Download Stott Pilates Written Exam 2024/2025 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1 / 12 Stott Pilates Written Exam 2024/2025 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS 1. Which of the following does not represent how STOTT Pilates has evolved from Joseph Pilates original method?: Ans- Focus on more flat spine than original method 2. What is another term used to describe mid-sagittal plane? A) Transverse B) Circuduction C) Frontal D) Medial Plan: Ans- D 3. Rotation does not occur at which of the following joints: A) knee joint B) pelvis 2 / 12 C) elbow joint D) spine: Ans- C 4. Lordosis describes which of the following? A) An exaggerated curve in the lumbar spine B) A flat lumbar spine C) A hyper extended spine D)A flexed thoracic spine: A 5. Lattisimus Dorsi is involved in all but which of the following? A) Extension B) Retraction C) Medially Rotates D) Flexion: D 6. Lattismus Dorsi assists in forced expiration? A) True B) False: A 7. Which muscle flexes the knee and extends the hip? 5 / 12 12. Which of the following is not one of the Joseph Pilates original principles? A) Breathing B) Precision C) Scapular Placement D) Control: C 13. Which bony landmark is on the femur? A) ASIS B) PSIS C) Lesser Trochantor: C 14. Gluteus Max does not do which of the following? A) medial rotate at the hip B) laterally rotate at the hip C) Extend at the hip: A 15. What is the action of the Serratus Posterior Superior? A) Retracts the ribs during inspiration 6 / 12 B) Elevates the ribs during inspiration C) Protracts the ribs during inspiration: B 16. What is typically present in kyphosis-lordosis posture? A) Posterior tilt in pelvis B) Anterior tilt in pelvis C) Neutral tilt in pelvis: B 17. Which of the following muscle fibers run mainly horizontally? A) Rectus Abdominus B) Transversus Abdominus C) Internal Abdominal Oblique D) External Abdominal Oblique E) Obliques: B 18. If the thoracic spine is flat, which of the following is present? A) Lengthened B) Neutral C) Imprint: A 7 / 12 19. What is not an anatomical structure? A) Obturator Foramen B) Obturator Externus C) Obturator Internus: A 20. Match the following exercises to the following muscle: 1) Leg Circles A) Glutes 2) Single Leg Extension B) Hip Flexors 3) Breast Stroke C) Internal Oblique 4) Ab Prep D) Erector Spinae: B, A, D, C 21. Which exercise works the posterior deltiod eccentrically and concentrical- ly? A) Stag B) Bend and Stretch C) Long Spine D) Back Rowing prep-Plow: D 22. What is the starting position of short box/round back? 10 / 12 C) Extension D) Rotation: D 30. Which does the short head of the biceps brachi originate? A) Glenoid Fossa B) Corocoid process of the scapula C) Humerus: B 31. The knee and elbow are the only hinge joints A) True B) False: A 32. Lateral trunk muscles: 1) Quadratus Lumborum 2) Internal & External Obliques 33. Hip Abductors: 1) Gluteus Medius 2) Tensor Fasciae Latae 34. Hip Abductors: 1) Gluteus Medius 2) Tensor Fasciae Latae 3)Sartorious 35. What involves the glenoid fossa?: Iposi lateral 11 / 12 36. Sagital plane involves: 1) flexion 2) extension 3) anterior tilt 4) posterior tilt 5) plantar flexion 6) dorsiflexion 37. Frontal Plane Involves: 1) lateral flexion 2) elevation 3) depression 4) upward and downward rotation 5) flexoin and extension of elbow 6) Abduction 7) Adduction 38. Transverse Plane involves: 1) rotation 2) internal and external rotation (shoulder joint/hip) 3) supination-forearm 4) pronation-forearm 5) protraction 6) retraction 12 / 12 39. Multiplanar involves: circumduction (shoulder joint/hip) 15 / 12 B) Spine C) Rib Cage: B 49. Isotonic is taking place with normal contraction A) True B) False: A 50. Concentric is: A) Lengthening against resistance B) Shortening against resistence: B 51. What does isometrically mean? A) Lengthening against resistance B) Shortening against resistance C) Same length against resistance (no change): C 52. Dorsiflex is: A) feet and knee is hyperextended B) shinbone is closer to bone: B 16 / 12 53. Plantarflex is: A) feet and knee is hyperextended B) shinbone is closer to bone: A 54. sartorius origin and insertion: Origin: anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: anterior and medial of surface of the tiibia 55. tensor fasciae latae origin and insertion: Origin: Anterior aspect of iliac crest and anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: Iliotibial tract 56. Coracobrachialis Origin and insertion: O: Coracoid process I: Middle medial humerus 57. Semitendinosus origin and insertion: O: ischial tuberosity, I: tibial shaft 58. Semimembranosus origin and insertion: O: ischial tuberosity I: medial tibial condyle 59. Gracilis: Origin and insertion: O: body of pubis, I: medial tibia 60. quadrates lumborum Origin and insertion: O: iliolumbar ligament, posterior part of the iliac crest, inferior border of the 12th rib and transverse processes of the upper 4 lumbar vertebrae 17 / 12 I: Inferior border of the 12th rib and transverse processes of the upper 4 lumbar vertebrae 61. external intercostals Origin and Insertion: Origin: inferior border of rib above Insertion: superior border of rib below 62. Infraspinatus origin and insertion: origin: infraspinous fossa of scapula insertion: greater tubercle of humerus 63. Supraspinatus Origin and insertion: origin: supraspinous fossa of scapula insertion: greater tubercle of humerus 64. Teresa Major Origin and Insertion: O: dorsal surface of inferior angle of the scapula I: Medial lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus 65. Soleus Origin and Insertion: O: proximal tibia, I: calcaneus 66. rhomboid major Origin and Insertion: O: Spinous processes of T2-T5 I: Medial border of scapula from root of spine to inferior angle 67. brachioradialis Origin and Insertion: Origin: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus Insertion: styloid process of radius 68. levator scapulae Origin and Insertion: O: Transverse processes of C1-C4 20 / 12 insertion: base of spinous processes of all vertebrae from L5 to C2 84. Vastus Lateralis Origin and Insertion: O= greater trochanter, linea apsera, I: tibial tuberosity and patella 85. Vastus Medialis Origin and Insertion: O: linea aspera and intertrochanteric line, I: tibial tuberosity and patella 86. Rectus Abdominis Origin and Insertion: origin :of rectus abdomens is the pubis nsertion 5-7 ribs and xiphoid process 87. Iliac Origin and Insertion: Origin: Inner lip of iliac crest Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur 88. gluteus maximus Origin and Insertion: O: dorsal ilium, sacrum, and coccyx, I: gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibial tract 89. Triceps Brachi Origin and Insertion: Origin: Longhead infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Lateral head: superior 1/2 of posterior lateral surface of humerus 21 / 12 Medial head: inferior 2/3 on the posterior surface of the humerus Insertion: Supraposterior surface of the olecranon process of the ulna and deep fascia of the forearm 90. Latisumus Dorsi Origin and Insertion: Origin: Broad aponeurosis that origi- nates on the spinous processes of lower 6 thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae, pos- terior crest of ilia, posterior surface of sacrum, lower 3 or 4 ribs and an attachment to the inferior angle of the scapula Insertion: Flat tendon that twists upon itself to insert into the intertubrcular sulcus of the humerus 91. Peroneus Longus and Peroneus Brevis Origin and Insertion: O: fibula I: metatarsal 92. Plantaris Orign and Insertion: O: femur I: Calcaneus 93. subscapularis Origin and Insertion: origin: subscapular fossa insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus 94. Internal intercostals Origin and Insertion: Origin: Superior border of rib below Insertion: Inferior border of rib above 95. Lower Trapezius Origin and Insertion: O- spinous process of T6-T12 22 / 12 I- Medial end of spine of the scapula 96. Movements in the Sagittal Plane occur around a: Frontal Axis 97. Movements in the frontal plane occur around a: Sagittal axis 98. Movements in the transverse plane occur around a: Vertical axis 99. Pilates the muscles versus weightlifting that grows muscles: - tones 100. Clockwise is a rotation to the: right 101. counter clockwise is a rotation to the: left 102. appendicular skeleton: 126 bones of the upper and lower limbs, shoulders, and hips 103. axial skeleton: the 80 bones of the skull, spine, ribs, vertebrae, and sternum, or breastbone 104. anatomical position: To stand erect with arms at the sides and palms of the hands turned forward 105. Muscles that abduct the shoulder: deltoid, supraspinatus 106. Muscles that abduct the humerus: deltoid, supraspinatus 107. muscles that extend the knee: anterior - quadriceps: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius 25 / 12 lumboram 26 / 12 133. generally muscles that flex the shoulder would be found: Anteriorly 134. When the pelvis tilts anteriorly the lumbar spine: extends 135. neutral pelvis is when the ASIS and the pubic symphysis are level in the frontal plane. True or false: True 136. Name the hip flexor muscles.: posts major, iliac, tensor fasciae late and rectus femoris 137. erector spinae: prime mover of back extension; maintain erect posture 138. rotation occurs in which plane: transverse 139. what is another term used to describe the mid-sagittal plane: Median plane 140. rotation does not occur at which joint: elbow 141. the lats are involved in all but which: flexion, adduction and medial rotation: Flexion 142. glenoid fosa: shoulder joint 143. ipsolateral: same side 144. where does the short head of the biceps brachial originate: coracoid process of the scapula 145. if the thoracic spine is flat which of the following describes the condition of the thoracic flexors (abs and obliques): lengthened 146. leg circles work: hip extensors 27 / 12 147. Rectus femoris crosses 2 joints true or false: true