide-eyed with enthusiasm 957. Highly excited; surprise 958. Bibliography - Correct answer a document showing all the sources used to research information. 959. Ignoble - Correct answer Mean, low, base 960. Having low moral standards; not noble in character; mean 961. Odious - Correct answer Deserving hate or contempt 962. Unpleasant 963. DISGUSTING 964. Crone - Correct answer hag; ugly old woman 965. Incorrigible - Correct answer (adj.) not able to be corrected; beyond control 966. Unruly 967. Furl - Correct answer a temporary leave of absence from military duty 968. Roll up 969. Billow - Correct answer to make rise, surge, or swell 970. Gurney - Correct answer a flat, padded table or stretcher with legs and wheels, for transporting patients or bodies. 971. Stretcher - Correct answer a litter for transporting people who are ill or wounded or dead 972. Mortify - Correct answer to embarrass or humiliate 973. Knack - Correct answer a special talent or skill 974. Cistern - Correct answer a tank for storing water 975. Forswear - Correct answer Give up 976. Douse - Correct answer cover with liquid 977. To drench, saturate 978. Saturate - Correct answer to make something completely wet 979. Litigant - Correct answer sure 980. A party to a lawsuit 981. Ordinance - Correct answer (noun) an authoritative rule or law P a g e 37 | 86 1037. Prerequisite - Correct answer something required beforehand 1038. Pervade - Correct answer spread or diffuse through 1039. Defiance - Correct answer a daring resistance; to stand up against authority 1040. (So Thach thus) 1041. Exertion - Correct answer effort; expenditure of much physical work 1042. Perpetuity - Correct answer eternity 1043. Impermanence - Correct answer the idea that all things have and end and everything is temporary 1044. Interminable - Correct answer Endless; seeming to be without end 1045. Impertinent - Correct answer Rude and disrespectful 1046. PRESUMPTUOUS 1047. Impeach - Correct answer bring an accusation against 1048. Arraign - Correct answer to accuse 1049. Indict - Correct answer to officially charge somebody with a crime 1050. Indispensable - Correct answer absolutely necessary 1051. Pertinent - Correct answer (adj.) related to the matter at hand, to the point; applicable 1052. Expedite - Correct answer (v.) To make easy, cause to progress faster, speed up 1053. Qualm - Correct answer an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear; a misgiving. 1054. Yank - Correct answer to pull something/somebody hard, quickly and suddenly 1055. Stoic - Correct answer impassive 1056. A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. 1057. Temperate - Correct answer moderate or restrained, not extreme or excessive 1058. Corrode - Correct answer crumble 1059. Meander - Correct answer Roam 1060. (v.) to wander about, wind about; (n.) a sharp turn or twist 1061. Compendium - Correct answer a summary; an abridgment 1062. Escalate - Correct answer (v) to elevate P a g e 40 | 86 1063. Kennel - Correct answer a house for a dog or dogs 1064. Solemn - Correct answer Serious 1065. Callow - Correct answer immature or inexperienced 1066. Trade - Correct answer Job 1067. Ichthyology - Correct answer the study of fish 1068. Phlegmatic - Correct answer calm; not easily disturbed; 1069. Sluggish 1070. Faucet - Correct answer a handle fitted to a pipe used to control the flow of water. 1071. Tachometer - Correct answer measuring instrument for indicating speed of rotation 1072. Tantalizing - Correct answer ADJ. Tempting; tormenting or teasing by keeping something in sight but out of reach 1073. Incognito - Correct answer Disguised as someone other than oneself 1074. ANONYMOUS 1075. Bogus - Correct answer fake 1076. Matter - Correct answer anything that has weight and takes up space; 1077. Substance 1078. Cumbersome - Correct answer Clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving 1079. Prestige - Correct answer High standing; respect earned by accomplishments 1080. Rove - Correct answer roam; wander about 1081. Courteous - Correct answer characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners 1082. Flaunt - Correct answer to show off 1083. Mainstay - Correct answer a chief support 1084. A prominent supporter 1085. Artless - Correct answer without guile; open and honest 1086. Thatch - Correct answer a house roof made with a plant material 1087. Boycott - Correct answer an effort of purposefully not shopping at a store in order to punish them. 1088. Pretension - Correct answer doing things for show or to make a fine appearance; showy display 1089. Pennant - Correct answer a long, narrow flag tapering to a point at the end. P a g e 41 | 86 1090. Shudder - Correct answer tremble convulsively, as from fear or excitement or cold; 1091. Shake 1092. Self-righteous - Correct answer Feeling or behaving as if what you say or do is always morally right, and other people are wrong 1093. Sanctimonious - Correct answer giving a hypocritical appearance of piety 1094. Burnish - Correct answer Make shiny by rubbing; polish 1095. Shrewd - Correct answer Astute 1096. Cranky - Correct answer easily irritated or annoyed 1097. Dainty - Correct answer delicately small and pretty; difficult to please 1098. Oafish - Correct answer clumsy, stupid, crude, or awkward in behavior or demeanor 1099. Brisk - Correct answer quick; active 1100. Embodiment - Correct answer Living example of 1101. Incarnation 1102. Temperament - Correct answer Natural disposition; 1103. Natural quality of a person’s character 1104. Predicament - Correct answer Plight 1105. Difficult situation 1106. Peccadillo - Correct answer a minor offense or sin 1107. Eulogize - Correct answer commend; 1108. To praise 1109. Rambunctious - Correct answer behaving in a wild or unruly manner; 1110. ENERGETIC 1111. Invigorate - Correct answer to fill with strength and energy; energize; stimulate 1112. Quip - Correct answer a witty remark 1113. Potpourri - Correct answer a collection of diverse or miscellaneous items; assortment 1114. Allotment - Correct answer the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning 1115. Hoist - Correct answer to lift 1116. Fallow - Correct answer unused 1117. Spruce - Correct answer neat and trim in appearance; clean; tidy P a g e 42 | 86 1173. Curtailed - Correct answer cut short; abbreviated 1174. Scintillating - Correct answer sparkling, shining, brilliantly clever 1175. Anecdote - Correct answer a brief story that illustrates or makes a point 1176. Embers - Correct answer something no longer in flames but still glowing 1177. Amethyst - Correct answer purple quartz 1178. Hydrangea - Correct answer a flower requiring lots of water 1179. Plutocrat - Correct answer a wealthy person, especially one whose wealth means power 1180. Palatial - Correct answer (ad) suitable for or resembling a palace, magnificent 1181. Banquet - Correct answer a ceremonial dinner party for many people 1182. Veracity - Correct answer truthfulness; honesty 1183. Calumny - Correct answer an attempt to spoil someone else's reputation by spreading lies 1184. Quirk - Correct answer Personal oddity; 1185. Idiosyncrasy 1186. Emulate - Correct answer to copy; to try to equal or excel 1187. Depreciated - Correct answer to fall in value; devalue 1188. Legend - Correct answer Historical story; 1189. A story about the past which may or may not be true 1190. Conventional - Correct answer common; customary; typical (Theo tic lee) 1191. Onus - Correct answer a burden; a responsibility 1192. Improvident - Correct answer (adj.) failing to plan ahead; 1193. Lacking foresight, not cautious 1194. CARELESS 1195. Flinch - Correct answer hesitate; shrine 1196. Draw back, as with fear or pain; 1197. Recoil 1198. Decadent - Correct answer overly luxurious and lacking moral discipline; excessive 1199. Self-indulgent; 1200. Exploit - Correct answer Deed or action, particularly a brave deed; adventure 1201. Canvassed - Correct answer attempted to get votes or support from a group of people P a g e 45 | 86 1202. Tenet - Correct answer BELIEF; DOCTRINE 1203. Gaudy - Correct answer (adj.) flashy, showy; not in good taste 1204. TACKY 1205. Terminal - Correct answer final 1206. Masquerade - Correct answer to wear a disguise; to put on a false appearance 1207. Chronicle - Correct answer a record of events in order of time 1208. ACCOUNT 1209. Unanimity - Correct answer complete agreement 1210. Appendix - Correct answer a section of additional information at the end of a document; attachment 1211. Brusque - Correct answer (adj.) abrupt, blunt, with no formalities 1212. Reckon - Correct answer count; regard as; think; suppose; 1213. CALCULATE 1214. Belabor - Correct answer key lee/ lay nay 1215. To discuss repeatedly or at length 1216. Paradigm - Correct answer EXAMPLE 1217. Aide - Correct answer an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer 1218. Jaywalker - Correct answer a careless pedestrian who does not heed traffic 1219. Deported - Correct answer forced to leave a country 1220. Detained - Correct answer Held or kept back; not allowed to proceed or go ahead. 1221. Swindle - Correct answer to cheat 1222. Bolster - Correct answer Support; reinforce 1223. Parry - Correct answer Deflect or avoid (esp. a blow or attack); skillfully evade (a question) 1224. Laden - Correct answer burdened; loaded 1225. Persecute - Correct answer Oppress; 1226. To cause a person to suffer because of his or her beliefs. 1227. Mirth - Correct answer Amusement 1228. Illicit - Correct answer (adj.) forbidden, not permitted; 1229. Prohibited P a g e 46 | 86 1230. Tenant - Correct answer a person who pays rent; the legal name for a renter. 1231. Transgress - Correct answer (v) to go beyond a limit or boundary; to sin, violate a law 1232. Covert - Correct answer (adj.) hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded; 1233. (n.) a sheltered place, a hiding place 1234. Espionage - Correct answer the systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets 1235. Douse - Correct answer to extinguish a fire 1236. Upbeat - Correct answer a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous 1237. Sated - Correct answer Satisfied fully, indulged to excess 1238. Quenched - Correct answer to satisfy (thirst, desires, etc.); 1239. To stop a fire from burning (lama noni land) 1240. Vestibule - Correct answer an entrance hall of a large building 1241. Lectern - Correct answer reading desk or stand for a public speaker 1242. Bleacher - Correct answer Raised seats on which people sit to watch sports games 1243. Cufflink - Correct answer jewelry consisting of one of a pair of linked buttons used to fasten the cuffs of a shirt 1244. Canal - Correct answer a channel dug across land and filled with water 1245. Unravel - Correct answer 1. Undo twisted threads. 2. Investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling). 1246. Coil - Correct answer a series of loops that has been wound or gathered 1247. Plumage - Correct answer Feathers of a bird 1248. Suction - Correct answer ACT OF SUCKING UP AIR AND OR FLUIDS THROUGH A DEVICE 1249. Heckle - Correct answer challenge aggressively 1250. Pastor - Correct answer a minister in charge of a Christian church or group 1251. Congregation - Correct answer "flock" or gathering of people for religious worship 1252. Elk - Correct answer a moose 1253. Vole - Correct answer a small, burrowing, mouse-like rodent P a g e 47 | 86 1313. Abysmal - Correct answer extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless; 1314. Appalling 1315. Explicable - Correct answer capable of being explained 1316. Appalling - Correct answer causing horror, shock, or dismay 1317. Makeshift - Correct answer a temporary substitute for something else; improvised 1318. Ail - Correct answer Afflict; to cause problems for somebody/something 1319. Serial - Correct answer Recurring; 1320. Doing the same thing in the same way several times 1321. Disclose - Correct answer to reveal 1322. Rotation - Correct answer Cycle 1323. Rebuke - Correct answer to criticize sharply 1324. Assuage - Correct answer to calm; to ease 1325. Conciliate - Correct answer to bring together; end a dispute 1326. Mollify - Correct answer to calm/ soften 1327. Deterrent - Correct answer sting which prevents or discourages action 1328. Hamper - Correct answer to impede; to get in the way 1329. Impasse - Correct answer blocked path; dilemma with no solution 1330. Stymie - Correct answer block/ hinder 1331. Obdurate - Correct answer Stubborn 1332. Dissent - Correct answer Disagree 1333. Discord - Correct answer Disagreeing; dispute 1334. Coalesce - Correct answer to come together as one, to unite 1335. Stagnant - Correct answer Inactive/ still 1336. Steadfast - Correct answer Loyal, constant 1337. Capricious - Correct answer changing one's mind quickly and often 1338. Bigot - Correct answer Narrow-minded, prejudiced person; dogmatist 1339. Mercurial - Correct answer rapidly changing; temperamental 1340. Callous - Correct answer Insensitive; unfeeling P a g e 50 | 86 1341. Apathetic - Correct answer Indifferent 1342. Bombastic - Correct answer proud; overstated; 1343. Pompous in speech and manner 1344. Haughty - Correct answer Arrogant; proud 1345. Congenial - Correct answer Friendly 1346. Flippant - Correct answer Lacking in seriousness; disrespectful, saucy 1347. Insolent - Correct answer impudent; contemptuous; disrespectful 1348. Irreverent - Correct answer impertinent 1349. Rancorous - Correct answer Vengeful; resentful; 1350. (Ad) deeply hateful or spiteful; malicious 1351. Assail - Correct answer to attack; assault; 1352. Attack someone physically or emotionally 1353. Barrage - Correct answer a heavy prolonged attack; to bombard 1354. Efface - Correct answer to erase; to wipe out 1355. Head - Correct answer the end of a long narrow object that is larger or wider than the rest of it 1356. Tooth - Correct answer the narrow pointed part that sticks out of an object 1357. Hook - Correct answer a device for fastening clothes, consisting of a small thin piece of metal curved round, and a hook that fits into it 1358. Topography - Correct answer Physical features of a place 1359. Torpedo - Correct answer a self-propelled bomb that is shot from a tube of a submarine 1360. Intemperance - Correct answer Lack of moderation or restraint. 1361. Escapade - Correct answer a reckless adventure or wild prank 1362. Mayhem - Correct answer (noun) an extremely confused situation in which people are very frightened or excited. 1363. Oust - Correct answer to eject; to force out; to banish 1364. Molt - Correct answer Shedding skin; shed 1365. Prone - Correct answer 1. Vulnerable to; 2. Horizontal 1366. Lumber - Correct answer wood; timber P a g e 51 | 86 1367. Inline skates - Correct answer a type of boat with a line of small wheels attached to the bottom 1368. Hose - Correct answer trousers/pants that fit tightly over the legs, worn by men in the past 1369. Nozzle - Correct answer a short tube with a taper to speed up or direct a flow of fluid 1370. Flit - Correct answer Move slightly and swiftly; 1371. DART 1372. Foil - Correct answer to prevent somebody from doing something; 1373. THWART 1374. Ammunition - Correct answer Bullets for a gun, arrows for a bow, etc. 1375. Cobble - Correct answer repair shoes 1376. Hazy - Correct answer Indistinct 1377. Procure - Correct answer Obtain 1378. Ottoman - Correct answer a piece of furniture like a large box with a soft top; 1379. FOOTSTOOL 1380. Trellis - Correct answer Frame work used to support growing vines or plants 1381. Eclectic - Correct answer composed of elements drawn from various sources; 1382. ASSORTED 1383. Jeer - Correct answer Taunt; 1384. (v.) to make fun of rudely or unkindly; (n.) a rude remark of derision 1385. Interrogate - Correct answer to ask questions, examine by questioning 1386. Silken - Correct answer soft, smooth, and shining 1387. Aggravate - Correct answer to make worse or more serious or sever, annoy; 1388. AGITATE 1389. Converge - Correct answer coming together; 1390. UNITE 1391. Recreation - Correct answer something done for fun, a hobby or game; 1392. AMUSEMENT 1393. Vivid - Correct answer full of life; 1394. UPBEAT 1395. Parade - Correct answer Procession 1396. Elderly - Correct answer SENIOR (older people, especially those who have retired from work)) P a g e 52 | 86 1453. Benign - Correct answer Harmless; GENTLE 1454. Bonanza - Correct answer (n.) a source of wealth or prosperity; a very large amount; sudden profit or gain 1455. Windfall - Correct answer an unexpected financial gain; or a sudden stroke of luck 1456. Hodge-podge - Correct answer a mixture of things 1457. Extemporaneous - Correct answer improvised; done without preparation 1458. Denouement - Correct answer an outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot 1459. Mortgage - Correct answer a specific type of loan that is used to buy real estate 1460. Devout - Correct answer deeply religious 1461. Sedan - Correct answer a closed automobile that has enough room for four people to sit comfortably 1462. Crankshaft - Correct answer turns the pistons up and down motion into circular motion 1463. Shingle - Correct answer a small flat piece of wood that is used to cover a wall or roof of a building 1464. Bickering - Correct answer petty quarreling 1465. Jailor - Correct answer someone who guards prisoners 1466. Lambaste - Correct answer TO THRASH VERBALLY OR PHYSICALLY 1467. Irk - Correct answer (v.) to annoy, trouble, make weary 1468. Rapacious - Correct answer voracious, greedy 1469. Coronation - Correct answer ceremony of crowning a queen or king 1470. Hunch - Correct answer a guess or feeling not based on facts 1471. Poultry - Correct answer flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for food 1472. Thorax - Correct answer Chest 1473. Designer - Correct answer expensive and having a famous brand name 1474. Wretched - Correct answer Miserable; 1475. Characterized by physical misery 1476. Strategy - Correct answer a plan of action 1477. Neuter - Correct answer neither masculine nor feminine in gender, neutral P a g e 55 | 86 1478. Sterilize - Correct answer to make a person or an animal unable to have babies 1479. Sow - Correct answer a female pig 1480. Hornet - Correct answer large stinging paper wasp 1481. Regression - Correct answer a return to a prior stage after a person has progressed through the various stages of development 1482. Linoleum - Correct answer a material consisting of a canvas backing coated with linseed oil and powdered cork, used esp. as a floor covering 1483. Saline - Correct answer Containing salt 1484. Perforate - Correct answer pierce; put a hole through 1485. Altar - Correct answer a raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a god are made 1486. Bar mitzvah - Correct answer (Judaism) an initiation ceremony marking the 13th birthday of a Jewish boy and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility 1487. Decor - Correct answer the style in which the inside of a building is decorated 1488. Aficionado - Correct answer an enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan 1489. Supine - Correct answer LYING ON THE BACK; MARKED BY LETHARGY 1490. Blasé - Correct answer bored, uninterested 1491. Touchstone - Correct answer a standard; a test of authenticity or quality 1492. Harangue - Correct answer long, intense verbal attack, esp. when delivered publicly 1493. Sermon - Correct answer a talk on a moral or religious subject (theft pap) 1494. Homily - Correct answer a sermon 1495. Heartrending - Correct answer (adj.) causing mental pain or grief 1496. Farce - Correct answer a type of comedy 1497. Wrenching - Correct answer Pulling or twisting away 1498. Liturgy - Correct answer (n.) a religious service or rite; the form of a ritual or other act of public worship 1499. Titanic - Correct answer Enormous in size or strength 1500. Visceral - Correct answer Instinctive rather than rational 1501. INSTINCTIVE P a g e 56 | 86 1502. Belittle - Correct answer to make seem less important 1503. CRITICIZE 1504. Constrict - Correct answer INHIBIT 1505. Get smaller 1506. Transient - Correct answer TEMPORARY; SHORT-LIVED; FLEETING 1507. Segue - Correct answer Movement from one thing to another; TRANSITION 1508. Buoy - Correct answer capable of floating; cheerful; 1509. UPLIFT 1510. Vanquish - Correct answer to defeat 1511. Dampen - Correct answer (v.) 1. Make moist, or 2. Make less strong 1512. DISCOURAGE 1513. Muzzle - Correct answer covering foot the mouth of an animal 1514. QUIET 1515. Quiver - Correct answer to tremble or shake 1516. Ruckus - Correct answer a noisy commotion or disturbance 1517. DISTURBANCE 1518. Condone - Correct answer (v) to pardon or overlook 1519. EXCUSE, ABSOLVE, OVERLOOK, PARDON; PERMIT 1520. Bedlam - Correct answer CHAOS 1521. Amnesty - Correct answer a general pardon; 1522. PARDON 1523. Gullible - Correct answer easily deceived 1524. Jamb - Correct answer is a vertical side of a doorway. 1525. Sloop - Correct answer Small sailing ship 1526. Implicate - Correct answer (v.) to involve in; to connect with or be related to 1527. ASSOCIATE 1528. Hoarding - Correct answer collecting and putting things away in a guarded way. 1529. Stockpile - Correct answer Supply stored for future use 1530. Concession - Correct answer a reluctant acknowledgement or yielding. (Hung be) 1531. Deed - Correct answer a document that transfers ownership of property from one party to another. 1532. Embargo - Correct answer a ban on trade. P a g e 57 | 86 1584. Drench - Correct answer to wet thoroughly; to soak 1585. Axle - Correct answer a shaft on which a wheel rotates 1586. Crank - Correct answer a bar and handle in the shape of an L that you pull or turn to produce movement in a machine, etc. 1587. Winch - Correct answer a machine for lifting or pulling heavy objects using a rope or chain 1588. Slat - Correct answer one of a series of thin flat pieces of wood, metal or plastic, used in furniture, fences, etc. 1589. Jib - Correct answer small sail in front of the large sail on a boat 1590. Cloying - Correct answer (1) sickeningly sweet 1591. (2) Sticky, sentimental, clingy (needing another person too much) 1592. Raunchy - Correct answer obscene, lewd, and vulgar 1593. Vulgar - Correct answer Language of common people, rather literary or educated people. Of or associated with common people 1594. Maudlin - Correct answer overly sentimental 1595. Lingo - Correct answer Jargon 1596. Unfamiliar Language 1597. Gibberish - Correct answer Nonsense 1598. Meaningless language; nonsense 1599. Demure - Correct answer Modest and reserved in manner or behavior 1600. Strewn - Correct answer Scattered 1601. Accolade - Correct answer DISTINCTION (A QUALITY OF BEING EXCELLENT) 1602. Aberration - Correct answer Abnormality; ANOMALY 1603. Alcove - Correct answer a small recess opening off a larger room 1604. Arbor - Correct answer living in the trees 1605. Parlor - Correct answer a room where visitors are entertained 1606. Iris - Correct answer Colored part of the eye 1607. Precipice - Correct answer a very steep cliff 1608. BLUFF 1609. Fjord - Correct answer a long narrow inlet from the sea between steep cliffs or hills 1610. Kindle - Correct answer to start a fire P a g e 60 | 86 1611. Inferno - Correct answer a place or condition suggestive in hell. 1612. Conflagration - Correct answer a large fire 1613. Blaze - Correct answer Shine brightly, flare up suddenly 1614. Compatriot - Correct answer a person from your own country 1615. Pickaxe - Correct answer a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends 1616. Libel - Correct answer a written defamation of a person's character, reputation, business, or property rights. 1617. Stewardess - Correct answer woman who attends to airplane passengers and their needs 1618. Ransom - Correct answer money demanded for the return of a captured person 1619. Dissemble - Correct answer to disguise or conceal; to mislead 1620. Conceive - Correct answer to come up with, imagine 1621. Requisition - Correct answer Formal demand for something to be done, given supplied, etc. 1622. Scout - Correct answer a person who goes ahead of the larger group to gather information about the land of the enemy. 1623. Slapdash - Correct answer Careless and hasty 1624. Padded - Correct answer filled with or covered with soft material 1625. Serrated - Correct answer jagged; saw-like 1626. Prick - Correct answer to puncture slightly with fine, sharp points. 1627. Harpoon - Correct answer a spear like weapon used to hunt large fish 1628. Buffoon - Correct answer a clown 1629. Sorcery - Correct answer the conscious and intentional use of magic 1630. Spelunking - Correct answer the hobby or job of exploring caves 1631. Hirsute - Correct answer Hairy 1632. Anemic - Correct answer a reduction in the number of red blood cells 1633. Reap - Correct answer to obtain something, especially something good 1634. Throng - Correct answer a large number of people gathered together; a crowd P a g e 61 | 86 1635. Compost - Correct answer a mixture of decaying vegetation and manure 1636. Trance - Correct answer another word for the state of deep relaxation that can occur during hypnosis. 1637. Plantain - Correct answer tropical plant that produces banana-like fruit 1638. Imp - Correct answer a child who behaves badly 1639. Cherub - Correct answer resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round, or chubby face; sweet and innocent 1640. Knead - Correct answer to manipulate with a pressing motion, accompanied by a folding and stretching motion 1641. Ingest - Correct answer Eating 1642. Gully - Correct answer deep ditch cut by running water (especially after a prolonged downpour) 1643. Furrow - Correct answer a trench in the earth made by a plow; a wrinkle 1644. Brow - Correct answer forehead 1645. Treason - Correct answer Betrayal of one's country 1646. Venison - Correct answer Deer meat 1647. Veal - Correct answer meat from a calf 1648. Penury - Correct answer Extreme poverty 1649. Rink - Correct answer an area surfaced with smooth ice for skating, hockey, or curling 1650. Voluble - Correct answer talkative 1651. Swat - Correct answer an act of hitting or trying to hit something 1652. Discourse - Correct answer a formal discussion of a subject. 1653. Queasy - Correct answer Adj. Sick to one's stomach; nauseated 1654. Knocker - Correct answer a person who knocks (as seeking to gain admittance) 1655. Pen - Correct answer a writer 1656. Approbation - Correct answer approval and praise 1657. Consecration - Correct answer Dedication of a person or thing to divine service by prayer or blessing. 1658. Quagmire - Correct answer a difficult situation 1659. (n.) a muddy area w/ slippery surface P a g e 62 | 86 1715. Pine - Correct answer the pale soft wood of the pine tree, used in making furniture 1716. Automation - Correct answer the use of machines to do work that was previously done by people 1717. Autopsy - Correct answer the examination of a corpse to determine the cause of death. 1718. POST-MORTEM 1719. Provision - Correct answer the act of supplying somebody with something that they need or want 1720. Patter - Correct answer the sound that is made by sting repeatedly hitting a surface quickly & lightly 1721. Bison - Correct answer Buffalo (plain) 1722. Clank - Correct answer a loud sound like pieces of metal hitting each other 1723. Cougar - Correct answer Puma (mountain lion) 1724. Crest - Correct answer highest point of a wave 1725. Frond - Correct answer a leaf of a fern 1726. Stenographer - Correct answer a person who specializes in taking dictation in shorthand. 1727. (Ngai Viet to key) 1728. Transcription - Correct answer a written or printed copy of words that have been spoken 1729. Discredited - Correct answer disbelieved, discounted; disgraced, dishonored 1730. Ale - Correct answer beer generally 1731. Barley - Correct answer a type of grain (Cay luau Mach) 1732. Sapling - Correct answer a young tree 1733. Acorn - Correct answer fruit of the oak tree: a smooth thin-walled nut in a woody cup-shaped base 1734. Matriculate - Correct answer a person who has applied or enrolled in a college or university 1735. Apprehensive - Correct answer Anxious or fearful about the future; uneasy 1736. Steep - Correct answer to let stand in liquid below the boiling point to bring out the flavor or color of a food 1737. Percolate - Correct answer cause (a liquid) to pass through a porous body; filter P a g e 65 | 86 1738. Baste - Correct answer a process in which fat drippings are spooned over a large bird every 15-20 minutes. 1739. Gravy - Correct answer basically the juices that drip from cooking meats 1740. Simmer - Correct answer to cook gently in a liquid just at or below the boiling point 1741. Biographer - Correct answer a writer who has written a true story or book about someone's life 1742. Prosaic - Correct answer Commonplace or dull 1743. Lacking in imagination/ creativity 1744. Smug - Correct answer (adj.) overly self-satisfied, self-righteous 1745. Self-satisfied 1746. Condescending - Correct answer (ad) possessing an attitude of superiority, patronizing 1747. Piqued - Correct answer Annoyed or upset 1748. Magazine - Correct answer 1: the part of a gun that holds the bullets before they are fired 1749. 2: a room or building where weapons, explosives and bullets are stored 1750. Equivocal - Correct answer AMBIGUOUS 1751. Open to two or more interpretations 1752. Boorish - Correct answer RUDE; INSENSITIVE 1753. Ineptitude - Correct answer (n) inappropriateness; clumsy (tin vow lee) 1754. Conscription - Correct answer Compulsory military service 1755. Scalding - Correct answer Very hot 1756. Tepid - Correct answer - Slightly warm - Lukewarm (indifference) 1757. Pod - Correct answer a small group of sea animals, such as dolphins or whales, swimming together 1758. Tentative - Correct answer (adj.) experimental in nature; uncertain, hesitant 1759. UNCERTAIN 1760. Annihilated - Correct answer destroyed completely 1761. Paroled - Correct answer allowed to go home or be forgiven 1762. Pardon - Correct answer a release from legal punishment. 1763. Conditional - Correct answer expressing sting that must happen or be true in another thing is to happen P a g e 66 | 86 1764. Prune - Correct answer cut away; trim 1765. Eradicate - Correct answer (v.) to root out, get rid of, and destroy completely 1766. Commission - Correct answer to choose body as an officer in one of the armed forces 1767. Appointment - Correct answer to choose a person for a job or a position of responsibility 1768. Admonish - Correct answer TO CAUTION OR REPRIMAND 1769. Castigate - Correct answer (v.) to punish severely; to criticize severely 1770. Movement - Correct answer (1) any of the main parts that a long piece of music is divided into 1771. (2) A group of people who share the same ideas or aims 1772. Canter - Correct answer slow gallop 1773. Halt - Correct answer Limp; to proceed/ walk lamely (di chap kiang) 1774. Vilification - Correct answer the act of verbally abusing or harshly criticizing 1775. Breech - Correct answer the part of a gun at the back where the bullets are loaded 1776. Ostracism - Correct answer exclusion from a group (toy chai) 1777. Stable - Correct answer a building in which horses are kept 1778. Barracks - Correct answer a building or group of buildings for housing soldiers. 1779. Skin - Correct answer to take the skin off an animal, a fruit or a vegetable 1780. Prevaricate - Correct answer to lie or deviate from the truth 1781. Joist - Correct answer Beam that supports the roof (in a house) 1782. Rancid - Correct answer adj. spoiled or rotten (esp. oils or fats) 1783. Oversee - Correct answer Person who supervises a large operation or its workers 1784. Overlook - Correct answer Fail to notice something 1785. Prance - Correct answer to move quickly with exaggerated steps so that people will look at you 1786. STRUT 1787. Strut - Correct answer to swagger, display to impress others 1788. Pompous walk P a g e 67 | 86 1847. Prowl - Correct answer to roam about stealthily in search of something 1848. SNEAK 1849. Reproach - Correct answer (1) criticize, express disappointment in (v) 1850. BLAME 1851. (2) Shame; disgrace 1852. Pry - Correct answer to inquire unnecessarily into other peoples' business 1853. Chandler - Correct answer a candle maker 1854. Cooper - Correct answer a person who makes barrels 1855. Frenzy - Correct answer a state of wild excitement 1856. Stray - Correct answer wander from a direct course or at random 1857. Filibuster - Correct answer USE OF OBSTRUCTIVE TACTICS IN A LEGISLATURE TO BLOCK PASSAGE OF A LAW 1858. Wheelwright - Correct answer builds or repairs wheels 1859. Shadow - Correct answer Very small amount of something 1860. ANTONYM: SUBSTANTIAL 1861. Outback - Correct answer the dry, unpopulated inland region of Australia 1862. Sublimation - Correct answer a change directly from the solid to the gaseous state without becoming liquid 1863. Piquant - Correct answer spicy, as in hot sauce, stimulating, provocative 1864. Perturbed - Correct answer anxious or unsettled; upset 1865. Amoeba - Correct answer a single-celled organism. Reproduces by dividing in two. 1866. Flautist - Correct answer one who plays the flute. 1867. Harpsichord - Correct answer a plucked keyboard instrument from the Baroque period of music 1868. Tenor - Correct answer highest male voice 1869. Harpist - Correct answer a person who plays the harp 1870. Cleat - Correct answer - a piece of rubber on the bottom of a shoe, etc. to stop it from slipping - Shoes often worn for playing sports 1871. Singular - Correct answer UNUSUAL 1872. Garner - Correct answer to collect or gather 1873. Mohair - Correct answer Fiber that comes from a goat P a g e 70 | 86 1874. Angora - Correct answer Fiber that comes from a rabbit 1875. Brandish - Correct answer to shake or wave as a weapon (Spear/ sword, etc.) 1876. Brooch - Correct answer a large, decorative pin 1877. Ladle - Correct answer a cup-shaped spoon with a long handle for dipping out liquids. 1878. Maelstrom - Correct answer whirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mind 1879. Sneer - Correct answer a facial expression of contempt or scorn 1880. Ominous - Correct answer WORRISOME 1881. Menacing; threatening 1882. Pucker - Correct answer to gather into wrinkles; to furrow 1883. FACIAL EXPRESSION THAT PRECEDES A KISS 1884. Tangible - Correct answer TOUCHABLE; CONCRETE 1885. Deliberate - Correct answer to think over deeply 1886. REFLECT 1887. Zealous - Correct answer (adj.) eager, earnest, devoted 1888. PASSIONATE 1889. Benediction - Correct answer the act of blessing (chuck puck) 1890. Aggrandize - Correct answer Make greater; EXAGGERATE 1891. Malcontent - Correct answer GROUCH 1892. Discontented person, one who holds a grudge 1893. Abstain - Correct answer to choose not to do something 1894. Imbibe - Correct answer to drink 1895. Guzzle - Correct answer drink greedily or as if with great thirst 1896. Portend - Correct answer to serve as an omen or warning; to foreshadow danger 1897. FORETELL 1898. Churn - Correct answer to turn & stir milk in a special container in order to make butter 1899. Stately - Correct answer SLOW/ FORMAL/ ELEGANT/ MAJESTIC 1900. August - Correct answer (adj.) majestic, inspiring admiration and respect 1901. Hail - Correct answer (1) to praise 1902. (2) To greet joyfully 1903. (3) Small balls of ice that fall like rain P a g e 71 | 86 1904. Firearm - Correct answer a gun that can be carried 1905. Gust - Correct answer a sudden strong increase in the amount of wind that is blowing 1906. Torrent - Correct answer a stream of water flowing with great rapidity and violence 1907. Miller - Correct answer a person who owns or works in a mill for making flour 1908. Blimp - Correct answer Zeppelins 1909. Blowtorch - Correct answer a tool used to heat metal (ken hand) 1910. Skirmish - Correct answer a minor fight or battle 1911. Piercing - Correct answer (sounds) very high & loud & unpleasant 1912. Dash - Correct answer rush, dart, bolt 1913. Mess hall - Correct answer eating area for military 1914. Ungulate - Correct answer Mammals with hooves 1915. Catch - Correct answer a device used for fastening something 1916. Strait - Correct answer a narrow body of water connecting two larger ones 1917. Isthmus - Correct answer a narrow strip of land that connects two larger land areas 1918. Ridge - Correct answer crest 1919. Impoverish - Correct answer to make poor 1920. Indigent - Correct answer without food or shelter; deprived; needy 1921. Prodigal - Correct answer Extravagant; wasteful 1922. Desolate - Correct answer left alone; lonely; deserted 1923. Strenuous - Correct answer needing much effort; using a lot of energy 1924. Torpid - Correct answer (adj.) lethargic, dormant, lacking motion 1925. Latent - Correct answer Hidden, present but not realized 1926. Juxtapose - Correct answer to place side by side for comparison 1927. Adjourn - Correct answer suspend, recess, postpone 1928. Affectation - Correct answer n. unnatural or artificial behavior, usually intended to impress 1929. MANNERISM, AIRS, SHAM, FACADE, PRETENSION, UNNATURALNESS P a g e 72 | 86 1988. Omniscient - Correct answer knowing everything 1989. Lionize - Correct answer to look upon or treat as a celebrity 1990. Toady - Correct answer one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors 1991. Quash - Correct answer (v.) to crush, put down completely 1992. Suppress - Correct answer to hold back; keep down 1993. QUELL; CONTAIN 1994. Begrudge - Correct answer to resent another's success; to envy 1995. Osteopathic - Correct answer pertaining to the treatment of diseases by manipulation to relieve pressure of the bones on nerves and blood vessels. 1996. Havoc - Correct answer great destruction; chaos 1997. Pulverization - Correct answer the process of reducing the particle size through the use of mills 1998. First mate - Correct answer the officer on a commercial ship just below the rank of captain or master 1999. Immolate - Correct answer v. to kill someone as a sacrificial victim, usually by fire 2000. (Gift be clung to) 2001. Militant - Correct answer resolute, combative, and eager to fight 2002. Gambit - Correct answer opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed; action made to produce a future advantage 2003. Salubrious - Correct answer healthful 2004. Favorable to health 2005. Excision - Correct answer (n.) the surgical act of removal 2006. Spectroscope - Correct answer an instrument that separates light into a spectrum. 2007. Ramification - Correct answer n. a development or consequence resulting from a course of action 2008. Lackadaisical - Correct answer not showing enough care or enthusiasm 2009. Appendage - Correct answer a part that is joined to something larger 2010. Auxiliary - Correct answer (adj.) giving assistance or support; (n.) a helper, aid 2011. Expendable - Correct answer replaceable; designed to be used only once and then abandoned or destroyed P a g e 75 | 86 2012. Suture - Correct answer stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision; 2013. Chronic - Correct answer continuing for a long time 2014. CONSTANT, PERSISTENT, CONFIRMED, SETTLE 2015. Choleric - Correct answer (adj.) easily made angry, bad-tempered 2016. Circumscribe - Correct answer to draw a circle around; to restrict 2017. DEFINE, LIMIT, BOUND, OUTLINE, ENCOMPASS 2018. Cocoon - Correct answer Protective case that envelops (usually an insect) during development 2019. WRAP, SADDLE, CLOAK, COVER, ENVELOP 2020. Contentious - Correct answer eager to quarrel 2021. FEISTY, IRASCIBLE, PUGNACIOUS, COMBATIVE 2022. Convene - Correct answer to gather; to hold a meeting 2023. Countenance - Correct answer (1) Facial or facial expression 2024. DEMEANOR, AIR, VISAGE, 2025. (2) To approve or support 2026. SANCTION, APPROVE, CONDONE, BLESS 2027. Cue - Correct answer Hint or guiding suggestion 2028. HINT, PROMPT, SIGNAL 2029. Declamation - Correct answer long speech, harangue 2030. Dejected - Correct answer Depressed, sad 2031. DISHEARTENED, DEPRESSED, DISCOURAGED, SADDENED 2032. A, an - Correct answer Not; without 2033. ANOMALY, ANNUL, ANESTHETIC (thou to) 2034. Abs, a - Correct answer from, away, apart 2035. ABORTIVE, ABLUTION, ABHOR, ABERRATION 2036. Ac, Arc - Correct answer Sharp, sour 2037. ACRID, ACUMEN, ACRID, ACRIMONY (Us Chua cay) 2038. Ad, a - Correct answer to; toward 2039. ADHERE, ADROIT, ACQUIESCE, ALLEVIATE 2040. Delude - Correct answer to deceive 2041. DUPE, HOAX, TRICK 2042. Demote - Correct answer to reduce to lower rank 2043. DOWNGRADE 2044. Despicable - Correct answer worthy of scorn, contemptible 2045. VILE, DETESTABLE, DEPRAVED. P a g e 76 | 86 2046. Dupe - Correct answer to deceive; a person who is easily deceived 2047. Repose - Correct answer Ease, inactivity, leisure, relaxation 2048. A state of rest, sleep, or tranquility. 2049. Stolid - Correct answer unemotional; lacking sensitivity 2050. DENSE, IMPASSIVE, INDIFFERENT, STOIC 2051. Fidelity - Correct answer Faithfulness; loyalty 2052. Tome - Correct answer book, usually large and academic 2053. OPUS, VOLUME, WORK 2054. Solvent - Correct answer Blue-chip, creditable, creditworthy, in the money 2055. Fervor - Correct answer Intense and passionate feeling. 2056. ARDOR, ENTHUSIASM, EXCITEMENT, VIGOR, ZEST 2057. -Hood - Correct answer state, condition or quality 2058. CHILDHOOD, FALSEHOOD 2059. Fervent - Correct answer warm, eager, and enthusiastic 2060. Wary - Correct answer Watchful, motivated by caution, on guard against danger 2061. Respite - Correct answer a period of relief or rest 2062. DEFERMENT, DELAY, DOWNTIME, BREAK 2063. Adjournment - Correct answer the suspension of a session of congress 2064. Intuit - Correct answer Ability to sense or know immediately, without reasoning 2065. Reimburse - Correct answer to repay; compensate 2066. Catharsis - Correct answer an emotional release 2067. EMOTIIONAL PURGATION 2068. Volition - Correct answer free will 2069. An act of choosing, using one's own will in a conscious choice 2070. Cadence - Correct answer Rhythm the rise and fall of sounds 2071. ACCENT, ACCENTUATION, BEAT 2072. Reek - Correct answer stink, giving off a strong, offensive odor 2073. Rogue - Correct answer n a criminally dishonest persons; a scoundrel; 2074. BLACKGUARD; CHARLATAN; CHISELER; CROOK; DEFRAUDER 2075. Adamant - Correct answer stubborn; unyielding; completely inflexible 2076. Broach - Correct answer start to discuss; approach; introduce; present 2077. Embezzle - Correct answer Cheat, defraud P a g e 77 | 86 2138. Rhapsody - Correct answer a piece of music that is full of feeling and is not regular in form 2139. Adage - Correct answer a proverb, wise saying 2140. Vain - Correct answer excessively proud 2141. Full of self-admiration; 2142. Ramble - Correct answer wander aimlessly 2143. Saunter - Correct answer (v.) to stroll; walk in an easy, leisurely way; (n.) a stroll 2144. Lighthouse - Correct answer a tower with a bright light at the top to warm ships that there are rocks or other dangers nearby 2145. Terrier - Correct answer any of several usually small short-bodied breeds originally trained to hunt animals living underground; hunting dog 2146. Caprice - Correct answer whim; sudden change of mind without any real cause 2147. Whim - Correct answer acting in a fanciful or capricious manner; unpredictable 2148. Inaugurate - Correct answer to begin officially 2149. Lunatic - Correct answer an insane person 2150. Homage - Correct answer Honor or respect shown publicly 2151. RESPECT; TRIBUTE 2152. Wanton - Correct answer undisciplined; unrestrained; reckless 2153. LUSTFUL 2154. Lustful - Correct answer feeling or showing strong sexual desire 2155. LASCIVIOUS 2156. Imperious - Correct answer arrogantly domineering or overbearing 2157. Incomprehensible - Correct answer impossible to understand 2158. Vulture - Correct answer (n.) a bird that eats dead animals 2159. Feline - Correct answer of a member of the cat family; N. 2160. Sublime - Correct answer Inspiring awe & respect 2161. IMPRESSIVE 2162. Lavatory - Correct answer Restrooms located on the aircraft. 2163. BATHROOM 2164. Ramp - Correct answer widespread; uncontrollable; prevalent; raging P a g e 80 | 86 2165. Munitions - Correct answer military supplies 2166. War materials 2167. Arsenal - Correct answer a place where weapons and ammunition are stored 2168. Crippled - Correct answer having a disability that prevents normal motion in limbs or body 2169. Puissant - Correct answer having great power or influence 2170. Balmy - Correct answer soothing, mild, and pleasant 2171. Reed - Correct answer a small thin piece of cane, metal or plastic in some musical instruments such as the oboe 2172. Paranoid - Correct answer overly suspicious 2173. Aloof - Correct answer Distant physically or emotionally; reserved; indifferent 2174. Bleak - Correct answer Bare, dreary, dismal; hopeless; depressing 2175. Sunny - Correct answer cheerful and happy 2176. Solace - Correct answer (n.) comfort, relief; (v.) to comfort, console 2177. Consummate - Correct answer adj. perfect; complete; supremely skillful 2178. Grotto - Correct answer small cave, cavern, recess, burrow, den, pocket 2179. Unheard - Correct answer without warning or announcement 2180. Caste - Correct answer strict division of classes in Hinduism 2181. POSITION, RANK, STATION, STATUS 2182. Caustic - Correct answer (adj.) able to burn or eat away by chemical action; biting, sarcastic 2183. CORROSIVE, SCATHING 2184. Recuperate - Correct answer get better after illness 2185. To return to normal health or strength; recover 2186. Scanty - Correct answer meager; insufficient 2187. Pithy - Correct answer Precise and brief; concise; meaningful 2188. Protocol - Correct answer code of correct conduct 2189. Gravity - Correct answer Seriousness, importance 2190. EXIGENCY, SOLEMNITY 2191. Rabble - Correct answer a disorderly crowd, a mob 2192. Denigrate - Correct answer to attack the character of; to mock P a g e 81 | 86 2193. -Dom - Correct answer State of being 2194. -Ship - Correct answer position held 2195. The state or quality of 2196. Resplendent - Correct answer shinning; glowing 2197. Perjury - Correct answer the crime of telling a lie in court 2198. Arbitrary - Correct answer Random 2199. Premise - Correct answer n. an assumption; the basis for a conclusion 2200. Impediment - Correct answer obstacle 2201. A barrier; obstruction 2202. Allay - Correct answer (v.) to calm or pacify, set to rest; to lessen or relieve 2203. Gastronomy - Correct answer the art of good eating 2204. Alms - Correct answer money or goods given to the poor 2205. Reel - Correct answer to feel unsteady or dizzy 2206. -Log; -loge - Correct answer Word, speech 2207. Mores - Correct answer (n) customs, manners, or morals of a particular group 2208. Nemesis - Correct answer an opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome 2209. ENEMY 2210. Sagacious - Correct answer shrewd; wise 2211. Verdant - Correct answer green with vegetation; inexperienced 2212. Path - Correct answer arousing pity 2213. Verity - Correct answer n. widely-accepted truth 2214. Torrid - Correct answer Very hot, parching, burning; passionate 2215. Repartee - Correct answer a quick, witty reply 2216. Heed - Correct answer to pay attention to; 2217. Careful attention, notice, obey 2218. Pittance - Correct answer a small amount, esp. of money 2219. Definitive - Correct answer conclusive, final, the limit of what can be done 2220. Ambience - Correct answer Environment; the surrounding atmosphere 2221. Exorcize - Correct answer v. to seek to expel evil spirit away 2222. Accede - Correct answer to agree P a g e 82 | 86 2280. Rickety - Correct answer lacking stability (physically) 2281. FEEBLE 2282. Quart - Correct answer Measurement unit for volume 2283. Single-handed - Correct answer on your own, without anyone's help 2284. Muffle - Correct answer to lessen or conceal the sound of 2285. Bob - Correct answer to move or make something move quickly up and down, especially in water 2286. Cob - Correct answer (1) a round loaf of bread 2287. (2) A strong horse with short legs 2288. Audit - Correct answer examination of accounts of a business; official examination; V. 2289. Aggrandizement - Correct answer an increase in rank or wealth 2290. GLORIFICATION 2291. Lenient - Correct answer inclined not to be strict 2292. Indulgent 2293. Integrity - Correct answer (1) Wholeness/ unity 2294. (2) Honesty 2295. Pathology - Correct answer the study of disease 2296. Hem - Correct answer the edge of a piece of cloth that has been folded over and sewn 2297. Jack - Correct answer a device for raising heavy objects off the ground 2298. Masonry - Correct answer n. The art or work of constructing, as buildings, walls, etc., with regularly arranged stones. 2299. Carpentry - Correct answer NOUN the activity or occupation of making or repairing things in wood 2300. Baptize - Correct answer to wash ceremonially, the sacrament washes away the stain of original sin 2301. Jocular - Correct answer playful; humorous 2302. Attorney - Correct answer lawyer 2303. Veto - Correct answer (n.) the power to forbid or prevent; (v.) to prohibit, reject 2304. Miff - Correct answer annoy or offend: to annoy or anger somebody 2305. Irritated 2306. Guffaw - Correct answer sudden loud laughter P a g e 85 | 86 2307. Kindred - Correct answer having similar origin, nature, or character 2308. Sanction - Correct answer give approval to 2309. APPROVE 2310. Devoid - Correct answer Lacking 2311. Pariah - Correct answer a social outcast 2312. Ruse - Correct answer a trick 2313. Gaunt - Correct answer thin and bony 2314. SCRAWNY 2315. Snicker - Correct answer (noun) a disrespectful laugh; (verb) laugh quietly 2316. Infallible - Correct answer (adj.) free from error; absolutely dependable 2317. Perfect; flawless; cannot make mistakes 2318. Glide - Correct answer to move smoothly and easily 2319. Vindicated - Correct answer freed from blame or guilt 2320. Gallant - Correct answer adj. brave and noble 2321. Coy - Correct answer adj. bashful; shy; quiet; pretending to be shy P a g e 86 | 86