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Stott Pilates Preparation Exam Questions and Answers
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Superior - Answer- Toward the head (cranial) Inferior - Answer- Toward the feet (caudal) Anterior - Answer- Toward the front of the body (ventral) Posterior - Answer- Toward the back of the body Medial - Answer- Toward the midline of the body Lateral - Answer- Away from the midline of the body Proximal - Answer- (Central) where the appendages joins the body e.g. The forearm is proximal to the hand Distal - Answer- (Peripheral) the point furthest from closer to the centre of the body Superficial - Answer- (External) near the outer surface Deep - Answer- (Internal) near the inner surface Intermediate - Answer- Between 2 other structures Visceral - Answer- Associated with the organs within the body's cavity (inner side) Parietal - Answer- Pertaining to the wall of a body cavity (outside) Prone - Answer- Lying on the stomach, face down Supine - Answer- Lying on the back, face up Side- lying - Answer- Lying on one side Dorsal - Answer- Top surface of the foot, or the back of the body Plantar - Answer- The sole of the foot Palmar - Answer- The palm of the hand
Unilateral - Answer- Using only one side of the body, limb or muscle Bilateral - Answer- Using both sides of the body, both limbs or both sides of the muscles eg. Both arms or both legs together Ipsilateral - Answer- On the same side as another structure eg. Leg arm on same side Reciprocal - Answer- Inversely related or opposite movement eg. Single leg stretch, scissors, Swimming Contralateral - Answer- Movement of muscular contraction coordinated with the opposite side eg. Left leg and right arm - obliques, rotation Flexion - Answer- Decreasing the angle between 2 body parts Extension - Answer- Increasing the angle between 2 body parts Hyperextension - Answer- Beyond normal extension lateral flexion - Answer- Sideways bending of the head, neck or trunk Rotation - Answer- Rotation if the spine around a central axis Dorsiflexion - Answer- Movement of the dorsal surface of the foot towards the leg, decreasing the angle of the joint Plantar flexion - Answer- Movement of the plantar surface of the foot away from the leg, increasing the angle of the foot Abduction - Answer- Movement of the body part away from the midline of the body Adduction - Answer- Movement of a body part toward the midline of the body Supination - Answer- The radius(thumb) and ulna(little finger) lie parallel to one another, palms face forward Pronation - Answer- The radius crosses over the ulna, turning palm face back Inversion - Answer- The medial border of foot lifts and sole foot face in towards midline. Known as supination as well Eversion - Answer- The lateral aspect of the foot lifts and sole of the foot face away from midline. Known as pronation as well
Horizontal flexion or adduction - Answer- From a 90 degree abducted arm position, the arm moves in towards midline of the body Horizontal extension or abduction - Answer- From a 90 degree flexed arm position, the arm moves out away midline of the body Lateral or external rotation - Answer- Rotation of the limb away from the centre of the body Medial or Internal rotation - Answer- Rotation of the limb toward the centre of the body Circumduction - Answer- A circular movement that results from a combination of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and medial and lateral rotation. It occurs only at the shoulder and hip joints. Downward rotation - Answer- Movement in which the inferior angle moves medially Upward rotation - Answer- Movement in which the inferior angle moves laterally Elevation - Answer- Gliding movement of the scapula cranially eg. Shrugging shoulders Depression - Answer- Gliding movement of the scapula caudally Protraction or Abduction - Answer- Combination of movement including a suction and scapula moving anteriorly on the rib cage , Gliding movement of the scapula toward the vertebral column Retraction or Adduction - Answer- Combination of movement including adduction and scapula moving posteriorly on the rib cage, Gliding movement of the scapula away from the vertebral column Gliding joints - Answer- One bony surface glides on another without angular or rotary movement eg. Wrist, ankles, spine (intervertebral discs) Angular joints - Answer- Occurs only between Long bones, increasing and decreasing the angle between the bones eg. Shoulders, elbows, hips and knees Rotation joints - Answer- A bone moves about a central axis without moving from this axis eg. Shoulder and hip Sagittal or median plane - Answer- Parallel to sagittal surture of the skull; runs from the front to back and divides the body into right and left halves eg. Flexion of hip, extension of spine, flexion of shoulder
Coronal or frontal plane - Answer- Parallel to the coronal suture of the skull; runs from side to side and divides the body into front and back portion eg. Abduction of hip, side flexion Transverse or horizontal plane - Answer- Also known as axial plane, divides the body into upper and lower portion eg. Medial rotation of leg, rotation of trunk and horizontal abduction of arm Anterioposterior or Saggital Axis - Answer- Lies in the sagittal plane and extends horizontally from to back; movement side to side. (Coronal plane) Medial-lateral or coronal axis - Answer- Lies in the coronal plane and extends horizontally from side to side; movement front to back (sagittal plane) Longitudinal Axis - Answer- Vertical extending in a cranial-caudal direction; movement rotation (transverse plane) Spine - Answer- 7 Cervical Spine 12 Thoracic Spine 5 Lumbar Spine 5 Sacrum Coccyx - Tailbone Skeleton - Answer- Total 206 bones with 80 Axial skeleton (vertebral, skull, sternum, ribs and hyoid/tongue bone) and 126 appendicular skeleton - remaining bones in body, the appendages which support the axial. Cranium - Answer- Skull Mandible - Answer- Jaw bone Clavicle - Answer- Collar bone Humerus - Answer- The arm Femur - Answer- Thigh bone-longest and heaviest Patella - Answer- Knee cap Ulna - Answer- Same side as pinky finger, forearm bone nearer to your body when in anatomical position Radius - Answer- Same side as the thumb, forearm Fibula - Answer- The smaller one at the shin on the outside
Tibia - Answer- The bigger shin bones connecting to femur Calcaneus - Answer- Heel bone Carpals-metacarpals-phalanges - Answer- Wrist-palms and fingers Tarsals-metatarsals-phalanges - Answer- Ankle-foot part and toes part Condyle - Answer- A rounded prominence at the end of the bone eg. Femur Epicondyle - Answer- A projection on a bone above a condyle Coracoid - Answer- Like a crow's beak (bone on top of the humerus) Malleolus - Answer- Hammer (part of lateral fibula or medial tibia) Spine - Answer- Thorn (sharp process) eg. Spine of scapula Tubercle - Answer- Small prominence (round and smooth) Tuberosity - Answer- Swelling or lump (rough) eg. Location for muscle attachment Process - Answer- A swelling or protrusion (vertebra) Head - Answer- Rounded proximal end of the humerus or femur (got neck) Facet - Answer- Small face - flat surface connecting at spine Trochanter - Answer- A bony prominence of the femur Crest - Answer- A prominent ridge (narrow line) eg. Iliac crest Foramen - Answer- Hole or opening within a bone eg. Eyeball Meatus - Answer- Tube like passageway within a bone eg. Ear drum Sinus - Answer- Cavity within a bone Fossa - Answer- Simple depression or hollowing in or on a bone Sulcus - Answer- Groove within a bone Aspera - Answer- Rough eg. Linea aspera - rough line behind femur Acetabulum - Answer- Vinegar cup eg. Hole attach head of femur
Labrum - Answer- Rim (protective structure for bony surface) Trochlea - Answer- Pulley eg. Elbow joint Quad - Answer- Four Lamina - Answer- Thin plate, leaf (near the spine) Rectus - Answer- Straight Hallux - Answer- Big toe Pedicle - Answer- Little foot Antebrachial - Answer- Forearm Axillary - Answer- Armpit Brachial - Answer- Arm Crural - Answer- Leg Digital - Answer- Fingers or toes Femoral - Answer- Thighs Olecranol - Answer- Elbows Patellar - Answer- Anterior knee Peroneal - Answer- Lateral aspect of leg Popliteal - Answer- Posterior knee Pubic - Answer- Genital region Flexion of the trunk - Answer- 1. Rectus Abdominis
Shoulder Adduction (muscles) - Answer- Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major Teres Minor Infraspinatus Pecs Major Triceps Brachii Coracobrachialis Lateral Rotation of shoulders (muscles) - Answer- Posterior Deltoid Infraspinatus Teres minor Medial Rotation of shoulders (muscles) - Answer- Anterior Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major Subscapularis Pecs Major Scapula Elevation - Answer- Trapezius (upper) - unilaterally Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor Levator Scapula - unilaterally Scapula Depression - Answer- Trapezius (lower) Serratus Anterior - with origin fixed Pecs Minor Scapula Adduction/Retraction - Answer- Trapezius (middle) Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor Scapula Abduction/Protraction - Answer- Serratus Anterior Pecs Minor Upward rotation of the scapula - Answer- Trapezius (upper & lower) Serratus Anterior - with origin fixed Downward rotation of scapula - Answer- Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor Levator Scapula Pecs Minor