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ABSA Study Guide Questions with Correct Answers
1.1. Which is not considered part of a sterile field?: Gloves of sterile person who has folded his
2.2. The presence of only one living microorganism means an object is:: Con- taminated
3.3. Which statement concerning masks is not true?: Ties may be tied criss- cross on top of
4.In draping a table, the scrub nurse drapes from to , protecting
her gloves .: Front, back, by cuffing drape edge
5.The purpose of the hand scrub by the team is to render their skin:: Surgically Clean
6.After steam sterilization, which items should not be considered sterile?: - Suction tips attached
to tubing, Asepto syringes with bulbs attached, Cautery tips bound with rubber bands
7.7. Because there is less chance contamination, the preferred method of gloving is. For
changing only a glove during a case, this method be used.: Closed, cannot
8.8. Which directive for loading a pressure steam sterilizer is incorrect: Load- ing liquids first to
prevent spillage on packs
9.10. If the prep site contains a colostomy or draining sinus which cannot be sealed off, it should be
scrubbed:: Last with sponges used once and discarded
10.11. Operating room floors should be flooded with and at the
end of each .: Detergent germicide, wet-vaccumed, case
11.What are some potential sources for surgical infection:: Circulating air, patient's bronchial
2 / 34 tree, scrub teams hair, patients circulating blood, instruments, patients and scrub teams skin
12.Which statement regarding the use of masks is false?: Cross strings behind the head for better
13.Strike-through: The soaking of moisture through unsterile layers to sterile lay- ers or vice
14.Which statement concerning the use of boiling water as a sterilizing agent is false?: Minimum
boiling period is 10 minutes
15.The OR ventilating system ensures controlled air supply: air ex-
changes per hour are recommended for infection control and a percent humidity is mandatory to suppress static electricity: 25, 50
16.Which draping principle is false?: Drape far side of unsterile table first
17.Which are not essential considerations in the design of an OR suite:: Win- dows, top floor
locations, central corridor
18.8. Which statement regarding sterile items is false?: Covered sterile set ups may be used later
in the day
19.9. When is the open glove technique preferred over the closed glove technique?: To
change a glove during a procedure
20.The first step in the decontamination process of instruments after a pro- cedure should be::
Mechanical decontamination washer-sterilizer
21.11. Which antiseptic solutions are effective against both gram-negative and gram-positive
microorganisms: Iodophors, Chlorhexidine gluconate
22.Which statement regarding sterile technique is false: Paper or peel-open packages are torn
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23.13. Which is (are) used to check the effectiveness of sterilizers:: Biological spore strip
24.Which statement concerning ethylene oxide sterilization is false?: Polyvinyl chloride wrappers
are recommended
25.Predisposing factors that substantially increases the risk of infection are:: Duration of
operation, invasive monitoring techniques, indiscriminate use of antibioties, gastrointestinal surgery, prosthetic devices.
26.An area of a gown considered sterile is ( are ) the while the is
considered unsterile.: Sleeves, neck
27.Which is the major source of contamination in the operating room?: Per- sonnel
28.Which is (are) not effective method (s) of disinfection in an operating room:: Mercurial
compounds, Fogging
29.Which statement concerning pathogenic Streptococci species of microor- ganism is false?: They
are gram-negative, nonmotile organisms
30.The preferred method of sterilization for heat-sensitive items and anes- thesia equipment when
EO sterilization is impractical is soaking in:: Activated glutaraldehyde
31. Which disadvantage in use of muslin wrapper material for sterile packs and items?: It must be
laundered to rehydrate
32.Which statement regarding hexachlorophene as an antiseptie solution is false?: It is soluble in
33.Completely unwrapped items may be sterilized in a flash sterilizer at
pounds of pressure, degrees F, for minutes: 27, 270, 3
34.The foundation for the practice of strict aseptic and sterile technique is:: A surgical conscience
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35.Factors that have adverse affects on the shelf life of sterile items include:-
: Open cabinets, high temperature, extremes in humidity
36.All of the following may cause arterial hypotension surgical patient ex- cept:: Hypervolemia
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37.The anesthesiologist evaluates the patient's oxygenation and carbon by measuring arterial::
pH, pCO2, H2CO
38.Which statement is not true about fluids?: Lab report of a dehyrdated patient shows a
decrease in packed cell volume and hemoglobin
39.The center which regulates the rhythm of respirations is located in the:: -
40.In surgical patients, the most common cause of shock is oligemia which is a/an:: Deficient
circulating blood volume
41.Which of the following may cause apnea: Stimulation of the pharynx by irritating
chemicals, Sudden cold stimulation applied to the skin, Sudden painful stimulation
42.7. Which statement is not true about the sino-atrial atrium?: Impulses pass from it to the bundle
of His
43.Oxygen is carried in the blood:: As physically dissolved oxygen in plasma, in combination
with the hemoglobin of the red blood cells
44.After cardiovascular surgery, hypocalcemia may result from and hy- perkalemia may result
from .: Multiple transfusion of citrated blood, red cell breakdown from pump perfusion
45.The basic approach to the treatment of shock is to:: Determine the cause
46.An accurate index of cardiac performance is:: Central Venouse pressure
47.Solutions whose volumes and pressures remain the same if the two solu- tions are separated
membrane are:: Not hypertonic, hypotonic or isotonic
48.To produce inspiration, pressure must be lower than pressure; it must be to produce
expiration.: Intrathoracic, atmospheric, higher
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49.In a two-bottle water seal suction setup for chest drainage, the first bottle provides and the
second provides the .: Water seal and collect drainage, suction control
50.Operating for empyema include:: Thoracoplasty and decortication of the lung
51.Following open heart surgery, drainage catheters may inserted into;: The pericardium and
anterior mediastinum
52.The blood component administered to patient with a clotting problem is: Fresh Frozen
53.Which of the following statements concerning erythrocytes (RBC) is not true?: Transport
oxygen and carry carbon dioxide
54.Which of the following concerning the lymphatic system is not true?: -
Lymph nodes act as absorbers and diffusers
55.The continuous rhythmic lavage of the bladder to stimulate reflex control is: Closed drainage
56.21. Edema can result from:: Kidney disease and severe burns, lymphatic and venous
blockage and overdilation of arterioles
57.Which of the following methods are not used to control blood loss in the OR: Deoxydized
cellulose and cotton plegets
58.23. The main indication for dialysis in renal failure is a high .The methods
of dialysis are and .: Serum Potassium, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis
59.A patient receiving IV therapy develops shortness of breath with increased respiratory rate and
blood pressure. The diagnosis and the nurse should .: Circulatory overload, slow the IV
60.All of the following are function of the spleen except:: Stabilize arterial flow
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61.Which of the following men discovered body absorbs sutures made from animal tissues?: Philip
Syng Physick
62.Which of the following suture materials is not absorbed but remains living tissue in the body?:
Fascia lata
63.The space caused by the separation of wound edges which have not been closely approximately
by sutures is called:: Dead space
64.An interrupted suture, which is placed through the tissue from one side of the tissue from one
side of the wound to the other and then through the called: Mattress
65.Suture material which, during the healing process, becomes encapsulated by fibrous tissue
called:: Non-absorbable suture
66.In the presence of infection, the absorption rate of surgical gut is:: In- creased
67.Which of the following sutures may be used in the presence of infection?-
: Polypropylene
68.A suture in which short lateral stitches are taken beneath: Subcuticular
69.The healing process in which a wound is purposely left open and allowed to heal from the bottom
upward is called: Secondary intention
70.Surgical gut is made from the:: Submucosa layer of sheeps intestines
71.Which of the following is most inert in tissue?: Wire
72.A stay suture does not pass through:: Mesentery
73.The spitting open or gaping of a wound is called:: Dehiscence
74.Which of the following is used to stop bleeding and oozing on the surfaces of severed bones?: A
mixture of waxes (chiefly beeswax)
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75.The protrusion of bowel through the separated of an abdominal wound closure: Evisceration
76.Silk is not recommended for use in the gallbladder, kidney, or bladder because:: It may
become the nucleus for stone formation
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77.Most braided or twisted nonabsorbable sutures should be used in the presence of active
infection because:: The sutures become a breeding place for infection
78.The Halsted Technique consists mainly of:: Interrupted Silk Sutures
79.Another name for a stick tie or transfixion suture is: Suture ligature
80.Bumpers or guards are used on tension to:: Prevent the heavy suture from cutting into the
81.Tissue trauma will be kept to a minimum by using:: Sutured swagged to a needle
82.The amount of weight or pull necessary to break the suture or ligature material is called::
Tensile strength
83. 23. Which of the following would have a weakening effect on suture?: Soak- ing it in saline,
testing its tensile strength, straightening it
84.Which of the material is least reactive tissue?: Polypropylene
85.What type of suture would be used when closing the anus for the perineal stage of an abdominal
perineal resection: A purse-string suture
86.The ampulla of Vater is dilated for:: Common Duct Stones
87.2. Select the procedure(s) that require(s) isolation of instruments from operative field: Open
intestinal anastomosis, common duct exploration, exterior- ization of colostomy
88.A longitudinal ulcer in the anal canal is and is a tubular tract that has
its skin opening beside the anus: Fissure in ano, fistula in ano
89.Protrusion of viscera through the abdominal incision following surgery is:: Evisceration
90.All of the conditions require immediate surgery except:: Massive rectal prolapse
91.Cessation of peristalsis is:: Paralytic ileus
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92.An abdominal incision made parallel and about four cm lateral to midline is a incision.:
Paramedian rectus
93.Which statement concerning hernias is not true?: Direct hernia leaves the abdomen through
the inguinal ring
94.Subtotal gastric resection with gastrojejunostomy anterior to the trans- verse Colon is a:
Billroth 2
95.A saccular dilation leading from the lumen of the bowel is:: Diverticulum
96.The surgical procedure for carcinoma of the head of the pancreas is a
operation: Whipple
97.Vagotomy is performed with partial gastrectomy for peptic ulcer disease to:: Decrease
secretion of hydrochloric acid
98.Esophageal varices occur when an increase in obstruction forces blood to seek new
avenue of return to the .: Portal vein, venous, right atrium
99.A Roux-Y procedure for common duct repair is a:: Choledochojejunostomy
100. Surgical bypass procedure for portal hypertension is a shunt between and or
between and .: Portal vein, inferior vena cava, splenic vein, left renal vein
101. All of the following cause intestinal obstruction except:: Colitis
102. Which statement concerning thyroid is not true?: A glandular segment that is essential
to life
103. Which statement concerning small bowel obstruction is not true?: It caus- es distension
of distal intestine
104. In which of the following is a loop colostomy done?: Bowel decompression
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105. Which of the following must be sutured to close an upper paramedian incision::
Anterior rectus sheath, posterior rectus sheath, peritoneum
106. A benign intestinal tumor is while is malignant: Fibromata, lym- phosarcoma
107. Which statement concerning splenectomy is not true?: Surgery causes an increase in
antibody production
108. Which of the following does not require immediate surgery?: Fecal im- paction,
sigmoid colon volvulus, paralytic ileus
109. The four major sources of blood supply to the stomach are:: Right and Left
gastroepiploic, right and left gastric
110. Anastomosis between the small intestine and colon is a:: Ileocolostomy
111. Surgical removal of an endocrine gland effects the:: Body Metabolism
112. Which structure must be identified in a parotidectomy procedure?: Cra- nial nerve VII
113. Which procedures may be performed for breast and/or prostatic malig- nancy:
Prostatectomy, mastectomy, adrenalectomy, hypophysectomy, oophorecto- my, orchiectomy
114. The salivary glands consist of:: The sublingual, submaxillary, parotid
115. Which statement(s) about the endocrine glands is/are true: They release their
secretions into the blood stream, They are essential for growth and develop- ment, They are ductless glands
116. Acromegaly is the result of hyperfunction of the:: Pituitary
117. Which statement concerning a postoperative hypophysectomy patient is true?:
Replacement adrenal steroid therapy is required, Diabetes insipidus may occur, Cessation of menstruation and infertility occurs
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118. The secreting cells of the mammary glands:: Are the alveoli
119. Whipple operation for carcinoma of the pancreas includes removal of the
of the pancreas, entire , portion of the and the distal segment of the .: Head, duodenum, stomach, common bile duct
120. Low levels of adrenocortical hermone in the blood or urine is indicative of
diseases: Addison's
121. R
adical mastectony for cancer involves removal of portion of the muscle(s): Pectoralis major and minor
122. Bleeding from a tonsillar bed is controlled with rather
than which might damage the artery: Pressure, suture ligatures, external carotid
123. Which is the master gland of the endocrine system?: Pituitary
124. The pancreas secretes the hormones
and which involved in metabolism: Glucagon, insulin, carbohydrate
125. Adrenocorticotropin follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and lutenizing hormone (LH)
are secreted by;: Pituitary
126. The hermone estrogen is secreted by the:: Adrenal cortex and ovaries
127. Which gland is vital to the body's immunity mechanism?: Thymus
128. A test of thyroid function is a which measures
the .: BMR, oxygen consumption at rest
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129. Which statement(s) about surgery of the breast is/are false: Augmentation
mammoplasty is done for gynecomastia
130. Excessive accumulation urie acid in the bloed with disposition of acid crystal in tissue
causes: Gout
131. Care must damage structures during a thyroidectomy:: Parathyroid, tra- chea,
reccurent laryngeal nerve
132. The hormone secreted by thegland(s) regulates
the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus: Parathyroid, parathyroid
133. Which statement(s) about the thyroid is/are true?: Tracheal compression can occur
from postoperative edema
134. The three main vessels which are legated in thryreidectomy are:: Superior, Middle,
Inferior thyroid veins
135. Complete removal of the gland(s) results in severe tetany.:
136. A choledochotomy is an:: Incision into the commin bile duct
137. The characteristic symptom of perforated peptic ulcer is: Shock
138. Separation of the congenital hypertrophied sphincter which prevents emptying of the
stomach in an infant is a:: Pyloromyotomy
139. In surgical correction of a hiatal hernia, the:: Diaphragm crura is tightened
140. Hemorrhage occurring during operation on the biliary tree usually results from injury to:
Cystic artery
141. Which diagnosis does not require operation?: Paralytic ileus
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142. Longitudinal ulcer in the anal canal is an:: Fissure in ano
143. Which statement concerning the spleen is false?: The splenic vein drains into the
inferior vena cava
144. Which is/are postoperative complication (s) of total gastrectomy:: dump- ing syndrome,
anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, diarrhea
145. The is attached to the .: Omentum, stomach
146. A partial gastrectomy followed by a gastroduodenal anastomesis is a: -
Billroth 1
147. Which anastomoses are completed in a Whipple operation:: Pancretoje- junostomy,
choledochojejunostomy, gastrojejunostomy
148. In an upper quadrant oblique incision (subcostal), which muscle is re- tracted of
transversely divided?: Rectus
149. Care must be taken during ligation of the vena cava for pulmonary em- bolism to
prevent injury to:: Lumbar veins and right ureter
150. Removal of fibrosed palmar aponeurosis is done for:: Dupuytren's contrac- ture
151. Removal of fibrinous deposit pleural with pulmonary ventilation is a:: -
152. Postoperative
gastrointestinal bleeding can cause shock while shock is the result of failure of arterial resistance: Hypovolemic, neurogenic
153. Carcinoma of the lung may be confirmed by:: Scalene node biopsy, medi-
anstinoscopy, bronchoscopy
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154. Place these digestive system structures in correct sequence:: pyloric sphincter,
fundus, diaphragm
155. Place these digestive system structures in correct sequence:: Esophagus, diaphragm,
cardiac sphincter, fundus, pyloric sphincter, duodenum, ampulla of Vater, jejunum, ileum
156. Which are some hemostatic agent(s): Bone wax, oxidized cellulose, styptics, thrombin
157. Acute cholecystitis usually is associated with:: gallstones, cystic duct ob- struction,
bacterial infection, empyema
158. Which is/are serious postoperative problemis) following parathyroidecte- my?: Tetany,
Gout & Renal Stones
159. A weakness of the fascial
margin of the internal ring is a hernia; a weakness of the faseial floor of the inguinal canal is hernia,: Direct, Indirect
160. Portacaval shunt is indicated for:: Esophageal varices, back portal vein, Laennec's
161. Vagotomy for peptic ulcer oftes is accompanied by pyloroplasty because-
: Vagotomy may cause gastric atony
162. In two-layer bowel anastomosis, the inner layer is closed with
and the outer layer with sutures: Mucosal, absorbable, sersosal, nonab- sorbable
163. Combined
with an antrectomy or gastroenterostomy, is the most common operative procedure for peptic ulcer: Vagotomy
164. The pancreas functions as an gland secreting insulin and directly
into the .: Endocrine, glucagon, blood serum
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165. As a consequence of ligating the
inferior mesenteric (Mesozoic) artery and vein, it is necessary to remove the entire colon and anastomose the colon to the colon.: Left, distal transverse, sigmoid
166. The operative carcinoma of the head of the pancreas or ampulla of Vater is a
procedure.: Whipple
167. Whichh structures are amenable to stapling: .: bronchus, galea, bowel, split thickness
graft, ankle bones
168. Small bowel obstruction leads to electrolyte imbalance: first to from loss of : then to
due to loss of : Alkalosis, hydrochloric acid, acidosis, water& sodium
169. In gastric bypass for morbid obesity, stapling the portion of the stomach
provides a small outlet: Proximal, gastrojejunostomy
170. Which of the following factors can cause intestinal obstruction:: volvulus, hernia,
mesenteric infarction, paralytic ileus, intussusception
171. The causes of peritonitis include which of the following:: ruptured spleen, puerperal
infection, gangrenous obstruction of the bowel, acute pancreatitis, ulcer- ative colitis?
172. The dumping syndrome occurs after gastric resection because of the: -
Rapid entry of food into the jejunum
173. After completion of the anastomosis in colon resection procedures, the mesentery is
carefully reapproximated to:: Prevent internal hernias with bowel entrapment
174. Which statement concerning parenteral hyperalimentation therapy fol- lowing
gastrointestinal surgery is true: Catheter is inserted in a large-diameter vein with high blood low, Too rapid flow of solution causes hyperglycemia, Constant monitoring is necessary
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175. The purpose of vagotomy is treating patients with peptic ulcers is to:: -
Decrease gastric acid hypersecretion
176. is/are life-threatening obstruction in which the intestinal lumen is obstructed both
proximally and distally, leading to bowel necrosis, perforation and peritonitis: Volvulus
177. Many postoperative patients are in a state of due to depletion, a condition that retards
wound healing.: Negative Nitrogen imbalance, protein
178. The is the most common site for cancer of the large intestine: Rec- tosigmoid
179. To provide necessary calories in the nutritionally deficient postoperative patient,
parenteral hyperalimentation is preferred over routine IV therapy be- cause: IV fluid volume could surpass bodys fluid tolerance
180. The preoperative bowel prep for intestinal surgery may include adminis- tration of
neomycin which:: Reduces aerobic and anaerobic resident bacteria in bowel
181. When a loop of jejunum is anastomosed end-to-side with the
esophagus in a total gastrectomy, a is necessary to : Jejunojejunostomy, prevent regurgitation esophagitis
182. For a perforated diverticulum of the colon, the affected bowel segment is resected
followed by a/an:: Two-stage operation
183. Which urinary diversion procedures are used when the bladder no longer serves as the
urine reservoir: Ureterosigmoidostomy, ureterocutaneous trans- plant, ileal conduit
184. Which partial gastrectomy precedure includes a gastroduodenal anasto- mosis:: Billroth
185. To provide complete rest to the colon or following resection of the large bowel,
a/an is performed.: Illeostomy
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186. Reconstruction of the gastrointestinal tract in a Whipple procedure is accomplished by
the following anastomosis:: Pancreatojejunostomy, choledo- chojejunostomy, gastrojejunostomy
187. All of the following statements concerning the menopause are true ex- cept:: There is
an associated loss of libido
188. All of the following are functions estrogen in ovulation and pregnancy except::
Inhibition of uterine contractions
189. The needleholder used by the close the vaginal vault following hysterec- tomy be::
Considered contaminated and discarded
190. An indwelling catheter is inserted in the bladder of a patient receiving radium treatment
order to:: Prevent distention and maintain bladder out of path of radiation
191. The fallopian tubes receive their blood supply from the branches of the:: Uterine
and ovarian arteries
192. According to the International Classification, a patient with a diagnosis of a Stage 4
Cancer of the cervix has:: A lesion extending to the bladder and rectum
193. Which of the following are used by GYN surgeons to identify renal struc- tures in pelvic
laparotomies for large tumor masses?: Ureteral catheters
194. The placement of a purse-string sature in the submucosal layer of the cervical os to
prevent spontaneous abortion in the second trimester is a:: - Shirodkar procedure
195. The procedure for determining the patency of the fallopian tubes by introducing carbon
dioxide through a sterile cannula into the uterus, the tubes, and then into the peritoncal cavity is a:: Rubin test
196. An ectopic pregnancy may occur in:: The cervix, a uterine ligament, the abdominal
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197. Which of the following is not a uterine ligament?: Triangular
198. Uterine bleeding between regular menstrual periods or alter the menopause
is:: Metrorrhagia
199. In which of the following conditions is a vaginal hysterectomy contraindi- cated?:
Endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, large uterine myoma
200. A protrusion of the cul-de-sac and loops of bowel within the peritoneal inte the vaginal
outlet is a:: Enterocele
201. Oral contraceptives prevent the release of the hormone from the
anterior pituitary so does not take place. fertilization: Follicle-stimulating; ovulation
202. All of the following statements concerning gonerrhea are true:: Mode of transmission is
sexual intercourse, incubation period is from three to eight days, disease may be relatively asymptomatic in females
203. Which of the following statements concerning the ovaries is true?: They are
homologous with the testes of the male, they produce ova after puberty, they function as endocrine glands producing hormones
204. The causative organism of syphilis is:: Treponema pallidum
205. The progesterone hormone is secreted by the:: Corpus luteum
206. A Papanicolaou smear of Class 4 indicates: Cytology strongly suggestice of malignancy
207. Which of the following operations produces a surgical menopause in the patient?:
208. In which of the following patients with uterine myomas is a myomectomy the procedure of
choice?: Nullipara patient with a fertility problem
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209. The tubular glands situated in the wall of the female urethra just inside the meatus are::
Skenes ducts
210. The operation for uterine prolapse consisting of a colporrhaphy, perine- orrhaphy, and
amputation of the cervix is a:: Manchester repair
211. All of the following statements concerning cancer of the cervix are true:: - Primary
candidates are multiparas who married young, it is the most common cancer of the reproductive system, chief symptoms are leucorrhea and irregular vaginal bleeding
212. According to the National Classification, a patient with a diagnosis of stage 3 cancer of
the cervix has a lesion:: Involving the lower third of vagina and pelvic walls
213. Which of the most common inhabitant of the vaginal tract?: Trichomonas vaginalis
214. A growth that occurs in the gravid uterus and develops from the chronic villi is a::
Hydatiform mole
215. The blood
vessels which the female pelvis are the and the arteries.: Internal iliacs, median sacral
216. List the phases of the menstrual cycle in correct order:: Proliferative, ovulation,
luteal, menses
217. Which is a postconceptional procedure?: Shirodkar operation
218. The hormone secreted by the is essential fer the
implantation of the fertilized ovum: Progesterone; corpus luteum
219. Colpocleisis, cdosure of the vagina for uterine prolapse, may be sched- uled as a::
Manchester repair
220. A perineorrhaphy or posterier colporrhaphy is the treatment of choice for:: Rectocele
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221. An ectopic pregnancy may occur in the:: ovary, infundibulum, tubal ampulla, cervical
222. A 38-year-old mother of four is admitted for stress incontinence. She is scheduled for a::
Marshall-Marchetti procedures
223. Which statement concerning uterine fibroids is true: The condition does not require a
hysterectomy, it is the most common benign tumor in woman, sponta- neous abortions can increase in this condition
224. The greater vestibular glands or glands in the female are homologous to the
gland(s) in the male: Bartholin, bulbourethral
225. The removal of torn surfaces of the anterier and posterior cervical lips with
reconstruction of the cervical canal is a: Trachelorraphy
226. Which structure(s) pass(es) close to the uterine ligaments and must be carefully
identified during their division?: Ureters
227. Which are causative factors in infertility:: endometriosis, fallopian fube ob- struction,
228. Which statement concerning endometriosis is true?: It is a benign lesion, it is the
presence of uterine lining cells in the pelvic cavity, it can be a cause of infertility
229. An abnormal opening between the bladder and the vagina is a/an: Vesico- vaginal fistula
230. The body of the uterus is composed of:: endometrium, myometrium, parietal
peritoneum, musculature
231. The ligaments which are clamped, divided and ligated abdominal hys- terectomy are::
Broad, mesovarian, round
232. If radon seeds are accidentally expelled from a patient's vagina, shielding may be
accomplished with since the seeds emit rays: A layer of paper, alpha
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233. Trace the route of the ovum from ovary, through the fallopian tube to the uterus: Graafian
follicle, ova, fimbria, infindibulum, ampulla, isthmus, endometrium
234. Pelvic inflammatory disease can be caused by:: gonorrhea, tubercle bacilli, gram-
negative bacteria, streptococci
235. Which statement concerning laparoscopy is true: The procedure includes a
pneumoperitoneum, the patient js placed in trendelenburg position, it may be a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure
236. The leading cause of cancer death in women is cancer of the:: Lung
237. A congenital anomaly in which the urethra opens on the under side of the penis or on the
perineum is:: Hypospadias
238. When a patient is postured in the lateral position for a kidney operation the lower leg is
and the upper leg .: Flexed; remains straight
239. In an orchiopexy, the attachment of the testis to the fascia of the thigh in an effort to
reduce tension on the vessels and suture line is known as a:: Torek procedure
240. Following a transurethral resection of the prostate, the surgeon may leave a three-way
Foley catheter. The third lumen provides a means for:: Continous irrigation of the bladder postoperatively
241. A urethrovesical suspension operation for urinary stress incontinence in the female is
called a:: Marshall-Marchetti
242. In kidney transplant surgery, the donor kidney is usually placed in the:: -
Iliac fossa
243. Which of the following type of urological catheters can be steam steril- ized?: Rubber
catheter, nylon ureteral catheter, bougie
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244. The kidneys receive their blood supply through the arteries, which
eriginate from the .: Renal; Aorta
245. When X-rays are taken during surgery a lead apron should be worn by operating room
personnel if they must remain:: Within three feet of the patient
246. A patient with urinary retention cannot void because of:: A failure of the bladder to
release urine
247. Involuntary emptying of the bladder: Enuresis
248. All of the following statements about the testes are true:: In fetal life they are located in
the abdomen, they are normally well down into the scrotum at birth, untreated, bilateral undescended testes can cause infertility
249. An embryonal, adenomyosarcoma of the kidney that occurs predominant- ly in children is
called:: Wilm's tumor
250. Which of the following are used for calibration of the urethra?: Olive-tipped bougies
251. A radiopaque dye is injected intravenously. Within aset period of time it is excereted by
the kidneys and is visible on X-rays. This is called:: Intravenous pyelogram
252. Stones in thee urinary tract are the ost common complication associat- ed with which of
the following diseases?: Hyperparathyroidism
253. The popular method of supravesical urinary diversion for malignant pelvie tumors,
neurogenie bladder dysfunction, and chronic urinary obstruc- tion is a cutancous ureteroileostomy, Another name for this anastomosis is: Ileal conduit
254. All of the following are found in normal urine except: Protein
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255. Alcohol should not be used on cystoscopes as it: Dissolves the cement around the
256. Which of the following groups of instruments should be on a setup
for transurethral prostatic resection?: Resectoscope, Bakelite sheaths, cutting electrodes
257. Which of the following are the catheters of choice for dilating narrow strictures?:
Filiform and follower
258. The concave notch in the kidney through which the ureter, arteries, and veins enter and
leave is the:: Hilum
259. An abnormal accumulation of fluid within the scrotum around the capsule of the testis and
the tunica vaginalis is a:: Hydrocele
260. During the course of transurethral surgery, the hazards of contamination and short
circuits from electrical apparatus are increased due to:: The fluid used for distending and irrigating the bladder
261. Saline and distilled water are not the irrigating solutions of choice for TUR operations
because they are:: Electolytic and hemolytic
262. Which solutions may be used for irrigation during a TUR operation:: -
Glycine and sorbitol
263. Which instrument(s) for transurethral surgery use(s) electrical current to resect tissue and
coagulate bleeding vessels?: Resectoscope
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264. Which muscles are split and retracted in a flank incision for surgery on kidneys and
ureters?: Internal and External oblique
265. The glands in the
male are homologues to the glands in the female: Cowper's, Bartholin's
266. Which of the following approaches can be used for removal of the prostate
gland:: perineal, retropubic, suprapubic, transurethral
267. Which type of catheter has an angulated tip?: Coude
268. Which procedure(s) may be performed in the cysto room:: Urethroscopy,
cystolitholapaxy cystoretrograde, meatotomy
269. Suspension of the bladder neck to the posterior surface of the pubis in the female
patient for stress incontinence is a:: Marshal-Marchetti operation
270. The excision of the tunica vaginalis of the testis is:: Hydrocelectomy
271. Which is not a postoperative complication of radical resection of the prostate?:
272. A congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the
ventral surface of the penis is ; a dorsal urinary meatus is .: Hypospadius, epispadius
273. Urinary tract calculi may form such element as:: Calcium, Magnesium ammonium
phosphate, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, uric acid
274. Which of the following conditions would be a contraindication to hemodial- ysis:: Severe