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Strategic Human Resources Management in Healthcare, Exams of Human Resource Management

An overview of strategic human resources management (shrm) in the healthcare industry. It covers key concepts such as the shrm model, environmental assessment, organizational design, workforce composition, hr metrics, and strategies to address staffing challenges. The document highlights the importance of aligning hr practices with an organization's business strategy to achieve competitive advantage. It also discusses the characteristics of high-performing healthcare organizations and the environmental challenges they face, such as rapid change, diversity, and skill shortages. This comprehensive resource can be valuable for healthcare professionals, students, and researchers interested in understanding the strategic role of human resources management in the healthcare sector.

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Available from 08/13/2024

eloy-hermann 🇺🇸



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Human Resources in Healthcare

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  1. human resources management - Correct Answer Includes formal human resources functions performed within the organization or external to it and informal management of employees performed by all administrators.
  2. Strategic human resources management (SHRM) - Correct Answer The comprehensive set of managerial activities and tasks related to developing and maintaining a qualified workforce that contributes to organizational effectiveness, as defined by the organization's strategic goals.
  3. SHRM Model - Correct Answer 1) Assessing the organization's environment and mission (1) 2) Formulating organizations business strategy b) Identifying HR requirements based on business strategy c) Comparing the current HR strategy based on difference between the current inventory and future requirements d) Implementing the appropriate HR practices to reinforce the business strategy and attain competitive advantage
  4. Environmental assessment - Correct Answer A crucial element of SHRM in which an organization reviews the changes in the legal and regulatory climate, economic conditions, and labor market realities to understand current opportunities and threats.
  5. Purpose - Correct Answer an organizations basic reason for existence
  6. mission - Correct Answer A statement created by an organization's board and senior managers specifying how the organization intends to manage itself to most effectively fulfill its purpose.
  7. SWOT analysis - Correct Answer Analysis of the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  8. Corporate strategy - Correct Answer A set of strategic alternatives from which an organization chooses as it manages its operations simultaneously across several industries and markets.
  1. Business strategy - Correct Answer a set of strategic alternatives from which an organization choose to most effectively compete in a particular industry of market. 10)Functional strategies - Correct Answer Strategies that consider how the organization will manage each of its major functions such as marketing, finance, and human resources. 11)Staffing strategy - Correct Answer a set of activities used by an organization to determine its future HR needs, recruit qualified applicants with an interest in the organization, and select the best of those applicants as new employees. 12)Developmental strategy - Correct Answer Methods that facilitate the enhancement of an organization's human resource's quality. Must be consistent with corporate and business strategies. 13)Compensation strategy - Correct Answer The set of rewards that organizations provide to staff in exchange for their performance of various organizational tasks and jobs. 14)Organizational Design - Correct Answer refers to the framework of jobs, positions, groups of positions, and reporting relationships among positions. 15)Corporate Culture - Correct Answer set of values that help members of that corporate culture understand what they stand for, how they do things and what they consider important. 16)Technology - Correct Answer plays a role in the formulation and implementation of the HR strategy 17)Workforce composition - Correct Answer the demographics of the workforce, including factors such as gender, age, ethnicity, marital status, and disability status. Women with children under 6 now fastest growing workforce component 18)4 groups of workforce composition - Correct Answer traditionalists, baby boomers, generation X, and Millennials (generation Y) 19)General Guideline for HR Professionals - Correct Answer assume both similarities and differences exist, seek to understand them and develop appropriate programs 20)HR metrics - Correct Answer Measure if HR outcomes and performance. ROI of recruitment sources, such as career fairs, print advertising etc. 21)What an Organization Should Provide - Correct Answer job security, meaningful work, safe conditions of employment, equitable financial compensation, satisfactory work life

22)HR scorecard - Correct Answer one method to measure this contribution of capital. Tool is a modified balanced scorecard, which is a system that looks at a mixture of quantitative and qualitative factors. i) Example of Mayo Clinic HR scorecard Measurements: 23)Financial 24)Customer 25)Employee retention, 26)Patient satisfaction 27)Internal and learning 28)HR Branding - Correct Answer Refers to an organizations corporate image or culture. Organizations are always competing for staff. Build a strong brand to attract and retain the best employees. 29)Staffing Effectiveness - Correct Answer number, competency, skill mix of staff related to provision of needed care, treatment and services 30)HR screening indicators - Correct Answer -overtime i) -staff vacancy rates ii) -understaffing, as compared to the facility's staff plan iii) -nursing hours per patient day iv) -staff injuries on the job v) -On-call per diem use vi) -sick time 31)Clinical/Service screening indicators - Correct Answer -patient readmission rates i) -patient infection rates ii) =patient clinical outcomes by diagnostic category iii) Seven Characteristics of high performing healthcare organizations - Correct Answer 1) visionary leadership iv) 2) Consistent & effective communication v) 3) Selecting for fit and ongoing staff development vi) 4) Agile and open culture 32)Central focus on service 33)Constant recognition and broad outreach 34)Solid physician/clinical relationships 35)Eight Environmental Challenges - Correct Answer 1) Rapid Change i) 2) Rise of internet ii) 3) Diversity iii) 4) Globalization iv) 5) Legislation v) 6) Evolving work

vi) 7) Skill shortages 36)Rise of service sector 37)Strategies to address staffing issues - Correct Answer -staff recruitment i) -education/training ii) -service curtailment iii) -increased technology support iv) -reorganization of work flow v) -provision of additional ancillary or support staff vi) -adjustment of skill base