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Stott Pilates Exam | 50 Questions with 100% Correct
Answers | Verified | Latest Update
- Which of the following does not represent how STOTT Pilates has evolved from Joseph Pilates original method? - ✅✅✅Focus on more flat spine than original method
- What is another term used to describe mid-sagittal plane? A) Transverse B) Circuduction C) Frontal D) Medial Plan - ✅✅✅D
- Rotation does not occur at which of the following joints: A) knee joint B) pelvis C) elbow joint D) spine - ✅✅✅C
- Lordosis describes which of the following? A) An exaggerated curve in the lumbar spine B) A flat lumbar spine C) A hyper extended spine
- D)A flexed thoracic spine - ✅✅✅A
- Lattisimus Dorsi is involved in all but which of the following? A) Extension B) Retraction C) Medially Rotates D) Flexion - ✅✅✅D
- Lattismus Dorsi assists in forced expiration? A) True B) False - ✅✅✅A
- Which muscle flexes the knee and extends the hip? A) Rectus Femoris B) Semimembranousous C) Semitendinous
- D Bicepts Femoris - ✅✅✅D
- Which muscle protracts the scapula? A) Latissumus Dorsi B) Serratus Anterior C) Rhomboids D) Mid Trapezius - ✅✅✅B
- Which joint involves the glenoid fossa? A) Shoulder Joint B) Knee Joint C) Elbow Joint - ✅✅✅A
- What does contra-lateral mean? A) same side of body B) front side of body C) opposite side of body - ✅✅✅C
- The scapula articulates which of the following?
A) Ribs B) Clavicle C) Spine - ✅✅✅B
- Which of the following is not one of the Joseph Pilates original principles? A) Breathing B) Precision C) Scapular Placement D) Control - ✅✅✅C
- Which bony landmark is on the femur? A) ASIS B) PSIS C) Lesser Trochantor - ✅✅✅C
- Gluteus Max does not do which of the following? A) medial rotate at the hip B) laterally rotate at the hip C) Extend at the hip - ✅✅✅A
- What is the action of the Serratus Posterior Superior? A) Retracts the ribs during inspiration B) Elevates the ribs during inspiration C) Protracts the ribs during inspiration - ✅✅✅B
- What is typically present in kyphosis-lordosis posture? A) Posterior tilt in pelvis B) Anterior tilt in pelvis
C) Neutral tilt in pelvis - ✅✅✅B
- Which of the following muscle fibers run mainly horizontally? A) Rectus Abdominus B) Transversus Abdominus C) Internal Abdominal Oblique D) External Abdominal Oblique E) Obliques - ✅✅✅B
- If the thoracic spine is flat, which of the following is present? A) Lengthened B) Neutral C) Imprint - ✅✅✅A
- What is not an anatomical structure? A) Obturator Foramen B) Obturator Externus C) Obturator Internus - ✅✅✅A
- Match the following exercises to the following muscle:
- Leg Circles_____ A) Glutes
- Single Leg Extension ______ B) Hip Flexors
- Breast Stroke_____ C) Internal Oblique
- Ab Prep____ D) Erector Spinae - ✅✅✅B, A, D, C
- Which exercise works the posterior deltiod eccentrically and concentrically? A) Stag B) Bend and Stretch
C) Long Spine D) Back Rowing prep-Plow - ✅✅✅D
- What is the starting position of short box/round back? A) Imprint spine B) Neutral spine - ✅✅✅B
- Which exercise does not contain elements similar to those in the hawk? A) Mermaid 1 on the short box B) Front Rowing prep/arm circles with flexion C) Side Twist Kneeling D) Long Box Arms Pulling Strap #1 - ✅✅✅D
- Rotation in a flexed postion only occurs at which of the following joint? A) Hip joint B) Elbow joint C) Spine D) Knee E) Pelvis - ✅✅✅B
- The following joints rotate: Spine, Scapula, Pelvis, Knee A) True B) False - ✅✅✅A
- The cervical spine has 7 vertebrae, Thoracis spine has 12 and Lumbar spine has 5? A) True B) False - ✅✅✅A
- The spine moves along with the following: A) clavicle B) pelvis C) rib cage D) shoulder - ✅✅✅C
- The shoulder and hip joint are ball and socket joints? A) True B) False - ✅✅✅A
- Transverse plane occurs on the following: A) Lateral Flexion B) Flexion C) Extension D) Rotation - ✅✅✅D
- Which does the short head of the biceps brachi originate? A) Glenoid Fossa B) Corocoid process of the scapula C) Humerus - ✅✅✅B
- The knee and elbow are the only hinge joints A) True B) False - ✅✅✅A
- Lateral trunk muscles - ✅✅✅1) Quadratus Lumborum
- Internal & External Obliques
- Hip Abductors - ✅✅✅1) Gluteus Medius
- Tensor Fasciae Latae
- Adductors - ✅✅✅1) Brevis
- Longus
- Magnus
- What involves the glenoid fossa? - ✅✅✅Iposi lateral
- Sagital plane involves - ✅✅✅1) flexion
- extension
- anterior tilt
- posterior tilt
- plantar flexion
- dorsiflexion
- Frontal Plane Involves - ✅✅✅1) lateral flexion
- elevation
- depression
- upward and downward rotation
- flexoin and extension of elbow
- Abduction
- Adduction
- Transverse Plane involves - ✅✅✅1) rotation
- internal and external rotation (shoulder joint/hip)
- supination-forearm
- pronation-forearm
- protraction
- retraction
- Multiplanar involves - ✅✅✅circumduction (shoulder joint/hip)
- Exhalation promotes which of the following:
A) Spinal Flexion B) Spinal Extension - ✅✅✅A
- What are the muscle fibers doing during a concentric contraction? A) Elongating B) Shortening C) Isometric - ✅✅✅B
- Which bony landmark is on the femur? - ✅✅✅Greater Trochantar
- Origin are typically A) Distal B) Proxial C) Medial - ✅✅✅B
- Insertion are generally A) Medial B) Proxial C) Distal - ✅✅✅C
- Axial of the skeleton is: A) Arms, hands, feet B) Hip, knee, feet C) Head, spine, rib cage - ✅✅✅C
- Fixed joints are A) Skull and teeth
B) fingers and feet C) elbows and knee - ✅✅✅A
- Circular movement of arm and shoulder is multiplanar (is where we get the most movement) A) True B) False - ✅✅✅A
- Example of a facet joint: A) Clavicle B) Spine C) Rib Cage - ✅✅✅B
- Isotonic is taking place with normal contraction A) True B) False - ✅✅✅A
- Concentric is: A) Lengthening against resistance B) Shortening against resistence - ✅✅✅B
- What does isometrically mean? A) Lengthening against resistance B) Shortening against resistance C) Same length against resistance (no change) - ✅✅✅C
- Dorsiflex is:
A) feet and knee is hyperextended B) shinbone is closer to bone - ✅✅✅B
- Plantarflex is: A) feet and knee is hyperextended B) shinbone is closer to bone - ✅✅✅A