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Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater Pollution Control: A Research Paper, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Civil Engineering

A research paper assignment for a civil engineering course, cive 4312, focusing on best management practices (bmps) for managing stormwater pollution. Students are required to write a 5-page paper, excluding figures, tables, and attachments, explaining what bmps are, their structural and non-structural forms, and their success in urban areas. The paper should include a cover page, table of contents, list of figures and tables (if applicable), list of attachments, introduction, main body, conclusions, and list of references.

Typology: Study Guides, Projects, Research

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Download Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater Pollution Control: A Research Paper and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Civil Engineering in PDF only on Docsity!

CIVE 4312 Spring 2008 Project Research Paper – BMPs Due: February 21, 2008

Stormwater is a significant carrier of pollutants that result in negative impacts to water quality in streams and bayous. In urban areas, pollutants entrained in runoff include sediment, nutrients, metals, organics, and pathogens. Runoff can reach a stream via a stormwater pipe or overland flow. Civil Engineers have worked for many years to design Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control these pollutants in stormwater. Best Management Practices are structural and non- structural technologies that can be used to manage this water quality issue.

Prepare a research paper on BMPs and their success in managing stormwater pollution. Your paper should explain:

  • What are Best Management Practices
  • Structural and non-structural BMPs

Your paper is limited to 5 pages (double-spaced, 12-font, Times New Roman), exclusive of figures, tables and attachments. Attachments (including figures and tables) are limited to 5 pages. The paper format as a minimum should include the following sections:

  • Cover page
  • Table of contents
  • List of Figures (as applicable)
  • List of Tables (as applicable)
  • List of Attachments, Exhibits, Appendices, etc. (as applicable)
  • Introduction
  • Main Body
  • Conclusions
  • List of References

Information about BMPs can be found at: