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Match the following exercises to the following muscle:
A) Imprint spine B) Neutral spine - ANSWER✔✔B Which exercise does not contain elements similar to those in the hawk? A) Mermaid 1 on the short box B) Front Rowing prep/arm circles with flexion C) Side Twist Kneeling D) Long Box Arms Pulling Strap #1 - ANSWER✔✔D Rotation in a flexed postion only occurs at which of the following joint? A) Hip joint B) Elbow joint C) Spine D) Knee E) Pelvis - ANSWER✔✔B The following joints rotate: Spine, Scapula, Pelvis, Knee
A) True B) False - ANSWER✔✔A The cervical spine has 7 vertebrae, Thoracis spine has 12 and Lumbar spine has 5? A) True B) False - ANSWER✔✔A The spine moves along with the following: A) clavicle B) pelvis C) rib cage D) shoulder - ANSWER✔✔C The shoulder and hip joint are ball and socket joints? A) True B) False - ANSWER✔✔A
Transverse plane occurs on the following: A) Lateral Flexion B) Flexion C) Extension D) Rotation - ANSWER✔✔D Which does the short head of the biceps brachi originate? A) Glenoid Fossa B) Corocoid process of the scapula C) Humerus - ANSWER✔✔B The knee and elbow are the only hinge joints A) True B) False - ANSWER✔✔A Lateral trunk muscles - ANSWER✔✔1) Quadratus Lumborum
Hip Abductors - ANSWER✔✔1) Gluteus Medius
B) Shortening C) Isometric - ANSWER✔✔B Which bony landmark is on the femur? - ANSWER✔✔Greater Trochantar Origin are typically A) Distal B) Proxial C) Medial - ANSWER✔✔B Insertion are generally A) Medial B) Proxial C) Distal - ANSWER✔✔C Axial of the skeleton is: A) Arms, hands, feet B) Hip, knee, feet
C) Head, spine, rib cage - ANSWER✔✔C Fixed joints are A) Skull and teeth B) fingers and feet C) elbows and knee - ANSWER✔✔A Circular movement of arm and shoulder is multiplanar (is where we get the most movement) A) True B) False - ANSWER✔✔A Example of a facet joint: A) Clavicle B) Spine C) Rib Cage - ANSWER✔✔B Isotonic is taking place with normal contraction
A) True B) False - ANSWER✔✔A Concentric is: A) Lengthening against resistance B) Shortening against resistence - ANSWER✔✔B What does isometrically mean? A) Lengthening against resistance B) Shortening against resistance C) Same length against resistance (no change) - ANSWER✔✔C Dorsiflex is: A) feet and knee is hyperextended B) shinbone is closer to bone - ANSWER✔✔B Plantarflex is:
A) feet and knee is hyperextended B) shinbone is closer to bone - ANSWER✔✔A Which of the following does not represent how STOTT Pilates has evolved from Joseph Pilates original method? - ANSWER✔✔Focus on more flat spine than original method What is another term used to describe mid-sagittal plane? A) Transverse B) Circuduction C) Frontal D) Medial Plan - ANSWER✔✔D Rotation does not occur at which of the following joints: A) knee joint B) pelvis C) elbow joint D) spine - ANSWER✔✔C Lordosis describes which of the following?
A) An exaggerated curve in the lumbar spine B) A flat lumbar spine C) A hyper extended spine D)A flexed thoracic spine - ANSWER✔✔A Lattisimus Dorsi is involved in all but which of the following? A) Extension B) Retraction C) Medially Rotates D) Flexion - ANSWER✔✔D Lattismus Dorsi assists in forced expiration? A) True B) False - ANSWER✔✔A Which muscle flexes the knee and extends the hip?
A) Rectus Femoris B) Semimembranousous C) Semitendinous D Bicepts Femoris - ANSWER✔✔D Which muscle protracts the scapula? A) Latissumus Dorsi B) Serratus Anterior C) Rhomboids D) Mid Trapezius - ANSWER✔✔B Which joint involves the glenoid fossa? A) Shoulder Joint B) Knee Joint C) Elbow Joint - ANSWER✔✔A What does contra-lateral mean?
A) same side of body B) front side of body C) opposite side of body - ANSWER✔✔C The scapula articulates which of the following? A) Ribs B) Clavicle C) Spine - ANSWER✔✔B Which of the following is not one of the Joseph Pilates original principles? A) Breathing B) Precision C) Scapular Placement D) Control - ANSWER✔✔C Which bony landmark is on the femur? A) ASIS
C) Lesser Trochantor - ANSWER✔✔C Gluteus Max does not do which of the following? A) medial rotate at the hip B) laterally rotate at the hip C) Extend at the hip - ANSWER✔✔A What is the action of the Serratus Posterior Superior? A) Retracts the ribs during inspiration B) Elevates the ribs during inspiration C) Protracts the ribs during inspiration - ANSWER✔✔B What is typically present in kyphosis-lordosis posture? A) Posterior tilt in pelvis B) Anterior tilt in pelvis C) Neutral tilt in pelvis - ANSWER✔✔B
Which of the following muscle fibers run mainly horizontally? A) Rectus Abdominus B) Transversus Abdominus C) Internal Abdominal Oblique D) External Abdominal Oblique E) Obliques - ANSWER✔✔B If the thoracic spine is flat, which of the following is present? A) Lengthened B) Neutral C) Imprint - ANSWER✔✔A What is not an anatomical structure? A) Obturator Foramen B) Obturator Externus C) Obturator Internus - ANSWER✔✔A
sartorius origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: anterior and medial of surface of the tiibia tensor fasciae latae origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: Anterior aspect of iliac crest and anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: Iliotibial tract Coracobrachialis Origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: Coracoid process I: Middle medial humerus Semitendinosus origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: ischial tuberosity, I: tibial shaft Semimembranosus origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: ischial tuberosity I: medial tibial condyle Gracilis: Origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: body of pubis, I: medial tibia quadrates lumborum Origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: iliolumbar ligament, posterior part of the iliac crest, inferior border of the 12th rib and transverse processes of the upper 4 lumbar vertebrae I: Inferior border of the 12th rib and transverse processes of the upper 4 lumbar vertebrae external intercostals Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: inferior border of rib above
Insertion: superior border of rib below Infraspinatus origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔origin: infraspinous fossa of scapula insertion: greater tubercle of humerus Supraspinatus Origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔origin: supraspinous fossa of scapula insertion: greater tubercle of humerus Teresa Major Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: dorsal surface of inferior angle of the scapula I: Medial lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus Soleus Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: proximal tibia, I: calcaneus rhomboid major Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: Spinous processes of T2-T I: Medial border of scapula from root of spine to inferior angle brachioradialis Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus Insertion: styloid process of radius levator scapulae Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: Transverse processes of C1-C
I: Medial border of scapula, above root of spine of scapula Rhomboid Minor Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: ligamentum nuchae, SP C7 and T I: medial border of scapula transversus abdominis Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: inguinal ligament, lumbar fascia, cartilages of last 6 ribs / linea alba, pubic crest Insertion: The linea alba by it's aponeurosis pectoralis major Sternal Division - Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O= Sternum to 7th rib, cartilages of the rib I: Lateral lip of the humerus Psoas major origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: bodies and transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae I: lesser trochanter Middle Deltoid Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: acromion process Insertion: deltoid tuberosity pectoralis major- Clavicular Division - Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: Anterior surface of the medial 1/2 of clavicle Insertion: Humerus, crest of greater tubercle
Pectoralis minor Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: ribs 3- 5 I: coracoid process of scapula seratus anterior Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: Superior lateral surfaces of upper 8 or 9 ribs at the side of the chest Insertion: Costal surface of the vertebral border along the inferior angle of scapula Gastrocnemius - ANSWER✔✔Origin: Femur Insertion: Calcaneus gluteus medius - origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: ilium, I:greater trochanter of femur gluteus minimus - origin and insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: ilium, I:greater trochanter of femur Trapezius - Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O=occipital bone, C1-7, T1-12,; I= Acrominion and spinous process of scapula, clavicle rectus femoris - Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: iliac spine and acetabulum, I:tibial tuberosity and patella adductor longus Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: Pubic tubercle I: Medial lip of linea aspera
Multifidus Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: deep to semispinalis, fibers pass obliquely and medially to spinous process, stabilizes vertebrae origin:sacrum, lumbar, thoracic vertebrae insertion: base of spinous processes of all vertebrae from L5 to C Vastus Lateralis Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O= greater trochanter, linea apsera, I: tibial tuberosity and patella Vastus Medialis Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: linea aspera and intertrochanteric line, I: tibial tuberosity and patella Rectus Abdominis Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔origin :of rectus abdomens is the pubis nsertion 5-7 ribs and xiphoid process Iliac Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: Inner lip of iliac crest Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur gluteus maximus Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: dorsal ilium, sacrum, and coccyx, I: gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibial tract
Triceps Brachi Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: Longhead infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Lateral head: superior 1/2 of posterior lateral surface of humerus Medial head: inferior 2/3 on the posterior surface of the humerus Insertion: Supraposterior surface of the olecranon process of the ulna and deep fascia of the forearm Latisumus Dorsi Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: Broad aponeurosis that originates on the spinous processes of lower 6 thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae, posterior crest of ilia, posterior surface of sacrum, lower 3 or 4 ribs and an attachment to the inferior angle of the scapula Insertion: Flat tendon that twists upon itself to insert into the intertubrcular sulcus of the humerus Peroneus Longus and Peroneus Brevis Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: fibula I: metatarsal Plantaris Orign and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O: femur I: Calcaneus subscapularis Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔origin: subscapular fossa
insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus Internal intercostals Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔Origin: Superior border of rib below Insertion: Inferior border of rib above Lower Trapezius Origin and Insertion - ANSWER✔✔O- spinous process of T6-T12 I- Medial end of spine of the scapula Movements in the Sagittal Plane occur around a - ANSWER✔✔Frontal Axis Movements in the frontal plane occur around a - ANSWER✔✔Sagittal axis Movements in the transverse plane occur around a - ANSWER✔✔Vertical axis Pilates _________ the muscles versus weightlifting that grows muscles - ANSWER✔✔tones Clockwise is a rotation to the - ANSWER✔✔right counter clockwise is a rotation to the - ANSWER✔✔left appendicular skeleton - ANSWER✔✔126 bones of the upper and lower limbs, shoulders, and hips axial skeleton - ANSWER✔✔the 80 bones of the skull, spine, ribs, vertebrae, and sternum, or breastbone anatomical position - ANSWER✔✔To stand erect with arms at the sides and palms of the hands turned forward
Muscles that abduct the shoulder - ANSWER✔✔deltoid, supraspinatus Muscles that abduct the humerus - ANSWER✔✔deltoid, supraspinatus muscles that extend the knee - ANSWER✔✔anterior - quadriceps: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius Four Layers of Abdominal Muscles - ANSWER✔✔TA, Internal Obliques, External Obliques and rectus abdominis Inhale promotes - ANSWER✔✔extension exhale promotes - ANSWER✔✔flexion Parts of the vertebrae - ANSWER✔✔Spinous process (only part you can see) Transverse process - wings that stick out Vertebral body Superior articular process - parts of your facet joints how many cervical bones are there - ANSWER✔✔ 7 how many thoracic bones are there - ANSWER✔✔ 12 how many lumbar bones are there - ANSWER✔✔ 5 how many sacrum bones are there - ANSWER✔✔ 5 how many coccyx bones are there - ANSWER✔✔ 3 - 6
which muscles are medially rotators of the hip joint - ANSWER✔✔Gluteus Medius, gluteus minimus and tensor fasciae latae Gluteus Maximus, Piriformis and Obturator Internus all _________________rotate the hip - ANSWER✔✔laterally abductors of the humerus - ANSWER✔✔suprasinatus and middle deltoid The ankle bone is also known as the - ANSWER✔✔Lateral Malleolus In side arm sitting External rotation of the humerus which muscles are used - ANSWER✔✔Teres minor and infraspinatus The pelvis is made up of what bones - ANSWER✔✔Illium, ischium and pubis Where do the pelvis and spine meet - ANSWER✔✔Sacra-iliac joint Anterior tipping of scap is caused by - ANSWER✔✔Tight pect minor Weak serratus ant generally muscles that extend the hip would be - ANSWER✔✔posteriorly what muscles flex the neck - ANSWER✔✔Scalenes and sternocleidomastoid which muscles stabilize the scapulae - ANSWER✔✔Serratus Anterior, Trapezius and Rhomboid Major The origin of a muscle is the beginning site of the more fixed end or attachment of a muscle. True or false - ANSWER✔✔True
When squeezing the legs together you are using what muscles - ANSWER✔✔Adductor Magnus, Adductor Brevis and Adductor Longus When the point is pointed the ankle joint is - ANSWER✔✔plantar - flexed When your pelvis remains still and you rotate your rib cage toward the right you are contracting your right external oblique and your left internal oblique. True or False - ANSWER✔✔False Which Muscles laterally flex the spine - ANSWER✔✔Rectus Abdominis and Quadratus lumboram generally muscles that flex the shoulder would be found - ANSWER✔✔Anteriorly When the pelvis tilts anteriorly the lumbar spine - ANSWER✔✔extends neutral pelvis is when the ASIS and the pubic symphysis are level in the frontal plane. True or false - ANSWER✔✔True Name the hip flexor muscles. - ANSWER✔✔posts major, iliac, tensor fasciae late and rectus femoris erector spinae - ANSWER✔✔prime mover of back extension; maintain erect posture rotation occurs in which plane - ANSWER✔✔transverse what is another term used to describe the mid-sagittal plane - ANSWER✔✔Median plane rotation does not occur at which joint - ANSWER✔✔elbow the lats are involved in all but which: flexion, adduction and medial rotation - ANSWER✔✔Flexion glenoid fosa - ANSWER✔✔shoulder joint