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Statistics For Machine Learning, Study notes of Statistics

This Document contains all important Concepts related to Statistics required for a Data analyst . Also it has questions from an interview point of view so that you can clear interview easily.

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Available from 06/20/2023

kshitij-kamble 🇮🇳

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Download Statistics For Machine Learning and more Study notes Statistics in PDF only on Docsity! __ Stabishis doy Darla Sciente Notes Ga vito da ton Shishres Gee of — Shatdies ye of Data _tevels of Measurement + Che-Syave Tet 0 Fe test 4 Asovr = Praiuie of Corba) Tovey ee ee © | Messe of Despeasion 7 Rarstom Variables 7 7 ° Seis . Histegram and Skewness s Cornstance and Girelation " Frobabt wy Dish? button function © Probsts Shy Hass Junibion 2 Frobabritty Density Junelain . “Tyres of Rebrbitity fhetabtion - Tmoulti — Drsbth Hoa . Biromia) — Orstiv bation . Poisson Oistithelfon . Norma __“Distrtbskinn < VeeSoun — Drstathtton - . TE sas 7. Abies ° Contra lim? Lreoem e Lstimete . Hypdthesn Tesby ant Mechanism . “P Value « YT Stats ant T test = “Wee Yana “Kee 2 for . Confidence, “Tnterwe! arch Margen of Error = | fee “Toes [Poems 5 | Steakivhes ee. UD Sr a — a —— f Stabieire S Lhe Science | of a Oppeting ard | ane sy clele, - _ _ ee Daas Fes fk pieces of information «Used in Aeersron — - ; =: } poate Process gall geeks tees EIN eee Types of Shttlag. —— Dm Desertpkiue ay “Tnkey ent 2a | a tell Descriptive SAshettes ; “Tederertal Shaleshs Yi Gossk ok apa ard mF a Lhe dala have _me€agurel te - o| Mesures o8 Cothal tedeny [Pan Month] Cen clugfon - © || Measures ef Aeaplinton ines, Sty] ; Ves of cbstabution’ 08 dala oat y C = “Hishegvan pati pme er t-test of hy 3) Che square best > 4 ndreence a Valles “There ave 0 erbeckentS Stabsh cs fal assed ot four _ =| ee have coAeCheal heaght of Tectia ———_| the class - wae Hecgnis awe FLV PS 12540, 13S p13F_, Io] ee Desi cipkive Question’ ——__| * What: rs overage. height of uth class |! 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