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__ Stabishis doy Darla Sciente Notes
vito da
ton Shishres
Gee of — Shatdies
ye of Data
_tevels of Measurement
+ Che-Syave Tet
0 Fe test
4 Asovr
= Praiuie of Corba) Tovey ee ee
© | Messe of Despeasion
7 Rarstom Variables 7 7
° Seis
. Histegram and Skewness
s Cornstance and Girelation
" Frobabt wy Dish? button function
© Probsts Shy Hass Junibion
2 Frobabritty Density Junelain
. “Tyres of Rebrbitity fhetabtion
- Tmoulti — Drsbth Hoa
. Biromia) — Orstiv bation
. Poisson Oistithelfon
. Norma __“Distrtbskinn
< VeeSoun — Drstathtton -
. TE sas 7. Abies
° Contra lim? Lreoem
e Lstimete
. Hypdthesn Tesby ant Mechanism
. “P Value
« YT Stats ant T test
= “Wee Yana “Kee 2 for
. Confidence, “Tnterwe! arch Margen of Error
= | fee “Toes
[Poems 5 |
Steakivhes ee. UD
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— a ——
f Stabieire S Lhe Science | of a Oppeting ard
| ane sy clele,
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ee Daas Fes fk pieces of information «Used in Aeersron —
- ; =: } poate Process gall geeks tees EIN
eee Types of Shttlag.
Dm Desertpkiue
ay “Tnkey ent 2a
a tell Descriptive SAshettes ; “Tederertal Shaleshs
Yi Gossk ok apa ard mF a
dala have _me€agurel te -
o| Mesures o8 Cothal tedeny [Pan Month] Cen clugfon -
© || Measures ef Aeaplinton ines, Sty]
; Ves of cbstabution’ 08 dala oat y C =
“Hishegvan pati pme
t-test of hy
3) Che square best > 4 ndreence
a Valles
“There ave 0 erbeckentS Stabsh cs fal assed ot four
_ =| ee have coAeCheal heaght of Tectia
———_| the class -
wae Hecgnis awe FLV PS 12540, 13S p13F_, Io]
ee Desi cipkive Question’
——__| * What: rs overage. height of uth class |!
SSS “Taferemb'ad ‘Cues on™ -
ee Ave: hesphts of suders th Clatsroonn —Simbees be |
=a what ss expect th erbtire age = 3
a SS
PageNo. 38 TT
Dae ff
| Medan = 243 25
(2 Comb= odd
= || Medean= Grtral elennt :
Xo lt+as arash X = ta Lardetstion
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7 =" Ouch tres
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3 ha I¢
Meehan = a Mecham = Bty
= 3
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retry © hen
« |] Moder Martmun frequency _ olements
Xe Ph tr, BIS
Mete= 4
i 4
| Ln) T
A endured ¢ . C, ri) 1 ers
—— Hees. . o Path pay Feedeny aye used tn EOF eyed
\ ccieinioes eahue Er ce :
i Age. e Me Balayy Arlee Derre
—i— io ——— ae hoi! M bf =
iz a go Fox no, Saar
a ee
_— e 45x £ a
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| = 6° ~ a Master
|_ - 65 55) = bse
| AO. Bz j- es rs hE
| et fe Sav. msyiy Clete shee vs Nenercedl we Can ose
Sal (Mean _
: B Bed cerbleas toe on se Meccan
4 b Pay oo Cet 24 or Seal Ritaret we Can uy ode
Measures of — Cotral Tener using Be hon
Age = Dravay 220451 569)
Prep pump a_i
Np. mean ( cy
Cak C4etat_ bt)”
Np mean
Ops meaohten Cage?
Rien Sey import
Stabs, mode Kye) see
[oe ci LE
—_——— SS
-— 4 Measures — of Aaypegion lee Spree oP dada pit
— #1 4 Vea tence, _— a
Peers | SHeveterd ‘Devisltin ——
L. |
5 | Prpstetian _ Varcenve — Senge ine — ee |
{| 2 —— Ss
- |e" = 2 Gyeay st 2 Cri?”
= [- "21 r S bet
Ata Dela Potats Aine Data ppinks
Ns Poputebar Sere HW —> Sample ean
M->__Popatebion Nea nh —» Sample Sire
Sample Var varce BS dwters b nel So that ve
Can Cryecte an unbrased eslinisey of epalabyen Variance
by fae Bp WS4
5? Z Ow=3 7
lol4s 2-5
7 Cre _~ Dispessien og Spread
) hy Se as S72 9-5
3 | . foe 9
3 ° A ¥ ‘
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ab Stone Yarn he ary
a Ages =" “Bout, Nays ad 26 | 30, 35, 3632, ho, Anta, 43 5151)
el So 25 — bin Sin Size fo. of | of bres = 1}
oe |
—|—_ "0 I ea
oe 2 bin size Pro. of bins =aal
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| 5
aN b
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| ' j EH aE ___lWhen_toe _sewrthen histeram
x eget Probe betry pace
v rt te ie
5 10 15 20285 30 35 fo AB SOS] OF Pada cert Bing tor
woh iy ie? |
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= a a
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a ot = (Mean ,medan ord mde ag
_e, peachy art Conse
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r ae il 2
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[tte 4
St Se Se ————
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Rraht Skewed Data Calso called Positive _Skewed)
- hen _
ny perrbaten
| =] Si
POUR, ee
; A fits
Bastaly much of the daa fs a es
dt L—y Median
Preseak on Fhe Side
L—> Mode
: (Mean “Arecktan Frode ]
Box Plot
Oy Ox Os
a O3- 93 7) Bx- 6,
es i
(ben rr S ad
a r —— 1 ; x © ee
3 Left Skeuted 2 Aggabive Side wed —
S| 7 ~
__ > acaencenspero a 5
i ——-_|_-—_ - Relarionsip :frn ean < estan rede |
= a Box Plot
_ Oy Oa Oa
| —H
Gy QTY pescentite Ca- & 7 Gs-e
Bo is 50’: Percentile 2
a « 4S'h fescentile
Covariance and Comelaifen — To Sirk oak 0 — mathematies!
Felatronshep between wo Fandom Varteb/es
2 8 dL Et YY]
4 5 ; |X booted, - Troe kind ef relateshys:
4 Yt
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= =
bac I Ys = Cou Chin? Ry ) Ed
a S (hap) & (ety) E
Rank Say Clearly
Xx yi Roy Ro hep us’ tend
\ A 5 # qedaktonshi ps a
SB 4 h 4
§ 6 3 gS
+ 3 2 |
oF 6 a
By “nl = 6
Uses. in Jedare Serectlon
Dire of T - No. of Ae No\ 62 ‘ __ Serre t |
House Toms | Peo agg
has —n0— Corre Nahe ———
Woekh Pree gf
House. L
We can estar above -
FP sd ih eobe of L
ahue, Solection t
a @
—— Graiane ard _ Cuin Jim ~ te — a
TN a import Sealopo as ns ae 7
—“ Oks SNS Loud. hedarel Coheatth exp! Pr —
ae | _ af heal 2 ee te a
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Or Gry —_Aument La lues)
Ta) [_ oy Pearson Corte ajten
———] AX. cay Crelhed = \peais pt) > Bras (on of very Bitere within
Ee Cxiy Perbare Cony Maecee values)
te ee
GP. Gar Grelhads * Speayen! )
Probabrty Distribution anctin [ Denstig Tanchion
Tyres | of — Awibubion Sacks
* frobabritty ‘Density Lnction t- Used to okercle or tepresent
deetinae Faron —_avvables « hows aishibetion 39) continues
Fe ag Hyp of shirts ir sean
TH we wart +o calalate
PEA C155) we wile _caleaiate
Area Under the cave Bom 0 be 155
to act ryequired probability os
rc tS Fouling Aesbribction of
Ou data
Yorvtom " Varfable
sf -
|| Se Rete eae. Ea S67
| regen 50 oF
Vom: a f } =
Probablity Mass fmctton?- Shows destybrhen of discrete
——E ————
IL Tn FON N te a ae olete _ftebabit ity of geting evkher
_ | Viet or Bor Yor of 6 =) tre i equ
| 6
# PO Bie PCat) + PCs +P =a) +
+ et = :
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DB || Guwdatie Destechaten Faneton Cede)
pe —_ Caynalabel¢ fren
os} stor “Vat
ms cat os
7 <—
ee NS ary
We are ate iaiels! ee age
Garnate? Eye
proba brirdtes
OB hfon
ANo Fving the L a. On
PaqeNe, 53 ;
Dae: fog
- “Diuecte —— ‘Gane Pmt")
Outcome, are Bites
Gi Wyo cam ERT) a.
Phd> ostp A
PCN: o-5= \-p a
> lohether — Petson sty pass of tat
. PCPass ) = Odzp
p Cfti)= 0-9 = 03-4
oO <P <}
ts \-P
Zou y —7 2 gercomgy — potaible |
PAE > Pex CH) Keel) Sines
— Ro Rel a
= e! » Cre) Pf > Grip of Keo
= Py h P k=)
we Kee we E
=p xfi-A
ms. \- = g
oo Men o*® a2 Bermoulte Deottbukion
| & Ke pcK) pCKa1) = 0-6
a ee ~ c ” p Co) = 04 F
il pe \ro-¢
_ a) O-6 = Py
= ’ x x x ' ' ————
Nedfan of — Besoutt Dishtbetoy
Oo ' 3 p< Ia Pre 4
Mea {Cont pet
os ! Ve) Pe |
4 Vartente = Px Cirp) \ 4
= Py |
c Sencar Devterbton
Stas \ Py
‘Dromtal ‘Destitbebfeo
‘Th prbabitihs Peery ard Statistics the — binomfal diitheita |
wrth ‘Pesenetees ND and P Ascrete Probab iy okstribrhan
OF number of Successes tn Sequence of N indepadtant |
expetmerds — Cath askin —& Yystr® question ani each ait
Tis oan “Boolean atleast pdtcome + Sucess (uth Probab ay
or faclere = q=\-P + A Dingle! Success or facture
“es a'so Catted —— Besnoull? -tetal and baw Sequence of
OQurigmes FS catted — Permou WP Process Br A Singie
4dyfel te pe) \otromta) desttbubtn (8 a Besnouhe V alistiba tel
‘i perk Lak : "
4 \ { ! P= 0 and ns ado g
i O38 ef 05 an asus
+ OAs at
” ’
! «\o-f. oF sty
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A 9-05. #4
# Gore 5
. aes o§ 4 ;
» |
= a
[tare 55
a _ = ——
a SSS —————
_— Discrete Rarwom ertabat e
——T" a
—— se met ~Srpaitrent pubtome #8 bimagy
s at earns
nn Sit __prokemes Sp odie OE epee
te A coin | © times
Notation ci B Cayp)
Pas .
| antes. he Te, W213: wy? ho. of tbriale
PLE [ongs sucess probit tty ae pees
bia) }
Sugeest Vaya ble Ke Poe ee ny & Marher ii Banas
PME PCR = y Prag
< ee Ke 250-1 where
Ch = Ph
Mean ne
Vartante = NP,
Std > Nog,
Poisson Dastrtbubton
Discrete _Rardem variable Cent) |
Deses?bey Number __ 0% events accusing ta Fred time
Tnterva! f
L___-_Paumber_ of people esting, Hosea! os bink ee howe
ree na |
80 < ae eap
_ +
‘le Porats — dala _|fe — wttnen (= Stand Ds
——|_J5'- poms fom lata te within ™ Stands Devtechiin if
Te-Fle Points ie within 3°? Stantal Dewta tion
by Went of Shudents fh clase
| Hest of slucterls to class a
; Uniform th ‘Digtriattfon /
i) Crises OnvSim Desttrdton the conkers unttb im
istebution of feclangular Obshrhion 8 a Aen of
| | Syerm ebrie, prebabiiity _ aisbitbubtons- “He, Aichihalion chesintbed
| An expertnent —qwhere there fs an asbtlrny oubome 1
| Dhak Ves hetaccen CerlaPn bounds. Bounds F cork. olePened
by a Ont b Dhich are Minin — ang PCL uw
Values i
PDE " e — Motebion - L/G,b)
Kel » _Paranebeys —20 Ya <b < co |
n pat Pat = ek Br ve fay
Lz i [ © __Obheratae i
| \ * Gf iz fer A Sa ;
| [ Aa Ser xe Sab]
eka le hat
Yo PA =f a “oe ij -, Arb
Pen 99 | }
bee s; 7
SSIS rg eye SS SI
i Mewn > = Meatane ays Variinea = 7
et = Sth = = _—
i. —
| &> Number of Candies sek) oath a a. ae: 's nd _
I Asirtbutet with 2 maninum of AO
rO_ ond a _miniraym _ A No
- _ Frebs bi ok duty Sales fo 2a béven '8 and 30
hs |
— ttt __b= 40
et az 'd
H Ay = 30
| 10 15 30 4p x =18
FOS * %sa)— faa, )a
_ why bea
=> IS 2 OSs Sop
3° : '
P (x.> a0) = Go-ae9x |
= Ro = O66 =66y.
Drevele _UniBen Deatbdaa’- TE ob oa Soret
Probab? lity iskyihehion, — whewtn a Kenta umber _ OF
niatevae mes actual hey Ie be obsaved 4 Cvew one
af bh valves bs C quer] probabFlipy ln «Archies vy
oe Say toe goad Ya _Kowon Fite _nwmbir of Outcomes
| Equally ¥ g Ishely do hageeo
Egy. Rtg a Fair okte
| Ph a3, 45, 6%) pevs bp fella Mae 2 7 fio! foe lsh
6 i é
nh 2 ’
Bh Pagel. 60 j
} =:
he —_———= oe 4 <== = © —— :
— As! be¢ Me
= ! > one beat ee:
pt hn |
— i T ay Por aw. Nobalion . U (ab? a
ph ee a Pes eb pth Oe i
a 7 t t t ‘ ee , —a
preceicnce cE. ie: bh, Pete Un
ay ; : Meare. Arb
Q ne = a
Z >. io te 7
a k X Medens ach
i 2
handerg Morme\ Digh*buleon ana 7- Score
“d= Bhbe
Ks 2a, Site Weal aobibuted dala (assumed)
Meanz 3
er kouwS) lis ASsamed : SAandand__Nesmal
J 2S Dishfbution |
“A=0 —_
\ = ot SsuD
X = CA =0, ex)
N é
| ‘ gs
“L- tore 7s USed to Convert the Aa rma)
Aisht babten Lo Hgcodars Nernat Orsbibvtron
Le Score > Yenay
Pageli, 63
[dae of oF
) SSS Sr
PL xe A Gye) emt
} : ae tances a
== dala 2 onfPobe we ake Sampres |
Se | From dis _Poputrtion - th sampre bas _|
el a
_ _t _ Meebo
feta a a "aed AL
[ti Ph Ra mw, ideas tig iE
|] ter Nera Aashittes | Sy 2 5 %
| uta Samole Sze Sy x 2
be i ’
$f Sst t
Sin 3 jan
© AN hese | Samples colfected oti!’
heave Gene | trean = Hy We ee
=i 0 a Copel ty, to, CLT - -jhee Lien valued will also
be : necma ly otsivbebed X= 2% » YG... Yon d_|
we B® Aishibubed mean
ce 4
€ BK E
AZ ae
3 x Di YCaye) — “This chime Sampke Size MP z30
Sy = WM 4m- , Ze} ah
a ee = Me
Sy h =
— = ———
ij 7 Caxssiqo— a
a se
Een deta Sot Levee Awtribited we an get |
QA formal dishibaken of ‘means By a Sample obra
Easy to remove assump jon
lnpedbanle Rr “Tokessexa
Zo 2a Popaletion
ie BO
_| CG = PoPalation Std
a A= Popatalin moun
L\ Ht Sampy Se
7 Samevwng Axtrbrtion of Nea
2] Y
4 a _tan Dt CLT
ON Cw Nya, 6 |
1 6 \ . (vn /
i , PoPatation mean= Sample meyn
it i: es bat Sbanctard derbhont ©
ae x St __—
* = |
PageHo. es =
Owe of “iI 1
jr ee a —
. Estimate: au NS an heberved __ arneteg | MaMat used
42 e@liewle an _unlewion — Pepilehion Potameter
Point Estimate = Singye_ nuctenten) value Ued 4,
Ostimgte unknown porslatdn Poturneler
“L, gy Single man 18 a poink —stimabe =P Populabto,
— Ce “
ig Pott olins wor _ —
i To x
2 “Trlerval Estinebe Rage OP vmlyeS Sed Lo eittinade the
wn knows — Ppulertion Patmetess
Toterve! — estimabes of population ParamelerS: gre called
Cond tence ly iad \s
4 1
x T
fot Estimate
ConRirence —_“Trterwe |
fam — lag |
Ome of if
- =—=—_= SS yey .
. | Regen BO-Jo feat cuttocd Coasideme Tt rye!
a Ay nw Rreqnce Us lue = os Ovor Confidence Thlerval 4
ox! = I|- aos ;
i = 6 = i a
: . fe oO elo
— — OF5 “+f F —
| Tk we ge frsbabiti ey fess Den Sigrid came
I Va\ye Wwe refeck Nyt Es poles
Heypothest “Testa Act Statistical Analysis
Ol OT ter Fee 7 de
t test | .% 4 able
3 Che Spuare 3 Cebeee Data
A mu, =) Varfunce
L test
i Ropulation std ts quer
w n 23¢ ts gis
\) The avercye herp of ath vzesidens tn a ceh is 168m,
© ‘ v “4
woth al ea St. A ortor believes the mean do
be ARR rent «He measured _ the hetahs of 36
Irdevtuals NK found Gerage _helght 30 be J6a-Sem._ J
a State nal) and Attomee c=
bl de a Sr. Confedence eve! | 5, Lhere
do whee __ pull _ hy pothests
= U
PigeNa 69 T
Ome 7 7
————= —, —
Se 4 ' £ S$ —
{> 168m o= Bq N= 36 T= KS om t=
Nai! hypelheis he
Mzl6bem L
AMerate “fypsiws by 4 tiie Po Tetl Test} Coie om it
= | ee we dicter or Jay wo
ee wee, fs. LAN pred ce)
__Goatitene Tatewele 0.95 ae
Ss l-o-ngg ~
= 00T
De CSibn, Rowvtay
Grane hea fon
st pe. Ts
vo | T5'fe 59fs
Gagion HDs > Ref ection Regen
WE = Caley te fea) Boos | uncer dhe Curve
From bef dn the yey ae
OWrea AS 9S + Se | > ab pe ig. a 9st
We o buve to chek Br thy alae Pn _D- score
ble. After chedki we ga Z- sore valve as lee6
We are Peneting the © \ntwe -Lhs teme not
Lhe Area under Carer as Aver uvder — cygue _ 1's
Linpiom <> qrqysoo- | Akter checking — oe get valve as (ge
alls oe, dig d
Ons BB tp
2-5 | [ <7
_ lve. =p 46
Sirus" ite Stpernthcca : Sees
i = {fess woe gery Slalisticg| Ana you ae
——_|_ke dete ey o> Sample orrmsta toring
ei 6o\IT : do Cerbig\ lek theese a
Ieee = \64S- 168 Aer Sample ©= SWS -4
eo A the OT Saag
Ihren = = 23I :
Since %3T ts cider Than 1°96 and coal
not Ree bewieen “146 and ANNE woe weet
pa he eathests -
a Useng Pe value
| . O- Olen, = ; a
I adil re |
we q ,
29) 23
Chex Aedl ty 7_-steee table aoe wilt get
Valwe os Or Olou4 > Area unser curve
So P_value = O Court O.6 louy
! = Oro ORF
(F p-walie SuontFeeqate
© ORK Xo-wd LPheret pat ftypothests
2 actors 4. manuctacly set hubs uoth “\ avera @
seta oF 5 Yeats | orth Stanchrd eviction of
0:50 . A yorker e betteves thet bab ott malcunel for
VO fess than 5 feats Ke tests Sample of
HO baths ana Snis ave ge time 4o he wk its
a State nl and aldtemate polheste
b At ol: Stynifeane Jee! 1S there Enough _@vidence
do Sup por ® “the tea thet - earrerts Showlg
\be yevisedt
[rgene 73 | ;
} +
| Ot of ft |
—--4 a
—— sy . -_ <r. x £ SS
——— ‘ Lae "st
——— dL ~ fest 1S [083 cLhan d+ OMS ana gue Lhen_
= a: ous woe rey eek Nut) Hy polhesi's ee
: = > hs fe a ~1v0 - aa (OP ee
IL Slve 2o\ V30° _
} = loge 72. ONS 2 =) Rey eclirg Nau fy pobhest's
ey ‘
———_—— Conclusion’ Medecettos hat Prcveasey — (ntellupente
thers do use | V—kets vs Z- test
De you hres Peputcen |
7 i
1@ nb
H Use b-test
“Ts — Sample
Size _aloue 30
ud | Da Type | ancl Hyee of enor — oe
e I Realy ?~ ay Laypedbesis is True or Maw __Hypattesis_to Falte
ee Peasioni Nat “hypathess fe “Tae ox _ pay Hypathesr® 3 False
L | Tyee | esropt— We wepeck Nu kypothesis — Lohen
ip I ( Tealihs YE ts- Tree
1 Tre Reemrt= We “attach atl Hypethens when in
1 Teathy Th ot. False — Type el ¢rior
¢ f
| Coniclence ‘Theale Praigia of” Enor 7 -
! Codutence THensl=9F)-
al i - 1
| pt lg
| Rink Bemates- A vane of ay slelistie Lhat
| <akmakes » ‘Lhe vale of 35 unkneon Pepuldlicn parameter
i {8 Called poral estingte
| a ———>_ Af > Population morn
| Semele mean 1S a paint eskimate of populat
| _ | Mean
I CBrence Trikerag l= We _ Contract Q _conftaence Trtervg)
| bo hep estimate what acLugl Value of Unirown
Populertion mean f%
i point esting te t_ Prey of ein
f a
topes 7 | j
——T © 1 = a 1 1 "1 “ eo ' 7 F it n Se
— uf Z Lest a Se
| Ro + Dy © tees
SA ert vn
a Fe . Se ———— ——
— See en Za. Joist Es Demae Oxk Deck he
ths valke i 7-labe
o- dat] dest - be
a qs wi _get
251 5].
=e \ra6
\ On verbal sertton oF CAT erample Sample leviatitn
1S Kren do be on. A Sample gf 25 tech telers
hes a Men OF Blo» Conthuck co IS Cndene Tateres!
beat Lhe Meg | te
Ans ie? &= 180 “nzas CT = 095 dons
Aven ander (Nive = Se = OF. Check 09750
in “Z- bable cok aye) att Lele aS +96
ast 25:
=|96 +6
Se leeten confidence “Lwtevel = S2Q0— (196) 190 = Ving
' V35
Hrs her ConFeclente “Trhecval 5a ot{l- ae) Klee = SST2
} Ne bs
o Saye r
seth 4 a
jog 520 5a
Pagetlo. 78 T
Sarn'e a0 wo Creo ov ive le ee _| |
peg meee 4 J , ditt Lon about ——
“SG Z Atel
i S| Ravn yt hmdet 30 ha oS
i ee “ph ie hanced yo 88 —— sa a
Tn “gore Conny oF Be Lhe yo of Sairaisuals
jo 4 smal City weve Pains i bo o be pe Folios Poitastn
a [Rie v| 6] 795 f
| Qo | Bor Gor.
Th Qo age of pzS00 — pradvals wee Sampled.
Belew are vesults
| <50 | seas. | 088
| Tho xe ico | Joo |
Using Azo0eS woud qe Conte PePp4l ation AP erences
Of -werghts' has: Chang edh th last 19 gears
d : @
Ars [<se aa 235 [sy Eieets
_ [ace Bor | 50} | ‘
See 50-95, | ts ol Sider Bron Samp'e
|o_| lee ! ace | N= 500
f yecvked ale ay to _ Qo Census
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