Download Strength and Conditioning EXAM ISSA-with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! 1 / 3 Strength and Conditioning EXAM ISSA-with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025 1. Personal trainers need a general knowledge of Physiology Sports nutrition Pharmacology Exercise physiology All of the above 2. The body's adaptation to the nature of the stressor best describes Hypertrophy Overload principle Skill Specific training None of the above 3. Which of these is NOT a direct benefit of regular exer- cise Improves mental health Reduces risk of premature death Prevents or improves symptoms of arthritis Reduces risk of premature hair loss Prevents nerve deterioration with aging 4. Examples of plyometric exercises include Vertical jumps Hops Box jumps Both A and C All of the above 5. Which is NOT A. True about developing aerobic capac- ity? Exe rcis e for at leas t 20 min utes /ses sion Trai n at 55% to 90% of max imu m hear t rate 2 / 3 Strength and Conditioning EXAM ISSA-with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025 All of the above (the correct an- swer) Specific training (the correct an- swer) Reduces risk of premature hair loss (the correct answer) All of the above (the correct an- swer) Train below 50% of maximum effort (the correct an- swer) 5 / 3 Strength and Conditioning EXAM ISSA-with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025 Body weight minus non-essential fat equals lean body mass. True False 12.Muscle mass begins to decline after age 30. True False 13.Power clean, snatch, push press, and high pulls are all examples of plyometric exercises. True False 14.VO2max is the scientific symbol meaning the volume of oxygen consumed per minute. True False 15.Hypertension is low blood pressure. True False 16.Type 2 diabetes is more common in children than adults. True False 17.Power is work per unit of time. True False 18.Motor units are a single motor nerve together with the group of muscle fibers it supplies. True False True (the correct answer) True (the correct answer) False (the correct answer) True (the correct answer) False (the correct answer) False (the correct answer) True (the correct answer) 6 / 3 Strength and Conditioning EXAM ISSA-with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025 True (the correct answer)